
Culture methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia what to do if the leaves turn yellow

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Speaking of copper grass is sad, watching it helplessly in the urban area, what is the reason? Just bought back is very good-looking, I raised it for a period of time, the leaves began to wither and yellow, and then gradually died. Let's take a look at the hydroponic culture methods and precautions of Rabdosia angustifolia.

Speaking of copper grass is sad, watching it helplessly in the urban area, what is the reason? Just bought back is very good-looking, I raised it for a period of time, the leaves began to wither and yellow, and then gradually died. Let's take a look at the hydroponic culture methods and matters needing attention. How to deal with it when you see the leaves turn yellow?

1. Tongqiancao's requirements for water quality: just choose ordinary tap water. Change the water frequently. Change the water every 3-4 days in summer, and the water level is half of the bottle. Change the water once a week in winter. The transpiration of leaves is less in winter, so it is possible to change the pot at a time of 1 stroke to 3.

two。 The requirement of light: this kind of plant prefers light. I usually put the copper grass where the sun can shine, such as the windowsill. The sunshine can last longer in summer. 4-5 hours is a must. For example, in winter, ultraviolet lights or fluorescent lamps can be used instead of sunlight if there is little light.

3. The temperature requirements of Codonopsis lanceolata: southerners, it is effortless to cultivate it by hydroponics. The climate in the south is very suitable for raising coppergrass. It is appropriate to keep the normal temperature at 10-26 degrees. Too hot or too cold is not suitable for the growth of Codonopsis pilosula. 4. How to prevent insect pests: the natural enemy of Rabdosia angustifolia is the water snail, which eats its roots and buds. If you see this kind of bug in the water, you must show no mercy. Breeding in large numbers can kill your coin grass.

5. Fertilization of Rabdosia angustifolia: personally, it is not recommended to fertilize it, because its own photosynthesis produces enough nutrients. Of course, you want to make it more luxuriant, you can apply the right amount of fertilizer, you can use ordinary chemical fertilizer to dissolve it in the basin and let it absorb itself, but be careful not to be too thick, just a small amount.

6. Propagation method of Rabdosia angustifolia: Rabdosia angustifolia is generally propagated by individual plants, which is disconnected in the place where the stolon takes root with scissors in summer, and the former plant can be transplanted to other water basins to reproduce. In addition, in summer, Rabdosia przewalskii will produce small flowers, and then the seeds can also be used to propagate new plants.

Points for attention in the culture of Rabdosia angustifolia:

1. Grasp the soil and water and sunshine: Tongqian grass leaves round wavy edge, long stem, summer and autumn open a small yellow-green flowers, land and water can be farmed. Like warm and humid, it is better to cultivate in half-day sunshine or shade, avoid direct sunlight, regardless of cultivated soil, and it is better to cultivate soil with soft and good drainage. Propagation can be done by ramet or cuttage, which is easy to cultivate, keep the cultivated soil moist, and root in about 1-2 weeks. Because the plant is moisture-tolerant and watery, it is also suitable for cultivation in water basin and pool. If aquaculture, be sure to change the water every week and add a special nutrient solution for foliage plants.

two。 Choose good drainage cultivation soil: copper grass does not need a large pot, can also be planted in a larger bowl, daffodils pot can also be used to raise daffodils, soil with general vegetable garden soil, appropriate amount mixed with some river sand, which add a small amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. Money can be planted flat when the money is planted, it is better to cover the rhizome slightly and not to be too deep. Then leave it in the semi-shade for a week and wait for the new leaves to grow and see the sun again. 3. Grasp the temperature: Tongqian grass is afraid of the cold. If you put it outside in winter, you can pour out all the water. If you put it in a place facing south to the sun and leeward, you can survive the winter safely, but the leaves will die, and the underground roots will sprout again next spring. If there is no heating in the cold areas of the north, you can make a cover with a basin, pour out the water and keep it moist. As long as the room temperature is not lower than zero, it will continue to grow in the coming year.

What to do about the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia: there are roughly several reasons for yellowing: 1, watering "half of the water", that is, watering is not thorough, there is water seepage at the bottom of the basin. 2. The root system has been frostbitten when it is cold in winter. 3, after the winter, eager to go out of the room, put in a warm place to bask in the sun, temporarily unable to adapt to the abrupt climate. 4. The basin soil has been too wet or too dry for a long time. 5. Put it in the environment of poor ventilation for a long time. 6. The leaves were not cleaned with water for a long time, and dust accumulated, which hindered photosynthesis. 7. Lack of potassium, just add appropriate amount of plant nutrient solution.

If the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia are yellowed in water culture, it is estimated that it is lack of nutrition. Put it in a place where the sun is long, and drop a drop of hydroponic nutrient solution every 2 weeks. Can improve the symptoms of yellowing leaves.

What to do if the leaves are yellow in soil culture, it may be due to lack of care or half of the water, it should be placed in a place with plenty of sunshine, watered every day, and there must be water flowing out of the basin. Copper grass is most afraid of half-cut water.

Copper grass is easy to raise. You don't have to worry about whether you can live or not. To raise flowers is to raise them happily.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Rabdosia angustifolia

Copper money grass is often seen in different places of Chinese mainland, but it is called different in different regions, but it is not difficult to see that people yearn for a better life. Besides its ornamental value, its other value is also very high. The rhizome of copper money grass can not only be used as vegetable food, but also can be used to refresh and delight people with wind, intestines, clear eyes and summer heat, since it has such advantages. But what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? Don't worry, the editor will come for everyone one by one.

There are mainly two kinds of culture methods: soil culture and water culture. Today, the editor mainly explains the culture methods of water culture.

1. Water quality: the requirement of water quality of Rabdosia angustifolia is not very great, it is generally cultivated in fresh water with low hardness, and the salinity should not be too high. The pH of the water body had better be controlled between 6.5 and 7.0, that is, slightly acidic to neutral water, that is, tap water for household use can be used overnight.

two。 Temperature: Tongqian grass likes to be warm, avoid high temperature and bear low temperature. It grows well in the temperature range of 16-24 ℃. Pay attention to the water temperature when the temperature is too high in summer, and the room temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃ when overwintering.

In winter in the south, hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia can dump all the water and put it in a place facing south to the sun and leeward, it can survive the winter safely, but some of the leaves will die, and the underground roots will germinate again in spring next year.

If there is no heating in the northern cold areas, you can make a cover with a basin cover, pour out the water and keep it moist. As long as the room temperature is not lower than zero, it will continue to grow in the coming year.

3. Sunshine: Tongqian grass likes warm and humid, Tongqian grass likes the environment with plenty of light, and the plant grows poorly in shade environment. Its full-day growth is good, its petiole will be longer in half-day light, and its posture will be more beautiful if it grows in the direction of light. It is best to let it receive 4-6 hours of scattered sunlight every day, or it can be replaced by light indoors.

4. Fertilization: there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Usually put the compound fertilizer once a week, dissolve the compound fertilizer in water, add it to the basin when adding water, and pay attention not to pour the fertilizer and water on the leaves. If you have goldfish at home, you can pour the underwater water into the basin, which can also make the goldfish grow better.

Although copper money is easy to feed, there are matters needing attention, oh, now I would like to talk about the matters needing attention in copper grass breeding.

1. Because Rabdosia angustifolia is sensitive to temperature, too high or too low temperature will inhibit its growth, and bugs are more likely to sprout in high temperature water, so we have to change water frequently in hot summer.

two。 When the water raises the copper money grass, the yellowing leaves often rot in the water and spoil the water quality, so we should check the water tank regularly and find that the moldy leaves should be pulled out as soon as possible.

3. The vigorous growth of Rabdosia angustifolia can spread all over the water basin in a month, so we should prune and branch it properly and transplant the overdense Rabdosia angustifolia to other water basins, so as not to block the light of the young leaves and affect the normal metabolism of plants.

4. Although Codonopsis lanceolata likes sunshine, it is better to cultivate in half-day sunshine or shade to avoid direct sunlight.

There are also some friends who reflect the phenomenon of yellowing of leaves when they are cultured, which is mainly due to improper cultivation, so usually we should pay a little attention to the methods and matters needing attention in the cultivation of Rabdosia angustifolia. The yellowing of leaves may appear in the case of this machine.

1. It is cold in winter and the roots have been frostbitten.

two。 After the winter, eager to go out of the room, put in a warm place to bask in the sun, temporarily unable to adapt to the abrupt climate.

3. Keep it in poor ventilation for a long time.

4. The leaf surface is not cleaned with water for a long time, and dust accumulates, which hinders photosynthesis.

5. Do not change water and apply fertilizer for a long time, although Tongqian grass has little demand for water quality and fertilizer, it is easy to get sick without painstaking arrangement and water change for a long time.

Conclusion: the above is a general summary of the methods and matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia. There must be other breeding methods and matters needing attention that have not been included. I hope you can give more advice to the editor. in the end, the editor also has to talk about whether we are copper grass culture or other animal and plant culture, they must have their own points for attention, we should not do it because we are lazy. After all, when we are raised, we still have to take good care of others with our own attitude.

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Culture methods and matters needing attention of Rabdosia angustifolia

The leaves of Codonopsis lanceolata are round shield-shaped, such as a copper coin, with a long handle and wavy edges, and it will bloom small yellowish green flowers in summer and autumn. And its plant shape is beautiful, the leaf color is green, very good-looking, it is one of the most popular aquaculture plants at present. Today, let's follow the editor to learn about the hydroponics and soil culture methods and matters needing attention of Tongqian grass. Codonopsis grossedentata is a kind of herb of Umbelliferae, which is called Euphorbia angustifolia. It is also called differently in many places, such as Hubei calling it roadside yellow and Sichuan calling it a string of money. Tongqian grass is a kind of flowers that bloom in summer and grow in the grass by the roadside or on the hillside. Its stem is slender and its nodes take root. Leaves rounded or reniform, abaxially densely Adnate T-shaped hairy, entire. Its Corolla bell-shaped yellow, flowering in April every year. Fruit July, capsule subglobose. The whole plant of Rabdosia angustifolia can be used as medicine and has the effect of diuresis. Roots, stems and leaves can be used as vegetables or traditional Chinese medicine to cure wind, solidify intestines, clear eyes and clear summer heat. Tongqian grass soil culture method 1, first check whether the vase has a drainage hole, if so, plug the drainage hole with something, or seal the drainage hole with candle wax oil. 2. When the pot for raising copper grass is ready, the soil will be crushed fine. Without large particles, the soil will be poured into the flowerpot and covered with a thin layer, about 5CM thick. It is best to use the general vegetable garden soil in the soil for the cultivation of Rabdosia angustifolia, mixed with some river sand and a small amount of organic fertilizer as the base fertilizer. 3. When the soil is paved, pour water on it and let it flood the soil. Put it for another two days, let the rice, the overflowing soil change into shape, and then plant copper grass. If it is to sow the seeds of Rabdosia angustifolia, the seeds can be sown directly, and if it is planted by cutting, then the rhizome can be inserted directly. 4. When everything is done, put it in a warm sunny place and wait half a month for a pot of green and lush copper grass to grow out. Tongqian grass water culture method 1. The requirement of water quality is not very strict, as long as tap water can be used to breed it. Generally, when raising Rabdosia angustifolia in summer, it is necessary to change the water every 3-4 days, and the water level is half of the bottle. In winter, the water is usually changed once a week. The transpiration of leaves is less in winter, so it is possible to change the pot at a time of 1 stroke to 3. 2. The requirement of light illumination of copper coin grass is also relatively strict, it has to accept more than four hours of sunlight every day, so that the copper money grass can grow exuberant and green. Rabdosia angustifolia is a kind of sunny plant, which can grow rapidly even if it does not release fertilizer in sufficient sunlight. If the light is insufficient or kept in a dark room for a long time, the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia are easy to turn yellow and wither. 3. There is nothing particular about the fertilization of hydroponic copper grass. If the goldfish is cultivated at home, the water of goldfish culture can be directly changed and poured into the basin of copper grass. 4. The best growth temperature of Rabdosia angustifolia is 16-24 ℃. If the temperature is too high or too low, it will inhibit its growth, and bacteria are more likely to sprout in the water at high temperature. 5. The growth rate of Rabdosia angustifolia is relatively fast, and it can spread all over the water basin in a month, so when breeding it, it must be pruned properly and transplanted to other water basins, so as not to block the light of tender leaves and affect the normal metabolism of plants. Tongqian grass culture points for attention 1, Tongqian grass is a kind of plant suitable for extensive culture, in the process of breeding it, as long as it is given enough light and water, it can grow very well. 2. If you breed coppergrass indoors and there is no sunlight, you can use light instead of light. 3. When aquaculture is carried out, it is best to use tap water that has been precipitated for more than two hours, or to use it every other day. 4. Hydroponic copper grass generally has yellow leaves, but its withering rate is far less than its growth rate, so there is no need to worry about the yellow leaves caused by inadequate care during the culture period. 5. The root system of hydroponic Rabdosia pubescens grows green algae, which does not need to be washed. Conclusion: Rabdosia angustifolia can be planted in open field or hydroponic pot. It has round shield-shaped leaves, such as a copper coin, with a long handle and wavy edges, and its culture and management method is very simple, with beautiful plant shape and green leaves. It is a kind of plant farmed by many people now. The above is the introduction that the editor brought to you. After reading the introduction of the editor, I believe you all have a better understanding of the breeding methods and matters needing attention.