
How to cultivate perfume lilies detailed explanation of culture methods of perfume lily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Perfume lily is the queen of lilies, and its petals are always so confidently open. The queen will never feel lost. Everything about her is so straightforward and direct. The editor reminds you that when you cultivate perfume lilies, you must first master some relevant knowledge.

Perfume lily is the queen of lilies, and its petals are always so confidently open. The queen will never feel lost. Everything about her is so straightforward and direct. The editor of the decoration network reminds you that when you cultivate perfume lilies, you must first master some relevant knowledge. Let's take a detailed look at it with the decoration network editor.

How to cultivate perfume lilies detailed explanation of culture methods of perfume lily

How to raise perfume lilies

The main results are as follows: 1. Soil: perfume lily likes fertile soil, humus is deep, hard clay is the most avoid; slightly acidic soil with good drainage is better, and the soil pH value is 5.5-6.5.

2. Watering: watering only needs to keep the basin soil moist, and the basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise the bulbs are easy to rot.

3. Illumination: potted lilies have different requirements for light intensity in different growth periods, and shading treatment should be carried out in the bud stage, such as proper shading when the leaf temperature is too high, and in other growth periods, it is necessary to strengthen light, especially in the flower development period: perfume lilies grow and bloom at 16 ℃ and 24 ℃, and the growth is almost stopped below 5 ℃ or above 30 ℃. Growth stagnates when it exceeds 25 ℃. If the night temperature in winter is lower than 5 ℃ and lasts for 5-7 days, flower bud differentiation and bud development will be seriously affected, and flowering will be delayed or even blind flowers and flower cracks will be delayed.

4. Fertilization: lilies need more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and should be applied every 10 to 15 days during the growing period, while the supply of phosphate fertilizer should be limited, because too much phosphate fertilizer will lead to withered and yellow leaves. (additional phosphate fertilizer can be applied for 1 to 2 days at flowering stage)

5. Diseases and insect pests:

The main results are as follows: (1) Botrytis cinerea: 500 times solution of carbendan, topazine and Dysen zinc were used for control.

(2) blight: soak 15 with Fumison 500 times solution or 40% formaldehyde 50 times solution before planting hot agricultural investment net.

(3) Root rot: the diseased plant needs to be removed and then disinfected with dimethazone soil.

(4) pests: aphids, mites, grubs and ground tigers should be controlled with omethoate, dicofol and poison bait.

6. Pruning: in order to enrich the bulb, the lily after flowering can be cut off from the root to reduce nutrient consumption, because flowering has consumed a lot of nutrients of the ball. If you want to keep the ball, you should continue to fertilize and replenish the ball. After a month, you can dig out the ball, cut the whisker root, put it in the refrigerator for a period of time, break dormancy and plant it later, but the quality of the flower will decline.

Propagation methods of perfume lilies

(1) bulb propagation

The number of bulbs is small, so it can not be the main method of reproduction, but it can be used.

(2) bulblet propagation

Purple-black bulbs like bulbs can be used to reproduce.

(3) seed propagation

Lily seeds are divided into fast hairstyle and slow hairstyle. Slow seed germination goes through the process of storage-rooting-bulblet growth-flowering, while fast seed germination is relatively shorter.

(4) Cuttage propagation

The stems and leaves of lilies near the ground can grow again in water or in wet soil.

A detailed explanation of Paek Sul Hui's breeding methods

✿ related reading recommended ✿ green maple ✿ Benlong ✿ Eichhornia crassipes ✿ Saxifraga (◕ Saxifraga) flower bonsai, plant culture, please pay attention to the Merlot flower bonsai area! Paek Sul Hui is a perennial succulent herb native to Guatemala, Belize, Mexico and other countries in Central and South America. It is nicknamed White Silk Grass and should have a warm and moist value. Today, the editor will briefly introduce Paek Sul Hui's breeding method. Paek Sul Hui is a perennial succulent herb. Plants tufted, stems erect or slightly creeping, 15-20 cm tall, stout fleshy stems hard and straight, covered with densely white long hairs. Leaves alternate, green or brownish green, slightly fleshy, long ovate, leaves ca. 2 cm long and 1 cm wide, also covered with dense white hairs. The floret is purplish pink, born at the top of the stem. . Paek Sul Hui should have a warm, humid environment and adequate and soft sunshine, be resistant to semi-shade and drought, avoid scorching sun exposure and basin soil stagnant water. The suitable temperature for growth was 16 ~ 24 ℃. . under this condition, the plant can be maintained in a place with bright light and no direct sunlight. If the light is not enough, it will make the plant grow too long, the distance between leaves and leaves will be lengthened, and the white hairs on stems and leaves will be sparse, which will affect the ornamental; if the light is too strong, the leaves will be brown and affect their beauty. Paek Sul Hui's reproduction can be combined with changing pots to split plants. the method is to pour the dense plants out of the basin and divide them into plants. the stems with tips can also be cut in sand or vermiculite during the growing season and placed in semi-shade to keep the soil moist without stagnant water. Under the condition of 20-25 ℃, it can take root in about 2 weeks. . Paek Sul Hui keeps the basin soil moist without stagnant water during the growing period. when the air is dry, clean water can be sprayed to the plant and the surrounding ground, but water droplets can not stay on the leaf surface for a long time, otherwise it will cause leaf rot. Apply mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer once a month, but the amount of fertilizer should not be too much, so as to avoid excessive growth of stems and leaves and make the plant shape messy. . summer high temperature can be properly shaded, and strengthen ventilation, otherwise it will cause plant rot due to muggy and humid. Keep it in a sunny place indoors in winter and control watering. 8: 10 ℃ can safely survive the winter. Due to the rapid growth of plants, it is necessary to prune and shape the over-long stems in time, and remove the yellowing and withered leaves in the lower part, so as to keep the plant shape clean and beautiful. . because the plant is covered with long hair, it is difficult to remove it after being stained with dirt, so extra care should be taken when applying fertilizer to prevent the plant from being contaminated by fertilizer liquid, and the flowerpot should be kept in a clean indoor place to avoid outdoor rain contaminating the leaves. . Conclusion: Paek Sul Hui maintenance is also relatively simple, very suitable for family cultivation and appreciation, often for small potted plants, decorated with a few cases, desks, windowsills and other places, fresh and elegant, quite distinctive. That's all for today's introduction of Paek Sul Hui breeding methods. Thank you for your appreciation. If you still want to know the characteristics of other plants, you can click on the link below for more information waiting for you. [article source] Flower bonsai

✿ flower bonsai ✿

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Detailed explanation of soil culture methods and matters needing attention of Fugui bamboo

Rich bamboo symbolizes the meaning of good luck and wealth, so many people like rich bamboo very much, especially in the bedroom, living room, study, office and other indoor environment. Many adults hope that it can bring good fortune and good luck, and make their lives more beautiful and rich. However, there are still many people who do not have a special understanding of rich bamboo, especially the breeding methods of rich bamboo. There are two culture methods of rich bamboo, one is soil culture, the other is water culture, the following editor will introduce the rich bamboo soil culture method for you, and what matters needing attention should be paid attention to in the process of culture? Let more and more people learn how to cultivate rich bamboos and make their lives more colorful. The rich bamboo is a kind of evergreen herbaceous plant, which not only has very high ornamental value, but also can help people purify the air, so that people can live a healthy and happy life in a comfortable and fresh environment every day. Rich bamboo is becoming more and more affected by the environment. There are four kinds of rich bamboo, the golden heart rich bamboo, the color is green yellow and golden yellow stripes, the plant is relatively stout, the leaves are generally dark green; silver heart rich bamboo, it is very similar to gold heart rich bamboo, but its leaves have white longitudinal stripes in the middle; Phnom Penh rich bamboo, the edge of the leaf is golden yellow, and silver rich bamboo is corresponding to each other. Silver edge rich bamboo, the edge of the leaf has silver-white broadband, very eye-catching. Rich bamboo has a very high ornamental value in the four seasons, especially evergreen in winter and summer. Its green and graceful branches give people a sense of energetic and inspiring strength. It is often cultivated as a potted plant and is highly ornamental. The propagation method of Phyllostachys pubescens generally uses the method of cutting propagation, which is the most luxuriant season in summer, so it is the best world in the mildew and rainy season from June to July. In the process of cutting, mature branches should be selected, the length is 10cm, the time grows in coarse sand, the temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius, after cutting, the world begins to take root in a month or so, and it can be transplanted into the basin after two months of rooting. In the process of growth, to choose wettability, you can use water spray to increase the humidity of the air and fertilize the world every half a month. The basin can be changed and pruned from April to May of each year, which is conducive to the sprouting of new branches. It should be placed in a shady environment and watered more, so that the basin can not become dry. Soil culture method of Phyllostachys pubescens 1. The ability of soil rich bamboo to adapt to the environment is very good, and it is suitable to grow in clay and sandy soil. it likes to grow in the sandy soil of loose, fertile and well-drained humus. It can also be planted with a mixture of special plant nutrient soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand. In the process of breeding, the pot is changed every two years, which is conducive to the healthy growth of rich bamboo. Second, light rich bamboo likes to grow in a warm environment, but avoid high temperature, can not grow under the summer sun, potted culture can be placed under the window and balcony, avoid direct sunlight, can give a certain amount of light, this is conducive to its healthy growth, otherwise the leaves will be dim or golden, there is no good ornamental value.

Third, watering rich bamboo is suitable to grow in the environment of 20-30 degrees Celsius, keep it at 10 degrees Celsius in winter, it is not resistant to low temperature freezing damage. In the process of growth, you need to keep the air master, otherwise the leaves will become dim. You can spray water on the leaves to maintain its humidity, and it can also increase the humidity of the growing environment. Fourth, the environmental requirements of fertilizing rich bamboo are not so strict, especially the requirements of fertilization, but still have a certain amount of topdressing in the process of growth. Use chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers for liquid fertilization, use a small amount of chemical fertilizers frequently, and need to water some water after fertilizing. Fifth, to prevent diseases and insect pests rich bamboo in the process of growth will appear leaf spot, root rot, stem rot and other virus harm, you can use 100 times Bordeaux solution sprayed on the leaves, so that it can be prevented. Pests include thrips and shell insects, which can be sprayed with 1000 omethoate and EC, which can help kill insects effectively. Matters needing attention in soil culture of rich bamboos in the process of cultivating rich bamboos, you don't need to spend much thought, as long as you can make rich bamboos thrive according to the editor's. However, in the process of breeding, it is necessary to change water frequently, and when some leaves turn yellow, photosynthesis and fertilization should be carried out. When rotten leaves or roots appear, they should be disposed of in time so as not to spread. Do not prevent him from having electrical appliances next to him, so as to prevent the leaf tip and edge from drying up. Conclusion: the above is the detailed explanation of the soil culture methods and matters needing attention of rich bamboo introduced by the editor. I hope that more and more people will breed rich bamboo with very high ornamental value. This not only beautifies the environment, but also clears the air. Why not do such a good thing? if you want to know more about the breeding methods of rich bamboos, please follow the editor's website all the time. Thank you for your appreciation.

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