
The cultivation methods of Gladiolus six ways to make your flowers bloom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gladiolus is also known as calamus orchid, sword orchid, flat bamboo lotus, ten brocade, thirteen Taibao, etc., the original species is produced in South Africa. The main producing countries are the United States, the Netherlands, Israel and Japan. Gladiolus is an important fresh cut flower, which can be used as flower basket, bouquet, vase and so on. Flower borders and special flower beds can be arranged. Dwarf varieties can be viewed in pots.

Gladiolus is also known as calamus orchid, sword orchid, flat bamboo lotus, ten brocade, thirteen Taibao, etc., the original species is produced in South Africa. The main producing countries are the United States, the Netherlands, Israel and Japan. Gladiolus is an important fresh cut flower, which can be used as flower basket, bouquet, vase and so on. Flower borders and special flower beds can be arranged. Dwarf varieties can be cultivated in pots. So what are the breeding methods of Gladiolus? Next, let the editor who decorates the network give you a brief introduction.

The cultivation methods of Gladiolus six ways to make your flowers bloom

1. Soil: the rich and deep sandy soil requires good drainage, and the sandy slope soil with good drainage is the most suitable. The suitable pH is 5.66.5. it is not suitable to plant in the place where heavy clay soil is prone to waterlogging.

2. Watering: gladiolus is a flower that needs more water. Timely watering and keeping the soil moist are important measures to promote its more flowering. In case of hot and high temperature, it should be sprayed in time to humidify, reduce the temperature, and pay attention to drainage after rain.

3. Temperature: the optimum temperature for growth is 20: 25 ℃ during the day, 10: 15 ℃ at night, the temperature is higher than 27 ℃, the growth is blocked, the petals are easy to burn, less than 10 ℃, the growth is slow.

4. Sunshine: Gladiolus is not tolerant to shade and is a long-sunshine plant. 16 hours a day is the most suitable light. The varieties of cut flowers are greatly affected by light. If the sunshine is sufficient, the growth is strong, the resistance is strong, and the flower color is bright and long-lasting, but in hot summer, avoid strong direct sunlight.

5. Fertilization: gladiolus is a shallow root plant, fertilizer should be applied shallowly, fertilization should take into account both nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, topdressing at two true leaf stage (after flower bud differentiation) and heading stage, apply dilute fecal water plus urea once, re-apply potassium fertilizer in the middle stage, pay attention to nitrogen control in the later stage, so as not to overgrow the plant and cause lodging. The plots dominated by seed bulb production should be mainly increased with potash fertilizer.

6. Insect pests: the common diseases of Gladiolus include corm rot, leaf blight, etc.; common pests include thrips and slugs, which should be maintained and dealt with in time.

The cultivation methods of Gladiolus six ways to make your flowers bloom

Culture method of Gladiolus Gladiolus is a perennial herb of the genus Gladiolus in the specialized tail family. Also known as assorted varieties, originally from the Cape of good Hope in South Africa, is now widely distributed all over the world. After being introduced into our country, cultivation is common. Because of its tall and straight stems, rich colors, elegant style, durability and long bloom, it has become one of the most widely used cut flowers. It is often used to make flower baskets, bouquets, vases, etc., and can also be used to decorate flower beds and potted plants. It has become a famous flower loved by our people. Gladiolus culture methods: first, planting methods: before planting, it is necessary to turn over the land deeply, apply basic fertilizer, rake flat for the bed, suitable temperature in the middle and last ten days of April, can be planted in trenches. The ditch is 10-12 cm deep and filled after planting the ball. The planting ditch of the ball should be slightly shallow. The row spacing is 15 ~ 20 × 30 ~ 35 cm, and the ball can be reduced. The depth of planting balls also varies according to the quality of the soil, the sand is a little deeper and the clay is slightly shallow. Second, fertilizer and water management: gladiolus likes a warm and humid environment and should be watered after planting. Attention should be paid to watering in spring and summer, and it should not be too dry. at the same time, it is afraid of waterlogging and should be drained in time after rain. Tang Rongpu does not like fat, which is easy to grow and lodge in vain. In general, the big ball and the new ball were fertilized once when they reached 3 to 4 leaves and half a month before flowering. The ball can be applied more than a few times, and manure should be used to fully mature human feces and urine. When forming flower buds, phosphate fertilizer should be added. Third, cut flowers: cut flowers can be cut when gladiolus flowers are in full bloom. When cutting, we should pay attention to the downward oblique cutting from the leaf sheath and retain at least 4 or 5 leaves to ensure that the bulbs can grow and develop well. Fourth, the harvest of bulbs: after autumn, the aboveground parts are gradually withered and yellow, and the bulbs can be dug. If the stems and leaves are still fresh green from late planting bulbs to the middle and late November, they can be spread out to dry after being dug up, then the leaves can be torn off and the bulbs can be stored. Bulbs should be stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent frost injury. Fifth, florescence control: it takes about 70 to 80 days from planting to flowering of Gladiolus. According to this law, the time of all kinds of balls can be calculated according to the flowering time. Generally, bulbs are planted in mid-late March, flowering in mid-June, April-May, July, July and September-October. The bulbs were planted in early August and flowered from late October to early November. After September, the weather is getting cooler and can no longer be planted in the open field. It needs to be changed indoors. If the bulb is planted in the cold room in September, it will blossom from January to February, at the end of December and at the beginning of January, it will blossom in the greenhouse above 15 ℃, and from April to May. 6. Pest control: 1. Shoot blight: when the summer is hot and dry, the top tip of the leaf appears yellow in varying degrees, and when the whole leaf is heavy, the whole leaf is withered and yellow. At present, there is no suitable control method. two。 Nematode: parasitic on the roots of Gladiolus, causing fine roots to rot. If the occurrence of nematodes is found, the damaged plants and bulbs should be removed and burned. To control the spread, formalin or potassium permanganate can be used to disinfect the soil. In addition, 1000 times of detergent solution can be used to irrigate the roots for 2 or 3 times. A complete Collection of Family Flower planting techniques and Family Flower cultivation

Flowers with its gorgeous style, decorate nature extremely beautiful, give people the enjoyment of beauty, flower can enrich and regulate people's cultural life, add fun, cultivate temperament, improve health, but also increase scientific knowledge, improve cultural and artistic literacy, but also have a lot of important economic value, let's take a look at the family flower planting technology!

"three suitability" for raising flowers in the family

1. It is appropriate to raise flowers with strong drug abuse ability: some flowers can absorb certain concentrations of toxic gases in the air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen fluoride, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride, etc., wintersweet can absorb mercury vapor, and pomegranate plants can absorb lead vapor in the air. Goldfish grass, canna, morning glory, gladiolus and carnation can oxidize highly toxic sulfur dioxide into non-toxic or low toxic sulfate compounds through leaves. Daffodils, purple jasmine, chrysanthemum, Saxifraga can convert nitrogen oxides into proteins in plant cells, and orchid, aloe and tiger tail orchid can absorb indoor formaldehyde and other pollutants.

2. It is appropriate to raise flowers that can secrete fungicides: the fungicides secreted by flowers such as jasmine, cloves, honeysuckle and morning glory can kill some bacteria in the air and inhibit the occurrence of diphtheria, tuberculosis, dysentery pathogens and typhoid bacteria. keep the indoor air clean and hygienic.

3. It is appropriate to raise flowers with "complementary" function: most flowers mainly carry out photosynthesis during the day, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, absorb oxygen at night, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Cacti, on the other hand, release carbon dioxide during the day and absorb carbon dioxide at night, releasing oxygen. Keeping flowers with complementary functions in one room can not only make the two mutually beneficial, but also balance the content of indoor oxygen and carbon dioxide, and keep the indoor air fresh.

"three taboos" of raising flowers in the family

1. Avoid raising flowers with strong fragrance and pungent smell, such as orchids, roses, roses, lilies, night incense and so on. A pot in the room, fragrant overflowing, but indoor if put too many fragrant flowers, fragrance is too strong, it will cause people's nerves to produce excitement, especially people in the bedroom for a long time smell it, will cause insomnia. Christmas flowers, evergreen gas is bad for people, tulips, hydrangea particles contact for too long, the skin will be allergic and itchy.

2, do not put too much: most flowers at night will release carbon dioxide, absorb oxygen, and people "compete", while the night room is mostly closed, the air and the outside world is not enough circulation. If there are too many flowers indoors, it will reduce the concentration of indoor oxygen at night and affect the quality of sleep at night, such as chest tightness, frequent nightmares and so on.

3. Avoid putting poisonous flowers indoors: such as oleander, its stems, leaves and even flowers are poisonous in spring, summer and autumn, and the milky juice secreted contains a kind of oleoside, which can be poisoned if eaten by mistake. The bulbs of daffodils contain Latin toxin. If a child eats it by mistake, it will cause vomiting and other symptoms. The sap of leaves and flowers will make the skin red and swollen. If the juice is mistakenly put into the eyes, it will cause eye damage. Too much contact with mimosa can easily lead to sparse eyebrows, yellowing of hair, and hair loss in severe cases.

The "six precepts" of raising flowers at home

1. Carelessness: flowers, like people, are alive and need careful care. Many flower growers lack due carefulness and diligence in dealing with these beautiful lives. First, they are lazy, do not like to delve into the knowledge of flower cultivation, have been willing to be laymen for a long time, and have no way of management. Second, lazy hands, unwilling to spend too much time and energy on flowers. After the flowers enter the house, they are left out in the cold, suffer from hunger and thirst for a long time, and suffer from diseases and insect pests, so that even the best flowers will gradually wither, so lazy people can't raise flowers well.

2. Love is too much: contrary to the above situation, some flower growers love flowers too much and itch their hands without fiddling with them for a while. Some irregularities in watering and fertilizing, watering them as soon as they think of them, causing the flowers to die of excessive waterlogging and fertilizer. Some people move flowerpots around casually and can move several places a day, so that flowers have to adapt to the environment frequently and disrupt the normal growth law. it is no wonder that flowers will not be tossed to death for a long time.

3, pursue fame and profit: some flower lovers think that it is necessary to raise famous flowers, because famous flowers have high ornamental value and large profits in the market. Under the domination of this kind of psychology, they do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy famous flowers and trees everywhere, and the result is often due to the lack of good maintenance conditions and management skills, so that the flowers die too soon after they are bought, which is not only a waste of valuable flowers, but also a waste of money. this is a misunderstanding in concept. The correct approach should be to start with ordinary, lower-grade species, gradually explore the rules and skills of growing flowers, and then gradually purchase more valuable species after reaching a certain technical level, so as to grasp the success.

4. There is no distinction between attrition and attrition: some flower growers are greedy and seek perfection again, no matter what variety, they move home when they see it, which not only brings difficulties to management, but also brings some unsuitable flowers into their homes, pollutes the environment and harms their health. For example, flowers with poisonous juices can easily cause poisoning when people come into contact with them. The smell of some flowers has an impact on people's nervous system, which can easily cause dyspnea and even allergic reaction. In short, family flower cultivation should not be greedy for perfection, regardless of the difference between buttercup and attrition, should choose some small plant shape, beautiful appearance, harmless species to the human body.

5, Qin Twilight Chu: some flower growers are impetuous, there is no theme for growing flowers, and the flowers in the family change back and forth like horse lanterns, which is a big taboo of growing flowers. First, the change of species is too fast and the planting time is short, which is not conducive to the cultivation of flowers and trees with beautiful shape and high ornamental. The second is to dabble in each kind of flower, which is not conducive to the improvement of the level of flower cultivation, and is still a flower blind in the end. Therefore, only by choosing one or two kinds of flowers and focusing on research and cultivation, can flower growers get something from their hearts.

6. the concept is not new: nowadays, new knowledge and new technologies emerge in endlessly in the flower industry, but most flower growers still adhere to the traditional maintenance methods, and are not good at making use of new technologies and new equipment in the use of flower utensils, water and fertilizer management, seedling cultivation and so on. such as soilless cultivation, odorless flower fertilizer and all kinds of flower utensils. As a result, the family flower cultivation is unhygienic, not beautiful, not novel, and has great side effects.

Spring maintenance of family potted flowers

1. Breeding good seedlings: roses, geraniums, pomegranates and Yingchun can be cut and cut in spring. Rhododendron, jasmine like acid soil, can cut sturdy new branches 5 cm, remove the lower leaves, preserve 3-4 pieces of top leaves for cutting. Cutting can be black mud, vermiculite or yellow sand as the medium, cutting branches moderate spray, in order to maintain a certain humidity, generally after a month or so can take root. Orchids, tequila and orchids can be propagated by ramets or stolons in early spring. Spring sowing herbs sown with seeds, such as asparagus, colorful pepper, mimosa, impatiens, a bunch of red, morning glory, peacock grass, can be sown or on demand.

2. Turning the basin and changing the soil: turning the basin and changing the soil is a way to enrich the potted flowers in spring. generally, the small pot is turned once a year, the large pot is turned once every 3-4 years, and the tall plant needs to change the big pot. Some roots grow too dense or have withered or rotten roots, which need to be pruned properly. After turning the basin, it is generally necessary to water thoroughly for the first time, and then put it in a cool place, and then see that the basin soil is dry and then watered again, generally wait for the new roots to grow and then carry out normal watering and move to the sun.

3. Pruning: pruning should be carried out according to different plants. Rhododendron and spring greeting should not be overpruned. Pomegranate and rose can cut off withered branches, injured branches or overgrown branches in early spring to promote flowers to flourish. Jasmine in the basin to remove the old leaves to promote its germination of more new branches, vine climbing plants such as Parthenocissus, wood incense, wisteria, roses can be pruned, so that the leaves as far as possible to be illuminated by the sun and grow exuberantly.

Note: early spring potted flowers should not be moved outdoors prematurely, so as to avoid freezing damage caused by cold air. Watering can increase with the increase of temperature, and master dry-wet blending.

Summer maintenance of family potted flowers

1. Timely watering: summer flowers have luxuriant branches and luxuriant leaves and consume a lot of water, so flowers should be fully watered every morning and evening in summer.

2. Build a frame for shading: all potted flowers have to build a shelf and put Reed curtains to shade them in summer, so that they can survive the hot summer safely.

3. Pay attention to ventilation: indoor flowers should pay attention to ventilation when the temperature exceeds 30 ℃. Open the windows to let fresh air flow into the room to prevent heat and cool down.

4. Moisturizing and cooling: in summer, some grasses can be covered on the basin soil, so that the sun does not directly illuminate the basin soil, so as to reduce the temperature of the basin soil and prevent the water from evaporating too quickly. You can also use a sprayer to wet the leaves of flowers and wet them around to lower the temperature and increase humidity, which is good for some flowers that like cool.

Autumn maintenance of family potted flowers

1. Management of adding water and fertilizer: after the Beginning of Autumn, the weather gradually turned cool. for some foliage flowers, such as asparagus, hanging orchid, cycad, etc., dilute liquid fertilizer was generally applied every half a month to keep the leaves green and improve their ability to keep out the cold. For chrysanthemums, camellias and rhododendrons that bloom once a year, liquid fertilizer based on phosphate fertilizer should be applied in time to ensure sufficient nutrients and make them bloom more and more. Rose, Milan and jasmine, which bloom many times a year, should be provided with enough fat and water to make them blossom continuously. For some ornamental fruit flowers, such as kumquat, bergamot, fruit pomegranate, etc., thin liquid fertilizer based on phosphate fertilizer should be applied twice.

2. Timely autumn sowing: autumn planting and autumn should harvest mature flowers and trees in time, sow tulips, paulownia, goldfish grass and so on in time, especially those seeds that are easy to lose their germinating power, should be sown in time in autumn, combined with pruning and cutting flowers and trees. Such as cutting rose, rose, rose and so on, the survival rate is higher.

Winter maintenance of family potted flowers

1. Overwintering of deciduous woody flowers: most deciduous woody flowers are native to temperate regions, such as pomegranate, honeysuckle, rose, blue peach, Yingchun and so on. They are generally dormant in winter, so the room temperature can be controlled at about 5 ℃. If there is a balcony or small courtyard, can be cold-resistant potted rose, green peach, pomegranate, honeysuckle, etc., concentrated on the balcony back Phoenix or the corner of the courtyard, covered with plastic film, you can safely survive the winter.

2. Overwintering of evergreen woody flowers: such as oleander, kumquat, sweet-scented osmanthus, etc., in a semi-dormant state, and the temperature is generally controlled above 0 ℃, which can safely survive the severe winter. And for Milan, jasmine, Fusang, gardenia, etc., should be placed in a place with sufficient sunlight. The indoor temperature should be kept at about 15 ℃. If the temperature is too low, it will lead to the death of flowers.

3. Herbaceous flowers overwintering in 2012: such as spring of the four seasons, colourful leaf grass, balsam flower, etc., when the room temperature is kept between 5-15 ℃, they can grow normally. For asparagus, impatiens, geraniums, four seasons crabapple and other perennial herbaceous flowers, keep sufficient sunshine, room temperature 10: 20 ℃, can grow well. For herbaceous flowers such as Magnolia and Oncidium which are dormant in winter, keep the room temperature at about 5 ℃, give appropriate light, no more than 8 hours per day, and strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, which will bloom after two months.

Why should we pay attention to watering flowers?

1. Water choice: the water for watering flowers is preferably neutral or slightly acidic river, pond water, Rain Water and Rain Water, because Rain Water contains more natural minerals. The second is river water and pond water, especially the green pond water is rich in nutrients, which is an ideal water for watering flowers. Tap water is often used in watering flowers in cities, but the content of bleach and chemicals in tap water is relatively high, so it should be stored for a day or two before use. In addition, if you put a few tablets of vitamin C in the tap water to eliminate the chlorine in the water, generally add a basin of water and water the flowers for half a day.

2, temperature control: flower proverb says: "South flowers move to the north, water flowers to add alum", "northern domestic southern flowers, watering fish tank water is better", "fish water is fertile and rice is strong, watering potted flowers is the most appropriate", no matter in cold winter or midsummer, do not use cold water to water flowers. When the air temperature is below 10 ℃, you can add some hot water in the water properly to make the water temperature close to the soil temperature as far as possible to create a microclimate suitable for flower growth.

How to judge whether potted flowers are short of water?

1, percussion method: gently tap the upper and middle pot wall of the flowerpot with finger joints, such as a relatively crisp sound, indicating that the basin soil is dry, need to be watered immediately, if a dull dull sound is issued, indicating that the basin soil is wet, you can not water it for the time being.

2. Visual method: observe whether the surface color of the basin soil changes with your eyes, such as when the color becomes lighter or light grayish white, it means that the basin soil is dry and needs to be watered. If the color becomes dark or dark brown, it means that the basin soil is wet and can not be watered for the time being.

3. Finger testing method: gently insert your finger into the basin soil at a depth of about 2 cm to touch the soil. When it feels dry or rough and hard, it means that the basin soil is dry and needs to be watered immediately. If it is slightly moist, delicate and soft, it means that the basin soil is moist and can be praised or not watered.

4. Kneading and twisting method: twist the basin soil with your fingers. If the soil is powdered, it means that the basin soil is dry, and it should be watered immediately. If the soil is flaky or granular, it means that the basin soil is wet and can not be watered temporarily. The above methods are all based on experience, and they can only tell people the general situation of dry and wet basin soil. If you need to know exactly the dry and wet degree of the basin soil, you can buy a soil hygrometer and insert the hygrometer into the soil, you can see the words "dry" or "wet" on the scale, and you can know exactly when to water.

Home-made fertilizer for potted flowers

1. Soaking liquid fertilizer: put waste vegetable leaves, melon peel, chicken and fish into the water, fish scales, waste bones, eggshells and moldy food (peanuts, melon seeds, beans, bean powder) in a small tank (or Xiaotan). Add water and sprinkle a little trichlorfon after the cover is strict, it can be used after high-temperature fermentation and ripening, and the supernatant can be diluted with water when in use. You can also mix the above wastes with some old culture soil, add some water, put them in large plastic bags, place them tightly for a period of time, and use them after fermentation.

2. Waste composting: properly dig a pit with a depth of 60cm to 80cm and cover with 10cm furnace ash. Put rotten vegetable leaves, livestock offal, fish scales, chicken and duck dung, eggshell, meat waste and broken bones into the pit and sprinkle some insecticides. Cover it with a layer of garden soil about 10 cm thick, and keep humidity in the pit to promote fertilizer maturity. It is best to compost in autumn and winter, when there is no malodorous smell by heating up and ripening in spring, it can be mixed as base fertilizer in the culture soil, or it can be used. 4mm sieve is screened and rubbed into pellets while wet, fine as topdressing and coarse as base fertilizer. When retting, you can add some orange peel or rice vinegar diluent to reduce the odor.

Family flower cultivation and skillful fertilization

1. Timely fertilization: the so-called timely fertilization is applied when the flowers need fertilizer, and it is found that the flowers and leaves become shallower or yellowing, and the plant growth is the most suitable period of fertilization. In addition, the flower seedlings send leaves, branches should be fertilized when spreading leaves, in order to meet the rapid growth of seedlings for fertilizer needs. The demand for fertilizer is also different in different growth stages of flowers. There are also differences in the type and amount of fertilizer applied. For example, applying more nitrogen fertilizer at seedling stage can promote seedling growth, while applying phosphate fertilizer at flower bud stage can promote large and bright flowers and long florescence.

2. Appropriate amount of fertilization: potted flowers should be fertilized "eat less and eat more", that is, more times of fertilization and less fertilizer each time. In general, thin fertilizer and water is applied every 7-10 days, and once 15-20 days after "the Beginning of Autumn". With the gradual growth of flowers and trees, the fertilization concentration gradually increased, such as urea application concentration gradually increased from 0.2% to 1.0%, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer increased from 1.0% to 3.0-4.0%.

3. Seasonal fertilization: flowers grow fast and flourish in spring and summer, and appropriate amount of more fertilizer can be applied. After entering autumn, the temperature gradually decreases and the growth of flowers weakens, so we should apply less fertilizer. Fertilization should be stopped from late August to early September to prevent the emergence of a second growth peak, otherwise it is easy to make flower tissue cells delicate and lead to overwintering difficulties. If overwintering flowers are dormant in winter, fertilizer should be stopped.

4. Temperature control: potted flowers should not be fertilized before and after noon of high temperature or on rainy days. Fertilization is easy to hurt roots at this time, and it is best to apply fertilizer in the evening. After autumn, the winter temperature is low, the flower growth is slow generally does not fertilize. High temperature in summer, exuberant flower growth should be more fertilization, when the temperature is high, the concentration of topdressing should be low, the dosage should be less, and topdressing with thin fertilizer and water should be applied several times.

5. Mixed application of medicine and fertilizer: if diseases and insect pests occur during fertilization, an appropriate amount of chemicals can be added to the fertilizer solution, which can play the dual role of fertilizer to prevent diseases and insect pests.

Why do families die when they grow flowers?

1. Fertilizing too much: some people are eager to spend, considering that potted flowers consume too much nutrients during flowering, so they apply a large amount of chemical fertilizer, resulting in excessive concentration, which will affect the water absorption of root hair and cause plant death in serious cases.

2. The application amount of immature organic fertilizer is too large: because there are a large number of microbial activities when the organic fertilizer is mature in the soil, the soil is anoxic and the root is suffocated to death. On the other hand, organic fertilizer fermentation produces alcohol, lactic acid and other substances that are toxic to the root system, while the fermentation gives off a large amount of heat, which increases the temperature and produces the phenomenon of "root burning".

3. There is no place to grow flowers: people often put potted flowers in a closed balcony facing east or west, so that the temperature inside the balcony rises sharply due to the radiant heat of the sun, forming a hot and dry environment. Hot and dry, not ventilated and prone to the harm of red spiders, accelerating the death of flowers.

4. overwintering flowers suddenly come out of the room: the leaves of overwintering flowers in the room belong to semi-shady leaves or shady leaves, which suddenly come out of the room in early spring, shade leaves can not adapt, tender leaves and buds are easy to be burned by sunlight, coupled with a large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, it is easy to cause fatal destruction to flowers.

5. Lack of sunlight: some people put the flowers on several indoor cases to facilitate appreciation, away from the sun, so that their photosynthesis is inhibited, and the organic nutrients in the flowers can only be consumed but not replenished in time, which reduces the resistance of flowers and weakens and dies the plants. Too much watering is also the cause of plant death.