
Is the planting method of Bermuda poisonous?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The dog tooth flower is very similar to the gardenia, and many people will admit that it is wrong. What is the planting method of such a good-looking flower? How can you plant it to look good? Is dogtooth poisonous? The planting method of Bermudagrass: potted soil choice, Bermuda also likes slightly acidic soil.

The dog tooth flower is very similar to the gardenia, and many people will admit that it is wrong. What is the planting method of such a good-looking flower? How can you plant it to look good? Is dogtooth poisonous?

The planting method of Bermudagrass:

1. Selection of basin soil

Dog tooth flower also likes slightly acidic soil, preferably loose, fertile humus soil, planted with a little base fertilizer on the line, ordinary garden soil can also grow.

2. Watering

Dog tooth flower still likes wet, but can not accumulate water, dry water in spring and autumn, spray water around flowerpots in summer, increase air humidity, except on rainy days!

3. Changing basins and pruning

Generally in April to change the basin, change the basin to add a little compound fertilizer or cake fertilizer as the base fertilizer, cut off, withered branches and weak branches, the first two weeks of the basin are now warm shade maintenance, and then slowly see the light!

Note: do not move the dog tooth out too early, it is still very cold, when the temperature is stable above 10 degrees, move out.

Spring and autumn need thin fertilizer and diligent application in order to grow better, probably try fertilizer and water once every half a month, compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer are watered alternately, and there must be more light. If the temperature is too low and there is little fertilizer and water, it is easy to turn yellow!

4. Temperature and light

The dog tooth flower is very afraid of the cold, it needs more than 10 degrees in winter to survive the winter safely, the land in the south is well managed, it is pruned more in spring, the thin fertilizer is applied frequently in spring and autumn, keep moist, loosen the soil and add fertilizer in spring! The light should be sufficient, it is easy to have yellow leaves and not grow strong in the dark for a long time.

Breeding introduction:

Cutting propagation can be carried out at any time as long as the temperature is about 20 degrees. At the beginning of summer, it is best to cut a section of strong branches, about 10 centimeters, wash the branches and drain them, insert them into a slightly moist sand bed, and cultivate them with vermiculite. Keep it moist, shaded and ventilated.

Generally speaking, it can take root in two weeks, and it can be transplanted to potted soil after rooting.

Conservation tip: if you want more dog teeth to blossom, you should not only apply thin fertilizer frequently, but also trim properly. Many plants grow luxuriantly, but do not blossom because they are usually reluctant to prune!

Is dogtooth poisonous?

Bermudagrass is non-toxic, but people who are allergic to pollen may be allergic to the smell.

Introduction of Bermudagrass the planting method of Bermuda

Dog tooth flower, at first hearing the name, most people think that this kind of flower should not look good, or do you think it is the flower of dog tail grass? However, although this kind of flower is not very elegant, it is very lovely. Its flower is as lovely as its name, and many people think it is like gardenia. So, how to grow dog tooth flower? Let's take a look at it together.

First, the introduction of the dog tooth flower

Gouya Flower, native to the coastal provinces of southern China, is an evergreen shrub of Apocynaceae, with opposite leaves, long oval-lanceolate, entire, 5-11 cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide, white flowers, born at the top of new shoots, bud, shaped like mast flowers, flowering period from May to November, this flower is green and green, the flower is crystal white and fragrant and elegant, it is an excellent potted flower.

The dog tooth flower is an evergreen sensitive wood of the family Apocynaceae, with opposite leaves, long oval-lanceolate, entire, 6cm long and 1cm wide. 5cm, white flowers, born at the top of the new shoot, bud, shaped like a mast in the flower, flowering from May to November, the flower is green and leaves are green, the flower is crystal white and fragrant, it is an excellent potted flower. It likes warm and humid, not cold-resistant, should be semi-overcast, like fertile acid soil with good drainage.

The dog tooth flower leaves the room in April and changes the basin once a year or two. When changing the basin, add compound fertilizer or bean cake as base fertilizer, and trim dead branches and weak branches, and then place them in a semi-shaded place.

Many people say that the blossom is poisonous because it is a plant of the family Apocynaceae. It is well known that plants of the family Apocynaceae usually contain milk and most species are poisonous. Does this really verify the old man's saying that "you can't talk about people during the day and ghosts at night?" it is a plant, shrub or small tree of the family Apocynaceae. Except for calyx, the rest are glabrous. Leaves opposite, strongly papery, elliptic or long-elliptic, Cymes axillary, usually twin, gathered at the tip of the branchlet in a pseudo-dichotomous shape, with 6 flowers; white flowers, born at the top of new shoots, margin wrinkled, single or double varieties, bud, shaped like mast flowers, the green leaves are green, the flowers are crystal white and fragrant and handsome. The flowering period is from June to November and the fruiting stage is autumn. Usually to keep the soil moist, it is appropriate to water not dry, summer should often spray water around to increase the air humidity of the environment. The flower is good fertilizer and the florescence is long. From May to September, it is appropriate to apply compound fertilizer and manure water alternately every 7 to 10 days. After entering the house at the end of October, the soil should be watered once every 5-7 days, and the soil should be slightly moist and keep a good light. The room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃, otherwise the leaves would turn yellow and fall off, and the branches below 0 ℃ would be frozen.

Second, how to grow dog tooth flower

Dog tooth flower likes warm and humid, not cold-resistant, should be semi-shady, suitable for planting in fertile, well-drained acidic soil. The planting of Bermuda is mainly by cutting, which can be carried out all the year round in the greenhouse, and it is best to cut outside from June to July. Select the branches of Bermuda which grow healthily in one year, cut the shoots of 8~12cm, cut them into vermiculite, pay attention to moisturizing and shading, and take root in about two weeks. The cultivation substrate of Bermudagrass is general garden soil or pond mud, planted in the ground or potted, but mainly in the ground. Dog tooth flower does not have high requirements for soil, fertilizer and water cultivation, extensive management, once a month can be fertilized. Bermudagrass should be pruned frequently during plastic maintenance and cultivation to promote more branches.

Third, the planting method of Bermuda.

1. Soil: Bermuda does not have high requirements for soil, but it is suitable to grow in fertile and well-drained acidic soil.

2, watering: usually maintain the dog tooth flower to keep the soil moist, not dry should be watered, summer should often spray water around to increase the air humidity of the environment.

3. Temperature: after entering the house at the end of October, water is usually watered once every 5-7 days, the soil is slightly moist, and good light is maintained, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃, otherwise the leaves will yellowing and fall off, and the branches below 0 ℃ will be frozen.

4. Fertilization: Bermudagrass has a long flowering period and begins to bloom from May to September. During its growth period, compound fertilizer and manure water should be applied alternately every 7 to 10 days.

5. Change the basin: the dog tooth flower leaves the room in April and changes the basin once every two years. When changing the basin, add compound fertilizer or bean cake as base fertilizer, and trim dead branches and weak branches, and then place them in a semi-shaded place.

Finally, that's all I have to say about how to grow dogtooth flowers. If you see a flower whose petals have a circle of lace, the lace looks like a circle of tooth marks bitten by a dog, it is the dog tooth flower! Although this title is not so elegant, but still quite lovely, its flowers and leaves can be watched, with a touch of flower fragrance, appears to be particularly elegant, is a very good ornamental plant!

Is the dog tooth flower poisonous _ how to grow it? The difference between Bermuda and Gardenia

Many people say that the dog tooth flower is poisonous because it is a plant of the family Apocynaceae. It is well known that plants of the family Apocynaceae usually contain milk and most species are poisonous.

Does it really verify the old man's saying that "you can't talk about people during the day and ghosts at night"? Next, let's learn some knowledge about it. . Introduction of Bermudagrass is a plant, shrub or small tree of the family Apocynaceae. Except for calyx, the rest are glabrous. Leaves opposite, strongly papery, elliptic or long-elliptic, Cymes axillary, usually twin, gathered at the tip of the branchlet in a pseudo-dichotomous shape, with 6-10 flowers; flowers white, born at the top of the shoot, margin wrinkled, single or double varieties, bud, shaped like mast flower, this flower green leaves dripping, the flower is crystal white and fragrant and handsome. The florescence is from June to November and the fruiting period is autumn. . The growth habit of Bermudagrass like warm and humid, not cold-resistant, should be semi-overcast, like fertile acid soil with good drainage. The flower is good fertilizer, the florescence is long, every 7-10 days should be alternately applied compound fertilizer and manure fertilizer water. After entering the house at the end of October, water is usually watered once a week, the soil collapse is slightly moist, and good light is maintained, and the room temperature should be higher than 10 ℃, otherwise the leaves will yellowing and fall off, and the branches will be frozen after 0 ℃. It also takes 1-2 years to change the basin. . The planting technology of dog tooth flower how to grow dog tooth flower? It is mainly planted by cutting method, which can be carried out all the year round in the greenhouse, and the best outdoor cutting is from June to July. One-year-old healthy branches are selected and cut into vermiculite to keep moisture and shade, and they can take root in about two weeks. Garden soil or pond mud with general cultivation substrate is planted or potted, but it is mainly planted on the ground, generally in spring, with low requirements for soil, extensive fertilizer and water cultivation and management, and fertilization once a month. Regular pruning is needed during plastic maintenance and cultivation to promote multi-branching. . Understanding of the toxicity of Rabdosia angustifolia in fact, there is no literature to clearly describe whether it is poisonous or not. As to whether it is poisonous or not, it is also relatively speaking. As the saying goes, "the effect of medicine is poison!" The whole plant of Bermuda contains indole alkaloids and the seeds contain alkaloids. Single-petal Bermuda root and stem contain many kinds of alkaloids, such as coronaria alkaloid, and seeds contain coronodine. . Medicinal value of Bermudagrass the roots of Bermuda are picked in summer and autumn, washed, sliced and dried, and the leaves are fresh. It has the effect of clearing heat and reducing blood pressure, detoxification and detumescence, and is often used to treat hypertension, sore throat, carbuncle, and injury caused by falling. . The difference between the dog tooth flower and the gardenia flower many people say that the dog tooth flower and the gardenia flower are very similar, actually take a closer look at them is different, the dog tooth flower petal edge has the wrinkle, the gardenia flower is not obvious; the dog tooth flower is smaller, the gardenia flower is much larger; the dog tooth flower bone flower is white, the gardenia flower is green. Dog tooth Cymes axillary, gardenia flower single branch top or leaf axil; gardenia fragrance is stronger than dog tooth flower, dog tooth flower fragrance is similar to jasmine flower, remind everyone, this kind of flower had better not be close to smell, it will be easy to get dizzy. . The editor concluded that the petals of the dog tooth flower have a circle of lace, and the lace is like a circle of tooth marks bitten by a dog. Maybe that's where its name comes from. Although this title is not so elegant, but still quite lovely, its flowers and leaves can be watched, with a touch of flower fragrance, appears to be particularly elegant, is a very good ornamental plant!