
Culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise-backed bamboo

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When I first saw it, the editor thought it was a kind of turtle. (scientific name: Monsteradeliciosa). Also known as Penglai banana, Euphorbia, evergreen vine. The stem is stout; the young leaves are heart-shaped without holes, and when they grow up, they are broadly ovate and pinnately parted; there are oval perforations between the veins and the leaves are long stalked.

When I first saw it, the editor thought it was a kind of turtle. (scientific name: Monstera deliciosa). Also known as "Penglai banana", "Euphorbia", evergreen vine. The stem is stout; the young leaves are heart-shaped without holes, and when they grow up, they are widely ovate and pinnately parted; there are oval perforations between the veins of the leaves, and the leaves are long-stalked and dark green. Buddha flame inflorescence, Buddha flame boat-shaped, November flowering, yellowish. There are brown air roots on the stem, shaped like electric wires, hence the name "electric grass"; the leaves are oval, in the shape of tortoise shell-shaped veins scattered with many oblong holes and deep cracks, its shape is like a tortoise shell pattern, and the stem has nodes like bamboo stems, hence the name "tortoise back bamboo". Fleshy inflorescence, the whole flower is shaped like a "table lamp", with a lampshade and a light bulb. Below, the editor of the network will introduce to you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the tortoise back bamboo.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise-backed bamboo

Culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo soil requirements

Because the tortoise back bamboo grows rapidly during the growth period, it is necessary to leave a relatively spacious cultivation space to avoid affecting the extension of its stems and leaves. Pot cultivation of tortoise back bamboo needs to use slightly acidic soil with loose fertility, large water absorption and good water retention. For example, rotten leaf soil or peat soil.

The culture method of tortoise back bamboo and the moisture of matters needing attention

Tortoise back bamboo likes to be wet, so it is appropriate to keep the basin soil dry and uncracked, moist but not wet. And the air humidity of the environment had better be kept at about 60%. It is necessary to spray and water the leaves every day in summer to keep them bright. But there is no need to spray water on the leaves in winter, otherwise the leaves may appear black spots, or even black and rotten.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo shade, avoid direct sunlight, as an indoor pot placed in the light is the most suitable. Tortoise back bamboo likes to be warm and humid and can grow well at normal room temperature. It is not cold-resistant and the overwintering temperature is required to be above 5 ℃.

Culture methods of tortoise back bamboo and fertilization of points for attention

During the period from April to September, the tortoise back bamboo is in a period of vigorous growth, during which thin liquid fertilizer needs to be applied every half a month. During the two-week growth period, 37% or 28% of nitrogen liquid fertilizer is irrigated once in two weeks to make the plant strong. It is necessary to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer after autumn to make the stem more sturdy and prevent lodging.

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo cultivation and pot change

Tortoise back bamboo pot should set up a pillar in the basin, let it climb, every spring need to change the basin, change the basin once a year. The best time to change the basin is between March and April. Remove the old soil and cut off the dead roots when changing the basin. In the basin, mature organic fertilizer or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are added as base fertilizer.

Culture methods and matters needing attention for pest control of tortoise back bamboo

Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboo. When a small amount occurs, they can be cleaned with an old toothbrush and sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC. The common diseases are leaf spot, gray spot and stem blight, which can be sprayed with 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo picture of tortoise back bamboo culture method of turtle back bamboo

Tortoise-backed bamboo is a kind of radiation-proof plant. With its sense of elegance, elegance and elegance, it attracts the attention of many consumers, and more and more people introduce it into the list of potted indoor ornamental plants. In this paper, combined with the pictures of tortoise back bamboo, we will talk about the culture method of tortoise back bamboo. [recommended by the editor] Indoor plants touch fragrant wood, hydroponic plants, small potted plants, flowers, fengshui, radiation-proof plants, pictures of tortoise-backed bamboos, culture methods of tortoise-backed bamboos-

[plant archives]-

English name: tortoise back bamboo

Scientific name: Monstera deliciosa

Alias: Penglai banana, iron silk orchid, perforated Xi Lin taro, tortoise back banana, clematis, dragon palm, electric orchid, tortoise back taro

Division: Tiannanxing

Genus: Phyllostachys

Distribution of origin: it is native to the tropical rain forest of Mexico and is widely introduced and cultivated in China.

Morphological features: the stem is stout, and the nodes are more like bamboo. There are long and drooping brown aerial roots on the stem, which can cling to other things and grow upward. Leaves thickly leathery, alternate, dark green or green; leaves thickly leathery, alternate, dark green or green; young leaves heart-shaped, without perforation, growing up rectangular-rounded, with irregularly pinnately parted, pore-lobed from leaf margin to leaf veins; 30ml 50 cm long, dark green, with leaf scars; bracts, leathery, yellowish white at leaf scars. The flowers are shaped like Buddha's flame and yellowish. The fruit is edible.

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◆ a warm bogey cold tortoise back bamboo native to the Mexican rainforest, like the warm environment, avoid freezing cold weather. The temperature above 5 ℃ will not suffer frost damage, and the temperature above 12 ℃ will grow well.

◆ second is like shade and cool taboo strong light turtle back bamboo strong shade tolerance, in the semi-shade environment, the growth is particularly good, the performance is exuberant, the aerial root is developed, the leaf is hypertrophy, the leaf color is bright and dark green.

◆ 3 is fond of wetting, avoiding waterlogging, tortoise back bamboo likes to grow in a humid ecological environment. There are many Rain Water in the south, if the waterlogging accumulation time is too long, there will be rotten roots, rotten stems and leaves.

◆ 4 is fertile soil, bogey lean soil, turtle back bamboo likes fertile soil, especially fertile sandy loam, although it can grow on thin red and yellow soil, its growth becomes weaker, tree posture is deformed, leaves become smaller and leaf color becomes lighter, which affects the ornamental effect.

◆ 5 is like soil fertilizer avoid chemical fertilizer turtle back bamboo often apply organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, man-made organic fertilizer, livestock and poultry manure, soil manure and so on, its tree is strong, the leaves are as big as plates, the leaves are thick, the leaves are dark green and glowing, especially the tortoise shell pattern is more clear.

According to the characteristics of "five joys and five taboos" of tortoise back bamboo, shade and dampness management should be carried out in summer and autumn to avoid direct sunlight, watering twice a day, leaf surface often spraying water to maintain air humidity, keeping room temperature more than 5 ℃ in winter, outdoor cultivation and film mulching to keep it safe through the winter. If properly maintained, the tortoise back bamboo, which is more than 4 years old, will also bloom, with single petals wrapped in berries, bright jade flowers, yellowish berries and long oval berries; its fleshy spikes can be used for cooking, and the berries can also be eaten when ripe.

The culture method of tortoise-backed bamboo-

① sowing

Phyllostachys pubescens blossoms in summer, in order to improve the seed setting rate, artificial pollination is needed. The second pollination is the best at 9 ~ 10:00 and 3 ~ 4 p.m., and the success rate of pollination is high. It takes 15 months from pollination to seed maturity. Attention should be paid to ventilation and fertilizer and water management at the stage of seed development to promote fruiting and fullness.

Soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 10 hours before sowing, and the sowing soil should be sterilized at high temperature. The seeds of Phyllostachys pubescens are larger and can be sowed on demand. After sowing, the seeds can be kept at room temperature for 20: 25 ℃, and the box mouth is covered with plastic film to maintain more than 80% humidity. If the room temperature is too low in the process of sowing, not only the emergence of seedlings will be affected, but even the seeds will rot like water stains.

② cuttage

Stem and node cuttings can be used in both spring and autumn, and the cuttings from April to May in spring and September to October in autumn are the best. Because during this period of time, the temperature is suitable for stem node incision healing and rooting, and the survival is quick.

Cuttings selected stem tissue full, robust growth of the current year side branches, cuttings length of 20-25 cm, cut off the leaves at the base. Retain the upper leaflet, cut off the long aerial root, retain the short aerial root, in order to absorb water, conducive to hairy roots. The mixed substrate of coarse sand and peat or rotten leaf soil was used to keep 2527 ℃ and high air humidity after insertion, and it began to take root about one month after insertion. After the cuttings took root, the axillary buds on the stem nodes also began to sprout and spread leaves. In order to accelerate seedling growth, keep more than 10 ℃ at room temperature, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and seedling shaping can be used as a commodity in the second year after planting.

Ramet: in summer and autumn, the side branch of the large tortoise back bamboo is split off, with part of the aerial root, directly planted in the barrel or bowl, not only the survival rate is high, but also the molding effect is fast.

③ cultivation

The cultivation of tortoise back bamboo is very easy, which usually uses the same amount of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand as the substrate. When planting, add a small amount of bone meal and dried cow dung as base fertilizer. The moist tortoise back bamboo needs enough water to keep the basin soil moist. Of course, it is necessary to spray water to the leaves when the weather is dry, in order to keep the air moist, pay attention to shade in the growing season, avoid strong light, especially in midsummer can not be placed in the sun, otherwise it is easy to cause leaves scorched, burns, affecting the ornamental value.

Conclusion: today, the large-scale potted bamboo has become the main backbone material in the hotel lobby, and the bamboo planted in small and medium-sized pots will also be one of the ornamental plants in modern family decoration, which is very common in China. Of course, the potted turtle-backed bamboo is lovely, not because it is a famous indoor potted foliage plant, but also because it has a strange ability to absorb carbon dioxide at night.

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How to raise tortoise back bamboo culture methods and points for attention _ tortoise back bamboo picture

Tortoise back bamboo is also a good indoor potted plant, often planted next to the gallery or building, let the tortoise back bamboo vine grow in the scaffolding or attached to the wall, then how to raise the tortoise back bamboo? Let's learn about the culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo.

First, how to raise tortoise back bamboo

Phyllostachys pubescens likes cool and humid climatic conditions, is not cold-resistant, the room temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, it is not resistant to high temperature, and its growth stops when the temperature rises above 32 ℃. The optimum growth temperature is 22 ~ 26 ℃. Resistant to strong shade, the leaves turn yellow and dry quickly in direct sunlight and can be furnished all the year round in bright rooms. The humus soil, which requires deep and strong water retention, has a pH value of 6.5-7.5, which is neither alkali-resistant nor acid-resistant. Tortoise back bamboo is afraid of drying, resistant to water and moisture, requiring high soil moisture and high air humidity. If the air is dry, the leaf surface will lose luster, the leaf edge will scorch and grow slowly.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo

1. Propagation: using the way of pressing and cutting, from February to August every year, pressing can survive for 3 months into new plants; in spring, cut the nodal part from the growing stem (with 2 nodes and leaves as far as possible) and insert it into the pot, and it will take root after one month of cultivation.

2. Illumination: the tortoise back bamboo originally grows in the tropical rain forest, likes the warm and moist environment, should not be placed in the sunlight environment, in order to appear the withered leaf condition. It needs to be placed in a place of sunlight scattering in summer.

3, temperature: suitable for growing in warm and humid places, shady and not cold-resistant, room temperature not less than 5 ℃ in winter, will be frozen, can be moved into the greenhouse. The growth will be delayed when the temperature is less than 10 ℃, and the best temperature range is between 20 and 25 ℃.

4. Watering: because the leaves are relatively large, which leads to the rapid loss of water, it is necessary to often water, keep the soil moist, and must not be waterlogged and rot the roots. in summer, spray water on the leaves 3 or 5 times a day, so as not to cause branches and leaves not to grow. It is reasonable to control the amount of water, irrigate more water in dry hot days and prosperous periods, and water as little as possible in winter and seedlings.

5. Fertilization: the growth of tortoise back bamboo needs sufficient fertilizer. In the peak growth period, fertilizer is applied about once every two weeks. The amount of fertilizer should be controlled to maintain its beauty.

6. Change the basin: it changes the basin once every year from March to April. Of course, those outside should be moved indoors. You can choose the first ten days of October. In the process of changing the basin, you should first replace the old soil, trim the root of the trimmer, cut off the withered part, and then add appropriate organic fertilizer.

7. Diseases and insect pests: the diseases generally include stem blight, leaf spots, gray spots and other diseases, and there are often diseases of shell insects, which usually need to be prevented and treated. They usually use old toothbrushes to clean the surface, and then spray 1000 times of omethoate.

The above is the introduction of turtle back bamboo culture methods and matters needing attention. If you want to cultivate a luxuriant tortoise back bamboo, you must first understand the culture method.