
The difference between how to raise Margaret flowers and daisies

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The Marguerite flower is a kind of princess flower, which looks very good-looking, but it looks so much like a daisy. Put this together, it is foolish to tell the difference. How can you raise the Margaret flower? What is the difference between daisies and daisies? How to raise Marguerite flowers: watering

The Marguerite flower is a kind of princess flower, which looks very good-looking, but it looks so much like a daisy. Put this together, it is foolish to tell the difference. How can you raise the Margaret flower? What is the difference between daisies and daisies?

How to raise Marguerite flowers:

1. Watering

Marguerite likes the warm environment, except for the hot summer and cold winter, the rest of the time to keep moist, of course, can not accumulate water, the ground is even worse.

2. Temperature

The high temperature in summer will lose the leaves, and it is easy to die when frozen in winter, so pay attention to the shade in the high temperature in summer, keep warm in winter, and move indoors. What about those who have no heating and are cold? That can only cover the film.

3. Lighting

In addition to the high temperature in summer to see more light, long sunshine is also necessary, summer high temperature shade.

The method of propagation of Margaret flowers:

Marguerite usually uses seeds to sow seeds, but of course it is easy to survive by cutting a strong rhizome cutting. the seeds bought are soaked in clear water at room temperature for 3 or 4 hours.

After soaking, the seeds should be dried, sprinkled with slightly moist sandy soil and covered with film, and the seedling pot should be placed in a warm, cool and ventilated place to keep the soil moist and ventilated for three hours a day (it is also possible to poke a few holes in the film directly).

The difference between Marguerite flowers and daisies:


Margaret flower

The stems of daisies are extremely shortened, and all the leaves grow from close to the soil surface, which are called basal leaves, the flowers are hemispherical, and the petals are thin tubular; Marguerite stems are long and stretched, leaves are many lobes, flowers are disc-shaped, and petals are flattened.

Look at their leaves are also easy to distinguish, daisies leaves are more round, smooth lines, and Marguerite leaves scattered sunflower leaves, a comparison is easy to recognize!

Can you tell the difference between daisies and margaritas after reading these? Come and raise one quickly!

Picture of little daisies: how to raise little daisies / how to breed little daisies aliases: spring daisies, Malan flowers, Marguerite classification: herbaceous flowers, genera: angiosperms, dicotyledons, Campanulaceae, daisy in full bloom: spring daisies in English daisy, small white flowers, called small sunflowers, with a faint fragrance. Daisies native to Europe, also known as longevity chrysanthemum, is a perennial herb in Compositae and the national flower of Italy. Its Chinese name is because it is very similar to chrysanthemums, whose petals are long and curly and shiny, while spring chrysanthemums are short and straight, just like unformed chrysanthemums. Hence the name daisy. Daisies are representatives of holiness. This book tells the story of an innocent girl who inadvertently saved a gangster; later she fell in love with each other and then she skipped class for this person; suspended from school, abandoned her parents, ran away from home, as a result. The novel was later made into a. Introduction of daisy culture methods and matters needing attention Little Daisy English Daisy, small white flowers, called small sunflowers, have a faint fragrance. Daisies native to Europe, also known as longevity chrysanthemum, is a perennial herb in Compositae and the national flower of Italy. Its Chinese name is because it is very similar to chrysanthemums, whose petals are long and curly and shiny, while spring chrysanthemums are short and straight, just like unformed chrysanthemums. Hence the name daisy. Daisies are representatives of holiness. This book tells the story of an innocent girl who inadvertently saved a gangster; later she fell in love with each other and then she skipped class for this person; suspended from school, abandoned her parents, ran away from home, as a result. The novel was later made into a TV series called Douyu, starring Guo Pinchao, an Yixuan and Lan Zhenglong. People in two worlds can be friends, enemies, and can pass by by mistake, but if they fall in love, they can only end up with the fate of extinction. It's like a bird falling in love with a fish and dying to be together, but it hurts each other and destroys itself. The morphological characteristics of small daisies. Small daisies are perennial or annual, about 10 cm tall. The leaves of leaf daisies are basal, herbaceous, spatulate, apex obtuse, base attenuate into a stalk, and the upper margin has sparse obtuse or undulate teeth. Flower daisy is a solitary head, 2.5-3.5 cm in diam., scape hairy; involucral bracts hemispherical or broadly campanulate; involucral bracts nearly 2-layered, slightly unequal, long elliptic, apex obtuse, outside pilose. Ligulate flowers in one layer, female, ligule white and pinkish, spreading, entire or with 2-3 teeth, central with most bisexual flowers, all bearing fruit, tube-shaped, eaves long, with 4-5 lobes. The florescence of daisies is in spring. Achenes of fruit daisies flat, with marginal veins, veinless on both surfaces or 1-veined. Crown hairs do not exist or have synthetic rings and are connate with Corolla tube or achenes. Ecological habits of small daisies; small daisies like cold climate and avoid hot weather. Like light, but also resistant to semi-shade, the cultivation of soil requirements are not strict. The optimum temperature for seed germination and growth was 22-28 ℃ and 20-25 ℃ respectively. It is suitable for planting single or semidouble varieties of medium and small flowers in southwest China. The double petal varieties of medium and large flowers grow weakly and seed poorly. Cultivation techniques of small daisies small daisies are more resistant to transplantation, and transplantation can make them have multiple roots. There is no need for plant shape pruning and topping to control flowering. The seeds of sowing daisies are very small, with 4900-6600 seeds per gram, most of which are sown in September. On the other hand, Zhejiang generally began to sow seeds in late July, mainly from late July to mid-August. It is the prime time to sow New Year's Day at this time. A loose and breathable medium is selected for sowing. The medium after disinfection treatment, it is best to cover with vermiculite, a thin layer, with no seeds for the degree. Because the daisy seed is very small, it is not suitable to sow on demand, so it is generally used for sowing, and when the seedling has 2-3 true leaves, it can be transplanted once. The suitable pH value of sowing medium is 5.86.5, and the EC value is 0.50.750.After sowing, the temperature is 18-20 ℃, the humidity is 80-90%, and the germination is 5-8 days. It can also be sowed in spring in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but the growth and flowering of seedlings are not as good as those sown in autumn. So there is usually no spring sowing. Maintain a temperature of 18-22 ℃ and humidity of 80-90% after the first stage of sowing. The radicle grows in 5-8 days. After germination, it is still necessary to keep the medium moist, do not need to spray fertilizer, need to give light, but the germination time can not be too strong, still need proper shade. From July to August, it is still necessary to cool down by shading around noon. In the second stage, when the humidity is 70-80%, the root can be inserted into the medium to absorb nutrients for the extension of its cotyledons, and the temperature is controlled at 16-20 ℃ until the first pair of real leaves are unfolded, and fertilization can be started, mainly with 20-10-20 water-soluble fertilizer of 50ppm. After this stage, you can start a transplantation with a 288-or 128-point plate. The third stage is the rapid growth period of seedlings. In order to prevent the medium from getting too wet, 20-10-20 and 14-0-14 special fertilizers of 50ppm were applied alternately. Due to the high and low temperature and the size of transpiration, liquid fertilizer is generally irrigated once every 2-3 days instead of watering. This is a more scientific method of water and fertilizer management in seedling production. If the fertilizer is irrigated once at intervals according to the traditional method, the concentration will be relatively increased to 70-100ppm. However, the medium should be slightly dried between watering or fertilizer, and alternating between dry and wet should be used to promote the growth of seedlings and the development of roots. When the seedling length has 2-3 pairs of true leaves, the seedling height is 3-100px, and the root system is basically fully developed, the next stage of seedling refining can be carried out. In the fourth stage, the root system of the seedlings has grown well, and there are 3 pairs of true leaves. The seedling refining process before putting on the pot can be considered. The temperature is the same as the previous stage, and the humidity decreases slightly. Moisture control is particularly important at this stage. Apply 14-0-14 water-soluble fertilizer, otherwise the seedlings are easy to grow. Therefore, it is necessary to have enough sunshine, strengthen ventilation, control temperature and humidity, and prevent it from overgrowing. Field management transplant upper pot seedlings after refining seedlings can be put on the pot. At this time, the seedling already has three pairs of true leaves. If the seedling is raised with a hole plate, the root system is already full of the hole plate. 300px caliber nutrition bowls are often used in the upper basin. You don't have to change the basin after you put it on. Compound fertilizer can be added to the basin as base fertilizer. Pour root water in time after putting on the basin. Light regulation: daisies also like sunlight, including during the growing and flowering periods. Sufficient light can promote plant growth, green leaves and increase the number of flowers. The temperature is controlled and moved to the protected area to survive the winter, which can prevent the potted flowers from freezing injury in winter. Daisies can survive the winter safely above 5 ℃, and keeping the temperature of 18-22 ℃ is the most suitable for the formation of good plants. In practice, it is very difficult to do so. Daisies can bloom normally at 10-25 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the growth is relatively slow, the plant shape decreases, and the flowering is delayed. If the temperature is higher than 25 ℃, the flower stem will elongate, and the growth potential and flowering will decline. From May to June, the temperature rises, and the growth potential and flowering are not ideal, so autumn seedlings are generally used to avoid the rising temperature environment after May. Water fertilizer daisies like fertile soil, and the base fertilizer in its medium alone can not meet its growth needs. Therefore, topdressing fertilizer every 7-10 days, flower fertilizer can be used, or compound fertilizer can be applied or irrigated in water with a concentration of 200-250ppm. But the effect of compound fertilizer application is not as fast as that of irrigation. Therefore, conditional water-soluble flower fertilizer can be used alternately. However, the amount of flower fertilizer should be reduced in winter, and the medium should be slightly dry, moist but not moist before watering. Because of its clustered basal leaves, if not ventilated, the basal leaves are easy to rot and infect bacteria. Sufficient water and fertilizer are given in the growing season to grow luxuriantly and prolong the flowering period. The reproduction methods of small daisies can be divided, cutting, grafting, sowing and other methods. Grafting and sowing methods require high technical conditions, and the reproduction process is relatively tedious. Without superb cutting, grafting techniques, selection of improved varieties, artificial pollination and other techniques, it is difficult to propagate successfully. These two propagation methods, only when a large number of seedlings are needed, carried out in the nursery, family chrysanthemum, generally use split-plant method and cutting method to propagate. Seed propagation in the south is mostly sown from August to September in autumn, or in spring, but it often grows poorly in summer. In the north, most of the seeds are sown in spring or in autumn, but the flower seedlings need to be transferred to the greenhouse for cultivation and management in winter. Because the seeds of daisies are relatively small, they are usually sown. However, sowing seedlings often can not maintain the characteristics of the mother plant. Before sowing, apply enough rotten organic fertilizer as the base fertilizer, and turn the rake deeply to make a flat bed. Sow the seeds with fine sand, cover the fine soil with a thickness of about 0.5 cm, cover the sunshade net and water thoroughly after sowing. Keep the temperature around 28 ℃ after sowing and cover with plastic film when it is cold and rainy in early spring to maintain soil moisture and temperature. Watering should be sprayed carefully to prevent soil surface hardening. After about 10 days, the seedlings are unearthed, remove the sunshade net or plastic film, and can be transplanted to the field when the seedlings have 2-3 pieces. Chrysanthemum cauliflower can be sown directly, sowed in February in southern China, and sown in early April in cold areas in the north, with a seed consumption of about 0.2 kg per mu. Ramet propagation due to the great variation of seedlings, the split method can be used for some good varieties, but the growth potential is not as good as that of seedlings, and the fruiting is poor. In the middle and late March, the old stubble chrysanthemum cauliflower can be dug out to expose the root neck, and the lateral buds of the existing roots together with the old roots can be cut off and transplanted to the field. Ramet propagation is more suitable for sprouting new shoots. Cutting propagation can be carried out in the whole growing season, and the survival rate of cutting from April to June is the highest. It is best to mix new soil with rotten organic fertilizer in the seedbed. Cut the branches with 3-5 nodes and 8-10 cm in length, remove the basal leaves, and dig into the soil at the depth of 1 stem 3-1 bank 2 with long cuttings. Keep the work bed moist and avoid waterlogging after cutting. shade is needed in high temperature season, and plastic film arch shed can be built to keep warm and moist when the temperature is low. Generally, it can be transplanted to Daejeon after 15 days. Disease control of small daisies the main diseases of small daisies are leaf blight, seedling sudden blight, gray mildew, brown spot, anthracnose, downy mildew (which can be controlled with chlorothalonil 800 times, 1000-1500 times); pests include chrysanthemum longicorn beetles, cotton aphids, Qichao, ground tigers, green leafhoppers, aphids and so on. Leaf blight and leaf blight mostly occur from the leaf edge and leaf tip, the disease spot is irregular from small to large, reddish brown to grayish brown, the disease spot is continuous into a large blight spot, and the dry area is up to 1 inch 3-1 inch 2 of the leaf, and there is a deeper zone on the edge of the disease spot. In the later stage, some small black spots are produced on the disease spot. Such as sweet-scented osmanthus leaf blight (also known as blight), Lamei leaf blight, chrysanthemum leaf blight (also known as spot blight). At the initial stage, the diseased leaves turned yellow, and the yellow part gradually turned brown and necrotic. From the local extension to the entire leaf vein, showing brown to reddish brown leaf edge disease spot, the edge of the disease spot wavy, dark color. The boundary of the disease key is obvious, and sometimes there are shallow yellow bands with different width and width on the outer edge of the disease key, and then the disease spot gradually extends to the base of the leaf until the whole leaf turns brown to grayish brown. Subsequently, black villi or black dots appear on the back or front of the diseased leaves. The disease can occur when the seedlings of the disease are not unearthed or after they are unearthed. When unearthed, the disease occurred, the embryonic stem and cotyledons rotted; after unearthed, the seedlings became sick, the base of the young stem showed waterlogged disease spot at the beginning, then turned brown, constricted into a linear shape, the seedlings fell to the ground and died, and the cotyledons did not wither at the time of death, and they were still green. Under the condition of high temperature and humidity, a layer of white cotton-like hyphae can grow in the topsoil near the diseased plant. The seedling of Botrytis cinerea is light in color, the leaves and petioles are gray-white, water-stained, the tissue softens to rot, and there is gray mold on the surface when high humidity is high. Most of the young stems were irregularly soaked in water at the base of the petiole, which soon became soft and rotten, constricted or collapsed, and finally the diseased seedlings rotted and died of wilt. Brown spot fungal disease, the lower leaves began to occur, gradually spread to the upper part, the initial stage was round or oval, purple-brown, the later stage was black, the diameter was 5-10mm, the boundary was clear, and in severe cases, the disease spots could be connected into pieces, making the leaves withered and yellow, affecting flowering. Anthracnose the disease infects daisies leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, small chlorotic spots appeared on the leaves, and gradually enlarged to form round, semicircular or oval spots. The disease spot is light brown to grayish white, with reddish-brown rings on the edge. Under moist conditions, a pink myxospore disk appears on the spot. Anthrax occurs from April to June. The pathogen overwintered in diseased leaves with conidia and was transmitted by wind and rain. Prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests should be based on prevention, spraying targeted drugs and new high-fat film, greatly improve the effective composition rate of pesticides, not afraid of sun exposure and evaporation, can adjust the absorption of water-saving, drought and rain prevention. During cultivation, close planting should be avoided and cool environmental conditions with ventilation, ventilation and sufficient light should be maintained as far as possible, otherwise the plant will grow thin and overgrown. Keep clean, find infected plants, leaves, must be removed and cleaned at any time. When the disease occurs, chemical control measures should be taken immediately. The distribution area of daisies is native to Europe and is cultivated in gardens all over China as an ornamental plant in flower beds. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of small daisies the medical information and health dietotherapy information of the flower protection net are for reference only and can not be used as the basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Medicinal value daisies, also known as dried chrysanthemum, white chrysanthemum, medicinal value is very high. It also has volatile oils, amino acids and a variety of trace elements. Among them, the content of brass is 32% to 61% higher than that of other chrysanthemums, and the content of tin is eight to 50 times higher than other chrysanthemums. Zhang Lixiang, an agronomist, wrote in his book the Book of tonifying Agriculture: "White chrysanthemum is sweet and warm, and it is most beneficial to take it for a long time. Plant one or two plants in each place, take its flowers, you can reduce the tea by half, tea bitter cold and bitter chrysanthemum soak together. The ornamental value of the garden use of small daisies the leaves of daisies are spoon-shaped, rosette-shaped, dense and emerald in color. Extract scape from leaves, scape one flower, staggered arrangement, simple appearance, petite and exquisite flowers, harmonious color. Extract scape from leaves, scape one flower, staggered arrangement, simple appearance, petite and exquisite flowers, harmonious color. Early spring flowering, full of vitality, with a gentleman's demeanor and naive elegant demeanor, horticultural value 1, daisies grow strong, easy to cultivate. 2. Daisy pedicels are of moderate height, neat flowers, bright and pure colors, which can be used as potted plants to beautify the courtyard balcony, and can also be used as garden ornamental, potted plants, flower borders, cut flowers and so on. 3. It is the first choice of ground cover flowers in early spring because of its long flowering period and strong cold tolerance. 4. Daisies, as ground cover flowers in street green space, have strong charm and can be planted with calendula, pansy, rhododendron, red leaf Berberis and so on. The cultural background name of the little daisy comes from the Chinese name daisy because it is very similar to the chrysanthemum, with line petals, the difference is that the chrysanthemum petals are slender and curly, while the daisy petals are short and straight, just like unformed chrysanthemums, hence the name daisies. Shakespeare of England described in Hamlet the scene in which Ophelia, the daughter-in-law of the King of Denmark, fell madly into the river. Ophelia was weaving a wreath while singing her own ballad. One of the four kinds of flowers is daisies. This is rosemary for memory; remember, lover; this is tricolor pansy for thought. Here are fennel and funnel flowers for you, and this is merciful grass for you. Here is a daisy; I wanted to give you some violets, but when my father died, they all thanks. she put rosemary and pansy on Hamlet's seat and handed them to the queen, fennel and funnel flowers, for the king and herself, that is, merciful grass, and my brother got daisies and gave violets to her dead father. Love in divination since ancient times in western countries, daisies are often used to predict love. Peel off the petals of daisies one by one, each peeling off a piece, in the heart: love me, do not love me. Until the last petal, which represents the heart of the lover. Another way to predict marriage is: if you want to know when you get married, just pull up a handful of flowers and see how many daisies are among them. The number of daisies is the number of years from the wedding day. The little daisy, the national flower of Italy, is small and exquisite, lovely, simple in appearance, petite and exquisite in flowers, harmonious in color, blooming in early spring and full of vitality, which is of high ornamental value. Italians love the beautiful and enchanting daisies very much, and think that they have the elegant demeanor of a gentleman and naive elegant demeanor, so they choose daisies as the national flower. The flower words of little daisies are innocence, peace, hope, pure beauty and love hidden in the bottom of my heart. Introduction to pictures of small daisies and Marguerite flowers

In life, many people like to raise some flowers and plants, because this can cultivate temperament, and each kind of flower has its own flowering period and habits. Today, the editor will introduce a lovely flower called Marguerite flower. At first glance, many friends may think that this kind of flower is a noble flower imported from abroad, but it is not. It is a very common flower, but it has been named by a foreign princess named Marguerite. Next, the editor will take a look at this kind of flower.

Marguerite is a perennial herb of the Compositae family, with a height of 15 to 45 cm, alternate leaves, pinnatifid, many branches and many flowers. Flowers can be divided into single and double, the single flower is smaller, but the number of flowers is large; the double flower is larger, but the number of flowers is less.

Scientific name: Chrysanthemum frutescens

Alias: Chrysanthemum morifolium, Chrysanthemum mu, Chrysanthemum morifolium, French Chrysanthemum, calf Eye Chrysanthemum (also known as Girl Flower)

English name: Marguerite de Valois

Classification: genus Artemisia of Compositae

Season: October of each year to May of the following year

Native to Australia and southern Europe

Marguerite's florescence is very long, from early spring to autumn can bloom, because the stem is easy to Lignification, so named Muchunju, and because the plant will emit a special aroma similar to that of Artemisia annua, so it is also called Artemisia. In the West, Marguerite also has French chrysanthemum, calf eye chrysanthemum and other nicknames. Wild Marguerite, mainly white varieties, mainly distributed in the middle and high altitude mountain areas, such as: Yushan, horticultural cultivation and other varieties such as pink and yellow.


Marguerite was formerly known as Artemisia or Magnolia. In the 16th century, because Marguerite, the princess of Norway, liked this fresh and refined white flower, she named the flower after herself. In the West, Marguerite also has the nickname "Girl Flower", which is loved by many young girls. One reason may be that Marguerite is a flower that can predict love. According to legend, as long as you hold Marguerite in your hand, when you pick the petals one by one, you say, "like, don't like, like, don't like."when you count to the last piece, you can make divination about the relationship.


Marguerite flower language for the prediction of love, secret love, nobility.

Flower language:

Look forward to the love; please miss me another: Marguerite flower also has a name called "longevity chrysanthemum".

Daisies: joy, happiness, purity, innocence, peace, hope, beauty, love from the bottom of my heart


When choosing Marguerite, you should choose those with straight petals, no yellowing leaves, drooping leaves, and no ulceration at the base of the stem.

It is said that if you prepare a bottle, gently say a word of blessing to a dried Marguerite flower on every moon night, and then put it in the bottle, wait for the flowers to fill the bottle, let a person drink a cup of tea made by these flowers every day, and when he has finished drinking all the dried flowers, he will have eternal health and will eventually recover even if he is ill.

Through the introduction of the editor, do you feel very strange, do you also want Princess Margaret to use this kind of flower to make divination about your relationship? And this kind of flower is also very easy to feed, suitable for workers who go to work every day, introduced here, do everyone want to plant this kind of Marguerite flower? If you want to grow this kind of flower, you must inquire about some information! I believe everyone will grow a beautiful Marguerite. If you want to know more and more beautiful flowers, you must follow our website.