
Violet planting method Analysis of key points of Violet planting

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Violets, also known as grass violets, sweet-scented osmanthus, many people want to grow violets themselves, together decorate the net editor to remind you that when planting violets, you must first master some relevant knowledge. Here, let's learn more about the planting methods of violets with a decorated network editor.

Violet, also known as grass violet, grass osmanthus, many people want to grow their own violet, together with the decoration network Xiaobian remind you, when planting violet, must first master certain related knowledge, the following and together with the decoration network Xiaobian to understand in detail what violet planting methods.

Violet planting method Analysis of key points of Violet planting

How to plant violets

1. Sowing: usually sowed in the basin from September to October, the seed is small, and there is no need to cover soil or shallow soil after sowing. Sowing should not be dense, otherwise it is easy to suffer from sudden collapse disease. The optimum temperature for germination was 20: 22. After sowing, the pot was covered with glass and germinated for about 2 weeks. Because the double flower is sterile, the seeds can only be collected from the single flower plant in the double flower line.

2. Insertion: mainly used for the reproduction of double petal varieties which are not easy to bear fruit.

Key points of Violet planting

1. Planting and potting

Like fertile, loose and well-drained neutral and alkaline sandy soil, and avoid acidic soil. It is a taproot plant, which is not tolerant to transplantation and should be broadcast directly. If you want to transplant seedlings, you should take more soil early and try not to hurt the roots. It is appropriate to choose dwarf species for potted plants. After the cotyledons of the seedlings are unfolded, the flowers and seedlings are planted in a pot with a diameter of 10 cm. When there are 6 or 7 leaves, turn the basin into a basin with a caliber of 17cm and 20cm. Pot substrate can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, garden soil, rice chaff ash and other materials.

2. Temperature

Like the cool summer, warm and humid winter environment, the most suitable temperature for growth is 10-25 °. It has a certain ability to tolerate cold, can endure a low temperature of-5 °in winter, and can overwinter in the open field in the Yangtze River basin, but it is appropriate to put a cold room for pot planting to overwinter. The seedlings must grow at a low temperature of 5-15 °for 18-20 days, otherwise it will be difficult to bloom. The optimum temperature for flower bud differentiation is 15-20 °. Avoid extreme heat, plants often wither and die at high temperatures in midsummer.

3. Lighting

Enjoy plenty of sunshine and receive 3-4 hours of direct sunlight every day, which can make the flowers more beautiful and bloom longer. For long-day shining flowers, if the light time is extended by 4 to 5 hours a day, the plant can blossom ahead of time. It is not resistant to shade, and the plant grows poorly when it passes the shade. But at the height of summer, proper shading is needed to prevent leaves from being burned.

4. Watering

Like the moist soil environment. Because the leaf surface is fluffy, so it is slightly resistant to drought. During the growth period, it should be fully watered to keep the basin soil moist. When it is too dry, the stems and leaves will become smaller and hardened, and the growth is irregular, and the flowering period is delayed. However, avoid watering too much, high temperature and humidity can easily lead to the death of rotten roots. In winter, due to small seedlings, coupled with low temperature, plant growth is not fast, water demand is not much, watering should not dry do not irrigate, watering should prevent wet leaves, otherwise leaves will spot rot.

5. Fertilization

Very resistant to fertilizer, topdressing fertilizer once or twice a month during the growth period. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied more, otherwise the plant will grow too much, affect flowering, and even only grow leaves without flowering. The application of available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering can make the flowers blossom brightly. Because the whole body is pilose, use hands to gently lift the leaves when fertilizing, do not let fertilizer and water stain the leaves, otherwise the leaves will spot and rot, and even the plant will die.

6. Pruning

Coring should be carried out when the seedlings grow 9-10 leaves to make the plants more branched and blossom. When the high dry seed grows to 50 to 60 centimeters, it should be supported on a stand so as not to break the flower stem.

7. Pest control

There are diseases and insect pests such as downy mildew, root rot, virus, root-knot nematode and diamondback moth.

The selection and display of flowers and plants at home are fastidious daily love letters: the most embarrassing thing in the world is not that he doesn't love you, but that he says he loves you very much but easily gives up your wonderful tips: click on the top blue account name to follow, reply to any number 0-9, and you can get your New year's signature; reply to any letter aMuz, view constellation analysis, love quiz! The choice and display of some flowers in the family is very fastidious, indoor greening can make people physically and mentally happy, but also can reduce air pollution. Then the selection and placement of flowers also have principles, the choice of flowers is also fastidious, most flowers are the best plants to clean up air pollution. The placement and selection of flowers are also principled, which flowers are suitable for the kitchen and those flowers are fastidious in the living room, let's talk about the selection and display of green plants in the home. First, the main points of the choice of important home space 1, the bedroom is a place to rest at night, is a warm space. The greening of the bedroom mainly plays a role in embellishment. You can choose some foliage plants, such as succulent and serous plants, water moss plants or small bonsai with light colors to create a quiet, comfortable and soft indoor environment. General bedroom space is not big, in the coffee table, desk can place "mini" small flowers, good light windowsill put begonia, geranium, etc., in the high cabinet to put small foliage plants; low cupboard can be placed butterfly, duck foot grass. Arrange corresponding flowers according to the needs of age and interest, young people's bedrooms can place fresh cut flowers and potted flowers with strong color contrast; bedrooms for the elderly should not place large potted flowers on the windowsill to affect indoor light. Flower baskets and flowerpots should not be hung in the bedroom to avoid dripping flowerpots. The study is a room for reading, writing and drawing. Potted flowers or small rock bonsai can be properly arranged indoors. But the color and shape of the tree should be vibrant. Decorate the desk with roses, chrysanthemums, sword orchids and other bright vases or put 1-2 pots of asparagus, five-needle pine, Phoenix tail bamboo or hanging 1-2 pots of orchids to show gentleness and elegance, which is helpful for the host to concentrate and reduce fatigue. In short, the greening purpose of the study should be less rather than more, small rather than big. The greening of the kitchen should be functional and convenient for cooking. Such as hanging flowerpots on the wall, etc. 2, kitchen greening should pay attention to the color of flowers, mainly white, cool color, light color, in order to reflect the cool sense of the environment and the spacious sense of space. The restaurant is an important place for the whole family to get together and have dinner every day. The potted flower arrangement of indoor greening should pay attention to the change and contrast of flower color, so as to help to increase appetite and enliven the atmosphere. 3. The living room should choose potted flowers or baskets and bonsai with high ornamental value, graceful posture and deep color. The two sides of the door, windowsill, flower rack can be arranged with luxuriant and drooping small potted flowers, design and color should be in harmony with the furniture environment or slightly contrast. Potted Indian rubber trees and coconuts are used on both sides of the sofa and at the corner of the wall, and bright flower arrangements can be arranged appropriately on the coffee table; small bonsai decorated on the table should not be placed in the center of the table, so as not to affect the line of sight of the host and guests. In the larger living room, can use local space to create a three-dimensional garden, highlight the main plant, the performance of the host character, but also can use hanging flower basket layout, in order to plane decoration space. In the smaller living room, it is not appropriate to put too many large and medium-sized bonsai so as not to appear crowded. "you can't do without flowers, but you can't spend too much." Second, using flowers and green plants to improve wealth, whether it is ancient houses or modern homes, people like to put plants in their rooms, because planting plants indoors will not only create a perfect living space for people's living environment. And in the decoration fengshui, plants can also make the family happy and auspicious, husband and wife love and harmony, people can get along with each other, respect and love each other, to achieve the effect of prosperous family wealth, the following will introduce to you the six space plants that are suitable for placing household plants. 1. There are green leaves in the living room, gathering wealth and vitality the living room is a place with the most functions at home, where friends get together, take a break, watch TV and so on, which is a very important activity space. The fengshui of the living room is related to the harmony of the family and the cultivation of interpersonal context, which will eventually affect the luck and prospects of the family. The layout of the financial position of the living room is also very important, if you have wealth, everything goes well, then what plants are suitable for the living room and what plants are not suitable for the living room? 1) Don't forget the foliage plants in the living room: large potted plants such as rich bamboo, Penglai pine, Luohansong and so on can be placed at the entrance of the living room, in the corner of the hall, beside the stairs; small foliage plants can be placed on the coffee table and low cabinets. Medium-sized foliage plants and hanging plants and false embankments, ivy, duck grass, etc., can gather wealth and gain weight. 2) coniferous plants are easy to scatter wealth plants that are not suitable for display in the living room: cactus, rhododendron and other living room financial positions are the most suitable to place large-leaf plants, but coniferous plants or needle-like plants, such as rhododendron, rose, cactus, etc., are absolutely not suitable to be placed at home, otherwise the family will take turns getting sick. [pagebreak] 2, there are potted plants in the kitchen, beautification and wealth the kitchen is the dirtiest place in the family air, the existence of plants is most needed to purify the air, and the location of the kitchen also affects the family's wealth and health, putting appropriate plants in the kitchen can not only improve the home environment, but also improve the fleeting years. 1) East red, south green, west yellow and north orange have rich plants in the kitchen: hanging orchid, begonia, impatiens, green pineapple, geranium, etc. If your kitchen is located in the south, placing foliage plants such as green pineapple helps to save and reduce the tendency to spend wastefully; if in other directions, putting red flowers near the table / refrigerator is good for health and money. If located in the west, golden flowers, daffodils or tricolor violets should be placed by the window, which can not only block the evil atmosphere of the setting sun, but also bring wealth; while in the north, pink and orange flowers should be placed, which can add vitality to the interior. 2) Noble and luxurious plants are not suitable for the kitchen to gather wealth, plants that are not suitable for display in the kitchen: orchids, crane orchids and other kitchen places are generally and relatively small, and the cooking fumes in the kitchen are many and the temperature is high, so it is not suitable to put large potted plants and some delicate and difficult varieties, and large potted plants are easy to block the wealth of the kitchen, while delicate varieties are not easy to survive in the kitchen, easy to corrupt kitchen feng shui, resulting in loose wealth. 3. If you want the dining room to be rich, the yellow series can't forget that the dining room is often a place where the family gets together, one of the main areas related to the health of the family, and also an important space that affects the wealth. Therefore, the fengshui of the dining room not only affects the health of the family, but also affects the wealth of the whole family. 1) Dining room prosperous wealth plant elected mother's flower dining room prosperous wealth plant: yellow rose, carnation, yellow Jasminum and so on the dining room is the mother diligent achievement display place, is the place where we feel the family warmth, put the orange plant mainly in the dining room, not only can increase the appetite, promote the health, but also can add the family peaceful atmosphere, the common saying goes and everything is happy. Are you still afraid of the lack of financial resources? 2) poisonous plants damage money and healthy plants in the dining room are not suitable for display: oleander, mandala and other dining rooms are places where we eat, so we should avoid poisonous plants such as oleander, although they are beautiful and enchanting, on the one hand, they are easy to eat by accident, and on the other hand, it is easy to damage money by bad feng shui, so it is better to avoid them. 4, the bedroom has delicate fragrance, Mengtian fortune good bedroom is the place where we rest, and it is also the place where we stay for the longest time, so the fengshui of the bedroom has a great influence on the family. Generally speaking, the bedroom should be clean, serene and warm. So what kind of plant is suitable to be placed in the bedroom to make the family prosperous and prosperous? 1) the bedroom prosperous wealth is optimized for fragrant plants such as hanging orchids, lilies, evening fragrant jade, calla lilies, cactus and so on. Putting these plants in the bedroom can improve the bedroom atmosphere to achieve a tranquil, tranquil and gentle effect, so that the relationship between husband and wife is harmonious, children are quiet, and get rest in warmth and quietness. at the same time, it can improve the bedroom feng shui and bring good fortune. 2) fragrant plants affect the wealth of the bedroom and the plants that are not suitable for display in the bedroom: orchids, Chinese roses, pine and cypress flowers, nocturnal incense, tulips and other plants either send out rich fragrances that make people feel uncomfortable. either the aroma irritates the body's stomach and intestines and affects the mood, or it will emit particles, which can easily cause allergies and diseases, and spoil the bedroom feng shui, which not only affects the health of the family, but also affects the wealth. 5, bathroom rich plants, when the modern house design can dance with the water, most of the toilets are connected to the bathroom. According to the traditional fengshui theory, the good and bad luck of the toilet bathroom is taboo, except that the toilet bathroom should be pressed on the evil side, other aspects are rarely mentioned. To adjust home bathroom fengshui, as long as some shady plants are planted in the bathroom, it can not only improve the air and smell in the space, but also adjust the family's health and wealth through placement in different directions. So what kind of plants are suitable for display in the bathroom? 1) Sanitary ware prosperous shady plants can not lack sanitary bath prosperous plants: ferns, hanging orchids, ivy, green apple, rich trees, sunflower, hulk, peacock bamboo taro and other bathroom plants fengshui is often ignored by us, but planting plants in the bathroom can not only purify the air, but also flourish the home, such as planting tall shady plants can make you rich. 2) Yang xerophyte is not suitable for sanitary bath prosperous financial bathroom is not suitable for display plants: aloe bathroom had better not put sunny flowering plants or solar plants, because the bathroom is generally more humid, dark, so, sunny plants are not easy to survive, this not only can not play the role of absorbing filth, but also destroy fengshui, affect financial luck. 6, the spring garden gathers the balcony, the balcony of the rich and prosperous family is relatively empty, and the sunshine is sufficient, so it is suitable to plant all kinds of brightly colored flowers and evergreen plants, and put some flowers and plants on the balcony, in addition to beautifying the environment, there are also good effects of fengshui. In the house fengshui environment transformation, the balcony fengshui environment is the same as human eyes, can not be underestimated. Which plants are suitable to be placed on the balcony to have a thriving effect? 1) the balcony prosperous wealth plants have auspicious name balcony prosperous wealth plants: evergreen, money tree, iron tree, palm bamboo, rubber tree, rich tree and cash tree put these plants on the balcony can reap the effect of prosperity, replenish the qi and blood of the house, ensure the safety of the house, and be beneficial to the transportation of money at home. 2) the plants that should not be planted on the balcony are mainly some vines such as Parthenocissus. These plants are easy to shade the balcony, making the room dark and dark. How can you grow prosperous and take money?! Third, the use of flowers and green plants clear interior decoration pollution for the newly decorated house, you will always be perplexed by some strong or light smell. How to remove the smell has become a problem for many new owners. In fact, there are many ways, the best way is to make the room ventilated, if you selectively put some plants for the new house, it will be more helpful to purify the air. So, what kind of plants should be put? The editor introduces you according to the characteristics of all kinds of plants. 1. Benzene removal plants are recommended to select plants according to the degree of indoor environmental pollution. Generally, when the indoor environmental pollution is slightly polluted and the pollution value is less than twice the national standard, plant purification can get a better effect. Stupid after the decoration of the new house is the most common residual household gas pollution. Ivy: go to benzene master ivy, also known as Fenghe pear vine, long ivy and so on. Ivy is a very popular indoor large potted plant, especially in the wider living room, study and living room, which can not only be used as embellishment, but also play a certain role in purifying the air. Ivy leaves can purify indoor air and absorb harmful gases such as benzene and formaldehyde emitted by furniture and decoration, bringing great benefits to human health. Iron tree: purifies the air iron tree evergreen wood, because it is the evergreen wood characteristic, therefore can bring the good effect for the home air purification. The iron tree is easy to manage and is very suitable for ventilation in the new house. Rose: the queen of the flower, known as the queen of the flower, also known as "the red moon". The aroma of rose has a unique effect on the absorption of stupid, for friends who want to move in immediately after the decoration of the new house, it is very suitable! It is not only beautiful but also can purify the air. Evergreen: to improve the air evergreen is a perennial evergreen herb, also known as winter does not wither, winter does not wither grass and so on. Evergreen this plant can effectively remove trichloroethylene pollution in the air, but also remove sulfur hydrogen, benzene, phenol, hydrogen fluoride, ether and other harmful gases, is an excellent plant to improve indoor air. 2, except for formaldehyde plants, newly painted walls or furniture have a strong paint smell, which is mainly attributed to formaldehyde. To remove the smell of paint, you can use charcoal and many ornamental plants to remove the smell. Hanging orchid: "air purifier" hanging orchid, also known as weeping pot grass, laurel orchid, hook orchid, folding crane orchid. In addition, there is a kind of hanging orchid called "farewell crane", which is not only beautiful, but also effective in absorbing toxic gases. A pot of hanging orchids in 810 square meters of the room is equivalent to an air purifier, even if the room has not been decorated, raising a pot of hanging orchids is also very beneficial to people's health. Tiger tail orchid: adsorption odor, also known as brocade orchid, belongs to the tequila family. Tiger tail orchid leaves have a strong ability to adapt to the environment, the flowers and leaves of tiger tail orchid also play a great role in the absorption of odor, placed in the living room is not only beautiful but also practical. Aloe: nutritious multi-effect aloe is a kind of Liliaceae herbaceous plant and a perennial succulent herb of Liliaceae. It is rich in polysaccharides, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, active enzymes and trace elements which are very beneficial to the human body. The benefits of aloe vera are well known, and the absorption of formaldehyde smell is self-evident. It is suitable to be placed on the table in the bedroom or living room, which is conducive to the adsorption of formaldehyde at home. African chrysanthemum: fine hair absorbs impurities African chrysanthemum, belongs to Compositae perennial herb, alias sunflower, gorilla chrysanthemum, sunflower, etc., the fine hair of African chrysanthemum has a good adsorption effect on the impurities in the air, just decorated home, put a pot of African chrysanthemum in the living room, can help absorb too much formaldehyde in the room. 3. Ammonia removal plants recommend that the purification of indoor environment is directly related to the leaf surface area of plants, so the height of plant, the size of crown diameter and the amount of green will affect the purification effect. In general, it is more appropriate to put two pots of plants 1.5 meters high in a room of about 10 square meters. The following ammonia removal plants can be placed in the room. White palm: filter waste gas expert white palm, alias bract taro. White palm is known as "the expert who can filter indoor exhaust gas" in Europe, which is effective in dealing with ammonia, acetone, benzene and formaldehyde. It began to be used in potted plants at the beginning of the 20th century and became very popular in Europe in the 1980s. White crane taro is regarded as a "innocent flower" with the meaning of purity, serenity and peace. Weeping-leaf banyan: purifying the ambient air-weeping banyan, also known as fine-leaf banyan. Its air roots, bark, leaf buds and fruits can be used for heat-clearing and detoxification, dispelling wind, cooling blood and so on. In addition to the efficacy, weeping leaf banyan can also purify the air, as a home bonsai is a very good choice! Peppermint: sterilized peppermint is a perennial perennial herb, also known as mint, Rendan grass. The menthol released from peppermint not only has the effect of cool fragrance, but also has the wonderful use of sterilization and disinfection. it can neutralize and remove ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and other pollution in the home. Tequila: absorbing impurity gas tequila, also known as tequila palm, flax, is one of the important materials for indoor and outdoor garden layout in the south. Evergreen leaves are easy to take care of, strong leaves are particularly effective for absorbing impurities in the air, and tequila can absorb excess ammonia in the home.

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