
What is the function of bird's nest fern? What are the points for attention in breeding bird's nest ferns?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Bird's nest fern may not be very familiar to many people. Bird's nest fern is also a kind of potted plant. It is commonly found in primeval forests at low and middle elevations all over Taiwan. It is large and has luxuriant leaves. Bird's nest fern is different from ordinary ferns in that it has its own particularity in appearance and growth environment.

Bird's nest fern may not be very familiar to many people. Bird's nest fern is also a kind of potted plant. It is commonly found in primeval forests at low and middle elevations all over Taiwan. It is large and has luxuriant leaves. Bird's nest fern is different from ordinary ferns in that it has its own particularity in terms of shape and growth environment. So today let's learn more about bird's nest fern.

Brief introduction of Bird's Nest fern

Bird's nest fern is an epiphytic fern, native to eastern Australia, Indonesia, eastern Asia and other places, also known as Chaoshan perennial herbaceous foliage plants. Bird's nest fern is special in ferns, with unique growth mode, unique shape and unique function.

The function and function of bird's nest fern

The function of bird's nest fern is mainly reflected in the use and potted plants. Bird's nest fern can be used as potted and planted plants, its leaves are excellent flowers, and the curled young leaves can be fried, cooked or made as kimchi. Bird's nest fern has a slightly bitter taste and can be used for heat-clearing and detoxification.

Ecological habits of bird's nest fern

Bird's nest ferns are attached to tree trunks, rocks and other places, and the base accumulates the fallen leaves of many other tree species in the shape of a bird's nest, hence the name. The rhizome of the bird's nest fern is short and thick, and the marginal leaves are clustered from the underground stems and are nesting from the central direction. Bird's nest ferns like high temperatures and are not resistant to strong light, and especially like to attach to tree trunks or rocks in the jade forest or the seasonal rain forest.

What is the function of bird's nest fern? What are the points for attention in breeding bird's nest ferns?

The culture method of bird's nest fern

The culture method of bird's nest fern can be sown and propagated separately. The method of ramet propagation is generally adopted. Before the new buds are born in late spring and early summer, slowly cut off the plants that need to be separated with a sharp knife, and then plant them separately. When planting bird's nest ferns, it is necessary to ensure the fertility of the soil, temperature and sunshine, watering and fertilization.

Matters needing attention in bird nest fern culture

1. Bird's nest fern is suitable to grow in peat soil or rotten leaf soil, and the suitable temperature for bird's nest fern growth is 22 Mel 27 degrees Celsius.

2. Under the condition of high temperature and humidity in summer, the growth of new leaves needs more water, and keeping the humidity of the air is beneficial to the germination of spores.

3. The breeding of bird's nest fern does not need too much sunshine, just the right amount.

4. The growing season of bird's nest fern should be fully watered, and the basin soil should be kept moist when the room temperature is low in winter.

Culture methods and precautions of bird's nest fern the function of bird's nest fern

Bird's nest fern leaves are green and green, the leaves are large and long, and they are very ornamental. Many friends like to plant potted plants indoors. How to raise potted bird's nest ferns? What are the functions of bird's nest fern? Let's learn about the breeding methods and precautions of bird nest fern and the function of bird nest fern.

I. the culture method of bird's nest fern

1. Soil: bird's nest ferns like fertile peat and humus soil. Bird's nest ferns grow for more than two to three years, and the plant shape will fill a basin. It is necessary to divide plants in time to change the basin, which is generally carried out in spring. Some rotten leaf soil and moss can be added to the new soil, and a little gravel can be added to improve the soil's air permeability.

two。 Watering: summer is the period of rapid growth of bird's nest fern, at this time should spray more water, improve air humidity, but also conducive to cooling. With the growth of the plant, the leaves will cover the whole flowerpot, watering should pay attention to watering thoroughly, so as not to dry or curl the leaves.

3. Temperature and light: the most suitable growth temperature of bird nest fern is about 22-27 ℃. Bird nest fern is not resistant to high temperature and frost. Necessary shading should be carried out in summer high temperature season. Outdoor culture should choose places with bright and good scattered light. Reasonable temperature light will make the leaves of bird nest fern oil green and shiny.

4. Fertilizer: the special shape and structure of bird's nest fern is beneficial to its absorption of water and nutrients. Its rhizome is short and densely scaly, and produces a large mass of spongy fibrous roots, which can absorb more water. Potted bird's nest fern, in its vigorous growing season, should be irrigated with a balanced thin fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium every semimonthly, which can promote it to grow a large number of new leaves. If the plant is short of fertilizer, the leaf edge will turn brown. If the summer temperature is higher than 32 ℃ and the greenhouse temperature is lower than 15 ℃ in winter, all forms of topdressing should be stopped.

2. Matters needing attention in bird nest fern culture

When the bird's nest fern grows larger, there will be small branches. At the end of spring, the root can be separated with a knife. When transplanting, the potted soil should not be too wet, otherwise the root will rot. The newly transplanted bird's nest fern leaves can be cut off to facilitate survival. With the growth of bird's nest ferns, the leaves will gradually return to their original appearance. Bird's nest fern leaves are delicate to prevent exposure and frost, but can not be irradiated without light for a long time, and can be placed in a place with good scattered light conditions.

The function of bird's nest fern

1. Ornamental value: bird's nest fern is a large shady foliage plant with plump plant type, green and bright leaves, chic and generous, rich game, which is favored by people. Hanging indoors also has a tropical flavor; planted under tropical garden trees or rockery rocks, it can add wild interest; small potted plants are used to decorate bright living rooms, conference rooms, studies and bedrooms, which also appear small and exquisite, dignified and beautiful.

2. Medicinal value: bird's nest fern is rich in vitamin A, potassium, iron, calcium, dietary fiber and so on. The fern in the bird's nest tastes bitter and warm, entering the kidney and liver. It has the effect of strengthening muscles and bones, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and can also be used for injury, fracture, blood stasis, headache, hemolysis, impotence and gonorrhea.

3. Edible value: the edible part of bird's nest fern is its tender bud. After picking, rinse the bird's nest fern with clean water, then blanch it slightly in boiling water, remove it and drain it, add various seasonings for cold dressing, or stir-fry with other ingredients.

4. Purify the air: bird's nest ferns can absorb formaldehyde, and ferns such as bird's nest ferns can purify the air indoors. In general, Cymbidium is a plant commonly used by citizens to absorb formaldehyde, and the effect of ferns absorbing formaldehyde is obviously better than it. Under the specific experimental environment, the ability of absorbing formaldehyde was as follows: Jinglan grass > kidney fern > bird's nest fern > Dryopteris przewalskii > Dryopteris bicolor.

The above are the breeding methods and precautions of bird's nest fern and the function of bird's nest fern. Friends who don't know the breeding method and function of bird's nest fern can take a look and put them away.

How to maintain the breeding methods and matters needing attention of bird nest fern

The emerald green leaves of the bird's nest fern spread naturally, like a passionate young man, waving to you. In addition to beauty, it also has medicinal value. So what exactly is the breeding method and points for attention of this bird nest fern all over the body? I believe everyone would like to know, then the following content should not be missed.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of bird nest fern

The bird's nest fern, also known as the mountain flower, is a plant of the fern family Dryopteris, native to eastern Australia, southeastern Asia and Indonesia. The plant is about 0.8-1 m high, with an erect stem, thick and short, the whole scale is broad lanceolate, the main veins are raised on both sides, and the rest of the leaves are scattered naturally. Like other ferns, it produces spores, has no flowering stage, and likes to grow in a hot and humid environment, but it can't help the strong light.

The suitable temperature for growth is between 16 ℃ and 27 ℃, and it is required to grow in wet basin soil and has higher relative air humidity. Due to the high temperature in summer, frequent watering is needed to ensure that the plant has enough water so that the leaves do not dry up and curl. When selecting pot substrate, we can mainly use rotten leaf soil, vermiculite or peat soil, and add a small amount of river sand as culture soil. In the early stage of its growth, it needs to be fertilized every 20 days, and when it matures, it cannot help but apply additional fertilizer.

Edible / medicinal value of bird's nest fern

What many people don't know is that bird's nest ferns have many uses in addition to ornamental value.

It is a little expert at purifying the air. Bird's nest fern is also a necessary green plant in the new house, because it can purify the air and remove the strong smell of formaldehyde, it is also one of the recommended gifts for new homes.

It is a good helper for treating injuries and recuperating diseases. Because it is rich in potassium, iron, calcium, vitamin A, dietary fiber and other substances, it can strengthen muscles and bones, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. In addition, it can also be used in the treatment of fractures, headaches, and other diseases.

It is a good dish that tastes bitter and delicious. The tender part of the bird's nest fern can be eaten as long as it is washed and slightly blanched in boiling water, or it can be eaten as a side dish with other ingredients.

After reading the introduction of the bird's nest fern covered with treasures, do you want to raise a bird's nest fern? Although the breeding of bird's nest ferns is not difficult, it should not be taken lightly. You know, it takes time and patience to cultivate a plant well. I hope all plant lovers can get some inspiration from it.