
Water lily cultivation methods and precautions inventory

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Water lily is a flower, leaves are very beautiful aquatic ornamental plants, so many people will be in the home breeding, together with the decoration network Xiaobian remind you, in the breeding of water lily, must first master certain related knowledge, the following and together with the decoration network Xiaobian to understand in detail what methods of breeding water lily

Water lilies are very beautiful aquatic ornamental plants with beautiful flowers and leaves, so many people will breed them in the middle of their homes. The editor reminds you that when you cultivate water lilies, you must first master some relevant knowledge. Here, let's learn more about the methods of cultivating water lilies.

Planting methods of water lilies and matters needing attention

Planting mode of water lilies

First, cylinder planting

When planting, a non-bottom hole flower jar with high 50cm and as large diameter as possible is selected, and a well-mixed nutrient soil is placed in the flowerpot, and the filling depth is controlled at 30~40cm, which is convenient for water storage. The well-growing vegetative form is buried in the center of the vase, and the depth is slightly exposed to the soil with the terminal bud. After planting, water is added but not filled, and 2~3cm above the soil layer is the best, which is easy to heat up to ensure the survival rate. The water level increases gradually with the growth of the plant. The advantage of this method is that it is convenient to manage, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to overwintering in winter in Beijing-Tianjin area, and it is necessary to move into the greenhouse or sink into the pool.

Second, potted plants are submerged.

Choose non-hole nutrition bowl, high 30cm, caliber 40cm, planting method and nutrient soil such as tank load, fill height about 25cm, sink into the pool after planting, the water level of the pool should be controlled at just submerged nutrition bowl, and then grow and gradually increase the water level. The advantage of this method is that it is easy to overwinter. it only needs to raise the water level in winter to keep the top bud below the ice to overwinter. the disadvantage is that the management must enter the pool and feel the same slightly.

3. Pond cultivation

Choose the pond with fertile soil, at least 30cm deep soil at the bottom, the propagation can be planted directly into the soil, the water level should be shallow at the beginning, controlled at 2~3cm, it is easy to heat up, and gradually increase the water level with the growth. According to different regions, the water level in the pool can be deepened before winter, so that the rhizome can survive the winter under the ice. The advantage is that the population effect is good, the growth is large, and the disadvantage is that it is difficult to dig in the next year, and it is not easy to control diseases and insect pests.

In early spring, put all the water in the pond, apply basic fertilizer (cake manure, barnyard manure, broken bone and superphosphate, etc.), fill the fertilizer soil, and then put the water lily rhizome into the soil, flooded 20~30cm deep, the summer water level can be deeper, can be maintained at 40~50cm, the current should not be too fast. If the water in the pond is too deep, the planting table or trough can be built with brick in the water, or 1m × 1m can be separated by plastic board in the long planting trough, and multiple varieties can be planted, which can avoid the mixing of varieties. It can also be planted in the pot first, and then put into the pool. During the growth period, topdressing can be applied for 1 or 2 times. From July to August, 50g cake powder and 10g urea were wrapped in paper and hand-stuffed into the soil a little further away from the root of the plant, 2-4 packets per plant. Turn the pond once about 3 years after planting to avoid overcrowding and recession. Keep the water depth about 1m before freezing in winter to avoid freezing at the bottom of the pool and damaging the rhizome.

Matters needing attention in water lily culture

1. Water level control

The control of water level is one of the important factors in the normal growth of cold-resistant water lilies. Cold-resistant water lilies have different requirements for water level with different growing periods, so we should pay attention to the control of water level. As the water temperature has a direct effect on the growth and flowering of water lilies, at the initial stage of growth, because the petiole is short and the water level is as shallow as possible, it is appropriate not to let the leaves be exposed to the air, so as to increase the water temperature as soon as possible, promote root growth and improve the survival rate; with the growth of leaves, gradually increase the water level, reach the peak growth period, and reach the maximum value, so that the petiole grows and the leaf increases, which is conducive to the storage of nutrients. In autumn, lower the water level, increase the water temperature, make the leaves get sufficient light and enhance photosynthesis, so as to promote the growth of rhizomes and lateral buds of water lilies and increase the number of vegetative forms in the following year; after the weather turns cool at the end of autumn, the water level gradually deepens and most of the leaves should be kept in order to control vegetative growth. Before the water surface freezes, the water level deepens at one time, according to the historical maximum ice thickness, keep the top bud of water lilies below the ice to survive the winter safely.

2. topdressing at the right time

The principle of topdressing must be not only beneficial to the growth of water lilies, but also no waste in the water, because the waste of fertilizer will lead to eutrophication and accelerate the growth of algae and aquatic plants, and then pollute the water. The fertilizer can be wrapped with tough and absorbent paper, and a few small holes in the bag can be used to release the fertilizer. The fertilizer can be applied in a position away from the center 15~20cm, and the depth is below 10cm. It can also be mixed with wet garden soil or clay and fertilizer in a certain ratio (general soil to chemical fertilizer 10: 1, soil to organic fertilizer 4: 1) and then clutched into a soil ball (it is appropriate to hold hands without sticking and loosening hands). 3 points from the center of the rhizome 15~20cm is radially applied to the lower 10~15cm of the rhizome, and the application is followed by the clutch. The time of topdressing is generally 15 days before the full flowering stage, and once every 15 days to ensure the amount of flowering, but topdressing should not be too much, too much is easy to increase vegetative growth, the number of leaves increases, affecting the overall effect of flowering. Reasonable topdressing can not only prolong the florescence of cold-resistant water lilies, but also increase the number of vegetative forms in the coming year.

The role of water lilies an inventory of the five amazing functions of water lilies

Water lilies are one of our most common ornamental plants, mainly planted in water. Flowers and leaves are of great ornamental value. Let's take a look at the specific functions of water lilies:

The role of water lilies:

The function of water lilies: 1. Ornamental

Water lily is a perennial water herb, is a beautiful ornamental plant with beautiful flowers and leaves, rich in flowers and colors, long flowering period, deeply loved by people, planted on the shore of lakes and ponds, or dotted in the garden waterscape and water rockery corner, has a good ornamental value.

The function of water lilies: 2. Decorate the home

Family potted water lilies not only give people a sense of freshness, but also add interest. The miniature variety in the water lily can be used to decorate the room and plant it in an elegant small basin, coupled with a delicate and elegant basin frame, placed in the right position, then this little life, green leaves, delicate flower buds, looming fragrance, in the bath of indoor light, contrast with other indoor decoration, make people pleasing to the eye and make the room more interesting.

The function of water lily: 3. Purify the water body.

Water lily root can absorb mercury, lead, phenol and other toxic substances in water, but also filter microorganisms in water, so it is a rare plant material for water purification, so it has been paid more and more attention in urban water purification, greening and beautification construction.

The function of water lily: 4. Medicinal use

The rhizome of water lily can be used as medicine, used as a strong agent, astringent, can be used to treat nephritis and so on.

The function of water lilies: 5. Edible

Water lilies have a certain edible value, and the rhizomes are rich in starch, which can be eaten or brewed.

It is well known that the ornamental value of water lilies is high, but it also has many functions, such as purifying water, medicine, food and so on. It is a plant with a wide range of uses. Owners who like water lilies should not miss it. You can plant at home to beautify and decorate your home.

What is the most beautiful flower in the world? Top 10 in Huayu Valley list

We all have our favorite flowers in our hearts. Of course, the most beautiful flower in the world is your favorite flower. It is precisely because each of us likes flowers, so the editor thinks that the flowers listed by everyone in stomach today must have something you like.

Next, let's follow the editor to take an inventory of what flowers are the most beautiful in the world.

1. Birds of paradise

This amazing flower is shaped like a bird of paradise, which is what makes it special. The colorful bird of paradise flower is very tall: the plant of the bird of paradise flower is 1.5 meters tall, and the flower itself is as big as the wellhead. Maybe you can only see the bird of paradise flower in South Africa, but visit your local florist and you will find that it is not only one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, but also one of the most popular flowers.

2. Orchids

Orchids are also famous for their wide variety. They are suitable for growing on any continent except the coldest Antarctica. Incredible orchids, as old as years, as beautiful as raindrops. However, a few centuries ago, orchids were rare and precious, and now they can be found in many homes and offices.

3. Calla lilies

The horseshoe lotus is simple and elegant. Its elegant demeanor was also praised by the Greeks: they named it kallos, which means "beauty". Although horseshoe lotus is an excellent potted flower, you should pay attention to your children and pets, do not let them eat it, horseshoe lotus is highly poisonous.

4. Peony

The big and magnificent peonies in the garden look beautiful, which is why we can always see them in the outdoor setting. These beautiful flowers have been praised by flower experts and ordinary people for hundreds of years. The emperors of China were amazed by its rich fragrance and appearance and called it the national flower.

5. Water lilies

When it comes to one of the most famous and beautiful flowers in the world, water lilies are known all over the world. This is not only because of its wide variety and wide distribution, but also because of its romantic flower shape. In the poet's poems, it is a symbol of love; famous artists paint it, and many photographers shoot it. They are one of Mother Nature's masterpieces.

6. Egg flower

Egg flower is the flower of a small tropical tree. Its 5-petal flower is very beautiful and exquisite, and it is also easy to plant. It only needs a lot of sunlight and very little water. The fragrance of the flowers is very strong, especially at night, which is one of the reasons why this kind of floret is so unique.

7. Cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms are the most precious flowers in Japan, and they also look extremely beautiful. There is nothing more poetic than cherry trees with blossoms. It is not surprising that Japan, which loves beautiful and peaceful scenes, loves cherry blossoms more than all flowers.

8. Roses

Roses are the most famous flowers in the world. For centuries, full-flowered and brightly colored roses have been favored by people of all races, no matter under any circumstances or on any occasion. Depending on the color of the design, they have a lot of symbolic meaning. Roses may not be strange or new to you, but they are definitely one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, which is exactly why we all love them.

9. Hyacinth

Hyacinth is the flower of spring, decorating many gardens in the world. However, thanks to the efforts of florists, many wonderful hyacinths have been cultivated, so today we can see them at any time of the year. They are very special flowers, very sensitive. Once cut, their beauty and fragrance will disappear quickly. They are also suitable for potted plants, so you can enjoy them indoors and in the garden at the same time.

10. Gerbera

Although it is at the bottom of the list, many people must have put it at the top of the list. African chrysanthemum is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Its strange patterns and strong colors made me choose it on this list. In its country of origin, South Africa, it is also known as the "rich flower", probably because of its amazing, strong, and sometimes dazzling colors that combine several colors.