
Flower promotion technology of sugar orange: when and how do sugar oranges promote flowers? Do you need ring cutting to promote flowers?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Flower-promoting technique of Satang tangerine

At present, there are many citrus varieties, which can blossom and bear fruit in the second year, with high yield and temperature, and high economic value. However, because the tree is too prosperous or does not blossom, the phenomenon of late flowering affects the yield, so it is necessary to promote flowers in time to achieve high and stable yield. Let's take a look at the details. Sugar orange spring shoot stage, but also the spring root high incidence stage began to promote flowers.

1. Break the root

Sugar orange maintains its growth by absorbing nutrients and water from the soil through its roots. When the tree potential is too strong to affect the normal flowering, we can take the measure of root cutting to reduce the root absorption and reduce the absorption of water and nutrients, so as to inhibit the vegetative growth of the plant and promote the transformation of the plant like reproductive growth. this method has a better effect on plants with stronger tree potential. The performance of root cutting is generally from September to December. First, a ditch with a width of 50 cm and a height of 30 cm is dug in the crown, and the degree depends on the crown. The root system is exposed for 1 month, and then the soil is covered. However, this method is suitable for areas with high temperature and no frost damage in winter.

2. Ring cutting

Ring cutting is a measure adopted in production, which can prevent the nutrient flow of the tree, promote the accumulation of nutrients in the upper part, promote flower bud differentiation, and make the plant blossom more. The time of ring cutting depends on the local climatic conditions, usually from October to November, using a special ring knife to cut the phloem of the branches, reaching to the xylem without damaging the xylem. After ring cutting, we should pay attention to the management of fertilizer and water, do a good job in the disinfection of the wound, and at the same time, we should not spray strong pesticides such as stone-sulfur mixture, so as to avoid the wound can not heal normally, resulting in the late fall of flowers and leaves.

3. Chemical regulation

According to modern research, the differentiation and differentiation of sugar orange is related to its hormone regulation, so in the flower bud differentiation of sugar orange, spraying gibberellin with higher concentration will inhibit its flower bud differentiation, while the lower concentration will promote its flower non-flower. so multi-effect files are often sprayed during production. In general, from August to December, multi-effect files are sprayed on trees that are more prosperous, every half a month, 2-3 times in a row. Of course, the occurrence of pouring can also be used. According to the size of the crown, each plant is sprayed with an appropriate amount of multi-effect files.

The above is the introduction of flower promotion technology of sugar orange. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.