
How to plant kidney fern

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to plant kidney fern

Dryopteris is a native herb of Pteridaceae, which has a wide range of distribution in China, and its appearance has high ornamental value. The tubers of kidney ferns are also rich in starch and can be eaten. And it is also a very traditional Chinese medicine in China, which is mainly used to treat common ailments such as colds and coughs. So how to grow kidney ferns? The following editor brings you the planting technology of kidney fern, let's have a look!

1. Soil selection

The root distribution of kidney fern is not deep, its nutrient absorption capacity is relatively weak, and it also has a certain degree of gas. Therefore, we should choose soft, fertile soil with normal drainage and irrigation before planting. Keep the soil rich in humus and high in nutrients, and then do a good job of soil preparation to improve the quality of the soil, which is more beneficial to the growth of kidney fern. And sufficient base fertilizer should be applied after soil preparation, although the growth ability of kidney fern is strong, but in a suitable environment, adequate nutrition can effectively increase the yield of kidney fern, which is very beneficial to the growth of kidney fern.

2. Temperature control

Kidney fern is not suitable to grow in a low-temperature environment, so we should pay attention to cold prevention and heat preservation in winter, and its temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees. At about 10 degrees, kidney ferns can grow normally. However, the temperature should not be too high, if the temperature is too high, it will lead to the growth of kidney ferns, which will not only affect the growth of underground tubers, but also reduce the ornamental value. Therefore, in summer, we should also pay attention to heat prevention and cooling, strengthen ventilation, shorten watering frequency, and improve ornamental value. If the temperature is controlled at about 32 degrees, the kidney fern can grow normally.

3. Adjust the lighting

Kidney fern has a strong shade tolerance and can grow normally under the irradiation of scattered light. And if the light is too strong, it will have a certain impact on the growth of kidney ferns, such as causing the leaves of kidney ferns to wither and wither, and even die in serious cases. If it is exposed to scattered light for a long time, it should not be suddenly exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise it will lead to water loss of leaves, withering and yellowing, resulting in a serious decline in ornamental value. And we also need to provide appropriate light to ensure regular light, so as to maintain the long-term good ornamental effect of kidney fern.

4. Rational fertilization

Kidney ferns belong to ferns without flowers and fruits, so there is little demand for nutrition. However, in the planting process, we should also pay attention to do a good job of fertilization, kidney fern's nutritional needs are mainly nitrogen fertilizer. In the geese in the previous period of kidney fern growth in spring and autumn, fertilization was applied about twice a month, mainly nitrogen fertilizer. But we should pay attention to the concentration, not too strong, otherwise it is easy to cause kidney fern to produce fat damage. Reasonable fertilization can maintain the glossiness of kidney fern leaves and improve the growth ability of plants. If excessive fertilization, it will lead to weak growth of kidney fern, prosperous growth and other adverse phenomena.

The above is a brief introduction to how to plant kidney ferns, and in fact, it is also a management aspect that we need to pay attention to in the process of planting. The cultivation of kidney fern is very simple, but it is also necessary to control the management method according to the planting direction to ensure normal growth. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.