
The culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium, how to maintain and water for a long time.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cymbidium first bright light and refreshing and humid environment, in indoor breeding, we should pay attention to its temperature control and maintenance. The main points for attention in the culture of Cymbidium are as follows. 1. Fertilization: the fertilizer content in the growing period and catalytic period of Cymbidium is different, so it can not be generalized. During the growing period

Cymbidium first strong light and cool high humidity environment, in the indoor cultivation of time to pay attention to its temperature control and conservation. Cymbidium cultivation points to note the following points.

1. Fertilization: Cymbidium hybrid growth period and catalytic period of fertilizer composition content is different, can not be generalized. During the growth period, a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied, while in the catalytic period, the content of phosphorus and potassium should be appropriately increased, usually in a ratio of 1:2:2. The PH of fertilizer should also be strictly controlled, generally between 5.8 and 6.2. If the target of fertilization is young seedlings, the concentration of fertilizer should be controlled at 3500 to 4000 times, and the concentration of medium and large seedlings should be reduced to about 2000-3500 times. In addition to summer, it is generally applied once every three days. In summer, it is high temperature and can be maintained 1-2 times a month.

2. Organic fertilizer: If the plant is in the tissue culture period, organic fertilizer should be applied once a month, which is composed of bean cake and bone meal in the growth period according to the ratio of 2:1.

3. Watering: Watering and fertilization are generally used alternately, in May and September, generally watering once a day. Summer high temperatures are twice a day in July and August. After entering the flowering period in autumn, keep watering once every 2-3 days.

Cymbidium hybridum cultivation method, Cymbidium hybridum cultivation precautions

Cymbidium is fond of warm, cool, moist and semi-shady environmental conditions. The optimum temperature for growth is 15-25℃, below 10℃ or above to enter dormant state. Flower bud differentiation of most varieties can proceed smoothly when the temperature difference between day and night is below 10-15℃. The following is a detailed breeding method and precautions for finishing Cymbidium and maintenance methods throughout the year.

Cymbidium cultivation method 1. Cymbidium cultivation: substrate requirements

Cymbidium hybridum can be used fern roots, peat, moss, bark, charcoal, broken bricks and so on as cultivation substrate.

2. Cymbidium cultivation: pot and pot change method

As a rule, when the plant is too large, it should be replaced or divided into pots to promote growth and flowering. The upper pot or change pot should be carried out after flowering or when the bud just germinated in early spring. The method of changing pots: pour out the plants from the old pots, cut off the rotten roots and yellow leaves, and remove the old matrix; put a layer of broken tiles or broken bricks at the bottom of the new urn to facilitate drainage and ventilation; put the plants into the pots, fill them with new matrix, and pour them with water after compaction by hand.

3. Cymbidium cultivation: watering method

Cymbidium is a flower that needs more water, especially in summer, not only should the amount of watering be sufficient, but also spray water on the leaves to cool down and improve humidity. Cymbidium grandiflorum has water storage function, so it has certain drought resistance. But if not watered enough, the inflated pseudobulb will shrink and affect normal growth. In addition, watering should be reduced during flowering, otherwise the flowers will appear brown spots.

4. Cymbidium cultivation: fertilization method

In the vigorous growth period, thin fertilizer water should be applied once every 10 days or so; in the seedling stage and low temperature season, organic fertilizer should be applied less or not, and the nitrogen phosphorus potassium compound fertilizer with the ratio of 7:6:19 can be used for foliar spraying. Cymbidium needs more fertilizer. If the nutrient is insufficient, the leaves will yellow and fall off, and the flowers will become smaller. So... Fertilization should be strengthened. Fertilization is applied once every 5~7 days in spring and summer, once every 10~15 days in autumn, and fertilization can be stopped in winter. Spring and summer growth period, with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium equivalent standard fertilizer diluted 1000 times solution dressing; autumn should be more potassium fertilizer, available 800~1000 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar spraying.

5. Cymbidium cultivation: pest control

The main diseases of Cymbidium hybridum are leaf blight, anthracnose, soft rot and leaf spot, which can be controlled by 50% captan 500 times solution or 50% carbendazim 500 times solution; soft rot and leaf spot can also be controlled by spraying thiophane or chlorothalonil 500 times solution once a month. The main pests are aphids, red spiders, scale insects and so on. Available fenitrothion, omethoate emulsifiable solution of 1000 times each control aphid, dicofol or dichlorvos 800~1000 times control red spider, spray once every 15 days.

6. Cymbidium cultivation: temperature requirements

Cymbidium hybridum prefers warm, cool, humid and semi-shady environment conditions. The suitable temperature for growth is 15~25℃, below 10℃ or above 35℃, it enters dormant state, and the overwintering temperature is not lower than 10 ℃. Flower bud differentiation of most varieties can proceed smoothly when the temperature difference between day and night is below 10~15℃.

Notes on Cymbidium hybridum cultivation

1. Compared with other orchids, Cymbidium hybridum prefers light, but it cannot be exposed to direct sunlight. It needs 70%~80% shade for seedlings, 60% shade for seedlings, 40%~50% shade in spring and autumn, 60% shade in summer, and more light after late autumn to facilitate flower bud differentiation and flowering. Cymbidium needs higher air humidity and sufficient moisture to grow. The suitable air relative humidity for seedling growth is 80%, and the pH value of water quality is 5.4 ~6. In the growth season, keep the substrate moist, often spray water on the plants and roots, and keep the air humidity, which is conducive to growth and development. There is a dormant period after flowering, so less watering is needed.

2. Cymbidium is the most fertile of all orchids. The flower bud differentiation period of Cymbidium hybridum is from August to September. At this time, there must be obvious temperature difference conditions to promote flower bud differentiation, about 25℃ in the day and 12~15℃ at night. If the temperature exceeds 15℃ at night, flower buds will wither. Good ventilation is a favorable condition to influence the growth and development of Cymbidium hybridum. Such as poor ventilation, especially in summer, it is not conducive to the normal growth and development of Cymbidium hybridum, affecting the differentiation of flower buds, only long leaves do not bloom phenomenon.

3, Cymbidium transportation temperature: guarantee above 5℃, if the bracts and leaves yellow, may be the occurrence of freezing damage.

4. Standard for imported hybrid cymbidium: hybrid cymbidium imported from Japan and South Korea generally requires plant height of 60 to 80 cm, number of flowers per arrow of 15 to 20, number of arrows per pot of 3 to 5, flowering degree of each arrow of 50% to 80%, and height difference of arrows between pots of no more than 5 cm.

5, Cymbidium flowering maintenance: flowering period of the most suitable temperature 8℃ to 15℃, can not be placed next to high temperature dry heating, flowering 3 days watering once, long time 2℃ to 3℃ low temperature flowers will occur freezing injury, flower bud yellow, can not open, viewing period 50 to 80 days.

Cymbidium hybridum four seasons culture 1, spring management

As spring temperatures begin to rise, try to increase ventilation so that plants that are still flowering are in a cooler environment. Because the temperature changes greatly during the Spring Festival, do not rush to move outdoors to protect and promote the growth of new buds. After sufficient light, move to outdoor cultivation. Water should be poured once a day, and flowering plants should only keep the pot soil wet. Fertilize once every 10 - 15 days. Spring is a good time to change pots or divide plants after flowering, so it should be implemented as soon as possible. In order to reduce nutrient consumption, flowering branches should be cut immediately after withering, otherwise it will affect the growth of new buds.

2. Summer management

Summer is the initial stage of flower bud differentiation of Cymbidium hybridum, because high temperature is not conducive to flower bud differentiation, so we should pay attention to cooling, promote flower bud differentiation. Summer temperature control below 28℃ is conducive to growth. Due to the strong summer sun, it should be shaded by 30%, so that the leaves are protected from the sun. Watering twice a day, if high temperature dry, can spray to foliage. Before July, apply liquid fertilizer once every 15 days. Adding solid compound fertilizer once a month can help the growth of new buds, spraying pesticides and fungicides once a month can effectively prevent pests and diseases.

3. Autumn management

Autumn temperature difference began to increase, from October should be moved into indoor cultivation, so as not to slow down the growth of plants at night low temperature. At this time, sufficient sunlight should be met to increase the accumulation of nutrients. Autumn weather gradually cold, generally 1~2 days of watering once, try to make the matrix moist, in order to protect the flower buds just developed. During flower bud growth, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied more to promote flower bud fatness.

4. Winter management

This period is the period when Cymbidium begins to bloom. It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature at night not exceeding 20℃, otherwise it will cause bud shedding. In winter, it can be fully exposed to sunlight to make the plant strong. In winter, it can be watered once every 3~4 days, and the humidity is maintained at 60%~70%. Care should be taken to prevent snails from eating flowers. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering.

How long does it last: April to May.

How to raise nine children of hybrid cymbidium breeding notice

Cymbidium hybridum flowers large, colorful, loved by flower lovers, Cymbidium hybridum is the best variety of Cymbidium hybridum, let us go to understand it!

How to raise nine hybrid cymbidium

Cymbidium hybridum can adapt to low temperatures, 10 to 30 degrees basically no problem, more than 30 degrees, it is best to use ventilation, humidity and shade to manage and reduce damage. Summer and autumn, rainy season, do not be higher than 30 degrees during the day, once the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, to increase air circulation, reduce leaf temperature, but also must have a significant temperature difference between day and night to stimulate its flower bud differentiation, not higher than 14 degrees at night, otherwise flower bud can not differentiate, even if differentiation will wither early. Spring daytime to ensure air circulation, placed in a cooler environment can prolong flowering, because the outdoor temperature is usually lower than 10 degrees at night, do not put outdoors.

After the surface of the pot soil is dry, water it fully and irrigate it thoroughly at one time. At ordinary times, sprinkle water around the orchid pot to increase the air humidity. Unless it is particularly dry, do not spray water on the leaves, otherwise the leaves will appear brown spots. Reduce the water content during flowering and before new buds grow. Keep the pot soil slightly wet. After the new buds grow, the water requirement will increase. Temperature also affects watering accordingly. Low temperature reduces watering amount, high temperature increases watering amount accordingly. There is no need to fertilize at flowering stage. Solid fertilizer and liquid fertilizer are applied between bud stage, but the concentration should be low. Liquid standard fertilizer is generally diluted by 1000 times once every two weeks. A little less solid fertilizer is enough. No fertilizer is applied in winter.

Good ventilation can ensure the normal growth of hybrid cymbidium, indoor planting, try to open windows to ensure air circulation, high temperature or closed environment try to use fans to increase air circulation.

Cymbidium hybridum likes light, from the end of October to the whole winter can receive direct sunlight, spring to shade 30%, summer also to shade 30% to 40%. If the balcony is planted, the balcony in autumn and winter should also avoid too high temperature and too strong sunshine, insufficient light, and unfavorable growth.

9 child hybrid cymbidium price:

How much is a pot of nine hybrid cymbidium is a lot of people want to know, when it comes to the price of hybrid cymbidium, according to informed sources, more than 4 arrows of high-quality hybrid cymbidium, base wholesale price is expected to 150-200 yuan/pot, 3-4 arrows mid-range products 100-150 yuan/pot, low-end products below 100 yuan. According to the growth period of cymbidium, the price is also different, the most expensive with flowers, followed by flower buds, seedlings are the cheapest. Most of the nine hybrid orchids in China were shipped directly from South Korea and Holland. As a result, the price became very expensive. The price of each pot depended on the quality of the flowers. Generally, it was around 150,000 yuan. The better ones were more than 200,000 yuan. It could be said that they were luxury goods among flowers. Therefore, it was difficult for these beautiful flowers to enter ordinary citizens 'families and ordinary enterprises and institutions.

Nine child hybrid cymbidium cultivation precautions:

1. Although Cymbidium hybridum is cold-resistant, it is unbearable at lower temperatures. On the way home from shopping, you may be hit by cold air, causing damage to leaves or flowers.

2. It is recommended not to water too much and too frequently. Water can be water close to room temperature. Do not irrigate fertilizer during flowering period. After flowering period, irrigate fertilizer again. Otherwise, flowering period will be shortened, and fertilizer damage will occur if fertilizer is not used properly.

3. Cymbidium hybridum is afraid of strong light, generally scattered light is better, too weak light will also cause some diseases of poor growth, general indoor appreciation is to determine the position of flowers in indoor position, but at this time should also pay attention to whether flowers adapt to the small environment of this position.

The above is what I summarized for you all the nine son hybrid cymbidium breeding precautions, I hope this article can help you.