
How to cultivate Phoenix flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Phoenix flower is native to the tropics, its nature likes high temperature and humid environment, the most suitable temperature range for its growth is 20-30 ℃, so its growth is the most exuberant season in late spring, early summer and autumn in China. Phoenix wood is not cold-resistant, so plants planted in the open air should be kept warm in winter.

Phoenix flower is native to the tropics, its nature likes high temperature and humid environment, the most suitable temperature range for its growth is 20-30 ℃, so its growth is the most exuberant season in late spring, early summer and autumn in China. Phoenix wood is not resistant to cold, so the plants planted in the open air should be kept warm in winter to keep its temperature not lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it will freeze to death.

Soil: Phoenix wood can tolerate relatively poor soil, but it prefers fertile, organic matter-rich and loose soil environment. It grows in the most suitable soil environment, and its Phoenix flowers are more gorgeous and moving. The root of Phoenix wood belongs to shallow root, but its root system is very developed and firmly rooted, so it has a strong ability to resist wind.

Transplant and colonization: the transplant of Phoenix flower is aimed at seedling growth, and the seedlings in about 1-2 years should be transplanted to a fertile, loose and sunny environment. Transplanting is usually carried out in early spring, and it is appropriate to ensure that the row spacing of the plant is about 60 cm after transplantation. After transplanting for 1-2 years, the seedlings can be planted as soon as they grow up, and the requirements for the soil are not high, and the soil is also barren, but the site selection should also be open and sunny.

Watering: Phoenix trees can withstand drought, but the amount of watering should be controlled. Because of the rhizobia in its roots, nitrogen fixation can increase soil fertility in barren soil, but stagnant water will kill Daozhou rhizobia and affect the normal growth of the whole plant.

The Propagation method of Phoenix Flower

The common propagation methods of Phoenix flowers are sowing and reproduction. Seeds are usually sown in spring and mature in 12 months. The seeds need to be soaked before sowing, soaking the seeds with boiling water, then soaking them for about 2 days after cooling with water, and changing water once in the middle. After treatment, the seeds can be sown, generally begin to germinate in about a week, and begin to emerge in 3 weeks.

What is Phoenix Flower language? how to cultivate Phoenix Flowers?

What is Phoenix flower language? The Phoenix wood is named after "the feather of the flying Phoenix and the crown of the Phoenix" because of its bright red or orange flowers with bright green pinnate leaves, it is regarded as one of the most colorful trees in the world. So what is the fancy language of Phoenix flowers? What kind of breeding method is needed? Let's take a look.

What is the Phoenix flower

Phoenix flowers literally mean the flowers of Phoenix trees, which have tall crowns and luxuriant branches, blooming from May to the end of summer. The flower is divided into five petals, the flower is as big as fire, the flower is red and the leaf is green, magnificent, it is known as one of the trees with the fiery red color. Because "the leaves are like the feathers of the flying Phoenix, and the flowers are like the crown of Dan Feng", it is named Phoenix Tree, which is a famous tropical ornamental tree species.

Second, Phoenix flower habits

Phoenix wood is a tropical tree species. It began to blossom after planting for 6 ℃-8 years. It likes high temperature, humid and sunny environment. It is suitable for growth at 20 Mel and 30 ℃. It is not hardy and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 Mel. It is suitable for sandy loam with deep and fertile soil rich in organic matter, good drainage, drought tolerance and barren soil for fear of stagnant water. Shallow root, but developed root system and strong wind resistance. Anti-air pollution. Strong germination and rapid growth. Generally, the height of 1-year-old can be up to 1.5m, and the height of 2-year-old can be as high as 3m, and the flower can be planted for 6-8 years. In South China, winter buds germinate at the beginning of February, the growth peak is from April to July, the growth decreases in late July due to high temperature, the temperature drops and the growth accelerates after mid-late August, the growth slows down after October, and the leaves fall from December to January of the following year.

Phoenix trees began to blossom in 6-8 years, and they like high temperature and multi-day environment, so they must grow luxuriantly in sufficient sunshine, so they grow faster in the southern tropics, generally, the height of 1-year-old can reach 1.5-5m, the height of 2-year-old can reach 3m-4m, the tree is tall, and the crown is wide. Phoenix wood likes light, shallow roots, and the average suitable temperature is 20-24oC. Winter buds germinate in early February, and the growth peak is from 4mi to July. the growth decreases in late July due to high temperature, and the temperature drops in mid-late August to accelerate growth. The growth slows down after October and leaves fall from December to January.

Like light, like high temperature and humid climate, cultivated land full or half-day sunshine can adapt, the soil must be fertile, rich in organic matter sandy loam, good drainage, not resistant to drought and barren, not resistant to cold, wind, anti-air pollution. Landscape trees, shade trees and street trees. Phoenix wood is suitable for planting on sand with plenty of sunlight, shelter and good drainage. The flowering period is from June to July. For reproduction and breeding, seeds should be soaked in 90 °hot water for 10 minutes, and the germination rate is higher.

Third, Phoenix flower words: miss, parting, fiery youth

Seemingly red and enthusiastic color, Phoenix flower language also has the meaning of parting, that touch of scarlet represents endless yearning. When you shuttle through the red carpet-like flower path, looking up a moment, petals touch the bottom of your heart, Acacia is difficult to tell. However, its heat can not drive away the youth, it is full of vibrant color, in the sun, it is jumping the melody of youth, playing and singing moving notes.

Fourth, the culture method of Phoenix flower

Soil: Phoenix wood can tolerate relatively poor soil, but it prefers fertile, organic matter-rich and loose soil environment. It grows in the most suitable soil environment, and its Phoenix flowers are more gorgeous and moving. The root of Phoenix wood belongs to shallow root, but its root system is very developed and firmly rooted, so it has a strong ability to resist wind.

Transplant and colonization: the transplant of Phoenix flower is aimed at seedling growth, and the seedlings of about 1-2 years should be transplanted to a fertile, loose and sunny environment. Transplanting is usually carried out in early spring, and it is appropriate to ensure that the row spacing of the plant is about 60 cm after transplantation. After transplanting 1 Mel-2 years, the seedlings can be planted as soon as they grow up, and the requirements for the soil are not high, and the soil is also barren, but the site selection should also be open and sunny.

Watering: Phoenix trees can withstand drought, but the amount of watering should be controlled. Because of the rhizobia in its roots, nitrogen fixation can increase soil fertility in barren soil, but stagnant water will kill Daozhou rhizobia and affect the normal growth of the whole plant.

Fifth, the propagation method of Phoenix flower

The common propagation methods of Phoenix flowers are sowing and reproduction. Seeds are usually sown in spring and mature in 12 months. The seeds need to be soaked before sowing, soaking the seeds with boiling water, then soaking them for about 2 days after cooling with water, and changing water once in the middle. After treatment, the seeds can be sown, generally begin to germinate in about a week, and begin to emerge in 3 weeks.

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Culture techniques of Phoenix Flower in Daquan

Phoenix flower is known as one of the most colorful trees in the world, bright red or orange flowers with bright green pinnate compound leaves look particularly good, very ornamental value, the following editor to take you to enjoy.

Pictures of Phoenix flowers

About the Phoenix flower:

Delonixregia is named after "the feather of leaves and the crown of Danfeng". Alias buttercup, safflower couplet tree, fire tree, oriental tree, etc., Phoenix wood is known as one of the most colorful trees in the world because of its bright red or orange flowers with bright green pinnate leaves. It is the national tree of the Republic of Madagascar in Africa, the city tree of Xiamen, Tainan of Taiwan and Panzhihua of Sichuan, the city flower of Shantou City of Guangdong Province, the city flower of Zhanjiang City of Guangdong Province during the period of the Republic of China, and the school flower of Shantou University and Xiamen University.

The plant of Phoenix wood is tall, up to more than 20 meters. Because the crown is wide and drooping, thick, broad and windy, it acts as a shade tree in the tropics. Sexual love high temperature, multi-day environment, must be sunny enough prescription to grow luxuriantly. It is distributed in southern and southwest China, Madagascar of origin and tropical places around the world.

Pictures of Phoenix flowers

Morphological characteristics of Phoenix flower:

Tall deciduous trees, unarmed, more than 20 m tall, DBH up to 1 m; bark rough, grayish brown; crown oblate, branched and spreading; branchlets often pubescent with conspicuous lenticels. Leaves bipinnately compound, 20-60 cm long, with stipules; lower stipules obviously pinnatifid, upper ones setose; petiole 7-12 cm long, smooth to pubescent, upper sulcate, base dilated cushion-shaped; pinnae opposite, 15-20 pairs, 5-10 cm long Leaflets 25 pairs, densely opposite, oblong, 4-8 mm long and 3-4 mm wide, both surfaces sericeous, apex obtuse, base oblique, margin entire; midrib conspicuous; petiolule short. Corymbose racemes terminal or axillary; flowers large and beautiful, 7-10 cm in diameter, bright red to orange-red, with pedicels 4-10 cm long; receptacle-shaped or short gyro-shaped; sepals 5, inside red, margin green-yellow; petals 5, spatulate, red, with yellow and white spots, 5-7 cm long and 3.7-4 cm wide, reversing toward calyx after flowering, petal stalk slender, ca. 2 cm; stamens 10. Red, unequal in length, 3-6 cm long, curved upward, filaments thick, lower part woolly, anthers red, ca. 5 mm; ovary ca. 1.3 cm, yellow, pilose, sessile or shortly stipitate, style 3-4 cm long, stigma small, truncate. Pods banded, flattened, 30-60 cm long and 3.5-5 cm wide, slightly curved, dark reddish brown at maturity, with persistent style at top; seeds 20-40, horizontally oblong, smooth, hard, yellow stained with brown spots, ca. 15 mm long and ca. 7 mm wide. The flowering period is from June to July and the fruiting period is from August to October.

Pictures of Phoenix flowers

The growth habits of Phoenix flower:

Phoenix wood is a tropical tree species, which begins to blossom after planting for 6 ~ 8 years. It likes the environment of high temperature, humidity and sufficient sunshine. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃, not hardy, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃. It is suitable for sandy loam with deep and fertile soil rich in organic matter, good drainage, drought tolerance and barren soil for fear of stagnant water. Shallow root, but developed root system and strong wind resistance. Anti-air pollution. Strong germination and rapid growth. Generally, the height of 1-year-old can reach 1.5-2 meters, and that of 2-year-old can reach 3-4 meters, and the flowers can be planted for 6-8 years. In South China, winter buds germinate at the beginning of February, and the growth peak is from April to July. In late July, the growth decreases because the temperature is too high, and the growth is accelerated after the middle and late August. The growth slows down after October, and leaves fall from December to January of the following year.

Pictures of Phoenix flowers

Cultivation techniques of Phoenix flower:

Seeds are commonly used to sow and raise seedlings. A thousand seeds weigh about 400 grams. The seed coat is difficult to absorb water. It is necessary to use 80 ℃ warm water to scald the seed to promote germination. After natural cooling, continue to soak for 24 hours and drain. When sowing by strip sowing, the seedlings are sensitive to frost, comprehensive fertilizer can be applied in the early stage, less nitrogen fertilizer can be applied, and fertilization should be stopped after autumn to promote Lignification as soon as possible. In winter, if the leaves have not fallen off, they can be cut off manually and covered with film or covered with a single plant to prevent frost. One-year-old seedlings can be planted in the nursery.

Pictures of Phoenix flowers

The ornamental value of Phoenix flower:

Phoenix tree crown tall, flowering red leaves green, full of trees, such as fire, magnificent, because "leaves such as the feather of the flying Phoenix, flowers such as the crown of the Phoenix", so named Phoenix wood. It is a famous tropical ornamental tree species.

Botanical gardens and parks in southern China are widely planted as ornamental trees or street trees.

Street trees: Street greening trees have the microclimate effect of cooling and humidification in summer, and they are scenic trees that afforest, beautify and incense the environment.

Shading trees: in midsummer, the maximum crown width of Phoenix trees with 7cm breast diameter can reach 810m, and its shading rate is between 50% and 70%. Phoenix trees have more branches, there is little difference between the middle and edge of the crown, the shading effect is more uniform and the ventilation is better. The relative temperature in the canopy is 3 ℃ lower than that in the exposed part, and the maximum is 6 ℃ lower. In summer, the planting site is generally maintained at about 23-28 ℃, and the relative humidity in the canopy is 10%-20% higher than that of the exposed land.