
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jian Lan how to deal with yellowing diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jianlan is now quite common in the family, it is very suitable for domestic potted plants, but why do their own Jianlan leaves will appear yellow, yellow to the end to die? Is it because your own breeding method is wrong? what points for attention should be paid attention to in the process of building orchids? That's right

Jianlan is now quite common in the family, it is very suitable for domestic potted plants, but why do their own Jianlan leaves will appear yellow, yellow to the end to die? Is it because your own breeding method is wrong? what points for attention should be paid attention to in the process of building orchids? By the way, Jianlan still wants to grow worms, how to solve it? Let's take a look at the Women's Network:

The culture method of Jianlan:

1. Soil: the root system of Jianlan is developed and sturdy, and the air permeability of soil is high, such as peat soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil, fermented peanut shell, fermented sawdust, fermented log shavings, rotten bark and so on.

2. Watering: potted orchids, the soil remains moist, but not more watering. There must be no stagnant water at the roots. Spray more water on the leaves in summer.

3. Sunshine: Jianlan is an orchid species that likes plenty of light. Daily maintenance can put it on the top of the orchid shelf where it is easy to see light, with as little shade as possible, otherwise it is not easy to blossom, and some varieties of Jianlan need to be exposed to the sun in order to blossom.

4. Temperature: the cold resistance of Jianlan is poor, and the overwintering temperature is not lower than 3 ℃, otherwise it will cause freezing damage. Under the condition of suitable temperature and humidity, most varieties can blossom twice in a year, some varieties can blossom four times, can not tolerate high temperature above 32 °, frostbite below 0 °, plants blacken and die.

5. Fertilization: Jianlan should be in line with the principle of thin fertilizer and diligent application in maintenance, and fertilization should be relatively diligent, so that Jianlan can grow healthily and bloom in place.

6. Insect pests: in the high temperature season, Jianlan is most prone to thrips and aphids invading buds and flowers, resulting in short buds, browning and withering, and flowers being gnawed beyond recognition, seriously affecting the ornamental. Therefore, during the period from stamen to full bloom, Jianlan should give priority to prevention, combine prevention and control, and spray drugs in time to avoid suffering from insect pests.

Matters needing attention in Jianlan culture:

Jianlan refers to the orchid which takes root in the middle of summer and golden autumn in China. The botanical circle is named after its main producing area, Fujian. Like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, poor cold tolerance, overwintering temperature not lower than 3 ℃, afraid of direct light, not resistant to waterlogging and drought, suitable for loose, fertile and well-drained rotten leaves.

What if the leaves of Jianlan turn yellow?

1. Soil discomfort

The root system of Jian Orchid is developed and sturdy, and it has high requirements for the air permeability of the soil. If it is planted with clayey soil that does not conform to the habit of Jian Orchid, the root system will be affected and the leaves will turn yellow.

2. Too little light

Jianlan is a kind of orchid that likes plenty of light. If there is not enough light in the maintenance process, it will not only blossom less, but also cause the leaves to turn yellow and lack of vitality.

3. Excessive fertilization

If Jian Lan wants to bloom luxuriantly, it needs to fertilize and provide fertilizer frequently, but too much fertilizer will burn its roots and cause its leaves to turn yellow and wither.

4. Root rot infection

Root rot infection of Jian orchid will cause root rot, poor growth of aboveground leaves, green and yellow leaves, and even plant wilt. the infection of the disease is also one of the reasons for the yellowing of Jian orchid leaves.

5. Damage of scale insects

Scale insects mainly harm the leaves and branches of Jian Orchid, which will cause the leaves to turn yellow and the branches to wither. If the leaves of Jian Orchid are found to be yellow, check to see if it is the cause of the scale insects.

The solution to the yellowing of Jian Lan leaves:

1. The solution to soil discomfort: the rotten leaf soil with loose, fertile and good drainage is the best.

2, the solution of too little light: daily maintenance can put it on the top of the orchid shelf where it is easy to see light, as little shade as possible.

3. The solution of excessive fertilization: Jianlan should adhere to the principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently, so that Jianlan can grow healthily and blossom more.

4. The solution to the infection of root rot: soak the disease plant in the medicine solution for 20-30 minutes, remove it to dry, and replant it with a new substrate.

5. The solution to the harm of scale insects: scale insects can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate, 1500 times of malathion, 1000 times of imidophos, 1000 times of dichlorvos, or 2.5% deltamethrin 3000 times.

What are the common diseases and insect pests in Jianlan and how to solve them:

1. Anthracnose of Jianlan

Anthrax occurs all the year round, especially in the high temperature and rainy season. Anthrax will damage the branches and leaves of Jian orchid, and in serious cases, the whole plant will die.

Solution: during the onset period, 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder can be sprayed with 800-1500 times solution, 7-10 days, and then supplemented with 1% Bordeaux solution, once a semimonthly.

2. Root rot of Jian Lan

Root rot, also known as nematode disease, nematodes parasitic on the roots of orchids, causing root rot, poor growth of aboveground leaves, leaf color fading, yellowing, and even causing plant wilting. Nematode damage caused a large number of wounds, but also caused the infection of other soil-borne bacteria, resulting in plant disease and accelerated plant death.

Solution: the cultivation substrate of Jian orchid should be disinfected, it can be sterilized with 100 degrees steam to kill insect eggs, harm the reconstructed orchid needs to change the pot immediately, soak the diseased plant in the medicine solution for 20-30 minutes, fish it out to dry, and replant it with a new substrate.

3. Jian Lan white silk disease

White silk disease mostly occurs in the plum rain season, which mainly harms the rhizome of Jian orchid, causing rot and death.

Solution: pay attention to ventilation and light transmission, basin soil drainage is good to prevent, after the disease can be removed with bacteria basin soil, sprinkled with pentachloronitrobenzene powder or lime.

4. Scale insects

In the case of high temperature and humidity and poor air flow, the propagation is the fastest, which harms the leaves and branches of Jian Orchid, causing the leaves to turn yellow and the branches to wither.

Solution: use 1000 times of omethoate, 1500 times of malathion, 1000 times of imidophos, 1000 times of dichlorvos, or 3000 times of 2.5% deltamethrin, spray.

These are the problems that will be encountered in the process of sample orchid cultivation. After reading this article, you will know the correct method of Jianlan culture.

The reason why the leaves of Jian orchid are yellowing what to do

Jianlan is one of the most popular family-raised flowers. If your Jianlan leaves turn yellow, you might as well take a look at the causes and solutions to the yellowing of Jianlan leaves.

The reason for the yellowing of Jianlan leaves:

Soil discomfort

The fleshy roots of Jiandan have developed and sturdy roots, so they have high requirements for soil permeability. if planted in the more viscous soil, it will affect the growth of the roots and cause the interruption of the nutrient transport channel between the roots and leaves.

Improper lighting

Jianlan is an orchid variety that likes light. If it is kept in the shade for a long time, the plant will reduce chlorophyll and the leaf color will turn yellow due to lack of photosynthesis; if it is exposed to the sun for a long time, the light is too strong, the plant is easy to burn, and the leaves will lose their vitality.

Improper fertilization

If there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, we all know that nitrogen fertilizer can promote the growth of leaves, but the root of Jianlan has nodules and has a certain role of polymerizing nitrogen elements. In a certain period of time, the content of nitrogen in the fertilizer is higher, which will cause fertilizer damage and leaves yellowing.

Disturbance of diseases and insect pests

Root decay is one of the reasons for the yellowing of leaves, and the leaves on the rotting ground are bound to grow poorly, yellowing and even withering.

In addition, scale insects can also cause yellow leaves, branches covered with insects, affecting plant photosynthesis, branches slowly withered.

What if the leaves of Jianlan turn yellow:

Change soil and adapt to light

Found that the soil is uncomfortable, immediately change the soil, you can choose a professional orchid culture soil, regardless of permeability or pH are more suitable. Try not to use the soil dug back directly from the outside, which is not very permeable.

In daily maintenance, put the orchid basin in a place with bright light, which can shine all day in spring and winter without shade. In summer and autumn, avoid the noon sun and shade properly.

Thin fertilizer is applied frequently

The most taboo of orchids is big fertilizer, flower friends who do not know how to fertilize must study hard, when it is time to apply fertilizer, the right or wrong of fertilization is related to the growth of Jianlan. Adhere to the application of thin fertilizer frequently, do not be lazy, so that Jianlan can grow strong.

Control of diseases and insect pests

When plants are found to be infected with diseases and insect pests, they should be dealt with in time. When rotting the roots, remove the plant from the pot, clean up the rotten parts, soak in the sterilized wild seeds for 20-30 minutes, dry and replant.

If scale insects appear on the leaves, 1000 times of omethoate can be used if the insecticide is sprayed in time.

What to do if the leaves of Jian Lan turn yellow? change the soil in time / pay attention to the method of fertilization

Jianlan is a kind of plant cultivated in all the major gardens in China, and it has a very high ornamental value. But no matter how high the ornamental value is, if there are yellowed flowers, it will affect its beauty as a whole, because it will be very abrupt. What about the yellowing of Jianlan leaves? In fact, it is easier to find the right way to solve the problem, and let's move on to the specific method.

1. What to do if the leaves of Jianlan turn yellow / pay attention to the method of fertilization

When the leaves of Jianlan turn yellow, first of all, we have to find the reason, because finding the reason can better deal with it. There are many reasons for the yellowing of Jian orchid leaves, such as fertilization, the wrong method of absorbing sunlight, the emergence of diseases and insect pests and so on. If it is caused by diseases and insect pests, you can refer to Jianlan pest control article, which has a detailed solution, here the editor will not introduce too much.

Second, the reason why the leaves of Jian Lan turn yellow.

1. Soil selection is not correct.

The selection of soil is the first and very important step in planting Jianlan, and there are many things that need to be paid attention to. When choosing soil, it is best not to choose soil that is too sticky, because if you plant it in this soil, it may lead to difficulties in absorbing nutrients and yellowing of leaves.

Solution: when choosing soil before planting Jianlan, it is best to choose a relatively loose soil, such as humus soil, coarse sand and garden soil, which can make the soil have better drainage and make Jianlan absorb nutrients more easily.

two。 Too much or not enough sunshine

Sunshine is a very important point when cultivating Jianlan. If you put it in direct sunlight, it is easy to burn, how to make the leaves lose vitality and turn yellow. Of course, if you don't see the sun indoors for a long time, it will make Jian Lan unable to carry out photosynthesis and gradually turn yellow due to lack of nutrients.

Solution: Jianlan this plant does not like direct sunlight, especially in the summer season when the sun is strong, it is best to move Jianlan to the indoor semi-shade for breeding, the environment must be ventilated, so as to avoid direct sunlight and not to absorb nutrients from the sun.

3. The method of fertilization is wrong.

The leaves of Jian orchid may turn yellow if the fertilization method is wrong or the fertilizer is not selected correctly. in the fertilization process, the fertilization method is the key, and it is relatively simple to find the right method to deal with it.

Solution: in the process of orchid growth, there are three times of fertilization is very important, but also can not be less, they are the germination stage, germination stage, and before the flowering stage. In the budding stage, granular fertilizer can be selected to fertilize outside the heel. Nitrogen fertilizer is selected for weekly fertilization during germination stage, and phosphate fertilizer is selected for weekly extra-root fertilization before flowering stage.

About Jianlan leaves yellowing how to do, I believe that after reading the above friends should know how to solve this problem, or that sentence, as long as find the cause of yellowing, it is still very simple to deal with. Anyway, I hope this article can give you some help.