
How to raise Selaginella officinalis or Selaginella officinalis

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Can reviving grass from the dead turn the dead into living people? There is no such magical plant yet. It means that this kind of plant is very hardy. As long as it floats to the water, it can live. How to raise it? Is it Selaginella or cushion Selaginella? How to raise the grass for the dead: strong drought resistance

Can reviving grass from the dead turn the dead into living people? There is no such magical plant yet. It means that this kind of plant is very hardy. As long as it floats to the water, it can live. How to raise it? Is it Selaginella or cushion Selaginella?

How to raise grass for the dead:

The drought resistance is extremely strong, it curls into a mass when it is dry, and spreads out when there is moisture. See dry watering in midsummer and buckle water in winter.

It is resistant to barren and usually does not require fertilization. The sandy loam with loose and good drainage can be cultivated with gravel or hydroponic culture.

It grows well in warm environment, and the optimum temperature is about 20 ℃. The overwintering temperature of potted plants is not lower than 0 ℃, and they prefer semi-overcast.

1. Placement position

2. Temperature

It is suitable to grow in a warm room and move it indoors in winter. The lowest temperature in winter is 0 ℃.

3. Watering

Its plant has strong drought resistance, but it needs a lot of watering during the growth period to keep the basin soil fully moist.

Plants like dampness, spray leaves with warm water every day, do not spray with cold water, otherwise it is disadvantageous to leaves.

4. Fertilization

5. The basin soil is hanging.

The basin soil chooses the sandy loam with fertile, loose and good drainage, of course, it can also be raised in a small water cup. Shallow pots are most suitable for potted plants. Change the basin in spring, if there is no need to change the basin, turn the basin with fresh soil.

Is it Selaginella or cushion Selaginella?

Selaginella officinalis, also known as Selaginella officinalis, the root can separate itself from the soil, curl up like a fist, move with the wind, meet water and glory, and then drill back into the soil to find moisture.

Nine dead returning the soul grass as soon as it heard this name, it felt a kind of domineering, do not quickly come to breed to try, even if it looks dead, it still has vitality.

How to raise nine dead herbs? what is the effect of nine dead herbs?

Plant materials: reviving grass, also known as reviving grass, scientific name is Selaginella officinalis, recorded in the encyclopedia, belongs to perennial ferns, with herbaceous and solid wood characteristics. Because it can distinguish the weather, branches and leaves curl in drought, Rain Water will spread flat in the season, so it has strong drought resistance characteristics. At the same time, reviving the dead grass has a very strong efficacy, but also known as longevity grass, immortal grass. The next thing that this article will bring to you is, how to raise the grass to revive the dead? And what is the effect of reviving the dead grass?

[the effect of reviving the dead]

The main way to use herb is stir-frying, which can be taken internally or externally.

The efficacy of ▎

❶ to stop the bleeding. Nine dead return to the soul grass can be directly used externally, can achieve hemostatic effect, such as traumatic bleeding, sore bleeding and so on.

❷ is bacteriostatic. After modern medical research, it has been found that it can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus contained in the human body.

❸ relieves spasm. For example, patients with long-term spasms, or stomach spasms, can be used as medicine to relieve spasm of smooth muscle in the body. At the same time, studies have found that this herb also has a certain therapeutic effect on patients with gastric ulcer.

❹ is anti-cancer.

❺ is detoxified. Fresh herb used in medicine can also achieve the role of detoxification, such as unknown snake venom, swelling venom, etc., can play a therapeutic effect.

[how to raise grass to revive the dead]

Nine dead grass can be propagated by the method of ramets, suitable for maintenance indoors, but also can be directly maintained in pots. As for the choice of soil, sandy loam is the best. If you change the basin once every spring, you can also turn the basin directly with fresh soil and, of course, directly hydroponics.

▎ soil culture conservation

Display: dead grass can be placed directly in the semi-shady environment, avoid exposure, indoor maintenance needs ventilation, astigmatism care can be.

Temperature: the dead grass should be kept in a warm environment for a long time, so it is suitable for maintenance in the window and should be kept warm in winter.

Fertilization: the grass needs to be fertilized every half a month during the growth period, which should be less than more.

▎ hydroponic curing

The hydroponic culture of Nine Dead returning Grass is simple, it is directly managed by a small water cup, the water is changed once every half a month, and the nutrient solution can also be dripped into the growth period.

Summary: on the efficacy of the grass, as well as the whole content of the maintenance methods as above, through the reading of this article, whether you have a certain understanding of the grass, hope to provide useful help to you.

The medicinal prescription of Selaginella officinalis

Selaginella officinalis is a kind of short fern, its branches and leaves are very similar to cypress, but have extraordinary vitality. It grows in the crevices of rugged rocks, curling and withering into a ball in the dry season, seemingly lifeless, but as long as a rain and dew, it will stretch out its branches and leaves, revealing intoxicating green. People have encountered such a strange thing: the Selaginella officinalis pressed into specimens and preserved in the cupboard was put into the water a few years later and was "resurrected" again. Therefore, it has a good name such as reviving grass from death, evergreen, everlasting grass and so on. However, Selaginella officinalis can only live in mountains far away from the hustle and bustle and fresh air. If the surrounding natural environment is polluted by industry, it will really die and never come back to life. Therefore, people often regard it as an "indicator" in the natural environment. Where there is Selaginella, it proves that the environment there is good. If the Selaginella officinalis dies, the environment there may be polluted. Selaginella officinalis has been used as medicine for a long time, and it is used as a whole medicinal herb. It is said in the Classic of Shennong Materia Medica that it can drive away the evil spirits of the five internal organs and lighten the body for a long time, while famous doctors say that it can "strengthen yin and nourish essence", while the "theory of medicinal properties" says that it can "cure the symptoms of corpses and ghosts." In fact, ancient doctors mainly used Selaginella officinalis for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, treating pain, abdominal pain, asthma, menstruation, etc.; fried Selaginella (charcoal) for hemostasis, treatment of menorrhagia, hematemesis and urine yellow; external application of research powder to stop knife bleeding, and so on. [prescription] ① for hematemesis and hematemesis: fried Selaginella officinalis 60 grams, white thatch root 30 grams, fried with water. Treat hematochezia and hemorrhoids: stir-fry 30 grams of cypress and take it with water. ② treatment of blood stasis amenorrhea: 9 grams of raw Selaginella, fried with water. Cure prolapse of anus: stir-fry 9g of Selaginella officinalis and take it with water. For general falls, bruises caused by cyanosis, hematoma, pain, you can use Selaginella officinalis 9-15 grams, fried water instead of tea, skin unbroken can also be fried remaining dregs external application, can reduce the occurrence of moles. ③ treatment of infertility caused by tubal obstruction: Selaginella officinalis, iron thorn bell 60 grams each, fried with water. Adjuvant treatment of ④ liver cancer: Sabina vulgaris (dark green Selaginella officinalis), Achyranthes bidentata, verbena 30 grams each, fried with water. 30 grams of ⑤ stone cedar plus the same amount of pig lean meat, fried with water, 15-20 days as a course of treatment, is helpful to the disappearance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and other tumors. ⑥ stone cypress 30 grams, jujube 5, after boiling with water to eat jujube soup, for chorionic epithelial cancer, can stop vaginal bleeding, urine pregnancy test turned negative. Modern studies have shown that Selaginella officinalis contains trehalose, flavonoids, amino acids and other components, which can inhibit bacteria, relieve pain, relieve spasm of smooth muscle and improve immunity. Selaginella officinalis plant is short, small and exquisite, strange posture, unique charm, and can be used as an ornamental plant. People like to soak it in bowls and dishes, let it absorb enough water and slowly stretch out its branches and leaves; or plant it in a small cup and put it on the desk; it can also be cultivated in mountain bonsai, like golden pines and cypresses, adding fun to life.

The herb is the dried whole herb of Selaginella Selaginella (Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.) Spring) or Selaginella officinalis Selaginella Puluinata. It can be harvested all year round, remove fibrous roots and sediment, and dry in the sun. [English name] HERBA SELAGINELLAE [alias] juniper, a grip, tiger claws, evergreen grass, pine, resurrection grass, rolling grass. Character this product curls like a fist-shaped, long 3~10cm. Branches unripe, flat and branched, green or brownish yellow, curled inward, densely scalelike leaflets on branches, leaf apex with long awn, middle leaf (ventral leaf) two rows, ovate moment round, oblique upward arrangement, leaf margin membranous, irregular serrulate. The membranous margin on the back of the dorsal leaf (lateral leaf) is often brownish black. The base remains brown to brown whisker roots, scattered or aggregated to form a short dry shape. It is crisp and easy to break. It is odorless and tastes light. Selaginella officinalis in South America needs plenty of water to survive. When there is not enough water, it will pull its roots out of the soil and curl the whole body into a ball. Because it is light, it will roll on the ground with a little wind. Once rolled to a well-hydrated place, the ball opens quickly and the roots get back into the soil and settle down for a while. When there is a shortage of water and live unsatisfactorily, it will continue to swim in search of sufficient water.

The distribution and medicinal herb is widely distributed in our country, it can be ornamental and medicinal, and the whole grass has the effect of hemostasis and convergence. Folk will burn its whole plant to ash, internal administration can treat all kinds of hemorrhagic disease, mixed with rape oil for external use, can treat all kinds of knife wounds. It is said that it is still blindly cosmetic medicine, powdered and applied with egg white to make the face bright and clean. It is a blindly anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drug, which is often used to treat hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, prolapse of anus, menorrhagia, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, rheumatism, injury, traumatic bleeding, cold, bleeding, avalanche and other diseases. Apply dried Selaginella powder on the baby's navel belly to reduce inflammation and stop bleeding, the effect is very good. Selaginella officinalis has a cosmetic effect. Apply it to the face with roll coherent powder and egg white to make the face bright, clean and beautiful. Selaginella officinalis is taken internally, which has the effect of strengthening yin and benefiting essence. It is a magical Chinese herbal medicine for traumatic bleeding, a primitive scenic plant that can be watched and used medicinally. it is an immortal herbal medicine that is difficult to find, ensuring a survival rate of 100% after soaking. Ornamental value, such as growing it in a pot, is a good ten-thousand-year pine bonsai! Used for rockery, large bonsai cultivation embellishment, can greatly improve the ornamental value. Put it in your home, it is the witness of your life. It is a good gift, because it is a symbol of happiness such as Donghai / longevity over Nanshan! Selaginella officinalis does have a tenacious ability to resist drought. A Japanese biologist once found that when a plant specimen made of Selaginella officinalis was immersed in water after an interval of 11 years, it was "revived" and brought back to life. From the synonym of Selaginella officinalis, we can see that "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" is called Huiyang grass, "Compendium of Materia Medica" calls it Changsheng grass, "classified herbal medicine" calls it "soul grass", "modern practical traditional Chinese medicine" calls it "Jianjiang traditional Chinese medicine manual". How can Selaginella come back to life and live forever? Sun-dried plants will survive! Dead wood will sprout in the face of water! As long as the dried grass is invaded into the water and soaked in the water, it will be brought back to life, and the soul grass is so magical.

Most of the plants like to grow in places with plenty of water and fertile soil. However, some plants like to settle on the cliffs, swamps and thorns of inaccessible wild mountains. Some valuable medicinal herbs grow in even more remote places, such as "dying grass", which can cure injuries caused by falls. They grow on high and low rocky mountains. The edges of the stones are as sharp as the tip of a knife, and it is difficult for even moss with strong vitality to grow. Naturally, it is not easy to pick it. Reviving the dead grass: the scientific name is "Selaginella" is a perennial erect evergreen herbaceous fern, 5~l5 cm tall, brown stems, branches, flattened, light green. It has extremely tenacious ability to resist drought. When the weather is dry, the twigs are rolled up and huddled together to retain moisture in the body. Once you get Rain Water, as soon as the temperature rises, the curled twigs will spread out, so it is called "reviving grass from death". The water content of plants varies. The water content of aquatic plants is often up to 98%, while that of desert plants is only 6%, that of woody plants is about 40%, and that of herbaceous plants is about 70%, 80%. On the other hand, Selaginella officinalis can still keep alive when the water content is reduced to less than 5%. Some people have done such an experiment: the Selaginella officinalis was pressed into a specimen, preserved for several years, soaked in water, and when the temperature was right, it "came back to life" and began to grow. It can be used as an indoor miniature bonsai, evergreen all the year round, shaped like an alpine pine, with high ornamental value, but it is impossible for this plant to bloom at all. Selaginella officinalis is not only an ornamental plant, but also a valuable medicinal plant and a convergent hemostatic agent, which can be used to treat traumatic hemorrhagic disease and knife wounds. Reviving the dead grass and calling it longevity grass, immortal grass, longevity grass. The secret of this extraordinary "reviving" ability lies in the "improvisation" of its cells. When the drought comes, its whole body cells are in a dormant state, and their metabolism almost stops, just like death. After getting water, the whole body cells will return to normal physiological activity. In a word, the ability to revive the grass is also forced by the environment. It grows in sunny hillsides or rock crevices, where the soil is barren and its water storage capacity is very poor, and its growth water source depends almost entirely on Rain Water, who falls from the sky. In order to survive a long drought without rain, it was forced to develop this "skill". Reviving the dead grass is widely distributed in our country, it can not only be ornamental, but also can be used medicinally, the whole grass has the effect of hemostasis and convergence. Folk will burn its whole plant to ash, internal administration can treat all kinds of hemorrhagic disease, mixed with rape oil for external use, can treat all kinds of knife wounds. It is said that it is still blindly cosmetic medicine, powdered and applied with egg white to make the face bright and clean. There are also people of the same kind in South America, but the same kind of ability there is even greater. They can not only fake death in place and wait for water to revive their spirits, but also take the initiative to leave their growing places to find new homes with water. In the dry season, the dying grass there will break free from the soil, and then roll up into a ball, the wind blows the grass, and the ball will float forward with the wind. if there is a lot of water, the ball will unfold into its original state and take root in the soil. Naturally, when there is a lack of water and it is not happy in its new home, it will leave home again and go out to wander. [introduction to the efficacy of returning the soul grass]: the returning soul grass ("Shaanxi herbal medicine") [synonym] can not be killed. [source] is the whole grass of crassulaceae. [plant morphology] Sedum verticillata is a perennial herb, 40cm high and 100cm tall. The beard root is thin. Stem erect, unbranched. Leaves 3-5 whorled or opposite, rectangular-rounded-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 4-8 cm long and 2.5-3.5 cm wide, apex acute, base cuneate, margin undulate sparsely toothed, leaves often pale, almost sessile. Corymbose inflorescences terminal, dense, apex semiglobose, 2.5-6 cm in diam.; sepals 5, lanceolate, ca. 1 mm; petals 5, yellowish white, light green to white, rectangular-elliptic, 4-5 mm long; stamens 10; scales strip-cuneate; carpels 5, rectangular. The florescence is from July to September. Born in grass on high hillsides or in rocks at the edge of ditches. It is distributed in Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Northeast China. [collection] picked in summer and autumn, washed and used fresh. [taste] bitter, flat. [functional indications-efficacy of reviving herb] detoxification, detumescence and hemostasis. Cure trauma, nameless swelling poison, snake bite and scorpion sting. [usage and dosage] for external use: mash or squeeze juice. [selected prescription] treat snakebite; fresh rhubarb, rhubarb, ginseng, alum, mash into mud, apply to the wound.

Efficacy: commonly used to treat dizziness and headache, stomachache, low back pain, numbness of hands and feet, hyperosteogeny, hypertension, defecation obstruction, fecal bleeding, hemorrhoids, yellow urine, pharyngitis, filial asthma, cough, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, prolapse of anus, stones, menorrhagia, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, gynecological inflammation, rheumatism, fall injury, scalding injury, traumatic bleeding, cold, bloody blood, blood avalanche, and other diseases. [usage] rinse with water and take 6 ~ 9g of green leaves to drink, or take the whole decoction. Selaginella officinalis (Herba Selaginellae), belonging to Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.) Spring pteridophyte, also known as reviving grass. The root can separate itself from the soil, curl up like a fist, move with the wind, thrive in the face of water, and then drill back into the soil to find moisture. Because of its strong drought tolerance, it can stretch again as long as the root system is soaked in water after a long period of drought, so it is named. Bujiu grass is distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Shaanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin and other places. It is produced in most parts of the country. It mainly produces Shandong, Liaoning and Hebei. Born in Xiangyang hillside or rock crevice, mostly born in Xiangyang dry rock crevice. Growing on a cliff more than 2000 meters high, it is protected by poisonous snakes and progenitors, so it is not easy to approach. It can be watched and used medicinally, and the whole herb has the effect of hemostasis and convergence. Folk will burn its whole plant to ash, internal administration can treat all kinds of hemorrhagic disease, mixed with rape oil for external use, can treat all kinds of knife wounds. It is said that it is still blindly cosmetic medicine, powdered and applied with egg white to make the face bright and clean. Apply dried Selaginella powder on the baby's navel belly to reduce inflammation and stop bleeding, the effect is very good. Selaginella officinalis has a cosmetic effect. Apply dried Selaginella powder and egg white to the face to make the face bright and beautiful. Selaginella officinalis is taken internally, which has the effect of strengthening yin and benefiting essence. It is a magical Chinese herbal medicine for traumatic bleeding, a primitive scenic plant, both ornamental and medicinal, and a rare immortal herbal medicine.