
The effect and function of June snow bonsai how to raise June snow

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Thin white flowers bloom in June, the tree is the smallest and the branches are sparse. Like light shade, afraid of the sun, there are many under the leaves and trees in the mountains. Spring planting, or Huangmei rain cutting, it is appropriate to pour shallow tea. The temperature is not strict, it is evergreen in South China and semi-evergreen in Southwest China. Strong drought tolerance and lax soil requirements

Thin white flowers bloom in June, the tree is the smallest and the branches are sparse. Like light shade, afraid of the sun, there are many under the leaves and trees in the mountains. Spring planting, or Huangmei rain cutting, it is appropriate to pour shallow tea. The temperature is not strict, it is evergreen in South China and semi-evergreen in Southwest China. The drought tolerance is strong, and the soil is not strict. Pot culture should use humus, loose and fertile, strong permeability of slightly acidic, moist culture soil, good growth. Roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine. Light, slightly pungent, cool. Soothing the liver and relieving depression, clearing heat and dampness, detumescence and detoxification, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. For acute hepatitis, rheumatism, waist and leg pain, abscess, snakebite, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, infantile disease, eye nebula, intestinal carbuncle, rabies. June snow (Latin name: Serissa japonica (Thunb.) Thunb.), Rubiaceae evergreen shrub, up to 90 cm tall, smelly. Leaves leathery, stalk short. Flowers solitary or several clustered on top of branchlets or axillary, Corolla reddish or white, style long and prominent, flowering from April to July. Next, the editor of the net will introduce the snow potted plants in June.

The effect and function of June snow bonsai how to raise June snow

When it is hot and dry in summer, in addition to watering every day, sprinkle the foliage and nearby ground with clear water in the morning and evening to cool down and increase air humidity. Plants should be placed under the shade and should not be exposed to strong sunlight for a long time. After autumn, as the temperature drops, the amount of water should be controlled gradually and watered once every 2 to 3 days. In winter, move to a cold room or indoor room of not less than 0 ℃ to spend the winter, watering once every 20 to 30 days. If the room temperature is above 15 ℃, the leaves are evergreen, and water is watered once every 7 to 10 days. Keep moist air and give sunshine. Do not get cold during the severe cold, otherwise it is easy to die. Before leaving the room in March every year, the rotten leaf soil is used to change the basin, and the bottom of the basin is made of foot angle piece as base fertilizer.

Dodder disease

Dodder is a climbing herb, parasitic on the snow in June, winding the trunk and branches with rattan stems to produce constriction, the rattan stem forms a sucker at the constriction, absorbs nutrients from the tree, and the rattan stem grows rapidly, constantly branching and wrapping fruit plants, and interweaving each other to cover the whole crown, garden control methods: seriously damaged plots are deeply turned over every year, and the seeds buried below 3 cm are not easy to be unearthed. After timely inspection in late spring and early summer, it was found that dodder, together with weeds and damaged parts of the poisonous host, were eliminated and destroyed to remove the sprouting branches and wild plants that act as bridges. Chemical control method: 1.5% pentachlorophenol sodium and 2% Pocaojing solution were sprayed on the ground during the peak period of seed germination, and then sprayed every 25 days for a total of 3 times for 4 times to kill dodder seedlings.

Fewer diseases and insect pests. Occasional aphids can be killed with omethoate 1500 times liquid spray.

The basic task of managing it is watering and fertilizing. The principle of watering, do not dry do not water, do not overpour, if the basin mouth is wet for a long time, resulting in root breathing difficulties, easy to rot the root to death. Pay attention to diligent fertilization, the application of rotten liquid fertilizer, no fertilization in summer, flowering can not be fertilized, so as not to grow out of shape. Tips should be picked from May to June, and new buds should be removed in July.

Potted flowers should be in a fixed position and should not be moved from east to west. June snow pays attention to light. In summer, it is necessary to shade the sun in the hot sun, keep ventilated, spray water to its leaves once or twice a day, and maintain air humidity. In cold winter, straw can be slightly bandaged (about-10 ℃) to avoid freezing to death.

The diseases and insect pests of snow in June are usually shell insects. It can be sprayed with 1000 to 1500 times of omethoate or 1000 to 1500 times of imidophos to control.

The management of snow planting in June is simple and extensive, and it can be planted in gardens in the south to form bushes. It is as white as snow in summer, giving people a sense of cool and elegant. It is usually used for plastic potted plants to watch or make stump bonsai. First of all, the plant is made into a single dry type, and then the lateral branches are trimmed and tied according to the modeling idea to make all kinds of bonsai, which can achieve the ideal effect. Summer should be put outdoor maintenance, such as indoor display, must be bright and increase ventilation, otherwise the branches grow, leaves yellowing, the lower leaves often fall off. Year-round maintenance should keep the basin soil dry and humid, keep the basin soil moist in hot summer and drought, and spray water to the leaves to keep the branches and leaves fresh. Liquid fertilizer can be applied for 3 to 4 times in the growing season. If you do not continue to watch in winter, you can let the leaves fall, and then move into the cellar or all buried in the soil for the winter. If you spend the winter in a low-temperature greenhouse, you can keep it green, keep the room temperature no less than 6 ℃, and keep it well ventilated and well lit. Before going out in early spring, the potted plant should be cut short and coring to keep the plant well-proportioned and plump, while the bonsai should be trimmed and shaped for artistic processing.

Sexual preference for semi-shade, fear of the sun, strong sprouting, quite resistant to pruning, easy to plant, extensive management. Artificially cultivated in rich sandy loam. Enter the greenhouse in the middle of October, keep the room temperature at 10ml / 15 ℃, permeate once a week, and move out of the greenhouse in late April to keep it under the shade for maintenance. Do not need big fertilizer, apply dilute liquid fertilizer once a month to keep the basin soil moist and grow well. If the snow in June stays more than 5 ℃ in winter, the branches and leaves will be green and evergreen, but the soil should not be too dry and should be slightly moist. Due to the strong germination power of June snow, many new branches will sprout from the trunk and roots, so as not to consume nutrients and disrupt the normal development of the tree. The branches outside the protruding crown that germinate after flowering should also be pruned, otherwise it will affect the ornamental.

Transplantation can be carried out in all four seasons, and the best one is from March to April in spring. It can also be potted. Pot soil should be rich in humus, loose and permeable, and well drained. It can be prepared with 4 parts of rotten cow dung, 1 part of rotten cake fertilizer, 4 parts of garden soil and 1 part of coal ash. After the basin should be placed in a semi-shaded place, the basin soil should be kept moist, and the tap water must be sunburned before it can be used. It has a certain ability to withstand drought, but it is not resistant to water and dampness. watering should grasp the principle of seeing dry and wet, not dry and not watered, prevent stagnant water in the basin in the rainy season, and put it on the side of the basin in rainy weather; when it is hot and dry in summer, it is necessary to spray water to the leaves sooner or later to cool down and increase air humidity to facilitate its growth and flowering. 1% edible vinegar water can also be watered every half month to avoid soil alkalinization and plant yellowing. Thin liquid fertilizer is applied every 15 days in the growing season, or water belt fertilizer is also available. That is, thin liquid fertilizer is added every time it is watered. In addition to soil fertilization, extra-root topdressing is often carried out, and leaves are sprayed with 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to adjust pH and increase plant nutrition. Plants should avoid hot sun exposure in summer, and small-hole nylon screens or plastic window screens can be used to build a half-light shade to create a microclimate suitable for plant growth, which is particularly important for June snow in Phnom Penh.

June snow can be bundled and processed into bonsai piles with changeable posture and rich features. The June snow trees with sturdy stems and certain shapes were selected and unearthed in March and April and divided into different combinations of single stem, double dry or multi-stem. The extra branches were cut off, and the roots were tied up into dragon claw shape with bamboo slices or other perishable ropes to plant in pots. Pay attention to the proper supply of water in daily management. When the shoots grow to 8~10cm, the rotten cruller fertilizer can be applied to lift the seedlings. At the same time, only a few buds from the stem or root will be left, the rest should be removed, and the extra bud edges on the stem and branches should also be removed at any time. The billet can be processed and modeled in about 3 months, and brown silk can be used for flat binding. Pay attention to the echo of high and low, scattered in front and back, carefully processed and modeled one by one. After banding, in addition to normal watering, fertilization, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, sprouting, pruning and patching should be done in time, and silk can be released the following year.

It likes semi-overcast, afraid of stagnant water, fear of the scorching sun, strong resistance, potted must choose soft mountain soil, should be placed in the sun, can not be kept indoors for a long time. Fertilizer should be applied twice during the growing period, and the basin soil should be dry. Too much fertilizer and too much water will lead to excessive growth of branches and leaves. It has the characteristics of thin leaves, dense branches, thick stem and dewy roots, so it is one of the best materials for bonsai. The branches of June snow are soft and tough and can withstand flat binding, which can be divided into straight dry type, Qiu qu type, cliff type and so on. If the basin is high, it can be bred into a cliff type. Cliff type can be divided into semi-suspension, full suspension and small suspension according to the degree of inclination. The so-called half-hanging, that is, the trunk is basically across the mouth of the basin. The fully suspended trunk hangs 45 degrees below the mouth of the basin. Small hanging trunks usually hang down about 30 to 40 degrees. It can also be natural and slightly trimmed.

The propagation is mainly by cutting, and the methods of pressing, dividing and cutting can also be used. Hardwood is usually used in early spring, but paid branches or old branches can be used in the plum rain season. When making small or miniature bonsai, in order to promote it to take shape as soon as possible, often in the plum rain season from June to July, take graceful, tree-shaped perennial branches, cut the lower incision into horseshoe shape, insert it into warp stone or sand, cover it for heat preservation, and pay attention to water spray. It can take root in about 40 days, and it can be transplanted at this time, and it can be formed with a little binding and pruning. Because this grass is easy to find in all parts of the mountain and wild areas, some flower growers often dig it back directly from the forest and put it in the pot.

June snow has strong adaptability and simple cultivation and maintenance, but because it is afraid of the hot sun, it should be placed in the semi-shady and humid tree shade during the growing period, otherwise it will affect the growth because of the strong light, which is disadvantageous to ornamental. Although this grass likes to be fertilized, if it fertilizes too much, it will make the branches grow too much, and it is easy to cause new branches to grow. Generally, they only apply rotten cake fertilizer and water once before winter and after flowering. It has a certain ability to withstand drought, but it is not resistant to water and dampness. watering should grasp the principle of asking about dampness and not watering, prevent stagnant water in the basin in the rainy season, and put it on the side of the basin in rainy weather; when it is hot and dry in summer, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves sooner or later to cool down and increase the humidity of the air, so as to facilitate its growth and flowering.

Due to the strong germinating power of June snow, many new branches will sprout from the trunk and roots. It is necessary to peel off redundant new techniques in time so as not to consume nutrients and disrupt the normal development of the tree. The branches outside the protruding crown that germinate after flowering should also be pruned, otherwise it will affect the ornamental.

If the snow in June remains more than 5 ℃ in winter, the branches and leaves will be green and evergreen, but the soil should not be dry and should be slightly moist.

[bonsai production method]:

Processing modeling: can use "wood cutting dry method" processing, can also use "cutting and binding method" processing modeling. Flat ligation is often carried out from semi-deciduous leaves in winter to before sprouting in spring, the trunk and main branches are tied with metal wire, and the branchlets are finely trimmed.

Transplanting pot: transplanting pot should be carried out from February to March, or in Meiyu season and late autumn. Choose a lighter round, square or oval purple sand basin or glaze basin, the basin color should be slightly darker, in contrast to the flower color. The basin soil is required to be a sandy loam rich in organic matter, loose and fertile, with good drainage and permeability, and can be mixed with humus soil, pine needle soil and peat mixed with 40% sand or rice husk ash.

Water and fertilizer management: the growing season should be often watered to keep the basin soil moist, not too dry or too wet for a long time, avoid stagnant water in the basin or loss of water in the basin soil, spray water to the leaf surface 1-2 times a day in summer, and appropriately reduce watering times in winter. Keep the basin soil moist and slightly dry. 0.5% phosphate and potassium fertilizer solution is applied 2-3 times a year from April to May, and thin organic fertilizer solution is applied 1-2 times in Ladong, which is not suitable for other seasons. Avoid applying thick fertilizer.

Light and temperature requirements: the growth period should be kept in a sunny, warm, humid, well-ventilated place to maintain, shade 50% in summer and early autumn, avoid exposure, winter in the south can be outdoor winter, the north should be moved indoors, it is better to keep room temperature 5-12 ℃.

Turning the basin and pruning: turn the basin once every 1-2 years, in spring from February to March or late autumn, remove all the old soil and trim the roots properly. It can be combined with turning the basin to lift the root to make it form a hanging root and improve the ornamental value. After the semi-deciduous leaves in winter to the sprouting of the following spring, a pruning is carried out to cut short and ungrown branches, remove overdense thin and weak branches, cut off branches of diseases and insect pests and other messy branches that affect ornamentation, and timely carry out coring, sprouting, branch removal and so on during the growing period, so as to keep them in beautiful shape. The cut healthy branches can be used for cutting propagation.

Pest control: there are fewer diseases and insect pests in snow bonsai in June, and aphids and snails occur occasionally. Aphids can be sprayed with wind oil essence diluted 500,600 times, and snails can be sprayed with 58% wind and lightning excited EC 1500 times. Sometimes root rot occurs. At the beginning of the disease, the root and foliar spray of 12% oleic acid copper EC can be used to prevent and cure the disease. Spray (irrigation) once every 3-5 days, continuous spraying (irrigation) 3-4 times.

Traditional Chinese medicine is very helpful in the treatment of some diseases, so you can rest assured when choosing herbal medicine. June snow is a kind of medicine that is not new to us. Do you know its efficacy and effect? Let's take a look.

[alias] Baimagu, Mantianxing [Jiangsu, Guangdong], roadside ginger, Artemisia angustifolia, roadside bauhinia, chicken bone wood [source] is Serissa serissoides (DC.) Druce, a plant of the genus Rubiaceae. It can be picked all the year round. Wash and use fresh or cut into sections to dry.

[original form] evergreen shrubs, usually 1 m tall, much branched, slender roots, yellow bark. The branches are stout, grayish white or bluish gray, and the twigs are puberulent and smelly. Leaves opposite or clustered on short branches, subleathery, Obovate, elliptic or oblanceolate. Small white flowers bloom in August. Drupe small, globose.

Light, slightly pungent, cool.

[functional indications] soothing the wind and relieving the surface, clearing heat and promoting dampness, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. For cold, cough, toothache, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, acute and chronic hepatitis, enteritis, dysentery, infantile accumulation, hypertensive headache, migraine, rheumatic arthralgia, leucorrhea; stem ash spot eye treatment pannus.

[usage] 0.5: 1 tael.

How to raise snow bonsai in June, a collection of breeding methods and maintenance knowledge of snow bonsai in June

Snow in June is an evergreen subtropical tree with beautiful white flowers all the year round. The trunk is coarse-textured and prickly branches grow out, forming a dome-shaped crown with the leaves. June snow bonsai how to raise, in fact, June snow farming should pay attention to a lot of things, the following article is very comprehensive about how to raise June snow bonsai and June snow bonsai breeding methods and maintenance knowledge.

The location of snow bonsai in June is exquisite.

June Snow is very concerned about its growing position, and although the tree does not like to be moved, it may be necessary to give it a happy home. When planted indoors, trees need six to eight hours of direct sunlight. It shouldn't be on the windowsill because it doesn't like temperature changes. In addition, it must be placed outside of spring or summer for a few weeks each year. This kind of tree can be planted outdoors all the year round in subtropical climates.

Problems needing attention in watering snow bonsai in June

Trees must be kept moist all the time. Maintain a regular watering schedule to dry 2/3 of the soil, and then water it thoroughly.

June snow bonsai "food feeding"

The tree is fed twice a month during the growing period. Reduce monthly feeding in autumn and winter. Don't feed the plants when the leaves fall off or the growth stops. According to the application instructions, pot fertilizer is used for feed in the form of liquid. When plants are fertilized, it is important that the soil is moist. This eliminates the risk of root burns.

June snow bonsai how to raise, June snow breeding methods and precautions / water can not be much

June snow, many flower lovers should be no stranger, it is the most popular bonsai tree, very popular at home and abroad. In life, many novices will buy June snow bonsai from the flower market, but they don't know how to keep it. In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the breeding methods and matters needing attention of June snow, which is very comprehensive. Friends who want to raise must have a look.

How to raise snow bonsai in January and June, you can't water too much.

After buying snow bonsai in June at the flower market, we can keep it indoors or indoors. As for how to raise snow bonsai in June, in terms of light, the requirements of June snow are not high, but we must pay attention to water and fertilizer, not much, otherwise affect the growth. The details are all in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of June snow, let's move on.

Second, the culture methods and matters needing attention of June snow

1. Soil, slightly acidic

After the snow bonsai was bought back in June, there was soil inside. The soil we are talking about here is what we need when we change the basin. June snow has strong drought tolerance, so it is not strict with the soil, but if you want it to grow well, it is best to prepare slightly acidic culture soil containing humus, loose and fertile, and strong permeability.

2. Get enough light.

In the breeding method of snow in June, light is naturally indispensable, but the specific requirements depend on the situation. If you keep it outdoors, you must give enough light to the June snow; if you breed it indoors, you can put it near the window and use fluorescent lights to make up the light when the light is insufficient.

Note: once the light is insufficient, the snow in June will be very loose, and the appearance will not be so beautiful. In addition, if you breed it outdoors and want to move it indoors, you should slowly change the environment, don't get it indoors at once, and make sure that the position you put indoors can receive light.

3. Watering, rewatering when dry

How to raise snow bonsai in June, watering is very important. It is understood that June snow likes to be wet, but hates stagnant water, so we can not water too much or too often, just keep the basin soil moist, and we should see dry rewatering.

Note: when breeding outdoors, there should be no stagnant water in the basin in the rainy season to avoid rotting roots. When the summer weather is hot, in addition to watering, it is also necessary to spray water to the leaves sooner or later to cool down and increase air humidity to facilitate its growth.

4. Fertilize once a month

After watering, let's talk about fertilization. In June snow farming method, it has a demand for fertilizer, in winter, we have to reduce fertilization, from the early summer to increase the amount, fertilization once a month.

Note: when applying fertilizer, compost is moist to avoid root tip burns. Fertilization likes slightly acidic soil conditions. Stop fertilizing when June snow has lost its leaves, or if it doesn't show new growth points.

5. Temperature, 18-26 ℃

How to raise snow bonsai in June, the right temperature is very important. It is understood that June snow likes a warm, humid environment and is not resistant to cold, and the most suitable temperature is 18-26 ℃. If the room temperature is more than 15 ℃, the evergreen leaves will not fall.

Note: although June snow is adaptable, it also needs to be protected. If it is outside, it must be moved indoors when the temperature is below 7 ℃.

Matters needing attention in breeding snow in June

In the above method of breeding snow in June, several points that need to be paid attention to have been mentioned, which I believe you should remember. However, in addition to the above mentioned, there are three points that flower friends need to pay attention to, that is, pruning, turning pots and pest control. Matters needing attention in the breeding of snow in June are as follows:

1. Pruning

Snow grows fast in June, so florists need regular pruning to keep its shape. Before the leaves fall in winter every year and sprout in the spring of next year, we should trim the snow in June, cutting short long branches, overgrown branches, thinning too dense thin and weak branches, and cutting off the branches of diseases and insect pests. In the growing period, but also to pick the heart, wipe buds, remove branches, and so on, the specific operation in June snow how to trim in detail, here will not say much.

2. Turn the basin

In order to ensure that the snow in June can have sufficient nutrients, the basin needs to be turned every 1-2 years, usually in February-March in spring. Get rid of all the old soil and replace it with clean cultivated soil: loose, fertile, permeable, slightly acidic soil. When turning the basin, the roots can be trimmed properly to form suspended roots and improve the ornamental value.

3. Pest control

The diseases and insect pests of snow bonsai in June are less, but in the process of breeding, aphids, snails, root rot and other diseases will also appear, thus affecting plant growth and eventually leading to a decline in ornamental. What to do? there is a detailed introduction to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the snow in June, so I won't say much here.