
What are the breeding methods of green pineapple? What are the cultivation techniques of green pineapple?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the breeding methods of green pineapple? The cuttage method is usually used to propagate green pineapple. Select the sturdy green vine in late spring and early summer, cut the branches of 15 cm to 30 cm, remove the leaves of 1 to 2 nodes at the base, be careful not to hurt the air root, and then insert them into plain sand or cinder at a depth of 1 cm to 3% of the depth of cuttings.

What are the breeding methods of green pineapple?

Cutting method

Green pineapple is usually propagated by cutting. Select robust green radish vine in late spring and early summer, cut 15 cm to 30 cm branches, remove the leaves of 1 to 2 nodes at the base, be careful not to hurt the air root, and then insert into the plain sand or cinder, the depth is 1 Rue 3 of the cuttings, drench enough water to place in the shade, spray water to the leaves every day or cover with plastic film to moisturize, as long as the environment is not less than 20 ℃, the survival rate is above 90%.

The specific methods of cutting are as follows:

1. Selection and treatment of cuttings

Cuttings should choose semi-lignified branches with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests, cut into 10-13 cm long, cut into oblique notches at the lower incision, leave 2-3 leaves at the upper end, and cut off half of the leaves to reduce water evaporation and facilitate the survival of cuttings.

2. Cutting substrate

Cutting substrate requires loose air permeability, good drainage, high humus content of loam or sandy soil, it is best to use vermiculite, so fast rooting and high survival rate. Disinfect the soil with 2% formalin or 5% potassium permanganate before insertion.

3. Cutting method

The lower end of the prepared cuttings was quickly dipped in ABT rooting powder or indolebutyric acid, then inserted into the prepared substrate, soaked in soil and watered thoroughly, so that the cuttings were in close contact with the substrate, and then covered with plastic film.

4. Plug-in management

(1) pay attention to keeping the soil moist and higher air temperature after insertion. The soil moisture is about 50%, while the air humidity is 80% and 90%.

(2) at the initial stage of cutting, the shade degree of the shade shed is kept at about 80%, which can not only prevent strong direct sunlight, but also ensure sufficient scattered light, so as to facilitate photosynthesis and rooting of leafy cuttings.

(3) through the above treatment, it is generally basic to take root after 20 days, and the film can be removed to increase the light. at the same time, attention should be paid to foliar spray and shading on sunny days in summer, cold prevention in winter, and normal management in the basin about 10 days after rooting.

What are the breeding methods of green pineapple? What are the cultivation techniques of green pineapple?

What are the cultivation techniques of green pineapple?

1. Potted plants

The potted green pineapple is relatively simple.

There are at least 4 colonized seedlings in the basin. The basin soil should be loose, fertile and rich in organic matter, which is favorable for forming.

Green pineapple is required to grow in an environment with high temperature (room temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ in winter, otherwise yellow leaves and fallen leaves are easy to occur) and strong scattered light. If it is too dark for a long time, the internodes will be slender and weak, and the leaves will become thinner, lighter and lose luster.

In late spring and early summer (April-August), 15-30cm branches are cut, and the leaves with 1-2 basal nodes are removed.

Potted directly with culture soil, 3-5 roots per pot, watered thoroughly, planted in a cool and ventilated place, keep the pot soil moist, can take root and sprout in about a month, and grow into plants with ornamental value in the same year.

II. Maintenance

1. Lighting

The original growth condition of green pineapple is in the forest sheltered by towering trees, the positive direction is not strong. However, in the north of autumn and winter, in order to supplement the deficiency of temperature and photosynthesis, its illuminance should be increased.

Method: put the green pineapple in the place with the best indoor light, or move to a sealed balcony to bask in the sun at noon. At the same time, open windows as little as possible when the temperature is low, because the leaves may be frostbitten in a very short period of time.

Indoor cultivation can be placed next to the window, but to avoid direct sunlight. Too strong sunlight will burn the leaves of green pineapple, overshade will make the beautiful markings on the leaf surface disappear, usually to receive four hours of scattered light, green pineapple growth and development is the best. Therefore, the green apple can be placed in the sunny place indoors all the year round. In darker rooms, it should be moved to a strong light environment every semimonthly to restore for a period of time, otherwise it is easy to make the internodes grow and the leaves become smaller.

Green Luo spring, summer, autumn three seasons can be placed in the east or north windowsill near, winter can be placed in the south window. If it is placed in an environment where the light is too dark for a long time, it will not only cause the trailing stem to grow, the Internode becomes longer and the plant shape sparse, but also the yellow and white stripes on the leaf surface will become smaller and pale, and even the spots will disappear and fade to green completely. Such as outdoor training, should pay attention to sunshade, especially in summer should pay more attention to prevent direct light, otherwise it will lead to new leaves smaller, leaf color dim, while easy to burn leaf edge.

2. Temperature

In the north, the green pineapple can survive the winter safely when the room temperature is above 10 ℃, and the green pineapple can grow normally when the room temperature is above 20 ℃. In general, it is not a big problem for families to reach this temperature, we should pay attention to avoid excessive temperature difference, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to the leaves not close to the heating equipment.

3. Humidity

It refers to the water content of the air in the environment in which plants grow. Under the condition of ensuring normal temperature, increasing humidity is very beneficial to the growth of plants.

The following methods can be used to increase the temperature. Keep the plant close to the humidifier, which opens for more than 5 hours a day, and the plant can enjoy the water mist emitted by the humidifier; spray water on the leaves, stems and air roots of the plant with a sprayer adjusted to the fog scale, several times a day; keep the right amount of water in the flowerpot tray and increase the local temperature of the plant through its evaporation Gently wipe the leaves with cold wet towels or toilet paper or apply them lightly for a short time (1-2 hours a day); cover the plants with a transparent plastic film to create the effect of a small greenhouse and replenish plant moisture by evaporating moisture in the soil for less than 2 hours a day. Too long time will affect plant ventilation and photosynthesis.

4. Water

The amount of watering in autumn and winter should be strictly controlled according to room temperature. Before heating, the temperature is low and the soil evaporation of the plant is slow. In order to reduce watering, the amount of water should be controlled between the original 1pm 4-1max 2. Even after heating, watering should not be too frequent, watering should be less watered into the basin, and should be oozed by brown silk. In addition, water should be sprayed to the aerial root growth of the brown column to reduce the insufficient water absorption of the root caused by rapid evaporation. Winter water to dry after a day of water is better, the water is too cold easy to damage the roots. When raising water, the amount of water should not be too much, just submerge the roots, and it is easy to rot the stems and leaves when there is too much water.

5. Soil

In winter, it can grow well under the bright scattered light indoors, with strong stem nodes and gorgeous leaf color. During the growth period, there is a higher demand for water, in addition to normally replenishing water to the basin soil, but also often spraying water to the foliar surface, and rattan cultivation should also spray more water on the brown hair column to make the brown hair fully absorb water for the aerial root absorption around the stem. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be applied every 2 weeks or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed every week to make the leaves green and the markings more bright.

Green pineapple likes to be moist, it is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist regularly during the growing season, and avoid drying the basin soil, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves and poor plant shape. If too much watering causes stagnant water in the basin soil, it is easy to cause rotten roots and withered leaves, especially when the room temperature is low in winter. While fully watering in summer, we should also pay attention to often spraying water on the leaf surface. If the climate is dry in winter, the leaves should be sprayed with warm water every 4-5 days to wash the dust off the leaves to keep the leaves bright and green.

6. Fertilization

In autumn and winter in the north, plants grow slowly or even stop growing, so fertilization should be reduced. Before winter, liquid inorganic fertilizer is mainly poured and sprayed, and the time is about 15 days. After winter, fertilizer is mainly sprayed on the leaf surface, mainly sprayed through the stomata on the leaf surface, and the fertilizer is absorbed through the stomata on the leaf surface, and the fertilizer effect can act directly on the leaf surface. Foliar fertilizer should use special fertilizer, ordinary inorganic fertilizer is not easy to be absorbed by foliar. Peking University Huasheng series and Japanese flowers can be used as foliar fertilizer.

7. Plastic surgery

4-5 plants are planted or cut directly in each pot, and a brown column is set up in the middle of the pot to facilitate the winding and upward growth of green pineapple. Plastic pruning is carried out in the spring. When the stem vine crawls all over the brown column and the tip exceeds the brown column 20cm or so, cut off the stem tip 40cm of 2-3 plants. When new buds and new leaves sprout after truncation, cut off the stem tips of other plants. If the whole plant or the lower half of the plant is defoliated due to freezing in winter or other reasons, the half of the stem can be cut short by 1 / 2, and the other half by 2 / 3 or 3 / 4, so that the cut mouth is staggered so that the new leaves growing meters under the cut can be quickly covered with brown columns.

8. Yellow leaf

Green apples bought in winter are generally frozen, so yellow leaves will soon appear indoors, and new leaves will be reissued during the Spring Festival when these frozen yellow leaves are finished.

Generally, the newly bought green apple has an adaptation period of about 1 month to the new environment, and the bottom yellow leaves are normal, but remember: yellow or dead leaves should not be directly peeled off, but should be cut off from the middle of the petiole, so as to avoid direct stripping causing too much water loss and increased wounds. as a result, the upper leaves will turn yellow.

Green pineapple is not afraid of darkness, but a very dark environment can also cause yellow leaves, which can be moved regularly to places with good light; at the same time, it can not be exposed to the sun, too much exposure in strong light will not only cause yellow leaves to fall, but also lead to the death of the whole plant.

If the basin soil is too dry or too wet, both cases will cause metabolic disorders, root damage and lead to yellow leaves and fallen leaves.

Lack of fertilizer, malnutrition will also appear yellow leaves, at this time should be timely supplement of fertilizer.

Can be properly fertilized with beer, method: according to the proportion of 1:1 beer with water, spray stems and leaves.

Topdressing too much fertilizer is also easy to cause root burning phenomenon, resulting in leaves yellowing and wilting, you can use water to dilute fertilizer to let nutrients flow away with the water.

Propagation methods of green pineapple what are the propagation methods of green pineapple

Green pineapple grows in the tropics and often climbs on the rocks and tree trunks of the rainforest. it has strong entanglement, well-developed air roots and can be cultivated in water. Green pineapple is usually propagated by cuttings. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of green pineapple.

The method of striping propagation of green pineapple

Green pineapple striping propagation is the most successful propagation method. The stolon is pressed into the soil, and the ramet can be cut after the air root is produced.

Method of water insertion and propagation of green pineapple

Green pineapple can also be inserted with terminal bud water, first cut the tender stem vine 20~30cm into a section, directly insert into the bottle of water, change water every 2-3 days, more than 10 days can take root and survive. Due to the limitation of potted soil, potted green pineapple is easy to aging and its leaves become smaller and fall off after being cultivated for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to change the basin or prune and renew after 2 to 3 years of cultivation.

Cutting propagation method of green pineapple

Green pineapple is usually propagated by cutting. Select robust green radish vine in late spring and early summer, cut 15 cm to 30 cm branches, remove the leaves of 1 to 2 nodes at the base, be careful not to hurt the air root, and then insert into the plain sand or cinder, the depth is 1 Rue 3 of the cuttings, drench enough water to place in the shade, spray water to the leaves every day or cover with plastic film to moisturize, as long as the environment is not less than 20 ℃, the survival rate is above 90%.

1. Selection and treatment of cuttings: cuttings should choose semi-lignified branches with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests, cut into 10-13 cm long, cut into oblique notches at the bottom, leave 2-3 leaves at the upper end, and cut off half of the leaves to reduce water evaporation and facilitate the survival of cuttings.

2. Cutting substrate: the cutting substrate requires loam or sandy soil with high humus content, which is loose and breathable, well drained, and preferably vermiculite, which can take root quickly and have a high survival rate. Disinfect the soil with 2% formalin or 5% potassium permanganate before insertion.

3. Cutting method: the lower end of the prepared cuttings was quickly dipped in ABT rooting powder or indolebutyric acid, then inserted into the prepared substrate, put into the soil, poured water, so that the cuttings were in close contact with the substrate, and then covered with plastic film.

4. Plug-in management

Pay attention to keeping the soil moist and high air temperature after ① insertion. The soil moisture is about 50%, while the air humidity is 80% and 90%.

At the initial stage of ② cutting, the shade degree of the shade shed is kept at about 80%, which can not only prevent strong direct sunlight, but also ensure sufficient scattered light, so as to facilitate photosynthesis and rooting of leafy cuttings.

Through the above treatment, ③ basically takes root after 20 days, and the film can be removed to increase the light. at the same time, attention should be paid to foliar spray and shade on sunny days in summer, cold prevention in winter, and normal management in the basin about 10 days after rooting.

How to reproduce green pineapple breeding methods and matters needing attention

There are more and more growers of green pineapple, so how much do you know about the breeding method of green pineapple? What are the points for attention in the breeding of green pineapple? Breeding green pineapple is pulled out directly from a pile of green pineapple and planted with roots, which is wrong. Then the editor will introduce you in detail the methods and matters needing attention for the reproduction of green pineapple.

I. Propagation methods of green pineapple

1. Striping: popularly speaking, it is not only the most stupid method of reproduction, but also the method with the highest survival rate, which is also relatively simple. First of all, the creeping rhizome of the green pineapple should be inserted into the soil, and it should be completely covered and pressed with hands or tools. After some time, the root will grow out of the root, and then the reproduction will be completed after pruning or cutting with scissors.

2. Cuttage: cuttings are usually used to propagate green pineapple. Select robust green radish vine in late spring and early summer, cut 15 cm to 30 cm branches, remove the leaves of 1 to 2 nodes at the base, be careful not to hurt the air root, and then insert into the plain sand or cinder, the depth is 1 Rue 3 of the cuttings, drench enough water to place in the shade, spray water to the leaves every day or cover with plastic film to moisturize, as long as the environment is not less than 20 ℃, the survival rate is above 90%.

3. Water plug: in fact, everyone should have heard that the reproduction and planting of rich bamboo can be done in water, and green pineapple can also be done. First of all, choose a complete green apple, with three parts of roots, stems and leaves, fill the bottle with water and put it in. Then change the water regularly, usually every 3 days, so that you can see the green pineapple breed successfully after repeating for about half a month.

2. matters needing attention in the breeding method of green pineapple

1, ventilation: the most easily overlooked link, green roses like a damp environment, such an environment is often not ventilated, not ventilated can easily lead to yellow leaves, growth is not exuberant.

2. Watering: green pineapple should be watered frequently, and the green pineapple raised by water should be changed regularly, preferably every 7-10 days. Soil should be watered on the stem, aerial roots and promote the growth of green pineapple.