
What's the alias for the propagation of evening primrose?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The evening primrose flowers are so beautiful that I want to plant a large area of evening primrose in my own home. The flowers are really charming. What is the breeding method of evening primrose? Is there any other name for evening primrose? The propagation method of evening primrose: sowing, evening primrose sowing in spring, summer and autumn, spring is the most suitable.

The evening primrose flowers are so beautiful that I want to plant a large area of evening primrose in my own home. The flowers are really charming. What is the breeding method of evening primrose? Is there any other name for evening primrose?

Propagation methods of evening primrose:

1. Sowing seeds

Evening primrose spring, summer and autumn sowing, spring is the most suitable, sandy soil moist can sow, keep the soil moist, 10-15 days to sprout!

2. Transplanting

Although grow to four true leaves can reproduce, but it is recommended to grow to six true leaves and then transplant, grow to 30 centimeters or so to add soil to the rhizome, otherwise the growth is unstable, after transplanting fixed seedlings, you can apply a thin fertilizer, organic fertilizer and urea!

3. Fertilization

The main root of evening primrose is well developed, and it can pick the heart to promote branching and blossom more after survival. During the growth period, the growth is strong and weak, and an appropriate amount of organic or inorganic liquid fertilizer can be applied every two weeks to keep the basin soil moist.

4. Post-anthesis treatment

Cut off the residual flowers in time after flowering to reduce nutrient consumption in order to blossom again.

Family flower cultivation can be planted in the early spring room, because the seeds are small, the sowing should not be too dense, the soil cover should not be too thick, wait for the seedlings to grow 6 true leaves, take the soil to plant in the ground or on the pot, bloom in May and bloom until the end of October.

Another name for evening primrose:

Evening primrose also has a very good-sounding nickname, called: evening primrose, evening primrose, etc., it usually blossoms in the evening, of course, at dawn will thank, otherwise how to call evening primrose!

But there is a variety called "beautiful evening primrose", which likes to blossom during the day like a pink butterfly, dancing lightly in the grass! When it grows into a big clump, it is very beautiful!

Its florescence is very long. It can be seen from April to October. It does not grow very tall, but the flowers are colorful.

If she plants it in the yard, she can reproduce a large area by herself! It can sow itself, and it is also very easy to sow and reproduce. It can be sown in any season except winter.

Evening primrose is so magical, so lovable, hurry up to add some color to your little garden!

Culture methods of evening primrose (evening primrose, evening primrose)

Evening primrose (evening primrose, night grass)

Scientific name: oenothera biennis

Alias: Jian Xiao grass, mountain sesame, wild sesame

Family and genus: Saliuriaceae

Morphological characteristics: yellowish herbs, 1m high. The plant is shorter in annual cultivation. The whole plant is hairy, the stem is erect, the lower part is much branched. Leaves lanceolate to ovoid. Flowers solitary leaf axils, petals 4, obcordate, flowers yellow, flower diameter 5 cm.

Ecological habits: like light, cold tolerance, drought resistance, avoid stagnant water, barren tolerance, strong adaptability.

Flowering: from May to September, the twilight blossoms and wilts.

Flower words: an unyielding heart, a free heart. There is a saying that when women present evening primrose to men, it represents "silent love"; there is also a common saying that evening primrose represents an unyielding heart and a free heart; others say that the flower language of evening primrose is "beauty after bathing" magic.

Garden use: open at night, pleasant aroma, suitable for point-level night scenery. Sunny slope mountains, forest margins, courtyards, flower beds and roadsides.

Species identification: beautiful evening primrose (red evening primrose) 0. Speciosa flowers are in full bloom during the day, pink in color, and the flowering period of a single branch is about 10 days. It is often used as ground cover, flower pot, flower bed and flower border under the forest and forest edge in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Medicinal value: evening primrose is the most important nutritional drug discovered in this century. It can treat a variety of diseases, regulate blood lipids, and has a significant effect on coronary artery infarction, atherosclerosis and cerebral thrombosis caused by high cholesterol and hyperlipidemia.
