
Pictures of Magnolia angustifolia Culture method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The leaves of Cymbidium are narrow, narrow leaves. Then it has the attribute of gentleman orchid. Fine leaf gentleman orchid, also known as Gadeng gentleman orchid. The height of the plant is generally 80-130 mm. The leaves are bright green, 350-900 mm long, 25-60 mm wide, very narrow

The leaves of Cymbidium are narrow, narrow leaves. Then it has the attribute of gentleman orchid. Fine leaf gentleman orchid, also known as Gadeng gentleman orchid. The height of the plant is generally 80-130 mm. Leaves bright green, 350-900 mm long, 25-60 mm wide, very narrow, tip-pointed; orange or yellow edges at tip of red flowers. This species is found in Heleni, Natal province, South Africa. The editor of the net below will tell you about the breeding method and price of Cymbidium.

Pictures of Magnolia angustifolia Culture method

First, prepare potted soil. Cymbidium is a fleshy root, which requires loose, fertile and well-drained soil, and grows best in slightly acidic soil (PH value 6.2 / 6. 7). Rotten chicken manure and pond mud can be mixed according to 4 ∶ 6, and pine needles, rotten organic fertilizer and river sand should be mixed at the ratio of 5 ∶ 3 ∶ 2.

Second, light. Gentleman orchid likes semi-overcast, especially in summer, the scorching sun is easy to produce "sunburn disease". Therefore, the sun must be shaded in summer, with half-shade and half-sun as well, with thick green leaves; but in winter, there should be sufficient sunshine and good light, which is an important condition for producing large flowers and bright colors.

Third, humidity. Gentleman orchid likes to grow in a humid environment, the air relative humidity should not be less than 60%, the leaf color is shiny; the environment is dry, the leaf is dull, even wilting, the leaf yellowing, the growth is not good. Therefore, in the summer with high temperature and fast evaporation, sprinkle water on the ground around the basin and spray water on the leaf surface 3 times a day to humidify, cool down and keep the leaf surface clean. But be careful not to make the water flow to the rhizome to prevent waterlogging of the basin soil.

Fourth, watering. Accurate grasp of the dry and wet condition of magnolia basin soil is the key to watering, the method is not dry do not water, watering is thoroughly. Spring and autumn two seasons exuberant growth, the amount of water can be larger, keep the basin soil moist; "dog days" evaporation is large, such as good ventilation can be more watering, such as muggy weather, poor ventilation, less watering; "three or nine days" basically stop growing, should not be watered, in order to keep the basin soil wet, you can put a layer of moss on the basin surface.

Fifth, fertilize. Take "thin fertilizer diligently" as the principle, do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, avoid leaf scorch and rotting roots. Organic manure should be fully mature. The suitable growth temperature of Cymbidium is 15ml / 25 ℃. If it can be controlled within this range, it can be fertilized continuously all the year round. If the natural temperature, more should be applied in spring and autumn, less or no in summer and winter. The unflowering plants are often fertilized with nitrogen-rich fertilizers such as rotten cooked cake fertilizer (annual seedlings are not fertilized), and potassium-rich fertilizers can be applied at the end of autumn, which can not only promote the robust growth of leaves, stems and roots, but also improve the ability of cold resistance and disease resistance. For flowering plants, more rotten cake fertilizer is applied in spring, especially in autumn, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used for extra-root topdressing in the morning or evening.

Sixth, change the basin soil. Change the basin soil once a year, do not plant too deep, bury the soil to the fleshy root neck, the surface can be covered with a layer of moss.

In the maintenance process of the whole year, the pot plants should be often sprayed with clean water, and it is best to dry them with fine cloth after spraying, which can not only increase the smoothness of the leaves, but also improve the ornamental value.

Pictures of Magnolia paniculata _ price of Cymbidium sinensis

Modern people pay great attention to the cultivation of potted plants, which has been called a great pleasure in people's life. It not only enriches people's spare time life, but also broadens people's horizons, beautifies people's living environment, and makes people live in a healthy and fresh environment every day. Therefore, we can see some magnolia everywhere, and it is a kind of rich flower, it looks very beautiful and generous, it can be placed in conference rooms, hotels, bedrooms, living rooms, offices and other places. It has a very good ornamental value. Before breeding Cymbidium, we will have some understanding of its price and morphological characteristics. The following editor will introduce the picture of Cymbidium, as well as the price of Cymbidium. The plant height is generally 80-130mm * the length is 350mm-900mm * the width is 25-60mm, its leaves are bright green, the leaves are very narrow, and the tip of the leaves is pointed. If the color is red, the top is orange and yellow. it is native to Heleni, Natal province, South Africa. The fine leaf gentleman orchid is divided into fine leaf yellow flower gentleman orchid, fine leaf hundred flowers gentleman orchid, fine leaf safflower gentleman orchid and so on. [photo of Magnolia angustifolia] 1. The leaves of Cymbidium are narrow, and the color of the flowers is yellow. It is a variety imported from South Africa, Australia, Japan and other countries. Its leaf length is 60-70mm * width 6cm, the leaf is oblique, the color is dark green, there is no luster, flowers and arrows are relatively thin. Because the flowers are yellow, they are called yellow orchids. Second, the fine-leaf magnolia is also a variety introduced from South Africa, Japan, Australia and other countries, its flowers are milky white, the leaves are narrow, the length of the leaves is 60-70cm, the width of the leaves is 6cm, the leaves are oblique, the leaf color is dark green, there is no luster, the flowers are like arrows, some blooming flowers are funnel-shaped, and some flowers are turned-petal lily-shaped. Because the design and color is milky white, it is called fine-leaf white flower gentleman orchid. Third, the fine-leaf safflower orchid is also a variety introduced from South Africa, Japan, Australia and other countries. Its leaves are narrow, the colors of the flowers are orange and bright red, the length of the leaves is 60-70cm * the width is 6cm, the leaves are oblique, the color is dark green without luster, the flowers are like arrows, and the flowers are funnel-shaped and lily-shaped. The flower color is orange and bright red, so it is called fine-leaf safflower gentleman orchid. [fine-leaf gentleman orchid price] the price of fine-leaf gentleman orchid is completely different according to the price of different varieties, the general variety is in a few hundred yuan. If the color of the orchid is thicker, the price will be more expensive. And the price of gentleman orchid is also increasing, a seed is 0.3 to 1 yuan, but also reached 50 yuan Yili. The price of fine-leaf orchid seedlings is 1-5 yuan, but also reached 200-300 yuan, if the larger fine-leaf orchid can reach thousands of yuan, if it is a treasure can reach tens of thousands of yuan, depending on the price according to the variety.

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The cultivation method of Magnolia-Magnolia | Picture of Cymbidium | how to do the rotten roots of Cymbidium | the leaves of Cymbidium are yellow, also known as Magnolia, Lycoris, Lycoris, Magnolia, etc., it is a perennial herb belonging to the genus of Amaryllidaceae, with a florescence of up to 30 to 50 days, mainly in winter and spring, and New Year's Day also opens before and after the Spring Festival. Avoid strong light, for semi-negative plants, like cool, avoid high temperature. The Culture method of Magnolia

1. Soil: fertile and loose neutral or weakly acidic rotten soil is the most suitable hotbed for magnolia. The choice of soil is the first key factor for magnolia, and it is also one of the reasons why many people can't raise it well.

Gentleman orchid price

1. Laugh at the price of gentleman orchid. The growth cycle of the laughing gentleman orchid is very long, which usually takes about 10 years. Its fruit generally has about 2 seeds, the pericarp is red, and the ripening period is 9 months. The price of smiling gentleman orchid is generally about 400 to 500 yuan.

The leaves of Cymbidium are yellow.

[the solution to the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium]

1. The leaves of Cymbidium are yellow, and the leaves in the middle are black and rotten. Solution: the emergence of this symptom requires the above nine methods to prescribe the right medicine to the case. While the middle small leaves blackened and rotten, we need to make a further judgment, break open the two leaves to check, if the gap between the leaves blackened out of festering juice. It can be judged that the formed gentleman orchid arrow did not have time to grow out of the leaves and rot directly in the middle of the leaves.

What about the rotten roots of the orchid?

The living habits of Cymbidium are probably like this, so when raising Cymbidium, it should be placed in a semi-shady environment and then irrigated in the evening every day. In the hot season, you can build a shed and other ways for the gentleman orchid to avoid the summer. And fertilization, it should be appropriate, excessive fertilization, but will cause rotten roots and other phenomena.

The function of gentleman orchid

The role of gentleman orchid: 1, cultural literacy. The magnificent orchid is a kind of precious flower with high taste, which means rich, noble, beautiful and magnificent, which can meet the needs of people in many aspects, such as beautifying the room, edifying sentiment, purifying the air, improving health, improving cultural and artistic literacy, and so on. Make the living room appear elegant and magnificent, and add luster and charm to enrich and regulate people's life.

Prevention and treatment of Cymbidium virus

1. White silk disease: when the disease occurs, water-stained brown irregular spots appear on the stem near the root, and the cortex is soft rot, followed by white silk mycelium spreading in the rhizosphere soil surface, forming a small sclerotia in the later stage, and finally colored rapeseed shape. Expand to the entire base rot and necrosis.

The method of promoting the flower of gentleman orchid

Practice one: urge flowers and arrows. If you want a pot of magnolia to blossom as soon as possible, you can mainly achieve it by using fertilizer, lowering the temperature and increasing the temperature difference. First of all, let's talk about fertilization. The simplest and most practical way is to water beer (using the flowering fertilizer sold on the market is also very effective). Beer can be poured directly into the basin and then flushed with clean water to increase air permeability.

Gentleman's orchid flower language

The flower words of Gentleman: nobility and the style of a gentleman.

It has the moral of "nobility": the gentleman is modest, gentle and courteous, talented but not arrogant, successful but not proud, living in the valley without inferiority.

Gentleman orchid variety

There are two common kinds of orchids, one is laughing, the other is big flower orchid.

Varieties of Cymbidium have yellow flowers, variegated leaves (variegated leaves), fine-leaf orchids (narrower leaves, darker colors, drooping or arched flowers, 14 flowers, yellow or orange flowers, earlier florescence).

Can I put the orchid in the bedroom?

Yes. Magnolia is an evergreen perennial herb with strong shade tolerance and thick, dark green leaves. Mesophyll contains a lot of chlorophyll, which can absorb carbon dioxide and water in sunlight, synthesize organic matter for its own growth and development, and release oxygen at the same time. In addition, the broad and thick leaves of Cymbidium grow many pores and villi, which can secrete a lot of mucus, and in the process of gas exchange, they can absorb a large amount of dust, dust and harmful gases in the room, making the indoor air clean. Therefore, Cymbidium is also known as "absorption machine" and "dust collector", the protector of human health.

Matters needing attention for changing pots of Magnolia

First, the preparation for soil replacement

(1) soil preparation: mix rotten leaves, pine needles, river sand and charcoal dregs in the proportion of 4, 2, 3 and 1 in spring and summer and spray water into semi-wet plastic bags for three or five days (rotten leaves and river sand can be added or reduced in autumn and winter); (2) stir-fry small flaxseed or sunflower seeds, no more than 10% in autumn and winter, reduce or not in spring and summer

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