
The reasons for the failure of native chicken breeding

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The reasons for the failure of native chicken breeding

Now many rural areas are engaged in native chicken farming, mainly because the market situation of native chicken is better than ordinary broiler, so more and more people breed native chicken. So in the process of breeding, some people make money, naturally some people lose money, but why lose money? There are many reasons for this. Today, the editor is mainly here to analyze some of the main reasons for the failure of native chicken farming. We can seriously understand and think about it.

1. Improper selection of varieties

In fact, there are many breeds of native chickens, many breeds of broilers can be raised as native chickens, one of the differences between this person is the way of breeding. When we raise native chickens, many people are very confused in the selection of breeds, and they do not make specific market research and do not know what kinds of native chickens are suitable for breeding locally. There is no study on the survival rate, laying rate and hatching rate of native chicken breeds, and then choose casually, which will have a great negative impact on the later breeding. In addition, in order to save costs, some farmers go to informal places to buy cheap chicken seedlings, resulting in an increase in chicken seedling mortality, which is also one of the important reasons for breeding failure.

2. Improper site selection and construction of breeding farms

The site selection and construction of farm for native chicken breeding are the basis of successful breeding. First of all, we need to take into account the national no-breeding policy, do not breed in the no-farming areas, and reduce unnecessary losses. Secondly, native chicken farming is generally to be stocked, so it is best to have relatively broad woodland near the farm, far away from the crop planting land. In addition, it is best to choose a relatively quiet environment for breeding to reduce the stress response of chickens. Finally, the aquaculture area has convenient water, electricity and transportation, which is convenient for breeding, management and transportation. The construction of native chicken farm we can use low-cost investment as much as possible, but also to ensure its quality, now the most commonly used is greenhouse breeding technology, you can refer to.

3. Culture technology is not professional.

Aquaculture technology is the most critical point for the success of aquaculture. Many people fail in aquaculture. One of the main problems is that there is no professional aquaculture technology. At present, many native chicken farmers basically have not received professional technical training, so when breeding, they did not pay attention to the nutritional collocation of feed, so they were raised according to ordinary domestic chickens. In fact, this is not correct. Secondly, they do not know much about the vaccine prevention and control of native chicken, so it is easy to cause a large number of diseases and increase the mortality rate of native chicken, thus increasing the risk of breeding failure. There is in the process of breeding, the management of the culture environment is not in place, do not pay attention to disinfection, which is also a common problem in many farms.

4. Improper management of funds

In fact, improper fund management is directly related to the success of breeding. At present, many farmers are not very good at the management of funds, so in the process of breeding, there may be problems in various aspects, such as insufficient preparation, capital turnover problems or broken capital chain, which will lead to the direct failure of native chicken farming. That is to say, before we breed, we should reasonably plan the use of every penny, and determine the aspects of development, so that every penny can give full play to its maximum benefits.

Of course, the failure of native chicken farming is not only caused by these reasons, but also many other problems may also cause breeding failure, so we have to analyze the specific situation. That's all for today's editor's sharing. I hope the editor's sharing can help all the friends who love breeding.