
The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Magnolia how to do with rotting Root and rotten Heart

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many families like to raise orchids. As long as they raise orchids, when others come to see your orchids at home, they will praise them. The premise is that orchids will look good, and if orchids are raised, they will have rotten roots and rotten hearts. What can be done? I have been raising myself very attentively.

Many families like to raise orchids. As long as they raise orchids, when others come to see your orchids at home, they will praise them. The premise is that orchids will look good, and if orchids are raised, they will have rotten roots and rotten hearts. What can be done? I have been raising it very attentively. Let's take a look at it with the Women's Network:

The culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium:

1. Soil

Fertile and loose neutral or weakly acidic rotten soil is the most suitable hotbed for magnolia. The choice of soil is the first key factor for magnolia, and it is also one of the reasons why many people can't raise it well. Cultivation soil formula: rotten leaf soil (rotten leaf soil preferably oak leaves) 55%, river sand 15%, pine needle 15%, charcoal 10%, pockmarked 5%. a. The soil is screened and sterilized. b. Stir-fry pockmarked seeds and mix well with the soil. c. Add a layer of charcoal to the bottom of the basin to increase the air permeability and prevent stagnant water. (this part of charcoal is not included in the formula) d. Add a handful of pockmarked seeds to the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. (this part of pockmarked seeds is not included in the formula) PS: beginners can also directly buy special soil for planting of Magnolia. two。 Light

Cymbidium likes semi-shade, so growing orchids indoors requires manual adjustment of the effect of light on it. The leaves of Cymbidium have phototaxis, and if they are placed indoors for a long time, the leaves must be deflected in the direction of the sun. As far as its plant shape is concerned, it is difficult to look sideways at a line and look squarely at the ornamental effect of opening a fan. Usually, during the day, my mother will put the flower plate in the sunny place. in order to make the magnolia look good-looking and have ornamental value, you should not be lazy and change the direction to the sunny place of the leaves every other week, so that the magnolia can grow staggered. Because the leaves of Cymbidium are opposite, if the long-term light is too single, it will cause uneven. Ha, my mother said that when the orchid was in bud, she learned a trick from the old flower friend and put the orchid in the sun to replenish the light at night. Haha, flower infatuation ~! PS: the method of placing flowerpots indoors: a. Make the blade parallel to the sunny window and adjust in the opposite direction every other week. b. Make the blade perpendicular to the sunny window. Mom said, B method is good. The arrangement of the gentleman orchid must be in the north-south direction, not in the north-south direction. What if the leaves grow too long? Can pull up the two leaves after clamping up, can be surrounded by a playing card so that it does not hurt the leaves, then the leaves will be corrected in 20 days.

3. Temperature

As mentioned in the summary, the most suitable temperature is 15-25 degrees. 4. Watering

Gentleman orchid is a fleshy root, angry and afraid of water stains. In addition, the leaves of Cymbidium have waxy layer, the temperature is low in winter, and the transpiration and evaporation of water are less. Therefore, watering should not be too much, only combined with fertilization watering, to keep the basin soil moist. The soil should not be too dry or too wet. Every time it is watered, it must be thoroughly watered, and some more should be watered after budding. Every 20 days or so, combine watering with fermented bean cake water, fresh fish water and horseshoe water to combine watering and fertilization. Watering should be controlled when the room temperature is low to prevent the basin soil from being too wet, which will cause the rotten roots of the plant to die, but it can not make the basin soil too dry.

5. Fertilizer application

When the nourishment of the gentleman orchid is insufficient, there will be a variety of problems, such as narrow new leaves, light color and so on. In terms of nourishment, it is necessary to add the necessary nutrients to it in different seasons, and gentleman orchids generally apply fertilizer in winter. Phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer are more beneficial to the cultivation of Magnolia, and less nitrogen fertilizer is applied when topdressing. Be sure to control the amount of fertilization, ha, or it is easy to cause charred symptoms at the leaf tip of Cymbidium, especially in winter, if the leaves are spotted and the roots turn yellow, it is the reason for excessive fertilization. Ha, teach you 2 ways to get home phosphate and potash fertilizer. You can choose eggshell powder and stewed fish water, which are good organic phosphate fertilizers. Bran ash and tobacco ash can be used as potash fertilizer to fertilize magnolia. Three months before flowering, liquid fertilizer was applied mainly with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote its arrows to blossom.

6. Heat preservation

The suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium in winter is 15-20 ℃, and it is better not lower than 10 ℃. The temperature should be kept at about 18 ℃ after scurrying, and the temperature difference between day and night should be about 10 ℃, otherwise the flower arrow will blossom if it does not reach a proper height, and it is easy to form a "sandwiched arrow". The magnolia should be moved indoors when the outdoor temperature is lower than 10 ℃ at night. When the indoor temperature is lower than 10 ℃, in addition to covering the surface of the basin soil with a layer of 1 cm thick charcoal powder, the flowerpot should also be placed in the indoor sunny warm place. When the indoor temperature is very low, cover the film on the flowerpot to raise temperature, but the temperature in the cover should not exceed 25 ℃, if it exceeds, it should be ventilated and cooled in time. 7. Prolong the florescence

Prolong the florescence: the flowering period of Cymbidium is mostly from December to March of the following year. The way to prolong the flowering period is to place the flower in a dark place when it is about to bloom, properly control the watering, and keep the temperature at 8-12 ℃. In this way, the florescence can be extended by 10-20 days.

8. Leaf protector

The leaves are short, wide, thick, green, bright and strong, which are the characteristics of healthy orchids. In addition to providing reasonable fertilizer and water, the leaf surface must be kept clean in order to improve photosynthetic efficiency. One is to wash the leaves regularly and wash or wipe off the dust on the leaves with the same water as the room temperature; the other is to spray fungicides in time to prevent the occurrence of leaf spot, leaf blight and stem rot and ensure that the leaves are green.

9. Time to change basin

The time and times of toppling and changing soil of Cymbidium depends on the size and season of the seedlings. Like these grown-up orchids, they have to change their soil once a year. The best time to change soil is in spring and autumn, because the orchid grows vigorously at this time and will not affect the growth of the plant. Take out the magnolia from the basin, cut off the rotten roots and the old roots without absorptive capacity, and remove the waste soil. Spray trees inside and outside the leaves to protect trees from disinfection, sterilization, heat preservation and cold. After that, fill in 2-5 cm thick nutritious soil, grab a handful of soil to add fruit to the inside of the root, and then put the plant in the basin. When filling the nutritious soil into the basin to half the height of the basin, press down gently with your hand along the edge of the basin, so that the roots stand in the basin and are not easy to bend. The key point of soil replacement is to fill the roots with soil. Otherwise, there is no soil in the root, water and nutrients can not reach the root, which is easy to cause rotten root and arrow entrapment. After changing the nutritious soil, pour water thoroughly.

What about the rotten roots of a gentleman's orchid?

The planting process of Cymbidium should be observed frequently, and if it is found that there is a rotten root phenomenon, it should be treated immediately. Take out the plant, remove the rotten root, rinse the root with 1% potassium permanganate water for disinfection, or apply some charcoal powder to the affected area and sun the root in the greenhouse for about 30 minutes. If the rotten root is more than 50% or all rotten, use the above method to treat and then use river sand to promote the root. The root-promoting temperature should be higher than the normal temperature, which is generally controlled at about 22-30 ℃, so that new roots will grow after about 2 months, and then transplanted to the nutrient soil basin.

What if the gentleman orchid has a bad heart?

The broken heart is not very serious, it is possible to save it. In this case, it is usually not the leaves in the center that rot, but the young leaves on both sides of the center. If you find this situation, you should immediately remove the rotten leaves, dry the excess water with toilet paper or cotton, and then transfer it to a drier environment. Return to normal management after the center is dry (usually 2-3 days), but do not spray water on the plant, and the humidity of the surrounding environment should be slightly controlled. If the rotten heart is not very serious, the central leaf will gradually grow out after this treatment. However, if this situation is not dealt with in a timely manner, it will become the second situation.

Bad heart is more serious. If it is determined that it cannot be saved, all the leaves on the less side of the plant leaves should be removed decisively, and the sooner the better, so that the center of Cymbidium will not accumulate water and cause more serious damage, and the removal of some leaves can reduce plant consumption. it is beneficial for the plant to use the remaining leaves and complete roots to quickly restore vitality and sprout new buds. The specific method is to break off all the leaves on one side of the leaves one by one, expose the top of the rotten false bulb, and remove the rotten part with clean and sterilized bamboo until the top of the false bulb is all white. After controlling the water for 2 to 3 days, the original soil is replaced into a larger tile basin, and the newly added basin soil must be loosened and aerated.

Usually spray suitable concentration of inorganic liquid fertilizer on the leaf surface and back of the plant, such as urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc., use the remaining leaves to promote the rapid growth of roots, and at the same time apply thin liquid fertilizer to the basin to promote sprouting (under the premise of thin application of liquid fertilizer, the growth period can be thicker, the dormancy period should be thinner, and the month with the highest temperature can not be irrigated. Florists can flexibly master this according to their region. Once it sprouts, it can increase the amount of water and fertilizer and enter the normal management. Because the treated orchid can use the old leaves to apply foliar fertilizer on the one hand, and has complete roots on the other hand, it grows rapidly, usually producing 1-2 buds every year, and the 2-year seedlings have 14-15 leaves and become mature plants, which can be planted separately at this time. According to my experience, the old leaf can be used for 3 to 4 years, and the complete old root is growing endlessly, which is also a good time to breed the same kind of magnolia in large numbers.

To raise a good-looking, green gentleman orchid is really not easy, a little careless will raise a spotted and dying gentleman orchid, master the above methods, raise a healthy gentleman orchid.

How to raise potted Cymbidium, the breeding methods and matters needing attention / water should not be too much.

For Gentleman, I believe you are no stranger to flowers. Although it does not have the beauty of peonies or the emerald green of dripping Guanyin, its broad green leaves, fiery red flowers, red and green reflect each other, and it is an ideal potted flower to beautify the environment. In life, many people will choose to raise magnolia, then how to raise potted magnolia? The following are the breeding methods and precautions of the orchid carefully arranged by the editor, and you can't miss what you want to raise.

First, how to raise potted magnolia, watering is the key

Raising magnolia at home is the first choice for many flower friends, but some people react that the monarch orchid in his family died after raising it. How is this going on? In fact, this may be too much water, because in the gentleman orchid breeding methods and matters needing attention, watering is very critical. Potted gentleman orchid how to raise, specific methods and points for attention we continue to look at.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

1. Basin soil

How to raise a gentleman's orchid, potted soil is the first consideration. Although many friends buy directly from the florist, they always have to change pots and soil, so we also need to understand the potted soil requirements of gentleman orchids.

In the flowerpot: the gentleman orchid is a famous flower, but the flowerpot is not the more exquisite the better, ventilation is the most important.

In the soil: it is best to use tiles at the bottom of the selected flowerpot, which is conducive to the removal of stagnant water. The soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and a small amount of river sand. Reference soil: rotten leaf soil accounts for 50%, coarse sand accounts for 15%, charcoal gravel accounts for 20%, and mature fertilizer accounts for 15%.

Note: flowerpot: the air permeability of the old flowerpot for many years is poor, it should be soaked and cleaned, and then exposed to the sun before use; soil: do not use clay and alkaline soil, otherwise it will lead to poor growth and yellowing of leaves.

2. watering, there can be no more water.

No matter what kind of flowers are raised, watering is essential, and this is the most important thing we need to pay attention to in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of gentleman orchids. The root of the gentleman orchid is fleshy, and the stagnant water in the flowerpot is easy to cause rotten roots, so you must not water too much. Grasp the principle: do not dry thoroughly, water thoroughly.

Note: when watering the magnolia, do not pour water on the leaves to prevent the leaves from rotting. When it is found that there is dust on the leaves, gently wipe the leaves with a soft cloth, not with a large amount of water; the flowering period should take the method of watering roots, but the flowerpot must not store water.

3. Fertilizing, applying thin fertilizer and applying more

In the cultivation method of Magnolia, fertilization is also very important. Gentleman orchid likes fertilizer, but if there is too much fertilizer, it will also cause trouble to gentleman orchid, so watering and fertilization are best carried out at the same time, and the peak growth period can be every 15-20 days. There are three main types of fertilizer, dry fertilizer, water fertilizer and solid fertilizer.

Note: the fertilization of Magnolia should be fermented solid fertilizer every other month in spring and autumn, and liquid fertilizer once a week, mainly nitrogen fertilizer; it is best not to top fertilizer in winter and summer, or apply solid fertilizer to Cymbidium once in winter, apply less nitrogen fertilizer, and apply more phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer. Just remember one principle, that is, apply thin fertilizer and apply more fertilizer.

4. the light should not be too strong.

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium, although the light is indispensable, the requirements are not strict. It is understood that gentleman orchids like semi-yin and are afraid of direct light. If you receive strong light, it will greatly increase transpiration, at this time, if not properly watered, the leaf color will appear old scorched yellow, or even wilting.

Note: due to the high air temperature and soil temperature in dry summer, it is easy to cause root system disorder, resulting in the imbalance of nutrition absorption and the occurrence of neck pulling, leaf channeling and other phenomena. Therefore, when the light is strong, the magnolia should be moved to the shade and poured more water.

5. The temperature should not be too high

How to raise potted magnolia, the suitable temperature is very important. Orchids avoid high temperatures in summer. if the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, or the sun is exposed, cooling measures should be taken to place orchids in a cool, low-temperature and ventilated semi-shade.

Note: although the gentleman orchid avoids high temperature, it is not hardy either. If the temperature is too low, it will stop growing or even die. Therefore, the sun is soft in winter, so it should be placed in a place with plenty of indoor light. If the room temperature is above 10 ℃, you can survive the winter safely.

III. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium

Although there are many points for attention in the above breeding methods of orchids, there are still a few points that we need to pay attention to if we want to raise them well, such as changing pots and pruning. The points for attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium are as follows:

1. Pruning

In summer, we must pay attention to cutting off the superfluous flowers and arrows of the magnolia. The normal flowering period of gentleman orchid is from New Year's Day to Spring Festival. if it is not cut off, it will consume nutrition and affect the normal growth and flowering in winter and spring.

2. Change the basin

In the matters needing attention in the breeding of Cymbidium, changing the basin is also very critical. In the second year, florists should change the 15cm mud basin, and then change the larger mud basin every two years. The basin change should be carried out in spring and autumn, and the most suitable temperature is about 20 ℃ 1.

What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium?

Cymbidium is a herb of the genus Amaryllidaceae. The leaves of this plant are opposite and can absorb ash layer and pollutants in the air. The growth period is as long as 4-5 years, but the flowering period is also very long, lasting 1-2 months. It usually opens from December to March every year. The planting process and culture methods of Cymbidium are very simple, but there are many key points to pay attention to. The following is the editor to share with you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium.

[recommended reading] Why doesn't the orchid bloom and the leaves turn yellow? what about the rotten roots of the orchid?

The culture method of gentleman orchid:

1. Using soil: the original place of Magnolia is under the trees of the high-altitude forests in southern Africa, and its roots are rooted in the decaying leaf layer accumulated for many years. The gentleman orchid should use loose and fertile neutral or weakly acidic humus soil, and the cultivation soil can be mixed with 65% humus soil, 20% net sand and 15% fine furnace ash. The relative humidity of the soil should be about 40%.

2. Fertilization: apply solid fertilizer once to Magnolia in winter, apply less nitrogen fertilizer, and apply more phosphorus and potash fertilizer. Eggshell powder and retting fish water is a good phosphate fertilizer, bran ash and soot are easily available potash. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can also be applied to promote the germination of more new plants and leaves. Fertilization must be appropriate, do not apply thick fertilizer and unfermented raw fertilizer, otherwise, it is easy to cause leaf tip scorch or rot.

3. Soil: it should be too dry or too wet, be sure to water thoroughly every time, and water more after budding. Every 20 days or so, combine watering with fermented bean cake water, fresh fish water and horseshoe water to combine watering and fertilization. Watering should be controlled when the room temperature is low to prevent the basin soil from being too wet, which will cause the rotten roots of the plant to die, but it can not make the basin soil too dry.

4. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium in winter is 15Mel 20 ℃, preferably not less than 10 ℃. The temperature should be kept at about 18 ℃ after scurrying, and the temperature difference between day and night should be about 10 ℃, otherwise the flower arrow will blossom if it does not reach a proper height, and it is easy to form a "sandwiched arrow".

Points for attention in breeding magnolia:

1, the gentleman orchid likes the semi-overcast cool environment, must avoid high temperature, strong light, dry. In 15-25 degrees is the most suitable temperature, below 5 degrees began to dormancy stop growth, high temperature is not suitable, summer should pay attention to summer. Otherwise, the narrow and long leaves will affect the ornamental, and the temperature should be cooled down in time.

2. The basin soil should be kept moist during the growth period of Cymbidium, the basin soil should be dry during the high temperature and semi-dormancy period, and more water should be sprayed on the leaf surface to achieve the purpose of cooling. The gentleman orchid likes fertilizer and changes the basin every 2 to 3 years in spring and autumn, adding rotten leaf soil in the basin soil. The basin should be turned frequently to prevent the blade from leaning to one side.

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