
What is the breeding method of asparagus? What are the cultivation techniques of asparagus?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Asparagus likes warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment, can't bear cold and drought in winter, can't pour too much water, root will rot, and avoid direct sunlight in summer. It is better to cultivate loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam rich in humus. It is appropriate to keep the room temperature between 12 and 18 ℃.

Wenzhu likes warm and humid and semi-shady ventilated environment, winter is not resistant to cold, drought, can not pour too much water, roots will rot, avoid direct sunlight in summer. It is good to cultivate with loose fertile sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage. It is advisable to keep the room temperature between 12-18℃, ventilate and dissipate heat when it exceeds 20℃, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 - 25℃, and the overwintering temperature is 5℃. Born in the mountains, but also cultivated in the garden.

What is the propagation method of asparagus?

3~5 years old asparagus plant growth is more dense, can be divided into individual propagation. Plant selection is carried out when changing pots in spring. The clustered stems and roots are divided into 2~3 clusters with sharp knives, so that each cluster contains 3~5 buds, and then planted in pots respectively. When dividing plants, try to hurt roots as little as possible. After planting, irrigate water thoroughly and put them in semi-shade. Pay attention to moisture and shade. Later watering should be controlled properly, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves.

What is the propagation method of asparagus? What are the cultivation techniques of asparagus?

What are the cultivation techniques of asparagus?

I. Family farming

1. Pot soil: The pot soil for cultivating asparagus should be fertile sandy loam, which requires warm and moist, rich in rotten branches and good drainage. Generally, 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 1 part of sand can be used, and regular soil replacement and fertilization should be achieved. If the fertilizer is too thick to cause "watering roots", it is necessary to pour the pot to remove the fertilizer, rinse the soil with clean water, and then replace it with new soil for cultivation.

2. Watering: Watering is the key point of culture and cultivation of asparagus. Too much watering and too wet pot soil can easily cause root rot. Too little watering will lead to yellowing of leaf tips. Therefore, in the process of watering, it depends on the weather, growth and dry and wet conditions of the basin soil, so that it is not dry and not watered, but watered thoroughly. In hot and dry days, the leaves can be sprayed with water to humidify and cool down, and in winter, less watering is required.

3. Fertilization: Wenzhu is not good at fertilizer, but it cannot be short of fertilizer. Due to the limitation of potted pot soil, Wenzhu culture must supplement nutrients in time to meet the growth requirements. Bamboo fertilization process, to be more than the amount of less, not to apply thick fertilizer, or cause yellow leaves. Generally, you can choose to apply decomposed thin liquid fertilizer once a month. After the plants grow and set, you can control the reduction of fertilizer appropriately. During the growth period, thin fertilizer containing ammonia and phosphorus should be applied 1 to 2 times a month to promote luxuriant foliage. Other liquid fertilizers can also be used. It should be noted that fertilization during flowering should not be too much, and liquid fertilizer should be applied twice in May to June and September to October respectively.

4, light: bamboo culture can not get exposed to the sun, hot season, should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. At the same time, Wenzhu flowering period is afraid of both wind and rain, pay attention to good ventilation, good weather can be properly placed outdoors to receive sunlight. Winter potted asparagus temperature should be kept above 5℃, so as not to freeze.

5, placed: Wenzhu likes clean and air circulation environment, if stimulated by smoke, gas, pesticides and other harmful gases, the leaves will yellow, curl and even die. Therefore, asparagus should be placed in a clean, well-ventilated environment, away from marble-like decorative materials that release mercury gas.

6. Plant pruning:

Phyllodes missing pruning: When the position of small phyllodes on the main branch is not ideal or missing for some reason, short pruning can be carried out at the appropriate position of the main branch to force the hidden buds to germinate. Generally, the height of cutting is the height of leafy branch germination, and the position of thorn on branch is the position of leafy branch germination, and the thicker the branch, the higher the germination rate of hidden bud.

The whole plant renewal pruning: If the whole plant branches and leaves are burned by strong sunlight or the pot soil is too dry, lack of fertilizer and some unknown reason to grow poorly, the whole plant can be renewed. When renewing pruning, you can cut off all the leafy branches, but pay attention to the parts where barbs appear on the branches, because they determine whether the distribution of the branches is uniform. Growth season pruning is generally high and easy to sprout new branches, pruning should also appropriately reduce the amount of watering, absolutely not to make the pot soil too wet, otherwise it will lead to pruning failure.

II. Bonsai making

Wenzhu posture beautiful, branches fine soft, layered, high and low order, after the idea of composition made of bonsai furnishings balcony or indoor, more beautiful quiet. The manufacturing method is as follows:

The materials are selected first: one bamboo with a height of about 20cm, two bamboo with a height of more than 10cm; irregular white marble shallow basin and several supporting frames; a number of rocks with a height of about 10cm; proper cultivation soil and moss.

Bonsai modeling: spread a thin layer of culture soil on the surface of white marble shallow pot, plant the tallest asparagus with curved branches and leaves to the right end of the pot, plant the second height asparagus not far from the left side of the first asparagus at the appropriate position near the back edge of the pot, and then plant the shortest asparagus at the junction of 1/3 and 2/3 of the pot length, and the curved branches and leaves of asparagus should also be to the left, so as to achieve the coordination and unification of the orientation of the three asparagus. Then adjust the position of asparagus in the basin to achieve natural beauty.

Point stone spread moss: put a number of rocks on the right rear position of the basin surface, and cover moss on the cultivation soil of the basin surface to achieve the artistic effect of greening. Finally, spray water on asparagus and moss to moisten the culture soil.

III. Shaping method

1, pot control method: the size ratio of flower pots and plants should be 1:3, so that the growth of roots can be limited, keep the plant size unchanged.

2. Remove the growth point: When the new bud grows to 2~3cm, remove the growth point, which can promote the regeneration of branches and leaves on the stem, and can control its long vine, so that the branches and leaves are flat and the plant shape is constantly plump.

3, the use of bamboo phototaxis: timely rotation of the direction of the flowerpot, can correct the growth shape of branches and leaves, keep the plant type unchanged.

4, the object cover method: that is, use hard paper to press the branches and leaves or cover the sun, so that when the branches and leaves grow, they touch the object to block the stem or bend the growth, thus achieving the purpose of modeling.

5. Comprehensive application of several modeling methods:

(1) Tower: Select 2--3 tall and straight beautiful stems as the main peak, remove all growth points on the stems, and set the plant height to 30--35cm. The remaining branches and new stems should not be higher than the main peak. For new buds, the thickness of the stem can be used to determine whether to remove the growing point. If its stem is thicker than the main peak, it should be picked off. If it is thinner than the main peak, it need not be picked and allowed to grow. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the plant shape continuously by using the object shading method and its own phototaxis.

(2) Double cluster type: planting two high and low asparagus in the pot, about 30 cm high and 18 cm low. During the growth period, it can be shaped like tower asparagus.

(3) Natural type: mainly based on the natural growth of asparagus, still using the basic methods such as picking off the growth point, covering and using its phototaxis to make the branches and leaves spread, giving people a natural aesthetic feeling.

It should be noted that the shaping of asparagus must be combined with the control of fertilizer and water. That is, at room temperature of 15--18℃, pour water once a week to keep the basin soil moist (it is appropriate to press the finger). No fertilizer or less fertilizer.

Bamboo should be replaced once a year, year by year increase, if not for large pots, can turn pots will be small roots removed part of the replacement of new soil, the original pot planting, usually pay attention to stem renewal, at any time to remove old disease residual stem branches.

IV. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

When humidity is too high and ventilation is poor, leaf blight is easy to occur. Air humidity should be appropriately reduced and ventilation and light transmission should be paid attention to. After the disease occurs, spray 200 times Bordeaux mixture, or 50% carbendazim WP 500 - 600 times solution, or spray 50% topozine WP 1000 times solution for prevention and control. Summer easy to occur scale insects, aphids and other pests, available 40% omethoate 1000 times liquid spray kill.

How to breed bamboo

Although asparagus is not bamboo, but asparagus branches like bamboo, posture is very beautiful, asparagus how to reproduce it? Here's how to reproduce asparagus.

There are two main methods of asparagus propagation: seeding and rationing.

1. sowing

Sowing is the main method of propagation of asparagus. When the pericarp of asparagus seed turns black and soft, it is mature. At this time, it should be picked gradually according to the maturity degree, rubbed off the pulp, washed with clean water, dried and stored for later use. Sowing in early April, the autumn of that year can become commercial seedlings or indoor display. The seeding substrate is generally fine sand, and the container is earthen pot or wooden box. Put the seeds on the pot soil at intervals of 2-3 cm, 2-3 seeds per hole. After sowing, cover with fine sand 5 mm thick, cover with glass or plastic film, keep the temperature at 20-25℃, and spray water frequently to keep the pot soil wet. Germination began about 30 days after sowing. Transplant and cultivate seedlings when they are 4-5 cm high, and plant them in pots when they are 8-10 cm high.

2. ramets

Family potted plants can also be used for propagation. Asparagus fasciculatus strong, 4-5 years old plants will be able to continue from the rhizosphere germination of tillers, so that the plant clusters continue to expand. Spring can be combined with pot change, pot plants divided into clusters planted on the pot, you can get new plants.

Notes on the propagation of asparagus:

The propagation of asparagus is mainly based on sowing and dividing plants. Sowing is carried out in March to April, soaking seeds for 24 hours before sowing, sowing seeds in 10 cm deep pots, covered with glass or plastic film to prevent evaporation of water, keeping 20-25 DEG C and pot soil moist, germinating in 20-30 days, seedlings can be placed in small pots when they are 5 cm high. Large pot planting, to be in the spring for sub-propagation. The ramets are suitable for large plants that have grown for 2-3 years. According to the size of the plants, a pot is divided into two pots or three pots. The operation of plant division is very simple. The roots of asparagus are separated by hand. As long as the roots are not damaged too much, the separated plants can be planted in flowerpots and watered once. When dividing plants, 3-4 organic fertilizers such as horseshoe slices or sesame sauce residue should be applied as base fertilizer in the pot.

Indoor ventilation is not easy to occur scale insect harm, to spray 2000 times of dichlorvos emulsion control, summer easy to occur red spider harm, can spray dicofol and other special pesticides. Botrytis cinerea and leaf blight were the main diseases. 50% thiophanate-methyl WP was sprayed at 1000 times.

Wenzhu likes clean and air circulation environment, if by smoke, gas, pesticides and other harmful gases stimulation, leaves will yellow, curl up and die. In warm sunny days from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to open windows for ventilation, keep indoor air fresh and well ventilated.

When the leaves and branches of asparagus grow too long, they should be framed or cut short to facilitate ventilation and light transmission.

Because the branches and leaves of asparagus extend horizontally and easily fall dust, which not only affects the growth, but also the branches and leaves are easy to yellow, so it is necessary to spray clean water to remove dust. Before spraying water, it is best to shake off the floating dust on the stems and leaves by hand, and then spray with a fine eye spray bottle, and gently shake the water droplets attached to it.

How to breed short asparagus, short asparagus propagation method (cutting/seeding/ramets)

Dwarf asparagus, a beautiful foliage plant, it plant short and strong, feather-like leaves, looks elegant and delicate, loved by flower friends. In life, many people want to raise dwarf asparagus, but rather than buy to raise, it is better to breed yourself, step by step to raise. So, how does the dwarf asparagus reproduce? Here are three breeding methods of dwarf asparagus, let's go and see!

1. How to breed short asparagus, cutting/sowing/ramets

There are generally three methods for propagating dwarf asparagus: cuttage, seeding and rationing. Cutting is to select a vigorous growth of dwarf asparagus branches, after treatment inserted into the soil, such as rooting on the pot planting; sowing is dwarf asparagus seeds broadcast on the soil, after seedlings grow to a certain height transplanted in the pot; plant division is combined with pot change, the plant is divided into several pots planting.

2. Three propagation methods of Asparagus chinensis (1) Cutting propagation of Asparagus chinensis

1, cutting time: Generally speaking, cutting short asparagus can be carried out throughout the year, but the most suitable temperature is between 20-30℃.

2. Selection of cuttings: on the healthy growing dwarf asparagus pot, select the branches growing vigorously, peel off the surrounding pot soil below them, expose the junction between branches and roots, and make a small mouth with a knife half a centimeter away from the soil. Then apply a layer of clean moss to the wound and keep it moist.

3. Cutting and picking: After about 10 days, everyone can remove the fresh moss, and the wound has healed at this time. After the selected branches stick to the root cut, keep two branches and cut down one-third, the rest are all cut off, the final result is short asparagus cuttings.

4. Prepare the slotting bed: Select a cloth bag 8-10 cm high and 6 cm in diameter, and load it with wet sandy soil as the slotting bed. Then use bamboo sticks to punch holes in the center of the bag for easy insertion of cuttings.

5, cuttage start: the treated cuttings, inserted into the prepared cuttings, the depth of 2 cm, compaction. After inserting, arrange the cloth bags one by one along the inner wall of the insertion basin, put a wide-mouth glass bottle with moderate height in the center of the basin, wrap a circle around the outer side of each cloth bag with a gauze strip of 60-70 cm, and both ends of the cloth strip extend into the bottom of the glass bottle.

6. Filling after insertion: After completing the above steps, fill the insertion basin with soil, so that the glass bottle mouth is slightly higher than the soil surface. After that, spray the soil once with water and fill the glass bottle with water. After keeping the glass bottle in constant water, and then put the pot in a cool place, about 20 days to send out new roots, 1 month later can be planted on the pot.


In addition to cuttage, the most commonly used method of propagation of dwarf asparagus is sowing. The time is selected from March to April, and the seeds of dwarf asparagus are soaked and then broadcast in a seedbed of fine soil, and the soil is covered by about 1 cm. After that, cover the sowing pot with plastic film to keep moisture. After about one seedling can germinate, transplant it into the pot when the seedling is 5-10 cm high.


In addition to cuttage and sowing, the propagation method of asparagus dwarf can also be used by plant division method. Specific operation: the dwarf asparagus plant roots, cut into several pieces, the wound smeared with plant ash disinfection, after the separation of plants placed in shade. After that, follow the cultivation method of dwarf asparagus to maintain, and soon, you will get many pots of beautiful dwarf asparagus.

Generally speaking, the propagation of dwarf asparagus, whether cutting, sowing or ramets, can survive, but the most suitable for family reproduction is also sowing and ramets. Of course, the method is dead, people are alive, we can choose the method to reproduce according to the actual situation. About the breeding method of dwarf asparagus, Xiaobian introduced this, hoping to bring help to everyone.