
When will the culture method of water plum blossom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Water plum has other names, called water jasmine, growing small flowers, is very charming, good-looking, there is a fragrant taste, what is the breeding method of water plum? When will it blossom? The culture method of water plum: 1. Daily maintenance: water plum blossom is also called jasmine

Water plum has other names, called water jasmine, growing small flowers, is very charming, good-looking, there is a fragrant taste, what is the breeding method of water plum? When will it blossom?

The culture method of water plum:

1. Daily maintenance:

Water plum blossom, also known as water jasmine, can be maintained on the family balcony, it likes the warm and humid environment, the basin friends in the north expressed disobedience, it is very suitable for the plants in the southern courtyard.

Summer cool and ventilated environment, its disadvantage is not cold-resistant, overwintering temperature should be more than 5 ℃, water plum blossom in addition to summer high temperature slightly shaded, the rest of the time long sunshine.

The suitable temperature for its growth is 15-25 °C, and it likes humus soil with good drainage.

2. Temperature and moisture

Water plum likes full-day or half-day sunshine, the soil must have water retention, and fertile loam is the most suitable for cultivation. Water should be supplied during the high temperature period in summer to avoid water shortage affecting the growth and flowering of plum blossom plants.

3. Timely pruning

Branches are easy to grow and must be trimmed.

Water plum blossom is propagated by air striping method or cutting method. If the branches are cut in late spring or early autumn, the sturdy branches around 15cm are easy to live, cut into the slightly moist sandy soil and maintained in the cool place.

Note: the stem of water plum blossom contains a certain toxin, which is more or less harmful to the human body, but as long as it is not picked at will, or the flowers and fruits are not given to children to play, to prevent the entrance into the eye, it generally will not cause poisoning and vomiting.

When will the plum blossom:

It will be full of beautiful flowers from spring to autumn. In the southern Meiyu season, when there is plenty of water, the sweet smell of the flowers is better, and the fragrance is more obvious after the rain and in the environment with high humidity.

Why don't you try this fragrant plum as soon as possible, so that your sense of smell can also enjoy the aroma.

The culture method of triangular plum, why does triangular plum not blossom, picture of triangular plum

✿ related reading recommended ✿ Reed picture ✿ family flower ✿ rose florescence ✿ Luoyang peony picture (◕ flowers ◕✿) flower bonsai, plant culture please pay attention to Merlot flower bonsai area! . the green leaves set off the bright red film, as if the peacock opened the screen, particularly dazzling, this is the triangular plum, triangular plum in the hometown of Brazil, women are often used to insert on the head for decoration, unique. Today, the editor will briefly introduce the breeding methods of triangular plum and show you the pictures of triangular plum. . triangle plum picture appreciation, first of all, the editor introduces the cultivation of triangle plum culture methods, triangle plum cutting is to spit buds and grow branches, and then take root. Therefore, when spitting shoots and long leaves, must not transplant, loosen the soil, so as not to affect the rooting branches. . triangular plums like high temperature and plenty of sunlight, as long as the soil is kept moist, not afraid of exposure. At the beginning of autumn, you should intentionally squat for a month, that is, after its branches and leaves are luxuriant, you should water less, keep it half-dry and half-wet, and let its green leaves fall and flower buds thrive. "picking leaves can sprout, controlling water can grow flowers." this is the specific case of triangular plum. . triangle plum picture appreciation, triangle plum culture method how? Triangular plum grows rapidly, and attention should be paid to shaping and pruning during the growing period, so as to promote the growth of lateral branches and produce more flowering branches. The number of pruning is generally 1-3 times, should not be too much, otherwise it will affect the number of flowering. . after each flowering, the residual flowers should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption. After the flowering period, the overdense branches, bore branches, overgrown branches and weak branches should be thinned, and other branches should not be pruned or only slightly trimmed, so it is not suitable for heavy pruning, so as to shorten the growth period of the next round and promote them to bloom early and blossom many times. . triangular plum picture appreciation, triangular plum culture methods, watering and fertilization is very key, then how to water it? Watering the growth season in early summer, watering once a day to ensure the growth of branches and leaves. From June to July, water was properly controlled for 3 to 4 times according to different varieties, and the degree of water control was to wilt the shoots and leaves slightly. After entering the house in winter, keep it dry and dry, and water it thoroughly. . Fertilizing triangular plum blossoms more, florescence is long, nutrient consumption is more, coupled with limited potted soil, fertilizer must be replenished regularly. When changing pots in spring, apply sufficient basic fertilizer and apply rotten cooked cake fertilizer and water every 7 days to accelerate flower bud differentiation during the prosperous growth period. When flower buds appear in leaf axils, more fertilizers and fertilizers can be applied, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. . triangular plum picture appreciation, after introducing the cultivation method of triangular plum, we go to understand why triangular plum does not bloom. The main results are as follows: 1. Triangular plum is native to the tropics and likes strong light. Sufficient light is needed during the whole growth period. The longer the sunshine time is, the more flowers bloom and the more colorful the flowers are. On the other hand, if the triangular plum is not exposed to the sun for a long time, not only will it not blossom, but even the color of the leaves will gradually fade or even fall. 2. The non-flowering of triangular plum has something to do with the size of the flowerpot. The root system of triangular plum is well developed, and the root system of triangular plum planted in the open air can extend for several meters, so the flowerpot should be often changed according to the size of the plant. 3. Finally, the most important point is to control water and fertilizer. The amount of water should be controlled before the triangular plum blossom season, and then watered properly when the leaves are slightly wilted. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. . triangular plum is of high ornamental value. It is used as a climbing flower for fence cultivation in southern China, and as a potted flower in the north, it is mainly used to watch flowers in winter. Today, the editor's introduction to the breeding method of triangular plum and why it does not blossom is enough here. Thank you for your appreciation. The Culture method of triangular Plum Analysis of the reasons for the non-flowering of triangular Plum

In early summer, the triangular plum in Shenzhen is open warmly. Ordinary and simple triangular plums can be seen everywhere in this city. Trifoliate plum, which belongs to tropical plants, likes warm and humid climate and is not resistant to cold. People also call it Ye Zihua, Le rhododendron and so on. The flowers are bright, the leaves are luxuriant, and the flowering period is accompanied by falling leaves. In the south, if properly managed, triangular plum blossoms throughout the year, and its flowering period is usually between November and December. In the culture method of triangle plum, the decorative editor will introduce some details of triangle plum culture in all aspects, and reveal the reason why triangle plum does not blossom!

[culture method of triangulated plum]

1. Soil: Prunus angustifolia is lax on soil, growing well in clay heavy soil with good drainage and rich minerals, barren, alkali-resistant, drought-resistant and avoid stagnant water. The slightly sour soil is most favorable for the growth of Prunus mume.

two。 Watering: it should be watered once a day in spring and autumn, once in the morning and evening in summer, once in the morning and evening after the emergence of watering buds in winter, and spray water to the leaves 1-2 times at the same time. It is necessary to prevent stagnant water in the rainy season so that the plants will not rot and die.

3. Temperature: the suitable temperature for growth is 15-30 ℃. Proper shading or measures such as water spraying and ventilation should be taken in summer, and the ambient temperature of not less than 5 ℃ should be maintained in winter.

4. Fertilization: in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer in the basin soil, topdressing should also be applied in the growing season. Add a small amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and spray 0.1% 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaf surface, apply alum fertilizer water once a week during the full flowering period, and spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaf surface.

5. Lighting: in addition to the new pots throughout the year, the seedlings should be placed in the semi-shade first. Winter should be placed in front of the south window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours.

6. Propagation: selection of cutting branches: the branches of triangular plum, as thick as arms and as thin as incense, can be used for cutting; coarse branches send roots late and shape quickly; annual lignified green branches are easy to produce new roots, and the survival rate is high. Generally choose 1-2-year-old outer layer sunny branches with compact and sturdy structure, (not too twigs, immature branches, only long branches, shade branches.) Cut into 3-4 segments (about 8-10cm) with a sharp knife, the lower oblique cutting surface is 5-10 mm below the node, remove the lower leaves and retain the upper two-and-a-half (full) leaves as cuttings.

7. Pruning: leafy peanuts grow strongly, so they need to be shaped and pruned every year. Leaf flowers are often propagated by cuttings, and it is easy to raise seedlings. In May and June, mature Lignification branches, 20 cm long, are inserted into a sand basin, covered with glass and kept moist. It can take root in about a month and blossom in two years. Pruning method: trim moderately after flowering, cut off the pedicel, retract the branch of flower branch 1 to 3, and remove the weak branch, short branch and bore branch. Combined with changing basin soil pruning in winter, pruning should be mastered: short, heavy and sparse. Short, for short, retain the branch of 1 stroke 3; heavy, for heavy pruning long flower branches; sparse, to remove weak branches, to re-send strong branches, also known as renewal pruning, cut branches can be selected for seedling cuttings. In the south, triangular plum is used as flower rack, fence and doorway, which is not dormant or deciduous in winter, but only light pruning, but binding, distribution and traction should be done to make the branches of the flower rack evenly distributed and covered with flower racks.

8. Pest control: triangular plum brown spot damage leaves, in the leaf surface to produce a diameter of 0.1-0.5 cm yellowish brown to light brown spots. It was found that a small number of diseased leaves were removed and burned in time. At the initial stage of the disease, 400 times of 70% manganese zinc wettable powder was sprayed every 10 days for 3 to 4 consecutive times. The disease spot of triangular plum leaf spot is yellow-brown at first, surrounded by yellowish-green halo, then expands into a near round or irregular spot, the edge is dark brown, and in the later stage, small black spots appear on the spot. It is found that a small amount of disease spot can be smeared on it with Dakening cream ointment to cut off the branches with more disease. at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be used for prevention and treatment, spraying once every 7-10 days, and in serious cases, according to practical experience, spray again on the fourth day, and then spray every 7 days. For 3-4 times in a row, the control effect is good. Scale insects: in the environment of poor light, poor ventilation, high temperature and high humidity, many kinds of shell insects are easy to be pierced, which can be sprayed with 45% malathion EC 1000 times.

[summary of problems in triangular plum culture]

1. Fertilization should be stopped in summer and winter due to slow growth or dormancy of plants.

two。 Do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer.

[why does the triangular plum not blossom (cause + solution)]

1. Whether the triangular plum blossoms or not has something to do with the size of the flowerpot. The root system of the triangular plum is well developed, and the root system of the triangular plum planted in the open air can extend for several meters, so the flowerpot should be often changed according to the size of the plant.

2. Triangle plum is native to the tropics and likes strong light. Sufficient light is needed during the whole growth period. The longer the sunshine time, the more flowers bloom and the more colorful the flowers are. On the other hand, if the triangular plum is not exposed to the sun for a long time, not only will it not blossom, but even the color of the leaves will gradually fade or even fall.

3. Too many and too dense branches of triangular plum will also affect the dispersion of nutrients and can not promote flower buds. During maintenance, the dense and superfluous branches should be thinned irregularly according to the shape of the plant.

4. Finally, the most important point is to control water and fertilizer. The amount of water should be controlled before the triangular plum blossom season, and then watered properly when the leaves are slightly wilted. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

[triangular Plum Blossom language]

In terms of love, the flower language of triangular plum means empathy. There is another kind of flower language: enthusiasm, perseverance, tenacity to forge ahead.