
What causes strawberry fruit to soften? Strawberry fruit soft, how to make it hard how to do

Published: 2024-09-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/22, What about strawberry fruit?

Strawberry is a common berry in our life, its fruit itself is relatively fragile, so it is easy to be affected by external factors, resulting in the phenomenon of soft fruit. Recently, a lot of friends have consulted Xiaobian, when the strawberry fruit appears soft when how to do, in fact, we need to analyze from the fruit soft reasons, and then in the right medicine, find a solution. Let's take a look at it together.

1. The reason why strawberry fruit is soft

The main reasons for strawberry fruit soft are these. The first is the strawberry itself characteristics, its peel is soft, preservation time is short and inconvenient transportation. The second is that strawberries are not properly fertilized in the process of planting, such as partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. There is also excessive use of hormones to ripen or color in the process of planting, and of course there may be calcium deficiency in the process of strawberry growth. Finally, the harm of diseases and insect pests to strawberry fruits, even improper water management in the field will have a certain impact on strawberry fruits.

2. Preventive measures

In order to avoid strawberry fruit soft phenomenon, then we must first do is to start from prevention. Generally, we should choose good strawberry varieties, which can basically reduce the phenomenon of strawberry fruit softening. The second is to strengthen field management, control the moisture in the field, and reasonably control the humidity in the field at different growth stages of strawberries. There is also the control of nitrogen use, not excessive use of nitrogen, especially in the strawberry fruit setting period and fruit growth period. Finally, it is to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests to avoid the harm of diseases and insect pests to strawberries and affect the yield and quality of strawberries.

3. Prevention and control methods

When strawberry fruit appears soft phenomenon, we need to solve it in time, otherwise the impact on fruit farmers is very large. First of all, calcium can be added to the soil, that is, proper amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus can be applied. If it is acidic soil, proper amount of lime can be added to the soil to improve the soil structure. The second is to spray foliar fertilizer on the fruit, mainly calcium, magnesium, boron-based foliar fertilizer, which can enhance the hardness of strawberry fruit. There is also a reasonable use of hormones, according to the instructions on the dosage tips, but it is best not to use hormones, which will affect the quality of strawberries. Finally, EDTA chelated calcium-giant Austria, which is currently the most commonly used in strawberry cultivation, has a very good control effect, so you can consider it.

The above is a small series of reasons for strawberry fruit soft and its solution, I hope to help you plant strawberry encountered problems friends. Today's Xiaobian sharing is here. If you encounter other problems in the process of planting strawberries, you can also leave a message for us.