
What are the reasons for the transformation of balsam pear into melon

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the reasons for the transformation of balsam pear into melon

Melon planting a common phenomenon, it is only growing young melon suddenly stop growing, from melon to melon gradually yellow, atrophy, until dry, seriously affecting the yield and income. So what are the causes of bitter melon? Let's get to know each other.

1, the temperature is not suitable

Bitter melon in the fruit period for higher temperature requirements, daytime temperature should not be higher than 32 degrees or lower than 20 degrees, night temperature below 18 degrees, will lead to its leaves photosynthesis blocked, increased respiration, nutrient consumption, adverse nutrient accumulation, resulting in malnutrition and melons. Melon vegetables in the case of low temperature freezing damage when growing, due to low ground temperature, will lead to poor root development, affecting the absorption capacity, resulting in insufficient nutrition and melons.

2. Carbon dioxide concentration is too low

Nowadays, in order to increase yield and facilitate management, many growers will adopt greenhouse cultivation technology, while bitter gourd is sensitive to carbon dioxide. Once the carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse is too low, it will lead to melons.

3. Improper management

When planting density is too large, resulting in closed field, poor ventilation and light transmittance between plants, is not conducive to plant photosynthesis, less assimilates, easy to appear melons phenomenon. In addition, improper management of fertility leads to lack of water and fertilizer in plants, which will lack certain essential trace elements and will also affect the normal photosynthesis of plants, resulting in melons.

4. Overgrowth

Under the factors of partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, high temperature and excessive water, the stem and vine of bitter gourd will grow thick, the leaves will be plump, the plant will grow too vigorously, while the melon will grow slowly, and the flowers and fruits will gradually melt away because they cannot get assimilates.

5. Diseases and pests

A variety of diseases will directly harm the growth of leaves, leading to leaf blight, necrosis, serious cases lead to plant dryness, unable to carry out normal photosynthesis and melons. In addition, aphids, whiteflies and other pests will also suck the sap of the leaves, and their excretions will also contaminate the leaves, destroying the photosynthesis of the leaves, resulting in insufficient nutrition and melons.

The above is the introduction of the reasons for bitter melon, I hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.