
What is the culture method of goldfish hanging orchid? When will goldfish orchids blossom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Goldfish hanging orchid, also known as goldfish flower, the flower pattern is strange and lovely, the shape is similar to goldfish, is a common indoor potted plant. The growth habits of goldfish orchid, goldfish orchid like high temperature, high humidity, negative environment, afraid of high temperature, not resistant to cold, like acid soil with good drainage and air permeability.

Goldfish hanging orchid, also known as goldfish flower, the flower pattern is strange and lovely, the shape is similar to goldfish, is a common indoor potted plant. Goldfish hanging orchid growth habits, goldfish hanging orchid like high temperature, high humidity, negative environment, afraid of high temperature, not cold-resistant, like the partial acid soil with good drainage and air permeability. Now let's take a look at the culture method of goldfish hanging, the points for attention and when it will blossom.

What is the culture method of goldfish hanging orchid?

1. Soil: it is appropriate to choose acidic soil with good drainage and permeability.

two。 Temperature: the best growth temperature of goldfish hanging orchid is about 18-22 ℃, and it is not cold-resistant. If the lowest temperature is lower than 10 ℃, it will cause goldfish hanging orchid leaves to be yellow, dry, and even defoliate; avoid high temperature, the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, it will also cause defoliation, so the culture of goldfish hanging orchid should pay attention to temperature regulation.

3. Lighting and ventilation: goldfish orchids like a negative environment and should not be exposed in the hot sun. The goldfish orchid can be placed in a cool place with astigmatism and ventilation; before the goldfish orchid blossoms in winter, the sun exposure can be increased appropriately, which will increase the flowering quality.

4. Watering: the growth of goldfish orchid needs sufficient moisture, and the basin soil should be kept moist during the peak growing season. In winter, the basin soil should be watered again after drying at a depth of about one centimeter.

5. Fertilization: during the peak growing season, thin organic fertilizer should be applied every 1-2 weeks to supplement nutrients; phosphate fertilizer should be applied before flowering to increase the quantity and quality of flowering; nitrogenous fertilizer should be applied after flowering.

What is the culture method of goldfish hanging orchid? When will goldfish orchids blossom?

Matters needing attention of goldfish hanging orchid

Goldfish orchid is sensitive to light and cannot be directed directly, so it can accept appropriate irradiation when the sun is not strong in winter. When goldfish orchid is short of water, it will also cause defoliation, or make the leaves brown, affecting beauty, so it should be watered in time; when the climate is dry in summer and autumn, spray water should be carried out to increase the air humidity around the plant, otherwise too dry may cause scorch at the top or edge of the leaf; do not apply fertilizer during flowering The flowers should be trimmed and reshaped after fade.

When will goldfish orchids blossom?

Sometimes the flowering time of goldfish orchids seen by flower friends is theoretical. For example, according to theory, the flowering time of goldfish orchids should be around winter, but according to the author's actual view of the flowering time of goldfish orchids from flower friends all over the country, it is completely different. The following is the flowering time of several flower friends, flowering at the end of March, early April to May 13, June and October. December 29 flowering, from the above goldfish Cymbidium flowering time period, according to different regions, as well as environmental differences will be different.

One: the flower soil should be fluffy and permeable, so the budding rate of goldfish orchid is higher. My soil is pastoral soil + perlite + gentleman orchid special soil.

Second: often give it some diluted cake fat water. Usually I water some diluted cakes, sometimes I use my husband's remaining beer to water the flowers and plants at home, and I ask my friends who work in the hospital to dilute the residual amino acid injection and water the flowers.

Third: often let it bask in the sun (pay attention: the summer sun should be shaded, not exposed), because flowers and plants need photosynthesis, so that flowers and leaves add more pigment, flowers bloom more brightly.

When does goldfish orchid blossom? culture method of potted goldfish orchid

There are thousands of varieties of flowers in China, each of which has its own grace. Some are lovely, some are charming. Goldfish hanging orchid belongs to lovely flowers, the flowers that look like goldfish are very petite and lovely, which makes people fascinated. So do you know when goldfish orchids will blossom? What is the culture method of goldfish hanging orchid? Today, let's learn about goldfish hanging orchids.

Introduction of goldfish hanging orchid

Goldfish hanging orchid is also known as goldfish flower, hanging goldfish, kangaroo flower and so on. Goldfish Cymbidium is a perennial herb of the genus Gesneriaceae, with a semi-woody base. Goldfish hanging orchid leaves are dark green, thick leaves, small mouth, big belly, orange appearance, very much like a small goldfish, so it is called goldfish hanging orchid.

Goldfish hanging orchids like high temperature, high humidity, negative environment. The suitable temperature for the growth of goldfish hanging orchid is 18mur22 degrees Celsius, avoid low temperature. Once the growth temperature of the goldfish orchid is lower than 10 degrees Celsius, the leaves will begin to turn yellow. in the summer high temperature, the growth of the goldfish orchid is very slow, and the leaves will fall when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius.

When will goldfish orchids blossom?

The florescence of goldfish orchid is in spring and summer, and the florescence is longer. Whenever the flowers bloom, the orange appearance of the goldfish is very lovable, very much like many small goldfish hanging on the tops of the branches.

Culture method of goldfish Cymbidium

Goldfish orchid can use sowing, cutting, split method, but because the seeds of goldfish orchid are not easy to obtain, so the general use of cutting method. The cutting method of goldfish hanging orchid is suitable to be carried out in the two seasons of autumn, with about 10 cm of branches inserted into the riverbed to maintain a certain humidity and temperature, it can take root in about a month, and it is necessary to strengthen maintenance after rooting, and it can be planted in the basin in about 2 months.

Key points for maintenance of goldfish hanging orchid

The main results are as follows: 1. The soil needed by goldfish orchid must have good drainage, preferably acidic soil; when it is hot and humid, it is easy to cause soft rot of stems and branches.

2. Goldfish hanging orchid needs plenty of sunshine in winter, but it is shaded by goldfish hanging orchid around the waist in other seasons. During winter dormancy, the temperature should be controlled at 15 ℃.

3. Goldfish orchid is cultivated in greenhouse, usually with porous flowerpots and substrates such as peat moss, fern root, bark and so on, so as to facilitate root drainage and ventilation.

4. Goldfish hanging orchids should be watered more in spring, summer and autumn, often spraying the surrounding ground with clean water, and never sprinkle water on the leaves. When it is hot in summer, it is best to put the flowerpot in a shallow dish filled with water. These measures can avoid falling leaves due to dry air. Goldfish flowers should also be watered properly before blooming in winter and spring, so that the flowers can bloom fully and brightly.

5. Goldfish hanging orchids should have more shade in other seasons except for sufficient sunlight in winter. 60% or 70% of the sun should be covered in spring, summer and autumn, or hung in an outdoor shade shed, or in a cool and ventilated place under big trees. Receive more scattered light but no direct sunlight. Such an environment is very suitable for its growth.

Goldfish hanging orchid in winter before flowering, should appropriately enhance the light, so as to make its flowers colorful. When hanging in the family pot, it can be placed in a bright, ventilated room, and can be placed and watched all the year round.

6. Goldfish orchids should not be fertilized during flowering, but should be pruned and reshaped after blooming, and more nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied. During the growth period, the application of organic thin fertilizer solution every 1-2 weeks can make it grow vigorously, and the application of phosphate fertilizer before flowering can make it more pregnant buds and blossom and enhance its ornamental effect.

Pot culture method of goldfish hanging orchid

Goldfish hanging orchids are mostly cultivated in hanging pots, or ordinary pots can be used. It is generally better to put it in a sunny place, but when the sun is too strong at noon, it is appropriate to shade and keep the soil surface slightly moist.

Light: the orchid is sensitive to light. If the sun shines directly in summer and autumn, the leaves will wither and yellow, and even the whole plant will die. In winter, because the sun is not strong, we can let the orchid accept some direct sunlight properly.

Temperature: the optimum temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 15 mi 25 degrees Celsius, and the temperature in spring, summer and autumn in Guangdong is suitable for the growth of Cymbidium, but if the winter temperature is lower than 5 mi 7 degrees Celsius, we should pay attention to cold protection and heat preservation.

Watering: the hanging orchid likes water and should keep the basin soil completely moist during the prosperous period of growth. During the winter dormancy period, the basin soil is rewatered after it is dry at a depth of about one centimeter. If the soil is too dry, the leaves will temporarily fade and return to the original color after rewatering, while the leaf tip may permanently turn brown, thus greatly reducing the ornamental value.

Cymbidium also likes high air humidity, so when the climate is dry in summer and autumn, measures such as spraying water should be taken to increase the air humidity around the plant, otherwise the top or edge of the leaf may also be scorched.

Fertilization: for Cymbidium which has begun to grow small plants, nitrogen topdressing can be applied every half a month.

Soil: hanging orchid is suitable for easy and fertile sandy loam.

Reproduction: Cymbidium is usually planted directly with ramet or young plants with aerial roots on the scape at any time.

1. Key points of potted plants.

Selection of basin and soil

Goldfish orchid is cultivated in greenhouse, usually with porous flowerpot and peat moss, fern root, bark block and other substrates to facilitate root drainage and ventilation. In order to prevent water leakage during watering in the family room, a round and beautiful basin bowl is used, coarse-grained stones with good drainage are selected to cover the basin bottom, and then a small amount of rotten leaf soil and perlite are added to cultivate the soil.

2. Planting skills

Paying attention to the selection and location of flower branches during planting can improve the survival rate of plants and enhance the ornamental effect of flowers.

Select several goldfish flower branches with full root system, plant them evenly in the culture soil around the pot, pour them to the edge of the pot, and then fill the culture soil, so that the planting is complete. An appropriate amount of slow-acting fertilizer can be added to the basin soil, and when the new branch grows to a certain length, it will hang down along the edge of the basin. In full bloom, dozens of small orange-red goldfish flowers bloom on each branch, which looks like a goldfish jumping in the blue waves against the green leaves.

When the new branch grows to a certain length, you can pick the heart, so that the drooping plant type can be more symmetrical and beautiful.

3. Water and fertilizer requirements

Goldfish hanging orchid is a tropical plant, the demand for water is relatively large, in spring, summer, autumn three seasons to pour more water, often use clean water to spray the surrounding ground, do not sprinkle water on the leaves. When it is hot in summer, it is best to put the flowerpot in a shallow dish filled with water. These measures can avoid falling leaves due to dry air. Goldfish flowers should also be watered properly before blooming in winter and spring, so that the flowers can bloom fully and brightly.

During the growth period, the goldfish orchid can grow vigorously by applying thin organic fertilizer every 1-2 weeks, and the application of phosphate fertilizer before flowering can make it more pregnant buds and blossom and enhance its ornamental effect; do not apply fertilizer during flowering, pruning and shaping should be carried out after blooming, and more nitrogenous fertilizer should be applied.

4. Lighting and ventilation

Goldfish hanging orchid in addition to winter should have more sunlight, other seasons should be more shade, spring, summer and autumn should cover the sun 60% to 70%, or hanging in the outdoor shade shed, or tree shade, cool, ventilated place, receive more scattered light but no direct sunlight. Such an environment is very suitable for its growth. Goldfish hanging orchid in winter before flowering, should appropriately enhance the light, so as to make its flowers colorful.

When does goldfish orchid blossom and the method of goldfish orchid culture

When will goldfish orchids blossom? What is the culture method of goldfish hanging. Next, the editor of the security net will introduce it to you. Let's take a look.

When will goldfish orchids blossom?

Goldfish orchid florescence is usually in spring and summer, flowering for a long time, before flowering in winter, it is best to have appropriate sunlight, which can be placed on the balcony or window, so that the flowers can bloom more brightly and flourishingly. Its seedlings do not blossom in the first year, and orange-red flowers can not be seen in the leaf axils at the end of the branches until two or three years later. When the flowers are in full bloom, the orange flowers are particularly attractive, one by one hanging on the branches, with green leaves, like little goldfish playing in the water plants.

Culture method of goldfish Cymbidium

Propagation: there are cutting, ramet, sowing methods, generally using the first, in the spring and autumn season to cut off about a year of 10cm growth (including 3 leaves 4 leaves) of the top branch or stem cuttings, inserted into the bed with coarse sand as the substrate, the temperature should be controlled at 20 ℃, the humidity should be large, about 3 to 4 weeks later can take root. After two months, the heart can be removed and planted in the basin.

Soil: need to have basin soil rich in nutrients, loose, conducive to drainage, slightly acidic, can be mixed with marl, perlite and vermiculite, for root ventilation and drainage, peat moss, bark blocks, fern roots can also be put into a porous basin.

Lighting: like shade, do not need too long light, summer need to cover nearly half of the shade, there is a small amount of scattered light, otherwise there will be withered leaves, defoliation, autumn and winter can appropriately increase light to promote flower bud growth, need sunlight before flowering, on a bright balcony or window.

Temperature: try to control the temperature at 18-25 ℃, winter over 10 ℃ can successfully survive the winter, below 10 ℃ will have leaf yellow, leaf dry problems, 5-7 ℃ room temperature, need to take measures to prevent cold. High temperature weather will inhibit plant growth and take shading and cooling measures.

Watering: like to wet, keep the soil moist, water enough, winter dormancy period can appropriately reduce watering, when the soil surface is dry to 1cm depth, watering can be carried out. Enough water is needed during flowering and growing periods, and spraying is needed in summer to increase ambient humidity.

Fertilization: organic liquid fertilizer needs to be applied for one to two weeks during the growing period; phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied before flowering to promote flowering, exuberant growth and increase ornamental; there is no need to apply fertilizer during flowering, and nitrogenous fertilizer can be applied appropriately after flowering.

The above is the introduction of the goldfish hanging orchid brought by the editor when to bloom and the culture method of the goldfish hanging. I hope it can help you all. For more information, please follow the China Security Network. When will goldfish orchids blossom? What is the culture method of goldfish hanging. Next, the editor of the security net will introduce it to you. Let's take a look.

When will goldfish orchids blossom?

Goldfish orchid florescence is usually in spring and summer, flowering for a long time, before flowering in winter, it is best to have appropriate sunlight, which can be placed on the balcony or window, so that the flowers can bloom more brightly and flourishingly. Its seedlings do not blossom in the first year, and orange-red flowers can not be seen in the leaf axils at the end of the branches until two or three years later. When the flowers are in full bloom, the orange flowers are particularly attractive, one by one hanging on the branches, with green leaves, like little goldfish playing in the water plants.

Culture method of goldfish Cymbidium

Propagation: there are cutting, ramet, sowing methods, generally using the first, in the spring and autumn season to cut off about a year of 10cm growth (including 3 leaves 4 leaves) of the top branch or stem cuttings, inserted into the bed with coarse sand as the substrate, the temperature should be controlled at 20 ℃, the humidity should be large, about 3 to 4 weeks later can take root. After two months, the heart can be removed and planted in the basin.

Soil: need to have basin soil rich in nutrients, loose, conducive to drainage, slightly acidic, can be mixed with marl, perlite and vermiculite, for root ventilation and drainage, peat moss, bark blocks, fern roots can also be put into a porous basin.

Lighting: like shade, do not need too long light, summer need to cover nearly half of the shade, there is a small amount of scattered light, otherwise there will be withered leaves, defoliation, autumn and winter can appropriately increase light to promote flower bud growth, need sunlight before flowering, on a bright balcony or window.

Temperature: try to control the temperature at 18-25 ℃, winter over 10 ℃ can successfully survive the winter, below 10 ℃ will have leaf yellow, leaf dry problems, 5-7 ℃ room temperature, need to take measures to prevent cold. High temperature weather will inhibit plant growth and take shading and cooling measures.

Watering: like to wet, keep the soil moist, water enough, winter dormancy period can appropriately reduce watering, when the soil surface is dry to 1cm depth, watering can be carried out. Enough water is needed during flowering and growing periods, and spraying is needed in summer to increase ambient humidity.

Fertilization: organic liquid fertilizer needs to be applied for one to two weeks during the growing period; phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied before flowering to promote flowering, exuberant growth and increase ornamental; there is no need to apply fertilizer during flowering, and nitrogenous fertilizer can be applied appropriately after flowering.

The above is the introduction of the goldfish hanging orchid brought by the editor when to bloom and the culture method of the goldfish hanging. I hope it can help you all. For more information, please follow the China Security Network.