
The culture method and points for attention of money pocket mean and how much is it per pot?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Speaking of this money pocket, that is the symbol of wealth, many people like breeding, but some people just can not raise well, what are the breeding methods and points for attention of money pocket? What is the moral of it? How much does it cost per pot?

Speaking of this money pocket, that is the symbol of wealth, many people like breeding, but some people just can not raise well, what are the breeding methods and points for attention of money pocket? What is the moral of it? How much does it cost per pot?

Culture methods and points for attention of money pockets:

Money Dou originated in the Pacific Islands, like warm, humid and sunny environment, resistant to semi-shade, not cold, afraid of drought.

Money is happy with light and has strong negative tolerance, so it should create a sunny but shaded environment to a certain extent.

It avoids strong light, especially should avoid the hot sun exposure after long rain and early sunshine in late spring and early summer and the unsheltered strong light baking for 5-6 hours before and after noon in summer, otherwise it is very easy to cause burns of newly drawn young leaves.

Money likes bright light, warmth, cold resistance and dampness. The suitable temperature for growth is 22-28 ℃. In spring, autumn and winter, the surface of basin soil is dry and then watered, and it is watered in the morning and evening in summer.

1. Temperature

The near temperature of its growth is 15: 30 ℃, of which it can be maintained at 20: 30 ℃ from April to October and at 13: 20 ℃ from October to April of the following year.

When the room temperature is not less than 10 ℃ in winter and more than 32 ℃ in summer, shade should be placed in a cool place, and water should be sprayed around to cool down to create a cool small environment.

In late autumn and early winter, when the temperature drops to 15 ℃, it should be moved indoors in time to avoid cold damage.

If the room temperature can be maintained more than 20 ℃ in winter, the stems and leaves will continue to grow; if the temperature is not high, the plant will stop growing and enter a semi-dormant state.

2.Illumination is fond of light and has strong shade tolerance, so we should create a sunny but shaded environment for it.

It avoids strong light, especially should avoid the hot sun exposure after long rain and early sunshine in late spring and early summer and the unsheltered strong light baking for 5-6 hours before and after noon in summer, otherwise it is very easy to cause burns of newly drawn young leaves.

In productive cultivation, it should be placed under a shade of 50% to 70% shade from the end of spring to the Mid-Autumn Festival, but it should not be too dark, otherwise it will lead to slender leaves, yellow leaves and sparse leaflet spacing, thus affecting the compactness and beauty of the plant.

Supplementary light should be given to potted plants transferred to the greenhouse in winter.

If the water in the basin soil is kept dry, the plant can be kept disease-free for a long time. In addition, the newly extracted pinnate compound leaves do not show obvious phototaxis, and the plant type is good.

Take round-leaf flutong as an example, it needs bright light, and insufficient light can easily cause long stems and leaves, dim leaves, and faded markings, but at the same time avoid strong light exposure, especially after a long rain in early summer, to prevent leaves from being burned.

Family potted plants, usually can be placed in a well-ventilated place, summer can be placed in front of the north or east window, winter should be placed in indoor light is better. For productive cultivation, from mid-spring to the Mid-Autumn Festival, should be placed in the shade, according to the intensity of light and the length of light, shading 40% 60%. In short, it grows most vigorously in an environment with half-light and bright scattered light.

3. When the water temperature is more than 33 ℃, spray water to the plant once a day. Because the plant has strong drought tolerance, it is better to keep the basin soil slightly wet and dry, but the occasional excessive watering and fertilizer will not cause root rot.

In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment, so that the relative air humidity can reach more than 50%. When the weather is cold, spray water instead of watering, the basin soil should not be too wet in winter, it is better to be too dry, otherwise, under the condition of low temperature, too wet basin soil is more likely to lead to plant root rot.

Potted Fulutong likes wetter soil and air environment. During the growing period, there should be sufficient water supply, and then watering the surface of the basin soil after drying, the soil should be slightly dry, but it should not be watered too much to avoid causing stagnant water and rotting roots.

The temperature is high in midsummer, in addition to sufficient watering, it is necessary to spray water on the leaf surface once a day, which can not only make the leaf surface clean and bright, but also improve the air humidity around the plant.

In late autumn and early winter, when the temperature drops below 15 ℃, watering should be controlled. In winter, the amount of boiling water should be reduced, or water spraying should be used instead of watering, and the basin soil should be kept slightly moist and slightly dry, but when spraying foliage, we should pay attention to make the water temperature basically consistent with room temperature.

4. Soil

The family can be kept in a brightly lit room for a long time, and it will grow more vigorously if you can see hours of sunshine every day. Pay attention to avoid the direct sunlight outside in summer.

During the growing period, keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water, and often spray the plant with water close to room temperature to increase air humidity and make the leaf color fresh.

Apply special fertilizer for foliage plants or mature thin liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks or so. If it is a variety of flowers and leaves, pay attention to that the content of nitrogen fertilizer in the fertilizer solution should not be too high, lest the pattern on the leaf surface decrease or even disappear.

Stop fertilizing after September to make the new branches mature, which is beneficial to overwintering. Put it in a sunny place indoors in winter, properly reduce watering, the temperature should be maintained above 12 ℃, otherwise the temperature will be too low and lead to a large number of leaves falling off, or even plant death.

Change the basin every 2 to 3 years, the basin soil is required to be loose and fertile, rich in humus, and has good drainage and air permeability, you can use saprophytic soil or peat soil plus 1 stroke 3 of river sand, and mixed with a small amount of mature chicken and cow manure as base fertilizer.

Methods of reproduction:

1. The easiest way to reproduce cuttings is to cut branches that are stronger than 10cm. Last year, the leaves of the army were used to reduce nutrient consumption, insert them into moist soil, and maintain air humidity. They can take root in a month to a month and a half.


When planting money pocket, you should choose loose, fertile and well-drained soil; shade properly in summer, but the light should not be too dark, otherwise the plant will flourish; you should pay attention to loosening the soil at ordinary times; if there is the phenomenon of yellowing and shedding of leaves, watering too much is no good, and it will recover after a few days of drying.

Too much light in summer may burn tender leaves, so pay attention to shade.

The moral of the money pocket:

Symbolize wealth

How much is the money per pot?

About 26 yuan a pot, this is mainly divided into trees, the size is related.

Alias for money pocket:

Aliases: round leaf Nanyansen, round leaf flutong, money

It can be seen in many families in Hong Kong, and many friends in the south see it more, like its round leaves and lovely appearance!

The culture methods and matters needing attention of money pocket imply auspiciousness, wealth and honor.

The money pocket gets its name because its leaves are like round belly pockets, and it is also called a lot of money. It is a very popular indoor plant. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and precautions of the money pocket to add highlights to the interior decoration.

The introduction of money pocket

Money pocket is named because the leaves are like round belly pockets, also known as money, because the leaves are round and pocket-shaped, called money pockets imply auspiciousness and wealth. It is a very popular indoor plant in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Care should be taken to keep it in a place with scattered light, even if there is some direct sunlight during the day. Sex likes high temperature and humidity, drought and shade tolerance. Beautiful posture, antique, suitable for layout in the living room, garden, flower bed, can also be used for bonsai appreciation. Mainly for potted plants, garden trees and hedges. Contact with its juice may cause a rash; when touching the mouth, it sometimes causes swelling and pain and is unable to swallow.

Money pocket growth habits:

Money is happy with light and has strong negative tolerance, so it should create a sunny but shaded environment to a certain extent. It avoids strong light, especially should avoid the hot sun exposure after long rain and early sunshine in late spring and early summer and the unsheltered strong light baking for 5-6 hours before and after noon in summer, otherwise it is very easy to cause burns of newly drawn young leaves.

The culture method of money pocket:

1. Lighting: during productive cultivation, from the end of spring to the Mid-Autumn Festival, it should be placed under a shade of 50-70% shade, but it should not be too dark, otherwise it will lead to slender leaves, yellowing leaves and sparse leaflet spacing, thus affecting the compactness and beauty of the plant. Supplementary light should be given to potted plants transferred to the greenhouse in winter. If the water in the basin soil is kept dry, the plant can be kept disease-free for a long time. In addition, the newly extracted pinnate compound leaves do not show obvious phototaxis, and the plant type is good.

2. Moisture: in order to protect potted cash pockets, efforts should be made to create a moist and dry environment for them. In productive cultivation, the plants placed in the greenhouse should be sprayed with water once a day when the room temperature is more than 33 ℃. Because the plant has strong drought tolerance, it is better to keep the basin soil slightly wet and dry, but the occasional excessive watering and fertilizer will not cause root rot.

In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment, so that the relative air humidity can reach more than 50%. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, we should reduce watering, or spray water instead of watering, in order to spend the winter safely in the newly drawn tender leaves yesterday. In addition, in winter, we should pay special attention to the basin soil should not be too wet, it is better to be too dry, otherwise under the condition of low temperature, too wet basin soil is more likely to lead to plant root rot, or even death of the whole plant.

3. Habits

Sex like high temperature environment, not very cold-resistant; require bright light, but also more resistant to shade, avoid sun exposure; like moist, but also more resistant to drought, but avoid water and dampness.

4. Growth environment

Round leaf Fulutong originated in the Pacific Islands, like warm, humid and sunny environment, resistant to semi-shade, not cold-resistant, afraid of drought. The family can be kept in a brightly lit room for a long time, and it will grow more vigorously if you can see hours of sunshine every day. Pay attention to avoid the direct sunlight outside in summer.

Money pocket matters needing attention in daily maintenance

In fact, the precautions mentioned here are not only applicable to money pockets, but also to other foliage potted plants. here is a simple talk with flower friends: one is to pay attention to ventilation, indoor maintenance is different from open air, if indoor ventilation is not good, it is very easy to cause the wilting of money leaves and die slowly.

Another is the problem of watering. As we said earlier, watering should pay attention to the actual situation. In particular, some flower friends have large pots of money in their homes, and the pots are very large and deep. They often water once and will not dry for a long time. In this case, watering is not recommended, because the basin soil is too wet, which will lead to root problems and eventually die. So when watering, try to water the basin when the soil is dry, and spray water at ordinary times.

How to keep the money pocket? Culture methods and matters needing attention of money pocket

Money pocket, also known as round leaf flutong, is a plant of the genus Araliaceae. The leaves of the money pocket are very strange and round like a cloth pocket. It is a very popular indoor foliage plant. At the same time, the money pocket also has a very good feng shui meaning, with the meaning of blessing to the income, promotion of the official to the salary and so on. So, how to keep the money pocket? The following is to introduce the money pocket breeding methods and matters needing attention, let's take a look.

Picture: money pocket

First, the culture method of money pocket

1. Soil selection: because of the origin of the money pocket, it has formed a strong drought resistance, so the requirements for the soil are not very strict, as long as it is loose and permeable. Do not use sticky soil.

two。 Lighting requirements: from the end of spring to the Mid-Autumn Festival, money should be kept indoors or in shade to ensure 50-70% shade. Indoor maintenance needs to pay attention to, do not shade too much, otherwise the newly extracted branches and leaves are slender, the color is dark, the distance between lobules is large, the plant is sparse, and the plant type is not compact and beautiful. In winter, move the money indoors in time. Pay attention to supplement the light, put it on the warm balcony to the south, and maintain the light throughout the day. Because the leaves of the money pocket do not have obvious phototaxis, so there is no need to worry in the growth process, because the light angle is different, the money pocket grows askew.

3. Moisture requirements: in order to take good care of the money pocket, we should try our best to create a wet and dry environment. For indoor culture, when the temperature reaches 33 ℃, water should be sprayed once a day to increase humidity and cool down. In the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, it is better to keep the soil slightly wet and dry, and occasionally irrigate some fertilizer and water, a little thinner, and basically will not rot the roots. Reduce watering after the Mid-Autumn Festival, or spray water instead of watering to ensure that new leaves can survive the winter safely. In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water to the leaves and the environment to ensure that the indoor humidity is above 50%. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the basin soil should not be too wet in winter, and it is better to be too dry, otherwise, in the case of low temperature, it is easy to cause root rot, and serious ones will die directly.

4. Fertilization method: usually, the special fertilizer or mature liquid fertilizer for foliage plants is applied every two weeks during the growing period, and the appropriate fertilizer is selected according to different varieties. However, it should be noted that for mosaic varieties, reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application, so as not to reduce the pattern on the leaves, or even disappear. After September, stop fertilizing, promote the Lignification of branches and ensure their safe overwintering.

5. Change basin method: money pocket generally 2-3 years to change the basin, when changing the basin, choose the basin soil is fertile and loose, rich in humus. Must have good air permeability. After changing the basin, change the basin in a cool place for a week, suspend watering, and carry out normal maintenance after a week.

Picture: money pocket

II. Matters needing attention in the culture of golden pockets.

1. Pay attention to ventilation: indoor farming money pocket is not like outdoor open air, if the ventilation is not good, it is easy to cause the wilting leaves of money pocket, may not die immediately, but the leaves will fall one by one, if not remedied in time, they will die slowly.

two。 Watering problem: most of the money pocket is a large pot culture, basin soil is more, deeper, often watering for a long time will dry, at this time watering needs to pay special attention, do not water. Otherwise, too much watering will easily cause rotten roots and eventually die! Therefore, before watering, be sure to check the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, do not dry do not water, usually spray water.

3. Temperature control: beautiful plants will be a little more delicate, money pocket is like this. The most suitable temperature for the growth of Aristolochia mandshurica was 15-30 ℃, in which the temperature from April to October was 20-30 ℃, and that from October to April of the following year was 13-20 ℃. When the temperature exceeds 32 ℃ in summer, the temperature should be cooled and ventilated in time; in winter, the temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃, and if the temperature can be kept above 20 ℃, the stems and leaves can still grow normally.

[editor's conclusion] money pocket likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, which is resistant to semi-overcast but not cold, so it needs special attention in the process of maintenance. The above introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of money pocket, have you all learned it?