
Key points for attention in the planting of bamboo shoots

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points for attention in the planting of bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are the buds of bamboo and perennial gramine. the edible parts of bamboo shoots are mainly primary buds, which are widely distributed in our country and have strong adaptability. As the taste and taste of bamboo shoots are loved by many people, there is also a certain planting area in our country. However, when planting, there are some things we need to pay attention to. The following editor brings you the main points for attention in bamboo shoot planting. Let's take a look!

1. Select soil

Although bamboo shoots have strong adaptability and can grow normally in most of the soil, the quality of the soil will affect the yield and quality of bamboo shoots. Therefore, when we choose soil, we should try to choose acidic soil with sufficient fertility, deep softness, strong permeability and normal drainage and irrigation. To prevent the growth of bamboo shoots from being affected by the clayey soil which is too shallow and hard and the PH value is not suitable. And pay attention to the previous crops in the soil, the soil that has planted tomatoes, peppers and other crops can not be used to grow bamboo shoots.

2. Seedling planting

Before planting, the soil should be ploughed deeply, the soil should be leveled and fine raked, and then the planting density and the spacing between rows should be controlled and the drainage ditch should be opened. The width of the gutter should be kept at about 35 cm and the depth should be about 28 degrees. Then, according to the climate change in the planting area, the bamboo shoots begin to be transplanted in early spring when the bamboo shoots grow to 2-3 months. When transplanting, we should pay attention to control the planting density and plant bamboo shoots into the planting ditch. Cover fine soil, suppress compaction, and then slowly fill up the planting ditch with the growth of bamboo shoots to ensure that the depth of bamboo shoots is about 12 cm below the ground.

3. Rational watering

Although bamboo shoots have good drought tolerance, reasonable watering is beneficial to the growth of seedlings, enhance the growth ability of bamboo shoots and increase the yield of bamboo shoots. About a week after transplanting, dung water should be irrigated in time to promote the root growth and slow seedling of bamboo shoots. And in order to ensure the growth of bamboo shoots, water should be watered every 5-7 days to ensure that the soil is moist and has sufficient water content. If you encounter hot and dry weather, but also shorten the watering frequency, about four days, to prevent water shortage affecting the quality of bamboo shoots.

4. Proper topdressing

Bamboo shoots have a great demand for nutrition. After planting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly and adhere to the principle of a small amount of fertilizer and more fertilizer. Then in the bamboo shoot growth period, in order to ensure the growth of bamboo shoots, it is necessary to meet the nutrients needed for the growth of bamboo shoots. Control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, mainly compound fertilizer. Then, with the growth time of bamboo shoots, the frequency and dosage of water and fertilizer should be increased appropriately to promote the expansion of bamboo shoots and enlarge the root disk. In the mature period, it is necessary to apply mature farm manure and compound fertilizer properly. However, no matter when topdressing, we should pay attention to the amount of fertilizer, to prevent fertilizer damage, but also affect the growth of bamboo shoots.

The above is a brief introduction of the key points for attention in bamboo shoot planting. The planting of bamboo shoots is actually relatively simple, but we still need to do a good job in management. Strengthen fertilizer and water management, properly ploughing and weeding, to create a good growth environment for bamboo shoots. And we should pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests to prevent diseases and insect pests from harming the growth of bamboo shoots. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.