
When is the flowering time of evergreen clematis planting method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Evergreen clematis with small white flowers, it is very good-looking, is very attractive, how to raise evergreen clematis in order to raise it well? When is the florescence of evergreen clematis? Let's take a look at the women's network: most of the flowers of evergreen clematis are very simple, but they bloom very luxuriantly.

Evergreen clematis with small white flowers, it is very good-looking, is very attractive, how to raise evergreen clematis in order to raise it well? When is the florescence of evergreen clematis? Let's take a look at the Women's Network:

Most of the flowers of evergreen clematis are very simple, but they bloom very luxuriantly. They bloom like waterfalls, and they are green all the year round.

Common varieties: Apple blossom, Joe (silver coin), freckles, spring morning, elf, Petrie, moon bean, flashing bell, etc.

Florescence: early spring, no autumn flowers

Pruning suggestion: prune diseased and weak branches at the beginning of spring; after flowering, cut off residual flowers or leave seed pods, which will soon regenerate branches, leaving seed pods can see beautiful inflorescences but affect the germination of new branches.

Planting suggestion: potted plant, permeable medium is better, summer and autumn water demand is large, avoid rain during high temperature.

Particularity: low temperature vernalization is needed, and planting is not recommended in areas where the temperature below 5 degrees in winter is less than 30 days.

Fertilization advice: not resistant to fertilizer, avoid the use of organic fertilizer.

Cold and heat resistance: more heat-resistant, individual slow-growing varieties (such as elves, Petrie, moon beans) are recommended to avoid high temperature and rain. Less hardy, below-10 degrees (minus 10 degrees) to protect, old branches frostbite without flowers.

Difficulty coefficient: it is difficult to blossom in Guangdong and Guangxi, too warm indoors and too cold outdoors in the north, and frostbite can be planted in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and central regions.

Planting method of Clematis what are the transplanting skills of Clematis

Clematis belongs to Clematis. There are many studies on the breeding, cultivation and application of Clematis abroad, which has an important position in gardens, but although Clematis is rich in resources, it is rarely used in gardens and needs further development and utilization. Clematis is one of the excellent climbing tree species with broad prospects. Let's take a look at the planting method of clematis.

1. Basic knowledge of clematis

Clematis, alias Clematis, Passiflora, Jinbao Silver, Aristolochia mandshanica, Passiflora, Weilingxian; Ranunculaceae, Clematis, mostly deciduous or evergreen herbaceous vines, flowering from early spring to late autumn (there are also a few winter flowering varieties), fruiting summer. There are several species, varieties and their varieties and hybrids, which can be cultivated for ornamental use in the garden. Clematis enjoys the laudatory name of "queen of vine flowers". The flower color is generally white and the flowers have a fragrant smell. Clematis can be used as cut flowers for exhibition, can be used for climbing evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs, and can be used as ground cover; used as root and whole grass as medicine. Diuresis, regulating qi and defecation, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. For adverse urination, abdominal distension, closed stool; external use to treat joint swelling and pain, insect and snake bites.

2. Morphological characteristics of clematis.

Clematis plants are mostly woody lianas and a few are perennial erect herbs. The stem is full of toughness. Leaves simple or pinnately compound, opposite. There are 3 solitary or 2murmure flowers in clusters, showing Cymes or panicles, mostly hermaphroditic, jar-shaped, bell-shaped or whorled, with a diameter of up to 15 cm, and a few of them are only 1 mm in diameter; apetalous, Cantonese petals, colorful flowers, yellowish, white, pink or red, purple and other colors; stamens numerous. Achenes form a head, with persistent feathery styles, strange and beautiful. The florescence varies from species to species, and most flowers bloom in spring or summer and autumn.

III. Ecological habits of Clematis

Born in low mountain hills and thickets. Like fertile, well-drained alkaline loam, avoid stagnant water or summer drought and can not retain water. Strong cold resistance, can withstand-20 low temperature. If there are red spiders or leaf-eating pests, ventilation should be strengthened.

IV. Planting methods of Clematis

1, soil: like fertile, well-drained alkaline loam, avoid stagnant water or summer drought and can not retain water.

2. Watering: endure early and be afraid of waterlogging. In the rainy season, due to high temperature and humidity, it is easy to die of disease and death, so you can keep the basin soil moist during the growing season. Do not water too much, otherwise the roots are easy to rot.

3. Sunshine: potted clematis are cultivated under full light from autumn to early spring of the next year, without shade, and strong light after entering summer, which will lead to aging and yellowing of clematis leaves, poor growth, and need proper shading.

4. Temperature: strong adaptability, cold resistance, can withstand-20 low temperature.

5. Fertilization: the demand for fertilizer is not high, and liquid fertilizer can be applied every half a month or so during the peak growth period.

V. Transplantation of clematis

1. Time of transplanting: potted clematis can be transplanted at any time of the year, because when transplanting clematis plants only need to be taken out of the pot and planted, without any damage to the roots of clematis. Of course, the ideal transplanting time for clematis is in spring or early autumn. During this period, the soil temperature is relatively warm, and the soil water content is more suitable, which can provide the best living environment for the plants that have just changed the environment. But as long as we can dig holes, we can plant clematis even in winter, even if it freezes soon, it won't be a big problem.

2, the steps of transplantation: there is no standard size for digging the pit, the size of the pit depends on the quality of the soil, if the soil is loose, fertile and well drained, it can be 30 cm or a shovel and a half deep, if on the contrary, the soil is thick and sticky, it is best to dig to the depth of 50--60cm, you can make a good drainage layer, as for the width, you need 30--40cm, so that the root can be put in freely.

6. The pruning method of clematis

First, the florescence begins before the end of May, and the pedicel is short, usually bearing more than 2 flowers in the axils of the leaves. In the first year after planting, each branch was cut short by 30 cm from 2m to 3 months. From February to March of the following year, all branches were cut short by 1 meter each. After the third year, the weak branches and dead branches are cut off every year after flowering.

In the second category, the flowers bloom on the short branches germinated in the leaf axils of last year's branches, each with 1 flower, and the flowering period begins before the end of June. In the first year after planting, each branch was cut short by 30 cm from 2m to 3 months. From February to March in the second year, all the branches were cut short. After the third year, every year from 2mi to March, all the branches are cut short on the first pair of full lateral buds.

In the third category, flowers bloom on new branches of the same year, each with several flowers, and the florescence begins in July. In the first year after planting, 2m / m-3 months, leave all the branches 30 cm short. After the second year, from February to March every year, all the branches are cut above the base point of the previous year, and the height of the plant is not more than 75cm above the surface.

7. Matters needing attention in planting clematis

1. Pay attention to adequate water supply in the first few months after planting. The diameter of the water supply range is not less than 50 cm, so that the root can be extended in all directions.

2. If the branches are brittle and easy to break, attention should be paid to attracting and fixing them.

3. Special attention should be paid to drainage in the cultivation of clematis. When planting, the hole is generally 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. After digging the hard soil at the bottom of the hole, put in a large amount of humus, and then add the topsoil mixed with bone powder. In poorly drained clay or light sand, the bottom of the hole should be mixed with peat or humus after loosening. Where there may be stagnant water. The bottom should be cushioned with stones or rubble, 25 centimeters above the surrounding soil.

Clematis can be used for exhibition cut flowers, can also be used to climb evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs, such as wall hedges, pavilions, flower racks, styles, arches and other garden buildings and facilities, the effect is very good. Root can be used as Weiling fairy medicine Jinzhi Robinia pseudoacacia.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding of this after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network to learn more information.

Reference to planting methods of Clematis

Reference to planting methods of Clematis

Reference to planting methods of Clematis

Time to transplant: potted clematis can be transplanted at any time of the year, because you only need to take the clematis plants out of the pot and plant them without causing any damage to the roots of clematis. Of course, the ideal transplanting time for clematis is in spring or early autumn. During this period, the soil temperature is relatively warm, and the soil water content is more suitable, which can provide the best living environment for the plants that have just changed the environment. But as long as we can dig holes, we can plant clematis even in winter, even if it freezes soon, it won't be a big problem. The steps of transplantation: there is no standard size for digging the pit, the size of the pit depends on the quality of the soil, if the soil is loose, fertile and well drained, it can be 30 cm or a shovel and a half deep, if on the contrary, the soil is thick and sticky, it is best to dig to 50-60cm deep, you can make a good drainage layer, as for the width, 30-40cm is needed, so that the root can be put freely. Build a drainage layer if the soil in your yard is sticky or your area is too wet, you need to build a drainage layer. Usually a layer of stones at the bottom of the pit can be made into a drainage layer, which should be mixed in size to prevent water accumulation at the root of clematis. The clematis of fertilized varieties of clematis need to supplement nutrients to protect the growth of flowers and special Corolla. When planting, you can put some slow-release fertilizer at the bottom of the pit as base fertilizer, but do not use the root of the plant in direct contact with the fertilizer. Therefore, after fertilizing, a layer of soil is still sprinkled before the root of the plant can be put into the pit. After the above steps are completed, the root of the plant can be put into the pit. It should be noted that all the 15cm branches above the root of the plant should be buried in the pit, so as to ensure the effective treatment and recovery of clematis disease. After watering and planting, water the plant thoroughly. The last step is to cover with shaded tiles, or other shade. The construction of drainage layer is a very important link in the south where it is easy to rain. When planting clematis, it is best to mix the original soil with humus soil or peat soil to ensure soil permeability and nutrition. Burying the branches at the 10cm above the root under the ground will contribute to the healthy growth of clematis and bring convenience to your treatment of clematis in the future. Watered clematis like loose, well-drained soil, and its roots should be kept cool and moist in hot weather. In general, clematis death is caused by overwatering and poor drainage of the soil. If you are planting clematis in a large container, make sure the soil is well drained. You need to check the leaks at the bottom of the container regularly to make sure that there is no dirt to block the leaks. Clematis need to be carefully observed to ensure that the soil is not completely dry, usually once every 2-3 weeks in the cooler season. In very hot summer conditions, clematis may need to be watered every two days or so. Under normal summer conditions, clematis can be watered once every five days. In general, watering is a better way for clematis to grow healthily, which makes clematis root deeper rather than just growing on the surface of the soil where it is easy to dry. Fertilization is the most basic of all the factors affecting plant growth potential. The joint action of nutrients, light and water makes plants accumulate energy and grow continuously. Usually, potted plants are limited by nutrients, and their poor growth is more obvious. When potted clematis lack nutrients, the plants will turn yellow, become very thin, and eventually die. At the same time, we must also be careful not to overwork or fertilize clematis too much, which will cause fertilizer damage and possibly lead to plant death. Among a series of methods to replenish Clematis with nutrients, the most effective one is to use liquid fertilizer. Usually, liquid fertilizers are sold in the form of powder. These powders also contain all the elements necessary for plant growth. These powders are mixed with the right amount of warm water to form a nutrient solution, usually a transparent blue solution. Use this nutrient solution to irrigate clematis. From April to May, when new buds grow, fertilizers are applied from September to October, which can be applied 6-7 times, usually once a month. Here is also a suggestion for you to fertilize. It is a good idea to water the plant one day before using liquid fertilizer, so that the residual organic matter in the plant can be taken away with the current. It can also make the plant in the container fully prepared for his new meal. Reproduction one, sowing: the original seed can be propagated by sowing. Seeds of the type unearthed from cotyledons (achene is smaller and the pericarp is thinner) can germinate in 4 weeks if sown in spring. Sow in autumn and germinate when spring is warm. Cotyledon retained soil type seeds (larger, thicker seed coat) can only germinate after a low-temperature vernalization stage, and the first pair of true leaves are born; some species have to go through two low-temperature stages to germinate, such as rotator lotus. For vernalization treatment, if the seeds were refrigerated with 0Mel 3 ℃ for 40 days, it would take about 9-10 months for them to germinate. It can also be treated with a certain concentration of gibberellin. Second, pressing: in March, the mature branches of last year were used to press the strips. It usually takes root within a year. Third, grafting: a kind of hybrid of clematis, which can be grafted on the root rootstock by split grafting. There are 2 buds on the node and 5-10cm under the node. Grafting in a heated and airtight grafting box is easy to promote survival. Fourth, ramet: tufted plants, can be ramified. 5. Cuttage: cutting is the main propagation method for hybrid clematis. The semi-mature branches were taken from July to August and intercepted in the middle of the internodes (that is, the upper and lower nodes), with 2 buds on the nodes. The medium is made of peat and sand in half. The cutting depth is just above the bud on the node. The base temperature is 15-18 ℃. After rooting, put up a 3-inch pot and spend the winter in an anti-freezing hotbed or greenhouse. Change the 4-inch pot in spring and move it outside. Shade and showers are needed in summer and planted at the end of October. Special attention should be paid to drainage in the cultivation of clematis. When planting, the hole is generally 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. After digging the hard soil at the bottom of the hole, put in a large amount of humus, and then add the topsoil mixed with bone powder. In poorly drained clay or light sand, the bottom of the hole should be mixed with peat or humus after loosening. Where it is possible to accumulate water. the bottom should be cushioned with stones or rubble, 25 centimeters above the surrounding soil. Planting time in the north after thawing, the middle in April-May. Don't fill it too tightly around the root, just press it a little with your hands. The top of the soil mass of potted plants should be flush with the topsoil, and when planting bare roots, the root cap should be 5 boxes of rice below the surface. After planting, it is covered with 10 cm thick peat or humus to avoid overheating of the roots in summer and to keep the soil moist. Pay attention to adequate water supply in the first few months after planting. The diameter of the water supply range is not less than 50 cm, so that the root can be extended in all directions. If the branches are brittle and easy to break, attention should be paid to attracting and fixing them. Pruning method, according to the flowering habits of Clematis. Can be divided into three categories: first, type 1-flowering begins before the end of May, pedicels are short, usually bearing more than 2 flowers in leaf axils. From February to March in the first year after planting, all branches were cut short by 30 cm each. From February to March of the second year, all branches were cut short by 1 meter each. After the third year, the weak branches and dead branches were cut off every year after flowering. Two. category 2-flowers bloom on the short branches that germinated in the axils of last year's branches. The florescence of each flower begins before the end of June. From February to March in the first year after planting, all branches were cut short by 30 cm each. From February to March of the second year, all branches will be cut short by 1 meter each. After the third year, from February to March, all branches were cut short on the first pair of full lateral buds. Third, category 3-flowers bloom on new branches of the same year, with several flowers on each branch, and the flowering begins in July. Leave all branches 30 cm short from February to March in the first year after planting. From February to March every year after the second year, all branches will be cut above the base point of the previous year, no more than 75 cm above the surface. Clematis clematis has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests. Serious damage to diseases and insect pests rarely occurs. Pests include red spiders and leaf-eating pests. The disease is caused by Fusarium wilt, which is likely to clear up on rainy days in summer. when the temperature rises sharply, the branches suddenly wither, and new techniques often sprout in autumn or the following spring. Others are powdery mildew (harmful to leaves or flowers), virus diseases (macula in leaves, flower deformities), etc. Clematis can be used as exhibition cut flowers, can be used for climbing evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs, can be used as ground cover, but also can be used for climbing wall hedges, pavilions, flower racks, styles, arches and other garden buildings.