
What about the rotten roots of Anthurium andraeanum? what will happen if there is not enough light?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Anthurium andraeanum is more popular in life, and the flowers are red, which is very auspicious, but how to raise Anthurium andraeanum to have rotten roots, yellow leaves and insufficient light? what can we do? As an indoor potted plant, Anthurium andraeanum is a rare color variety, and its maintenance is relatively simple.

Anthurium andraeanum is more popular in life, and the flowers are red, which is very auspicious, but how to raise Anthurium andraeanum to have rotten roots, yellow leaves and insufficient light? what can we do?

As an indoor potted plant, Anthurium andraeanum is a rare color variety, and its maintenance is relatively simple. However, if we do not understand its habits, it is easy to lead to various problems of Anthurium andraeanum, such as leaf disease yellowing, disease or direct death.

Anthurium andraeanum is suitable to grow in a warm, humid and well-drained environment, afraid of drought and strong light exposure, but lack of light will hinder flowering.

Anthurium andraeanum has higher requirements for temperature, especially low temperature will cause rotten roots, which will freeze or even die when it is less than 10 ℃.

Anthurium likes to be wet but avoid stagnant water, if stagnant water at the bottom of the basin will lead to root necrosis, so it is necessary to choose loose and breathable soil.

If the Anthurium andraeanum is raised to death, it is also very sad. The price of Anthurium andraeanum is still very expensive, and few flowers can be sold at this price. If the roots are rotten, you should see if the soil of Anthurium andraeanum is stagnant, and take it out to bask in the sun if there is not enough light.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum how to deal with rotten Root of Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum root breathing ability is very strong, some people think that directly into the water can survive, then you are wrong! Inserting Anthurium andraeanum directly into the water will hinder its breathing, hydroponic culture will not work, the correct method of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum will also listen to the editor to tell you! What about the rotten roots of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum? Today, the editor of wed114 wedding network brings you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum. Let's take a look at the details.

Can Anthurium andraeanum be raised in water?

Anthurium andraeanum can be watered. However, it is best to go through hydroponic domestication before hydroponics, which can facilitate the growth of hydroponic roots and prolong the hydroponic life of Anthurium andraeanum. In addition, Anthurium andraeanum has many varieties, generally speaking, the most suitable for hydroponic culture is the powder champion.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum in hydroponic culture

Hydroponic step

1. Choose a beautiful and flowering Anthurium andraeanum, gently pat around the basin, take off and change the basin.

2. Remove the peat soil

3. Soak and clean with water

4. Rinse the root system with a faucet with a sprinkler and trim the yellow leaves and residual roots.

5. Soak the cleaned root in the disinfectant for 30 minutes, and pay attention to choosing the diluted disinfectant as far as possible so as not to hurt the sensitive root of Anthurium andraeanum. After soaking, dry in a cool place and then cultured in water.

6. Prepare the round glass bottle and decorate the bottom with pebbles.

7. Add clear water to 2/3 places where the root system is submerged.

8. Put the Anthurium andraeanum plant in a container, finish, and add some nutrient solution to the water regularly.

Daily nursing of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum

1. It is difficult to clean the matrix residue on the root hair of Anthurium andraeanum at one time, it can be washed step by step combined with daily maintenance, and must not be forced to wash because it will lead to root damage.

2. Generally, the root system is not pruned, but only the growing root system is clipped slightly according to the situation of water culture. 、

3. Water should be sprayed on the leaves many times throughout the year. After shedding the flowers, cut off the residual flowers and spray foliar fertilizer so that Anthurium can grow normally.

4. Anthurium andraeanum requires stable water temperature, and the temperature difference of water temperature should not be too large when changing nutrient solution.

Common problems and remedy of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum

The leaves of Anthurium andraeanum are yellow.

The lack of timely addition of water in the hydroponic container, insufficient nutrition in the water, or lack of light will lead to the yellowing of Anthurium andraeanum leaves. Therefore, when hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum leaves turn yellow, the following measures can be taken according to specific conditions:

1. Add water in time.

2. Add nutrient solution at the right time.

3. Replenish the sunshine.

What about the rotten roots of water-cultivated red palms?

The amount of water in the container is not well mastered, the water is too full, the water is not changed frequently, and the oxygen content in the water is low; too little water, plant roots lack of water, slow growth, a variety of reasons will lead to root rot.

In the process of hydroponic culture of Anthurium andraeanum, we can prevent root rot by changing water regularly and increasing oxygen. When the rotten root appears, the treatment methods are as follows: cutting off the rotten rhizome, disinfecting and soaking, and changing water for culture.

What if the water-cultivated Anthurium doesn't blossom? what about the rotten roots?

Anthurium andraeanum, this is a lot of people like breeding, good to see do not want, Anthurium andraeanum can be hydroponic, hydroponic Anthurium does not blossom how to do? What about the rotten roots of water-cultivated red palms:

What if the water-cultivated palm does not blossom:

1. Moisture

When hydroponically cultivating Anthurium andraeanum, you should use the dried tap water, and do not put it directly in the sun when drying, otherwise there will be green algae. Change the water every 15 days.

2. Fertilization

In order to make the flowers more gorgeous, it is necessary to spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer in the morning and evening.

3. Humidity and light

Spray water to the leaves every day to maintain the humidity of Anthurium andraeanum. In terms of lighting, to avoid exposure to the sun, shading should be carried out if necessary.

Daily astigmatism maintenance is OK.

4. Temperature

The temperature requirement of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum is not high, between 5 and 30 degrees.

5. Points for attention

In the hydroponic culture of Anthurium andraeanum, the whole root system can not be soaked in water, which will lead to rotting roots. Expose half of the roots to the air so that they can breathe. If the root rot occurs accidentally, it should be cut off immediately to avoid infection of other stems.

The infected stem also needs to be cut off immediately, then disinfected with potassium permanganate 1000 times solution for 30 minutes, re-cultured with clean water, and change the water once every two days. After the new rhizome grows, it can be cultured normally.

What about the rotten roots of Anthurium andraeanum cultivated in water:

When changing water, often check the growth of Anthurium andraeanum root, if the root rot phenomenon immediately cut off, if the stem also rot should be cut off.

Soak the roots of the treated plants in 1000 times potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes and culture them with fresh water. Be careful not to add nutrient solution to the water and change the water every 1-2 days. After the new roots grow, they will be maintained normally.

Hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum rotten root and the method of not blooming is introduced here, this can be a pleasant hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum.