
Culture method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Soil: melon leaf chrysanthemum likes sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, avoid drought, afraid of stagnant water, and is suitable for neutral and slightly acidic soil. 2. Watering: the leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium are large and thin, and they need to maintain sufficient moisture, but they can not make the basin soil too wet, so it is appropriate to keep the leaves from withering.

1. Soil:

Melon leaf chrysanthemum likes sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, avoid drought, afraid of stagnant water, and is suitable for neutral and slightly acidic soil.

2. Watering:

The leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium are large and thin, which need to maintain sufficient water, but can not make the basin soil too wet, so it is appropriate to keep the leaves from withering. Usually watering should be determined according to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, and then irrigate once every 2-3 days. Clear water can be sprayed to the leaf surface once a day, and hot weather can be sprayed twice to reduce the temperature and increase the air humidity. After the emergence of buds, watering should be controlled as much as possible, and the flowering period should be placed in a cool environment of 8-12 ℃, which can prolong the flowering period to 30-40 days.

3. Sunshine:

Melon leaf chrysanthemum likes sunshine during the growing period and should not be shaded. Turn the flowerpot regularly so that the branches and leaves receive light evenly and the plant shape is straight and unskewed. After flower wilting, the plant still needs moderate light to adapt to seed development.

4. Temperature:

Gourd leaf chrysanthemum likes warmth but is not tolerant to high temperature, and grows best under the condition of 15-20 ℃. When the temperature is higher than 21 ℃, the overgrowth phenomenon can occur, which is not conducive to the formation of flower buds. When the temperature is below 5 ℃, the growth and development of the plant stops, and the freezing injury occurs when the temperature is below 0 ℃. The suitable temperature for flowering is 10: 15 ℃, which can not open in bud when the temperature is below 6 ℃, and when the temperature is higher than 18 ℃, the flower stem will grow slender and affect the ornamental value.

5. Fertilization:

In addition to applying base fertilizer during planting, thin cake fertilizer should be applied every 7-10 days in the growth process, or diluted chemical fertilizer can be used. After the appearance of flower buds, 1-2 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate could be applied, and fertilization lasted until flowering (stopped in rainy season). If the leaves are contaminated during fertilization, they should be washed in time.

6. Insect pests:

The common insect diseases of melon and leaf chrysanthemum are aphids and red spiders. If the damage to aphids and red spiders is more serious, they can be sprayed with 2000 times dimethoate diluent. Because red spiders generally occur on the back of the leaves, and aphids generally occur on the tender top of the chrysanthemum, spraying should focus on the back of the leaves and the top of the plant, and the front of the leaves should also be sprayed properly.

How to cultivate Chrysanthemum morifolium Culture methods and matters needing attention

Melon leaf chrysanthemum must be no stranger to it, now it is distributed in most parts of our country, it is a relatively common flower. Many people buy it because of its high appreciation, but before breeding, people must be most concerned about its breeding skills.

How to raise melon and leaf chrysanthemum

1. Reproduction. Can use the way of sowing, sowing in July-August, provide a temperature of 20-25 ℃, about 10-20 days, slowly sprout, and then change the basin.

2. Soil. Can be mixed with general rotten leaf soil, mud ash mixed with a small amount of sandy soil and a little base fertilizer, to maintain its looseness, not stagnant water.

3. Temperature. To prevent the temperature from being too high in the hot period, the seedlings can survive at 1 ℃ at room temperature if the temperature is controlled at 10-20 ℃ as far as possible. Taking appropriate cooling measures during flowering can prolong the flowering time.

4. Light. During the peak growth period, you should receive sufficient sunlight, moisturize and keep warm, and you can put it indoors when you see the flowers. Do not guarantee that the other three directions outside the north window will receive 4 hours of sunlight. Keep changing the direction of the plant so that it can grow evenly.

Culture method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

1. Light and temperature. It needs sunshine when it grows, and it should not be shaded by the sun, preferably 15 to 20 degrees. If it is higher than 20 degrees, it may only grow. If it is lower than 5 degrees, it will stop growing. Below zero degrees, it is likely to have frost injury. Although it likes warmth, but it can not accept high temperature, from time to time to turn the basin to prevent uneven light, so that the plant type will be correct. A certain amount of light is needed after the flowers have withered before the seeds can develop.

2. Fertilization. Should be given every 7-10 days to add cake fertilizer, the dose should be dilute, chemical fertilizer can also be used. When the bud grows, you can add potassium dihydrogen phosphate until the flower grows.

3. Watering. Its leaves are big and thin and need enough water, but they can't be too wet, as long as the leaves keep growing normally. Usually, you have to wait until the soil is dry and then irrigate, about once every two or three days, and you can also sprinkle the leaves with water. The time of high temperature can increase the frequency of watering.

4. Disease. The plant is vulnerable to red spiders and aphids, so it is necessary to control the environmental conditions, find and dispose of the diseased branches as soon as possible, or spray a little pesticide. If the disease is serious, you can focus on spraying 2000 times dimethoate to the back of the leaves and the top of the chrysanthemum. In addition, other parts are also sprayed.

5. Insect pests. The common insect diseases of melon and leaf chrysanthemum are aphids and red spiders. If the damage to aphids and red spiders is more serious, they can be sprayed with 2000 times dimethoate diluent. Because red spiders generally occur on the back of the leaves, and aphids generally occur on the tender top of the chrysanthemum, spraying should focus on the back of the leaves and the top of the plant, and the front of the leaves should also be sprayed properly.

Points for attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Don't sprinkle it directly on the leaves when you fatten it. If you get it, wash it. Don't fatten it during the blooming period. When you grow up, put it in a well-lit area, and you can watch it in the house after growing, but it takes at least four hours of light every day to make the flowers more colorful.

What if the leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium are gone?

1. Water problem. Solution: therefore, to control the amount of water, do not make the basin soil too dry or stagnant water, so as not to affect the normal growth of leaves.

2. Temperature problem. Solution: be sure to control the temperature, keep it in a cool and ventilated place in spring, summer and autumn, and pay attention to shade in summer.

3. The problem of lighting. Solution: it is best to have 8 hours of sunshine every day, and keep it in a well-ventilated place with scattered light, and prevent insufficient light in rainy and snowy days in winter.

4. Fertilizer problem. Solution: adjust the amount of water, usually apply thin fertilizer for two weeks, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, plus a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer.

When raising chrysanthemum, we should first understand its growth habits, and then start breeding. When breeding again, we must pay attention to the control of temperature and light, and if it is hot in summer, we must take protective measures to affect the growth on the one hand. In the later stage of culture, it is necessary to strengthen the control of water and fertilizer, so as not to cause the phenomenon of leaves.

Culture methods and four points for attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Cultivation methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium 1. Soil demand

Melon leaf chrysanthemum likes sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, avoid drought, afraid of stagnant water, and is suitable for neutral and slightly acidic soil. The pot soil for planting melon leaf chrysanthemum can be mixed with 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 2 parts of river sand, and added cake fertilizer and calcium superphosphate fertilizer.

2. Sunlight exposure

Melon and leaf chrysanthemum is a short-day light-loving flower, sufficient light conditions can not only make the plant crown neat and compact, flowers and leaves luxuriant, but also enhance disease resistance and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Lack of light will make the flower stem grow slender, the flower color is light but not correct, affecting the beauty.

3. Water quantity control

The leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium are large and thin, which need to maintain sufficient water, but can not make the basin soil too wet, so it is appropriate to keep the leaves from withering. Usually watering should be determined according to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, and then irrigate once every 2-3 days. Clear water can be sprayed to the leaf surface once a day, and hot weather can be sprayed twice to reduce the temperature and increase the air humidity.

4. Ambient temperature control

Gourd leaf chrysanthemum likes warmth but is not tolerant to high temperature, and grows best under the condition of 15-20 ℃. When the temperature is higher than 21 ℃, the overgrowth phenomenon can occur, which is not conducive to the formation of flower buds. The growth and development of the plant stopped when the temperature was below 5 ℃, and frost injury occurred when the temperature was below 0 ℃. The suitable temperature for flowering was 10: 15 ℃, and it could not open in bud when the temperature was below 6 ℃. When the temperature was higher than 18 ℃, the flower stem would grow slender and affect the ornamental value.

5. Adequate fertilization to replenish nutrition

In addition to applying base fertilizer during planting, thin cake fertilizer should be applied every 7 to 10 days, or diluted chemical fertilizer can also be used. After the appearance of flower buds, 1000 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate could be applied, and the fertilization lasted until flowering.

6. Pest control

The common insect diseases of melon and leaf chrysanthemum are aphids and red spiders. If the damage to aphids and red spiders is more serious, they can be sprayed with 2000 times dimethoate diluent.

Matters needing attention in melon and leaf chrysanthemum culture 1. Matters needing attention in fertilization

When applying fertilizer, you should be careful not to sprinkle the fertilizer directly on the leaves. If you pollute the leaves, you should wash them in time and stop applying fertilizer during the flowering period.

2. There is plenty of sunshine during the growing period.

During the growing period, it is necessary to grow in a greenhouse with good light, and after flowering, it should be moved indoors for appreciation, and it should be placed in front of the brightly lit south, west and east windows for at least 4 hours of light every day, so as to keep the flowers bright and the plants strong.

3. Avoid sun exposure

Melon leaf chrysanthemum prefer warm winter, summer without hot weather conditions, avoid dry air and hot sun exposure, but also have good light.

4. Matters needing attention in spraying

When spraying pesticides on melon and leaf chrysanthemum, because red spiders generally occur on the back of leaves, and aphids generally occur on the tender top of melon and leaf chrysanthemum, spraying should focus on the back of the leaf and the top of the plant, and the front of the leaf should also be sprayed properly.