
What are the matters needing attention in the breeding of Douban green? How to control the diseases and insect pests of Douban green?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Douban green plant height above 25cm, leaves alternate, round to Obovate-elliptic, apex rounded to retuse, base cuneate or suddenly narrowed, spikes, fruit with acute curved beak. Douban Green alias Pepper Grass, Emerald Pepper Grass, Jasper, one column of incense, Yan Douban, Douban Grass, Douban Ruyi, four Jinchai

Douban green plant height above 25cm, leaves alternate, round to Obovate-elliptic, apex rounded to retuse, base cuneate or suddenly narrowed, spikes, fruit with acute curved beak. Douban green, also known as pepper grass, emerald pepper grass, Jasper, a column of incense, peony grass, watercress grass, Douban Ruyi, four-petal golden hairpin, for the pepper family Douban green is evergreen perennial fleshy herbaceous flowers, thick leaves, bright green, evergreen all the year round. Originated in northern South America, West Indies, Panama and other regions. At present, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other regions have mass production, all over the flower market can see small potted Douban green.

What is the breeding method of Douban green?

First, branch cutting

It can be carried out from April to August. Select the top branches, cut the cuttings with 5-6 leaves, cut off the lower two leaves, and cut the cuttings obliquely at the same time. After the cut is dried, it is directly inserted into the sand bed or directly on the basin, and then watered thoroughly after insertion to make the cuttings fit with the medium. The temperature is about 18 ℃, and it can take root in 20-25 days.

Second, leaf cutting

It was carried out in May. Cut mature leaves, with petiole 1cm, upright or slightly oblique into the sand bed or upper basin, so that petioles and incisions are buried in sand or basin soil matrix. Adventitious roots and buds can be produced at 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ in 25 ~ 30 days.

What are the matters needing attention in the breeding of Douban green?

1. Soil

Douban green has strict requirements on soil, which requires loose, fertile and well-drained soil. The basin soil can be mixed with peat soil, garden soil, sawdust and perlite, according to the proportion of 3, 2, 1 and 0.5.

What are the matters needing attention in the breeding of Douban green? How to control the diseases and insect pests of Douban green?

2. Pruning

The first coring was carried out when the newborn seedlings grew to 6~8cm high, and the second coring was carried out when the lateral buds produced 3 or 4 true leaves, which was repeated many times to achieve plump plant shape. The pruning of large plants is generally determined according to the growth trend, with short branches or the whole plant cut off, leaving the lower 1-2 internodes to sprout later.

Third, watering

Douban green likes water and is not tolerant to drought. During the growing period, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist, watering less rather than more, and avoid stagnant water in the basin. Spray water on stems and leaves once or twice a day in summer. When the temperature is lower than 25 ℃, it should be thoroughly watered when the surface of the basin soil is dry, and when it is lower than 10 ℃, it can be dried for several days and then watered.

IV. Fertilization

About one month after insertion, 0.5% urea liquid fertilizer can be applied. Compound fertilizer and water dominated by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium or mature soybean cake fertilizer and water were applied every 20-30 days in the growing season, and little or no fertilizer was applied when the temperature was lower than 18 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃. Fertilization is carried out a small number of times, the concentration is thin as well, after spraying fertilizer, we should pay attention to spraying water to the leaves to prevent burning leaves.

5. Lighting

Like semi-overcast or scattered light, in addition to sufficient light in winter, the rest of the season need a little shading, especially in summer high temperature need to use 90% shading net shading. Douban green is easy to grow in a shady environment, but under semi-shady conditions, the leaf color is brighter and the gloss is better, and the variegated leaf varieties have a slightly higher demand for sunlight.

VI. Temperature

Like the warm environment, the suitable temperature for growth is between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, the overwintering temperature is better kept above 10 ℃, the growth stops below 10 ℃, and the plant is susceptible to freezing injury below 5 ℃.

7. Humidity

Like moist, luxuriant growth in high humidity environment, bright leaf color, high temperature or dry air to strengthen foliar water spraying, in order to maintain high air humidity. Can adapt to a short dry environment, the humidity should generally be kept at 65%-70%.

How to control the diseases and insect pests of Douban green?

I. Diseases

① ringspot virus disease. The invaded plants are dwarfed and the leaves are twisted. 0.5% 1% Bordeaux solution can be sprayed before and after the attack, once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times in a row.

② leaf spot. The main damage to leaves. At first, it was a small yellow-brown granular spot, and then gradually enlarged into a concentric wheel spot with a light brown interior and a slightly angular periphery. 75% chlorothalonil, 50% carbendan 500 times or 1% Bordeaux solution can be sprayed. Once a week, 2 or 3 times in a row.

③ stem rot. At the initial stage of the disease, the base of the seedlings turned brown, the leaves lost their normal green, and drooped slightly, but did not fall off. The infected site rapidly expanded upward, so that the whole plant withered. After the onset of the disease, 65% dioxone 600 × 800 times, or potassium permanganate 1000 times, 1200 times were sprayed. Once a week, 2 or 3 times in a row.

④ anthrax. The leaf spot is nearly round, brown to grayish brown, the edge is dark brown, and the boundary between disease and health is clear. in the later stage, the spot is scattered with small black spots, and the spot is easy to break or fall off into perforation. At the initial stage of the disease, 40% polysulfide suspending agent or 30% mixed sulphide suspending agent 600 × 800 times solution was sprayed. Once a week, 2 or 3 times in a row.

⑤ root rot. It is easy to be infected with Phytophthora in the process of reproduction or adult stage, resulting in the rot of stem base and leaves. The disease spreads rapidly under the condition of high temperature and humidity. At the initial stage of the disease, 27% copper noble suspension was sprayed with 600x solution or 70% ethyl manganese-zinc wettable powder 1000-fold solution or 69% Anke manganese-zinc wettable powder solution. Spray once every 7-10 days for 2-3 times.

II. Insect pests

① red spider. Nymphs often cluster on the green leaf back of Douban, sucking juice to damage the plant, making the leaf green, leaf edge rolled upward, so that scorched, shedding, and in serious cases the plant died. Red spiders breed quickly under the conditions of high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation. The initial stage of the disease can be sprayed with 50% malathion EC or 40% dimethoate EC 800 times.

② scale. Adults and nymphs gather on the green branches and leaves of Douban to absorb juice, causing branches and leaves to wither, even the whole plant to die, and can induce coal fouling disease. It is found that there are shell insects in individual branches or leaves, which can be brushed off gently with a soft brush, or combined with pruning, cut off insect branches and leaves, and burn them centrally. Chemical control can be sprayed with 1000 times of 50% dichlorvos or 2.5% cypermethrin 2000,2500 times, once every 7 to 10 days, 2 times in a row.

How to raise Douban green, the breeding method and precautions / watering of Douban green is very important.

We know that the efficacy and function of Douban green include ornamental, radiation reduction, home decoration and so on, but if we want to give full play to its functions, we must ensure the healthy growth of Douban green, so many flower friends want to know how to raise Douban green. Today, the editor will introduce to you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Douban green.

The growth habit of Douban Green

Before we understand how Douban green is raised, we need to know its growth habits, because different plant characteristics are different, so culture methods are also slightly different. Douban Green is characterized by its preference for a semi-overcast environment, so the light should not be too strong or too weak; Douban Green likes a warm environment in terms of temperature.

Douban green also likes a humid environment, preferring water rather than drought and fear of waterlogging; like fertile, well-drained sandy soil; the requirement for fertilizer is not high, but the basic nutrition must be adequate. In breeding, we should try to create the conditions that Douban green likes.

How to keep Douban green?

1. Temperature

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Douban green, the most suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, the growth will stop, and it will be frostbitten under 5 degrees, so it needs to keep the temperature at about 10 degrees in winter. Generally speaking, Douban green is kept indoors, as long as the room temperature is not too low, it can survive the winter smoothly.

2. Lighting

Douban green likes the semi-overcast environment, in breeding, it should be placed in the semi-overcast ventilated environment, such as scattered light, and so on. But it should be noted that do not let Douban green in the environment is too shady, otherwise there will be steep long branches and leaves, dark leaves without luster. You can keep it in a bright place in winter.

3. Humidity

In a humid environment, the growth of Douban green is the most exuberant, when the air is relatively dry, it should be drained to the leaf surface to increase humidity, the ideal humidity is about 70%, but do not let the humidity too high, otherwise it will breed insect pests.

4. Soil

Douban green likes loose, humus, good drainage suddenly, can not use heavy soil, the most suitable soil is a mixture of peat soil, perlite, etc., can also use rotten leaf soil, garden soil, river sand and so on. Some mature fertilizers can be added to cultivation.

5. Watering

Watering is the most critical point in the breeding method and matters needing attention of Douban green, because Douban green likes water, so how to raise Douban green in watering? To make the soil a little moist at ordinary times, not too dry, but also to avoid stagnant water in the basin.

6. Fertilization

Green fertilization is also very important, botanists often apply thin fertilizer, that is, each fertilization is irrigated with thin fertilizer, do not use thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, give priority to nitrogen fertilizer, and properly add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can make the leaves thicker green and brighter.

7. Pruning

In order to ensure that the branches and leaves of Douban green are not too dense, causing some leaves to be weak, timely pruning is needed in breeding, such as coring in the seedling stage, pruning in the growing period, and so on, which can not only promote the germination of new buds, but also maintain the overall beauty.

How to keep Douban green in winter

1. Reduce fertilizer and water

In winter, the height of the temperature should be properly reduced. When the temperature is higher than 10 degrees, a small amount of water can be watered to prevent the soil from being too dry, and when the temperature is low, watering can be stopped. In addition, fertilization should generally be stopped in winter.

2. Pest control

Many insect sources will hide in the soil and stems to survive the winter, so you should clean up the dead leaves in the basin in winter, and pay attention to keeping the environment temperature of Douban green not too low or too high.

How to raise Douban Green Culture methods and matters needing attention

Douban green, small and lovely, is a common indoor green plant, how to raise Douban green? Today, I will tell you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Douban green.

Douban green culture method:

1. Soil: Douban green culture can use loose, fertile, well-drained and humus-rich sandy soil.

2. Temperature: the growth temperature of Douban green is between 20-30 ℃, stop growing below 10 ℃ and enter dormancy period, and less than 5 ℃ is vulnerable to freezing injury, so we should pay attention to the regulation of indoor temperature.

3. Lighting: Douban green prefers semi-shady environment, afraid of high temperature, avoid direct sunlight, and is generally placed in a cool place with ventilation and astigmatism.

4. Watering: Douban green likes wetting and is not resistant to drought, so it should be watered more during the growth period of Douban green; when the air is dry, it is necessary to spray water into the air to increase air humidity, which is more conducive to the growth of Douban green; water can be reduced as appropriate in winter.

5. Fertilization: Douban Green's fertilization principle is a small amount of times, diluted fertilizer solution instead of clear water irrigation is the best, fertilizer is mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer is secondary; foliar spraying can also be carried out; little or no fertilizer can be applied when the temperature is lower than 18 ℃; a small amount of fertilizer should be applied when the temperature is higher than 18 ℃; little or no fertilizer should be applied when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃.

6. Diseases and insect pests: ringspot virus disease may occur during the green growth period of Douban, which can be controlled by Bordeaux liquid spray.

Matters needing attention in summer Douban green culture:

1. Strengthen the air convection so that the temperature in the body can be released.

2. Put it in the semi-shade, or give it 50% shade

3. Spray it properly, 2 or 3 times a day.

Notes on Douban Green in winter:

1. Move to a brightly lit place for maintenance

2. Outside, it can be wrapped in a film to survive the winter, but the film should be opened every two days when the temperature is high at noon to let it breathe.

3. Light management: if you are afraid of bright light, you need to keep it in the semi-shade or give it 70% shade. For indoor maintenance, put it in a brightly lit place as far as possible, and move to outdoor semi-shade or shade for a month every one or two months to accumulate nutrients and restore growth.

4. Fertilizer and water management: there are many requirements for fertilizer and water, but they are most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer. it is required to follow the fertilization (water) principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less fertilizer and more times, and complete nutrition": spring, summer and autumn are its peak growing seasons. Fertilizer and water management follows the order of "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water (at least twice a week). The interval period is about 1-4 days for outdoor maintenance, shorter interval period during sunny or high temperature, longer or no watering interval during rainy or low temperature. Put it in indoor maintenance for 2-6 days.

5. Winter: during the dormant period in winter, watering time is arranged as far as possible when the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day.