
The Culture method of Xiandan Flower Picture of Xiandan Flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Indoor cultivation of flowers is a good choice, or put a few pots of flowers outside. Xiandan flower, also known as Shandan flower, dragon boat flower, is commonly known as dwarf elixir evergreen shrub. There are other aliases such as red hydrangea, buy zimu, sell zimu, Sanduanhua and so on. The English name is Chineseixora

Indoor cultivation of flowers is a good choice, or put a few pots of flowers outside. Xiandan flower, also known as Shandan flower, dragon boat flower, is commonly known as dwarf elixir evergreen shrub. There are other aliases such as red hydrangea, buy zimu, sell zimu, Sanduanhua and so on. The English name is Chinese ixora and the official name is Ixora chinensis. The lateral branches of the whole plant grow upright and smooth, and the leaf surface is smooth, leathery and opposite, with an Obovate or oval shape. The general length is about 9 cm-12 cm and the width is about 4 cm-5 cm. The surface is dark green and the back is lighter. On the other hand, the leaf shape of Euphorbia angustifolia is triangular or long oval, and the vein on the surface is more obvious. The first shoot emergence period of leaves is between March and June each year, and the second is about August to early October. Next, the editor of the net will introduce the Xiandan flowers to you.

The Culture method of Xiandan Flower Picture of Xiandan Flower

Brief introduction

Scientific name: Ixora chinensis Lam.

Family name: Rubiaceae

Features: evergreen shrubs, up to 2 meters tall, lateral branches obliquely erect; leaves opposite, glossy, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, all green, few sessile, stipules also opposite; inflorescences terminal, dozens of flowers composed of half-globose, each flower has a slender flower tube, four-piece, round, orange to crimson, flowering in summer and autumn, flowering for a long time.

Uses: general multi-purpose cutting propagation; in addition to Ixora parviflora flower, Baixiandan flower (Bai Xian Dan) is also common, dark green leaves, white flowers, lanceolate.

Morphological characteristics

The flower belongs to the terminal corymbose, each cluster of about 20-30 florets grow from its crown tube and split 4-5 oval petals, the Corolla tube is about 2.5 cm long, and the Corolla is mostly red brick. 20-30 small flowers gathered as a whole presents a large ball-shaped, flowers in clusters, shaped like hydrangea, so it is also called "red hydrangea". It is also famous for its Shandan Mountain, which originated in South China, so it is also known as "Shandan Flower". As for the Yangxiandan flower, although it also has 20-30 florets to gather and grow, but its appearance is mostly semicircular, and the petals are longer and pointed. In Okinawa, Japan, because the flowering period of this flower is three times a year, and the pedicel is in a state of overlap, there is also a nickname for "three-segment flower".

The flowering period of Xiandan flower is very long, generally speaking, flowering can be seen from late April to late January of the following year, and the full flowering period is from mid-May to late November. There are also spherical berries that will grow, but usually they are mostly non-fruiting, so they rarely bear fruit.

Medicinal function

Sexual taste function

Flowers: light and cool. Root: bitter, slightly astringent, cold. Flowers: clearing heat and cooling blood, dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain. Root: clearing heat and cooling blood, activating blood circulation and relieving pain

Flowers: hypertension, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, injury caused by falls, ulcers and furuncles. Root: cough, hemoptysis, rheumatic joint pain, stomachache, women's amenorrhea, sores, swelling and pain, fall injury. Flower: internal service: fried soup, 10-15 grams. External use: appropriate amount, mash and apply. Root: external use: appropriate amount, research and application. Fried soup, 10-35 grams

Use and cultivation

Ornamental property

Xiandan flower is native to tropical Asia, there are more than 20 varieties, evergreen shrubs or small trees, leaves opposite, entire. It can blossom all the year round, but it is more blooming in summer and autumn, with 4 petals, gathering into clusters, delicate and beautiful flowers, drought and high temperature resistance, strong nature, suitable for garden beautification and potted plants.


Multipurpose cuttings are used for reproduction. It is best from June to July. In the rainy season, one-year-old branches are cut into long segments of 10--15cm, and the basal leaves are removed. The cuttings are cut into sand beds (basins) or directly in the beds of sandy soil at room temperature of 24-30 ℃. For example, before cutting, soaking the base of cuttings with 0.5% indolebutyric acid solution for 3-5 seconds can shorten the rooting period and the root system is particularly developed. Watering the sandy soil every day after planting can keep the sandy soil moist, it can take root in about 30 days, and can be transplanted or pots 10 days after rooting.

Sowing and propagation: the seeds were collected in winter and sowed in spring the following year. The optimum temperature for germination was 22-24 ℃. The seeds were sown in indoor seedling trays and germinated in about 20-25 days. The seedlings can be transferred to 8 cm pot when 3-4 pairs of true leaves are produced. But the adult period is longer. In the case of many and dense branches, striping can also be used to propagate, 20 cm from the top, ring peeling, bound with peat and film, about 2 months can heal and take root.

[cultivation management] Xiandan flowers like sunshine, warmth and cold resistance, so they should be placed in sunny courtyards, roof gardens and south and west balconies. When the lowest temperature in winter drops to 5 ℃, it should be moved indoors and maintained in a sunny place in the windowsill. Keeping the room temperature above 5 ℃ can safely survive the winter, and the next spring temperature above 10 ℃ can be out of the room. Elixir flowers can also be potted in addition to ground planting.

Potted elixir flowers should choose clay pots with good permeability, such as purple sand pots and plastic pots with poor permeability and beauty. Can be in the basin bottom cushion broken tiles or broken hard plastic foam block to enhance air permeability and drainage. The basin soil is required to be rich in humus, loose and fertile acid soil, and the suitable pH value is 5.0-6.5. Avoid using saline-alkali soil and heavy clay. The culture soil can be prepared according to 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of sandy loam soil and 2 parts of river sand, and some mature soybean cake powder or sesame oil residue can be properly mixed, or a little hoof powder can be put on the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. Potted plants went out of the house in early April and were placed in a semi-shady place for maintenance. Xiandan flowers like fertilizer, a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied once in about half a month, and nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied alone, otherwise the branches and leaves will grow and the flowers will be few. From the middle of April to the beginning of May, the second mature soybean cake water was applied, the mixed nitrogen and phosphorus liquid fertilizer was applied for 2 times from the middle of May to the present bud, and the mature phosphorus liquid fertilizer was also applied for 3 times at flowering stage. The basin soil should be dry and wet, dry and watered, and should not be watered. Water is watered every 4 days in spring, once every two days in summer, and sprinkled around potted flowers every morning and evening to improve air humidity. It is appropriate to irrigate with soft water in summer, hard water is disadvantageous to the growth of Xiandan flowers, light leaves are yellow, heavy ones die. In order to overcome the alkalinity of soil and water quality, alum fertilizer was irrigated once a week during the growing season to keep the leaves green. The branch tissue can be enriched by properly controlling the amount of water in autumn, and the amount of watering should be strictly controlled in winter. When watering to the north of the Yangtze River, ferrous sulfate (500 ∶ 1) should be added to the water to prevent long-term irrigation with alkaline water, alkalization of basin soil, yellowing of leaves and death of plants. The seedling height 15~20cm should be trimmed once to promote its multiple lateral branches and plump shape as soon as possible.

Plant shaping and pruning should be carried out in early winter, keeping strong branches, cutting off disease and insect branches, delicate branches, over-dense branches and so on. When pruning Xiandan flowers, you should pay attention to picking the heart. When the seedling is 15 to 20 cm high, it is enucleated once to promote its multiple branches and make the plant shape plump. It also needs to be pruned many times after flowering. When turning the basin and changing the soil every spring, the old overwintering plant is left about 20 centimeters to make a re-cut. The old plant needs to turn the basin and change the soil once a year. In winter, South China can spend the winter in the open field, and other places need to move indoors, keeping the room temperature no less than 2 ℃. Shell insects are easy to grow during the growing period and need to be prevented and controlled in time.


Fancy language

1] Unity

2] give birth to a precious child early

3] get a new life

According to legend, a long time ago, there was a disaster in the world, the people were poor and the lark was poisonous. Just as a passing fairy saw it, she went to Taishang Laojun's elixir room to steal elixir, but soon things were exposed. Taishang Laojun ordered other fairies to recover the fairy and elixir. When she was about to catch up, the fairy sprinkled the elixir at the last minute. After the elixir fell into the mortal world, it became a fairy elixir flower, and there has been no disaster in the world since then. Therefore, the flower language of Xiandan flower symbolizes the birth of a new life, that is, a new life.

Burmese national flower

It is also the national flower of Myanmar.

How to breed Xiandan flowers? The Culture method of Xiandan Flower

Xiandan flower, also known as Shandan flower, dragon boat flower, dwarf elixir, etc., is an evergreen shrub plant of Rubiaceae, which can blossom all the year round, but it is in full bloom in summer and autumn, with 4 petals, gathering into clusters, delicate and beautiful flowers, drought and high temperature resistance, strong nature, suitable for garden beautification and potted plants, and so on. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Xiandan flowers.

Growth habits of Xiandan Flower

Xiandan flowers are more suitable for high temperature and sufficient sunshine environment, like humid and hot climate, can not bear low temperature. The suitable temperature for growth is 2332 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 20 ℃, its growth weakens and its flowering decreases obviously, but if the sunshine is sufficient, there are still a certain number of buds. When the temperature was lower than 10 ℃, its physiological activity decreased and its growth was slow. When the temperature is lower than 0 ℃, frost damage will occur. Acid-loving soil, the most suitable soil pH value is 5-5.5. The soil with good drainage and good fertilizer conservation can grow well.

Propagation methods of Xiandan Flower

1. Cuttage: the cuttage propagation of Xiandanhua should be carried out from June to July. The semi-mature branches, 10 cm in length and 15 cm in length, were inserted into the sand bed. The optimum temperature was 24 ~ 30 ℃, and rooting was 40 ~ 50 days after cutting.

2. Sowing: Xiandan flowers are collected in winter and sown in spring. The suitable temperature for germination is 22-24 ℃, and germinates 20-25 days after sowing. When 3-4 pairs of true leaves grow, the seedlings can be transferred to 8 cm pot.

3. Striping: the plants with many branches and dense branches of Xiandanhua were annularly peeled 20 cm away from the top and wrapped with peat and film, which could heal and take root for more than 2 months.

The Culture method of Xiandan Flower

1. Soil: the fertile, loose and well-drained acid sandy loam is the best soil for Xiandanhua culture. For pot cultivation, the mixture of culture soil, peat soil and coarse sand is suitable for pH at 5-5.5.

2. Watering: Xiandan flowers like to be wet and afraid of dryness, and keeping the basin soil moist is beneficial to shoot germination and leaf growth. However, if it is too wet for a long time, it is easy to cause part of the root system to rot and affect the growth and flowering.

3. Sunshine: Xiandan flowers need plenty of sunshine, the leaves are green and shiny, which is conducive to the formation of inflorescences, and the flowers are neat and bright. Proper shading in strong light in summer can prolong the flowering period.

4. Temperature: the optimum temperature for the growth of Xiandan flower is 15: 25 ℃, 24: 30 ℃ from March to September, 13: 18 ℃ from September to March of the following year. The winter temperature is not lower than 0 ℃, and it is easy to suffer frost damage if it is too low.

5. Fertilization: Xiandan peanuts are applied once every half a month with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ferrous sulfate and horseshoe slices mixed with water and liquid fertilizer after ripening and fermentation.

6. Pruning: the pruning of Xiandan flowers is mostly carried out after coming out of the room in spring, mainly to properly thinning the branches of the plants in order to facilitate ventilation and light. In addition, if the heart is picked properly during flowering, it can be pregnant with buds and bloom.

7. Insect pests: Xiandan flowers are often harmed by leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of acetic acid solution. Pests are harmful to shell insects and can be sprayed with 1500 times of omethoate EC.

The culture methods and matters needing attention of Xiandan flower culture

Xiandan flowers like sunshine, warmth and cold resistance, so they should be placed in sunny courtyards, rooftop gardens and south and west balconies. When the lowest temperature in winter drops to 5 ℃, it should be moved indoors and maintained in a sunny place in the windowsill. Keeping the room temperature above 5 ℃ can safely survive the winter, and the next spring temperature above 10 ℃ can be out of the room. Elixir flowers can also be potted in addition to ground planting. Potted elixir flowers should choose clay pots with good permeability, such as purple sand pots and plastic pots with poor permeability and beauty. Can be in the basin bottom cushion broken tiles or broken hard plastic foam block to enhance air permeability and drainage. The basin soil is required to be rich in humus, loose and fertile acid soil, and the suitable pH value is 5.0-6.5. Avoid using saline-alkali soil and heavy clay. Xiandan flowers and colors are bright, very ornamental value, loved by many people, let's take a look at the culturing methods and matters needing attention.

Culture methods of Xiandan flower 1. Soil requirements

Xiandanhua has higher requirements for soil, and it is better to choose acid soil with loose air permeability and good drainage. The ph value of soil needs to be between 5 and 5.5. Excessive acidity or alkalinity of soil is not conducive to plant growth.

2. Sufficient light

Plants can't grow without plenty of sunlight, and so can Xiandan flowers. When you spend time, you need to put it in a sunny place, and you need to keep plenty of light every day, but the summer light is strong and needs proper shade.

3. Temperature control

The suitable temperature for the growth of Xiandan flowers is about 15 to 25 degrees. It is a flower that can withstand high temperature and a certain low temperature. However, when breeding in winter, the temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees Celsius, otherwise the plants will suffer frost damage.

4. Sufficient amount of water

Xiandan flower is a flower that likes water, so it can be watered frequently when raised at home, but the amount of watering should be limited. Stagnant water can not occur in flowerpots. Too much water will cause plant root rot.

5. Adequate fertilization

Xiandan flowers like fertilizer, which needs to be fertilized every half a month during the growth period. The liquid fertilizer made from the mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ferrous sulfate and horseshoe slices according to the ratio of 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 is the best fertilizer.

6. Shaping and pruning

Xiandan flowers in a certain time is to carry out the necessary pruning, pruning is mainly the appropriate thinning and heart-picking of the plant, so that the plant can be better ventilated and transparent, and more flowers come out.

Matters needing attention in the culture of Xiandan flower in spring

It is spring now, so friends who breed Xiandan flowers at home should pay attention. The temperature picks up in spring and the sun is shining, which is the stage of very rapid growth of Xiandan flowers, so we must grasp the reality. First of all, when the outdoor temperature is about 15 degrees, Xiandan flowers should be changed, but before changing pots, Xiandan flowers need to be pruned properly so that more flowers will bloom in summer. Secondly, after the success of changing the pot, you need to plant the elixir pot on the balcony at home for cultivation, mainly to keep the plant in sufficient light, and when the plant has new leaves, it can gradually fertilize slowly.