
How to raise mimosa the culture method of mimosa

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people want to raise mimosa on their own, but they don't know what to do. The editor of the decoration network reminds you that when cultivating mimosa, you must first master some relevant knowledge. Here, let's take a detailed look at the culture method of mimosa with the editor of the decoration network.

Many people want to raise mimosa on their own, but they don't know what to do. The editor of the decoration network reminds you that when you cultivate mimosa, you must first master some relevant knowledge. Here, we will learn more about the culture method of mimosa with the editor of the decoration network.

How to raise mimosa the culture method of mimosa

How to raise mimosa

1. Choose a suitable place for planting, indoor pot planting is a better practice.

Mimosa is a taproot plant with few fibrous roots, which is suitable for sowing and breeding, and it is best to adopt the method of direct seeding to avoid root injury by transplanting; if it is necessary to transplant, it should be transplanted in the seedling stage, otherwise it is not easy to survive. As an annual mimosa, it is generally sown indoors in early spring. It can be broadcast live in a small basin. It can also be planted in shallow pots. The sowing soil was prepared with 20% rotten leaf soil, 30% garden soil and 50% fine yellow sand after sieving. When sowing, first put an appropriate amount of culture soil in the basin, smooth and compacted, sprinkle through water with a spray pot, and sow immediately after all the water permeates. Direct seeding in small pots with 1 or 2 seeds in each pot. If the seedlings are raised in a shallow basin, the seedlings will be sown on demand at the distance of 2cm × 2cm. It is appropriate to cover the seeds with 3~5cm after sowing. Cover the basin with glass or plastic film to moisturize the basin and place the basin at about 20 ℃ of astigmatism. In the future, when the basin soil is dry, the basin method will be used to irrigate the soil. After about 7-10 days, the seeds germinated and germinated. After emergence, the cover on the basin should be removed and gradually exposed to sunlight. When the seedlings grow to the height of 3cm, the seedlings sown in the shallow pot can be divided and transplanted. Seedlings should be transplanted with soil, otherwise it is not easy to survive. After watering the seedlings in the pot, put them in a semi-shady place, wait for the seedlings to slow down, and then move to a sunny place. The direct broadcast in a small basin can be directly placed in a sunny place to grow. In mid-April or early May, the seedling basin can be moved out of the outdoor culture, and timely watering often keep the basin soil moist. When the seedlings grow to 4 leaves, they begin to apply liquid fertilizer, generally 7-10 days after topdressing to mature light liquid fertilizer. When the seedlings grow up, you can change the pot again, but the pot should not be too large. It can be planted in the medium flowerpot of 15-20cm. The strong mother plant was selected when the seed was collected, and the management was strengthened. In the fruiting period, the pods were picked along with ripening, and the pods would crack automatically when they were ripe. Field management. The distance between the plants planted in the field is 25 mi 30 cm, loosen the soil, hoe and water in time.

2. Assist in mimosa culture

Sowing and breeding with seeds can be sowed in both spring and autumn. Before sowing, the seeds can be soaked in warm water of 35 ℃ for 24 hours, sowed in shallow pots and sown in holes in shallow pots. The water is supplied by the soaking method to keep moist. Under the condition of 15 ℃ and 20 ℃, the seedlings emerge in 10 days, and the seedlings are put on the pot when the seedlings are 5 centimeters high. The strong mother plant was selected when the seed was collected, and the management was strengthened. In the fruiting period, the pods were picked along with ripening, and the pods would crack automatically when they were ripe.

3. The management of mimosa is very simple

There are no special requirements for maintenance and management. General soil can be cultivated, the growth period does not need much fertilizer, the application of dilute liquid fertilizer 2murmur3 times, fertilizer should not be too much, leaf green can grow healthily, do not grow in vain, because mimosa is mainly interesting foliage flowers, small is better. The planting technique of mimosa is simple and the management is extensive. The requirements of climate, sunshine and soil are not strict, but the fertile, loose sandy loam is better, like the warm and humid environment.

4. Diseases and insect pests

It is worth noting that mimosa is basically free of diseases and insect pests. If there are slugs, you can control them with fresh lime powder in the morning.

The culture method of mimosa how to raise mimosa, the method of mimosa culture

Nowadays, people are more and more interested in raising animals and plants. They use their own plants to decorate their warm and lovely home, so that we can enjoy the fun of planting and have a decorative effect. Why not kill two birds with one stone? The following editor will take a look at how mimosa should be raised. Breeding method: potted plants when you touch the leaves of mimosa, it will slowly close, very strange. And its flowers are like furry pink balls, especially lovely, because of the living habits of mimosa, it is a small plant suitable for potted plants. Watering: because mimosa belongs to tropical plants and loves the humid environment very much, we should always keep the basin soil moist, and in summer we should water the basin soil according to the situation of the basin soil, about once a day. Do not let the soil dry, but also often spray water to the plants, and reduce the amount of water to prevent freezing damage in winter. Fertilization: mimosa does not have high requirements for soil, general soil is fine, but if you want mimosa to grow better, you can choose loose and fertile soil, or use a mixture of rotten leaf soil and sandy soil. you can also use only rotten leaf soil, and humus soil is also a good choice. Sunshine: mimosa likes sunshine, so putting it in a sunny place is very conducive to its growth, but if there is too little sunshine, it is not conducive to its growth. Precautions: first, to prevent frost injury, mimosa is suitable for growing in a warm environment, and the suitable temperature is between 20 and 28 degrees. If the temperature is too low, it will hinder its growth. Because the winter temperature is too low, so less watering, avoid freezing damage to the roots, watering time is about the highest temperature of the day, if the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, it is best to give certain protection measures. Second, prevention of diseases and insect pests, mimosa in general, there are few diseases and insect pests, and the most common pest is slug, if pests are found, you can sprinkle some lime powder for control. Third, fertilize according to your own situation when fertilizing, and mimosa can be fertilized about once a month. If you think that the growth of potted mimosa is too large and good-looking, you can give up fertilization to mimosa. Summary: the above is the introduction of mimosa culture, if you still need, you can search the Internet for other relevant information, so that you can better cultivate mimosa. Here, the editor wishes you all a happy breeding and happy life. More information: | what does white rose mean | what plant is protected against computer radiation | geranium | cultivation methods and precautions of azaleas | Golden Cymbidium | | Lavender florescence | Indoor foliage plants | Parthenocissus | Lilium foliage | efficacy and function of mint | Culture method of mimosa | | how to raise succulent plants | Osmanthus | efficacy and function of gynostemma pentaphyllum | hand-made roses | Efficacy and function of Honeysuckle | Kumquat |

How to raise mimosa, how to raise mimosa

Nowadays, people are more and more interested in raising animals and plants. They use their own plants to decorate their warm and lovely home, so that we can enjoy the fun of planting and have a decorative effect. Why not kill two birds with one stone? The following editor will take a look at how mimosa should be raised. Breeding method: potted plants when you touch the leaves of mimosa, it will slowly close, very strange. And its flowers are like furry pink balls, especially lovely, because of the living habits of mimosa, it is a small plant suitable for potted plants. Watering: because mimosa belongs to tropical plants and loves the humid environment very much, we should always keep the basin soil moist, and in summer we should water the basin soil according to the situation of the basin soil, about once a day. Do not let the soil dry, but also often spray water to the plants, and reduce the amount of water to prevent freezing damage in winter. Fertilization: mimosa does not have high requirements for soil, general soil is fine, but if you want mimosa to grow better, you can choose loose and fertile soil, or use a mixture of rotten leaf soil and sandy soil. you can also use only rotten leaf soil, and humus soil is also a good choice. Sunshine: mimosa likes sunshine, so putting it in a sunny place is very conducive to its growth, but if there is too little sunshine, it is not conducive to its growth. Precautions: first, to prevent frost injury, mimosa is suitable for growing in a warm environment, and the suitable temperature is between 20 and 28 degrees. If the temperature is too low, it will hinder its growth. Because the winter temperature is too low, so less watering, avoid freezing damage to the roots, watering time is about the highest temperature of the day, if the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, it is best to give certain protection measures. Second, prevention of diseases and insect pests, mimosa in general, there are few diseases and insect pests, and the most common pest is slug, if pests are found, you can sprinkle some lime powder for control. Third, fertilize according to your own situation when fertilizing, and mimosa can be fertilized about once a month. If you think that the growth of potted mimosa is too large and good-looking, you can give up fertilization to mimosa. Summary: the above is the introduction of mimosa culture, if you still need, you can search the Internet for other relevant information, so that you can better cultivate mimosa. Here, the editor wishes you all a happy breeding and happy life.