
What is the breeding method of white palm? What if the leaves of white palm droop?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, White palm is loved by new consumers because of its simple maintenance and elegant style. In addition to it is called white palm, it can also be called white taro, it is a very good ornamental plant. Do you know the culture method of white palm? What are the matters needing attention in the breeding of white palm?

White palm is loved by new consumers because of its simple maintenance and elegant style. In addition to it is called white palm, it can also be called white taro, it is a very good ornamental plant. Do you know the culture method of white palm? What are the matters needing attention in the breeding of white palm? By the way, let's take a look at what causes the white palm leaves to droop.

What is the breeding method of white palm?

1. Soil: White palm potted plants require loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, and can not use heavy soil. Generally, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite can be used as substrate, and a small amount of organic fertilizer can be added as base fertilizer when planting.

2. Time: in combination with basin change from March to May in spring or after autumn.

3. Ramets: two-year-old plants with strong growth were selected for ramet propagation, the whole plant was pulled out of the basin, and the rhizome was cut from the base of the plant clump, with at least 3-4 leaves in each clump.

4. Upper pot: put the plant with good ramet back into the pot and restore it in a semi-shady place after planting. When it takes root, it should be noted here that it should be cut with a stem, and then apply charcoal ash to the wound to prevent decay. When the root system returns to normal, it can enter the normal management.

5. Illumination: light is very important for plant growth. White palm needs better light in winter and early spring, but it should be shaded gradually when the light is getting stronger. If you enjoy it in the shade, you can't directly expose it to the sun. This is very bad for the growth of white palm.

What is the breeding method of white palm? What if the leaves of white palm droop?

6. Temperature: White palm is a kind of species that likes high temperature and should be cultivated in high temperature greenhouse. The lowest temperature in winter should be 14-16 ℃ at night and about 25 ℃ in daytime.

7. Watering: White palm should always keep the basin soil moist during the growth period, but not too much watering, too much basin soil will be moist for a long time, easy to cause rotten roots and plants withered and yellow.

8. Fertilization: do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and water once after applying solid fertilizer, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of water, so that there is generally no fertilizer damage, and white palm will grow very luxuriantly.

9. Pests: plants are the most popular pest during the growth period, so special mites should be sprayed regularly to control them, such as dicofol, Nisolan, pyridaben and so on.

10. Change the basin: change the basin every 1-2 years, trim the root system, remove part of the old root and over-long root system, remove the old soil and replace it with new culture soil, so as to facilitate the flowering of white palm.

What if the leaves of white palm droop?

1. Lack of water

In the case of lack of water, the white palm leaves will droop, in general, after watering, it can be recovered in a few hours.

2. Lighting

White palm can not stand the hot sun, the light is too strong will appear leaf droop, the maintenance of the environment should be in ventilated astigmatism, appropriate shade is also possible.

3. Slow seedling

Some white palms have just been bought and need a period of time to slow down the seedlings, pour good water and then slow down the seedlings in a cool place.

4. Humidity

This kind of situation mostly appears in winter, some flower friends' maintenance environment indoor humidity is small in winter, and the ventilation is not good, it is normal for white palm to appear leaf droop, this kind of situation should spray more water to increase humidity.

Introduction to the common causes of drooping leaves of white palm and its prevention and control methods

White palm, is a common ornamental flower, its color is pure and beautiful, flower fragrance is charming, deeply loved by many flower friends, many flower friends have also had the experience of breeding white palm. So, do you know what are the common reasons for the drooping leaves of white palm? How to prevent and cure it? Let's study with the editor.

1. Lack of water

In the case of lack of water, the white palm leaves will droop, in general, after watering, it can be recovered in a few hours.

2. Lighting

White palm can not stand the hot sun, the light is too strong will appear leaf droop, the maintenance of the environment should be in ventilated astigmatism, appropriate shade is also possible.

3. Slow seedling

Some white palms have just been bought and need a period of time to slow down the seedlings, pour good water and then slow down the seedlings in a cool place.

4. Humidity

This kind of situation mostly appears in winter, some flower friends' maintenance environment indoor humidity is small in winter, and the ventilation is not good, it is normal for white palm to appear leaf droop, this kind of situation should spray more water to increase humidity.

That's all I know about white palm today. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about white palm, please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed, and we will provide you with more related knowledge.

What if the white palm leaves droop? do five points to make the leaves stand upright again.

Under normal circumstances, the leaves of white palm should be upright, but some flower friends find that their white palm leaves also have obvious signs of sagging, what is the cause of this? What about the drooping leaves of white palms? The editor will tell you the specific reason and how to deal with it.

What about the drooping leaves of white palm?

Botanist research shows that there are five main causes of white palm leaf sagging, namely: too little watering, basin soil problem, lack of light, environmental mutation, slow seedling stage, so we need to start from these aspects to solve the sagging problem.

First, too little watering

Reason: in the process of planting white palm, watering is a very important link, if too little watering will lead to the phenomenon of lack of water, white palm growth lacks the necessary water, the leaves appear not so straight, serious lack of water will lead to sagging phenomenon.

Treatment: water the white palm with a small amount of water each time, 2-3 times a day, and recover after a few days. After that, reasonable maintenance should be carried out according to the breeding methods and matters needing attention, and regular watering should prevent the leaves from sagging again.

2. The problem of basin soil

Reason: the air permeability of the soil becomes worse, leading to the obstruction of root respiration, although the effect on growth will not be directly reflected, but there will be leaf sagging.

How to deal with it: how to deal with the drooping white palm leaves caused by the pot soil problem? Using tools to help white palm loosen the soil and change the basin every spring can prevent this problem from happening again.

Third, lack of light

Reason: although white palm has a strong ability to tolerate shade, lack of light will reduce photosynthesis and indirectly cause leaf sagging, which may occur in most plants when there is a lack of light.

Treatment: gradually increase the light intensity, you can use scattered light to maintain the white palm, and then plant it in a bright place.

IV. Sudden changes in the environment

Reason: the change of environment will lead to changes in light, temperature and ventilation, especially the temperature and ventilation will have a great impact on the growth of white palm, poor ventilation is one of the main reasons for leaf sagging.

Treatment: what if the abrupt change of the environment leads to the sagging of the white palm leaves? Control the temperature, and enhance the ventilation of the environment, let the temperature in the range suitable for the growth of white palm, then the sagging phenomenon will be gradually improved.

5. Slow seedling stage

Reason: White palm just bought from the market, there is a high probability of leaf sagging phenomenon, it is actually similar to the reason of environmental mutation, because white palm has a process of adaptation to the new environment, so this is a normal phenomenon.

Treatment: although slow seedling is a normal phenomenon, we can take some measures to make white palm adapt to the new environment more quickly, such as putting it in a ventilated and cool place for maintenance, which can be restored a week after proper watering.

The white palm leaves droop. What's going on?

Sometimes the leaves of our white palms will droop, in fact, the reason is very similar to sagging, in addition, it may also have something to do with the low humidity, you can spray water to increase the humidity to try to solve the drooping phenomenon.