
High yield cultivation techniques of Sweet Potato

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, High yield cultivation techniques of Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is sweet potato, which is one of the whole grains in our country. With the strengthening of artificial health consciousness, the market price of sweet potato is much better than before. Although it is easy to grow sweet potatoes, you need to make some efforts if you want to achieve high yield. let's take a look at the detailed introduction with the editor.

1. Soil preparation and fertilization

The root tuber plant of sweet potato is suitable to grow in the soil with deep soil layer, loose soil and good air permeability. Before planting, the soil layer should be ploughed deeply to improve its permeability, which is beneficial to root expansion and increase yield. Ploughing is usually 30-40 cm and can be cultivated in ridges. If the fertility is thin, it can be planted in flat or low ridges. However, sweet potato is generally planted on sandy soil, and its fertility is insufficient, so it is necessary to apply base fertilizer to obtain high yield. generally, 2000-2500 kg of rotten organic fertilizer is applied per mu, with 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer.

2. Seed selection and cultivation

High-quality varieties with high yield and strong disease resistance should be selected, such as virus-free Beijing 553, virus-free Xushu 18, Xinnong 1 and so on. The climate and soil conditions of different regions are different, so the planting time should be chosen according to local conditions. Generally, the planting time is from April to May, when Rain Water is abundant, the temperature is suitable, and the survival rate is high after planting. When planting, we should pay attention to the planting density, so as to avoid long vine varieties and land with sufficient fertility should be sparsely planted, while short vine varieties and low fertility plots should be closely planted.

3. Ploughing and weeding

In the growing period, appropriate mid-tillage can be loose soil, increase permeability, increase soil temperature, and eliminate weeds. Generally, weeds should be ploughed and weeded many times in the seedling stage to promote seedling growth, but mid-tillage should pay attention to depth so as not to cause root damage and affect the normal growth and development of plants. When the long vine varieties grow to a certain extent, they should pick the heart in time to make the stem vines stout and multi-branched, which can increase production. When the tuber is enlarged, the vine should be controlled so that the plant will not grow excessively and affect the yield.

4. Fertilizer and water management

In tuber expansion, some areas are dry and rainy, while some areas are hot and rainy, these environments are not conducive to the growth of sweet potatoes, arid and rainy areas should be watered in time to avoid premature senescence of stems and leaves and promote tuber expansion; while in high-temperature and rainy areas, drainage measures should be taken to avoid stagnant water and rotten roots or tuber roots expanding rapidly, which is disadvantageous to the quality. During the expansion, it can be sprayed with dilatonin and foliar fertilizer to promote the transfer of nutrition and root tuber, accelerate the accumulation of nutrition and increase the yield obviously.

The above are sweet potato high-yield cultivation techniques, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.