
How long is the flowering period of the bonsai?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The fruit is very good-looking, pink, just like a little pearl. This kind of plant grows on the mountain, but it can also be made into bonsai. How to raise it? How long is the florescence? How to raise the bonsai of Pingzhizhuzi: water and fertilizer management, change the pot before sprouting in early spring

The fruit is very good-looking, pink, just like a little pearl. This kind of plant grows on the mountain, but it can also be made into bonsai. How to raise it? How long is the florescence?

How to raise the bonsai of Pingzhikuzi:

1. Water and fertilizer management

The basin was changed before sprouting in early spring, once every 1-2 years. The basin soil was prepared with fertile and loose rotten leaf soil or infiltrated sandy soil, watered thoroughly after planting, cut off part of the old roots and branches and leaves, and placed in the open place. The basin soil should be kept moist in peacetime management, and cake fertilizer and water should be applied once a month during the growing period. Spray water on leaves in summer to increase humidity and shade. Enter indoor management in winter.

2. Temperature and light

Pingzhi Xunzi likes the warm climate environment, so it is required to grow in the semi-shady environment where the soil is dry, there should be a certain semi-shaded environment in summer, and the sunlight can be enhanced in other spring, autumn and winter.

Pingzhi Xunzi likes warmth, but can also withstand cold. The coldest monthly average temperature is 1-2 ℃, the highest monthly average temperature is 20-26 ℃, the annual average temperature is 15-18 ℃, and the annual accumulated temperature is 4500-5000 ℃.

The frost-free period is 210-250 days. Under such temperature conditions, Pingzhi Xunzi has high ornamental value because of its perennial emerald green (red leaves in autumn).

3. Mode of reproduction

Sowing and cutting are the main methods. Fruit ripening results in harvest, after soaking, rub off the peel, then sow in autumn, the next spring sowing germination rate is not high. The cuttings are carried out in the rainy season and can take root in about 40 murals and 60 days.

The florescence of Fructus przewalskii:

A flower branch has 1-2 flowers, pink, 5~7mm in diameter, subsessile; petals erect, Obovate. The fruit is subglobose, 4~6mm in diameter, bright red, often with 3 small nuclei. It blossoms from May to June and the fruit matures from September to October.

Deciduous or semi-evergreen creeping shrub with branches spreading horizontally into two neat rows, like a centipede. Leaves suborbicular or to Obovate, long 5~14mm, apex acute, base broadly cuneate, surface dark green, glabrous, abaxially sparsely appressed fine hairs.

This is the end of the breeding method and flowering period of the bonsai. I remember eating this kind of fruit in the mountains when I was a child. It tastes sour and sweet, just like Hawthorn, and now I still miss it a little bit.

How to cultivate bonsai and teach you the culture method of Pleurotus ostreatus

Fructus przewalskii is a semi-evergreen creeping shrub, born in slopes, ridges or rock crevices above 1000 meters above sea level. The branches are dense and the leaves are small, and the red fruit is gorgeous. Now it is often cultivated everywhere, which is suitable for garden quilts and bonsai production. What the editor shared with you today is how to raise the bonsai of Pingzhi. Let's take a look at it.

An introduction to Pingzhizhuzi

Cotoneaster horizontalis Decne.: semi-evergreen creeping shrub, less than 0.5m high. Branchlets arranged in two rows, strigose when young. Leaf blade suborbicular or broadly elliptic, sparsely Obovate, apex acute, base cuneate, entire, glabrous above, sparsely appressed pilose below; petiole pilose; stipules subulate, caducous. Flowers 1-2 terminal or axillary, subsessile, petals pink, Obovate, apex obtuse; stamens ca. 12; ovary apical pilose, free. The fruit is nearly spherical and bright red. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from September to October.

Pingzhizi is born in hillsides, ridges, thickets or rock crevices above 1000 meters above sea level. Distributed in Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces. It is often cultivated everywhere. The branches are dense and the leaves are small, and the red fruit is gorgeous. It is suitable for garden quilts and bonsai production.

1. Morphological characteristics

Branches: the flat branch is a deciduous or semi-evergreen creeping shrub, not more than 0.5 m high, and the branches open horizontally into two neat rows; branchlets cylindrical, strigose when young, deciduous when old, dark brown.

Leaves: leaf blade suborbicular or broadly elliptic, sparsely Obovate, 5-14 mm long and 4-9 mm wide, apex mostly acute, base cuneate, entire, glabrous above, sparsely appressed pilose below; petiole 1-3 mm long, pilose; stipules subulate, caducous.

Flowers: flowers 1-2, subsessile, 5-7 mm in diam.; calyx tube campanulate, sparsely pubescent outside, inner glabrous; sepals triangular, apex acute, outside slightly pubescent, inner margin pilose; petals erect, Obovate, apex obtuse, ca. 4 mm wide, pink; stamens ca. 12, shorter than petals; style often 3, sometimes 2, free, shorter than stamens The ovary is pilose at the top.

Fruit: the fruit of Fructus przewalskii is subglobose, 4-6 mm in diameter, bright red, often with 3 small nuclei and sparse 2 small nuclei.

The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from September to October.

2. Ecological habits

Pingzhizi likes a warm and humid semi-shady environment, resistant to dry and barren land, not resistant to damp and heat, has a certain degree of cold resistance, and is afraid of stagnant water.

How to raise the bonsai of Pingzhizi

1. Management

Keep the temperature in the greenhouse around 28 ℃ and the humidity above 90%. Spray water once a day from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 16:00 to 17:00, but do not make the soil too wet, so as to keep the leaves moist. In order to prevent bacterial infection, 0.2% carbendazim solution was sprayed once on the 7th day after insertion for comprehensive disinfection. The seedlings began to be refined after 40 days, and the seedlings could be transplanted after 5-6 days.

2. Humidity

Like the humid or semi-dry climate environment, the relative temperature of the air in the growing environment is required to be 50-70%. When the air relative humidity is too low, the lower leaves yellowing and falling off, and the upper leaves are not glossy.

3. Temperature

Because Pleurotus ostreatus is native to the subtropics, the temperature in winter is very strict, and the growth stops when the ambient temperature is below 8 ℃.

4. Lighting

The ability to adapt to light is strong. When maintaining indoors, put it in a place with bright light as far as possible. after indoor maintenance for a period of time (about a month), it should be moved to an outdoor place with shade (heat preservation in winter) for a period of time (about a month). So alternate.

5. Fertilizer and water

For potted plants, in addition to adding organic fertilizer when potting, proper fertilizer and water management should be carried out in the usual maintenance process. In the winter dormancy period, the main work is to control fertilizer and water, the interval period is about 3-7 days, the interval period is shorter during sunny or high temperature, and the interval is longer or not watered during rainy or low temperature. For ground-planted plants, fertilizer and water are applied 2-4 times in spring and summer according to drought conditions: first, a small ditch is opened at 30-100 cm outside the root neck (the larger the plant, the farther away from the root neck), the width and depth of the ditch are 20 cm. Sprinkle 25-50 jin of organic fertilizer or 1-5 particles of compound fertilizer (chemical fertilizer) into the ditch, and then pour it with permeable water. After the beginning of winter, before the beginning of spring, fertilize again according to the above method, but do not need watering.

6. Pruning

When the plant enters the dormant or semi-dormant period in winter, the branches such as thin, disease and insect, withered and overdense should be cut off. The branches can also be arranged in combination with cuttings.

7. Change the basin

As long as it is properly maintained, it will grow very fast, and when it grows to a certain size, we should consider changing it to a larger basin so that it can continue to flourish. The culture soil and composition ratio for basin change can be selected as follows: vegetable garden soil: slag = 3RU 1; orchard soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4RU 1RU 2; or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil.

Put the flowers that want to change the pot on the ground, first pat the four sides of the basin with a slap, so that the root system is shaken and separated from the basin wall, put the flowerpot upside down on the left hand, gently clamp the plant with the index finger and middle finger of the left hand, hold the edge of the basin with the wrist and fingertip, hit the bottom of the basin with the right hand, and then use the mother finger to top the root soil down from the bottom hole to let the plant come off. After taking it off, gently pat the basin soil with both palms to let the excess soil fall off.

Choose a flowerpot of appropriate size, and the bottom hole of the pot should be covered with two tiles or thin foam sheets, not only to ensure that the soil is not washed out by water, but also to allow excess water to flow out in time. A layer of ceramsite or broken red brick is placed on the tile or foam to serve as a filter layer, about 2-3 cm thick. There is fertilizer machine fertilizer on the drainage layer, about 1-3 cm thick, and a thin layer of matrix on the fertilizer, about 2 cm thick, to separate the root system from the fertilizer, and finally put the plant in and fill the nutritious soil, leaving about 2-3 cm from the basin mouth.

The Propagation Mode of Euphorbia angustifolia

Cuttage and seed propagation are commonly used in the propagation of Fructus przewalskii. Cuttings can be cut in spring and summer, and the survival rate of softwood cuttings is high in summer.

1. Sowing and reproduction

Seed sowing in autumn or accumulation of wet sand in spring. Fresh seeds can be sowed immediately after harvest, and dry seeds should be sown from January to February in early spring. Transplanting should be carried out in early spring, and big seedlings should carry soil balls.

2. Cuttage propagation

A slotting bed with a width of 2.0m, a length of 10m and a high 40cm is made in advance, the bottom of the bed is covered with a layer of sweet potato stone with 20cm thickness, and the upper layer is covered with a layer of 20cm thick fresh river sand or vermiculite and perlite as cutting substrate, and 0.3% carbendazim solution or 0.3% potassium permanganate solution is selected for matrix disinfection. Then buckle up the arched shed, cover it with plastic film, and set up a firm shade net. Watering keeps the cutting substrate moist.

From the middle of June to the first ten days of July, the leafy shoots with leaves, which are semi-lignified, robust, pest-free and full of axillary buds, were selected and cut into 10-15cm cuttings. When cutting cuttings, the lower cut is at 0.5-1cm at the lower end of the leaf or axillary bud, and the upper cut is at 0.5-1cm at the upper end of the leaf or axillary bud, and the terminal bud can also be retained. 2-3 leaves are retained in the upper part of each cuttage, the upper cut is flat, the lower cut is Mal-shaped, the cut is smooth and does not tear the skin. Put 0.3% carbendazim solution in time for disinfection. In order to prevent the twigs from wilting, it is best to collect cuttings in the morning or on cloudy and rainy days.

Before cutting, in the place where there is no sunlight at room temperature, the lower part of the cuttings 2cm is treated in 0.1% ABT1 solution. In order to prevent the base of the cuttings from being injured, the cuttings are made with wood cuttings slightly thicker than the cuttings, the plant spacing is 5-10cm, the depth is 8-10cm, and the cuttings are pressed by hand.

Callus was produced on the 15th day after cutting, and adventitious roots were produced on the 23rd day. On the 30th day, the callus production rate was 99%, the rooting rate was 84%, the average number of roots per plant was 5-7, and the average root length was 8.5cm.

How to raise and maintain the cuttlefish? points for attention

Pingzhizhuzi, also known as centipede, lobular oyster, dwarf Hongzi, etc., is a semi-evergreen creeping shrub of Rosaceae. It is an excellent material for arranging rock gardens, courtyards, green spaces and corners. It can be used for ground cover and bonsai production. Fruit branches can also be used for flower arrangement, basic planting or bonsai production. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Pleurotus ostreatus.

The growth habits of Fructus przewalskii

Pingzhizi likes a warm and humid semi-shady environment, resistant to dry and barren land, not resistant to damp and heat, has a certain degree of cold resistance, and is afraid of stagnant water. Distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, China, born in shrubs or rocky slopes at an altitude of 2000-3500 m, and also distributed in Nepal.

The Propagation method of Fructus przewalskii

The main results are as follows: 1. Sowing: cutting and seed propagation are commonly used in the propagation of Scutellaria paniculata. Seeds are sowed in autumn or stored in wet sand in spring, fresh seeds can be sowed immediately after harvest, and dry seeds should be sowed in early spring from January to February. Transplanting should be carried out in early spring, and big seedlings should carry soil balls.

2. Cutting: the cuttage propagation of Scutellaria paniculata can be carried out in spring or plum rain season, the spring cutting should be kept warm and moisturized, the mountain mud or peat soil should be used as the substrate, and the medium with good permeability should be used in the plum rain season, and the survival rate of tender wood cutting in summer is high.

The Culture method of Fructus thunbergii

1. Transplanting: the temperature of the seedling shed is kept at about 28 ℃, the humidity is kept above 90%, and the water is sprayed once a day, but the soil is not too wet to keep the leaf surface moist. In order to prevent bacterial infection, 0.2% carbendazim solution was sprayed once on the 7th day after insertion for comprehensive disinfection. The seedlings began to be refined after 40 days, and the seedlings could be transplanted after 5 or 6 days.

2. Humidity: Pleurotus ostreatus likes a humid or semi-dry climate environment, which requires that the relative temperature of the air in the growing environment is 50-70%. When the air relative humidity is too low, the lower leaves yellowing and falling off, and the upper leaves have no luster.

3. Temperature: Pleurotus ostreatus is native to the subtropics, so the temperature in winter is very strict, and the growth stops when the ambient temperature is below 8 ℃.

4. Lighting: Pingzhizhuzi has a strong ability to adapt to light, so it should be placed in a place with bright light as far as possible during indoor maintenance. After a period of indoor maintenance (about a month), it should be moved to an outdoor shaded place (with heat preservation in winter) for a period of time (about a month), so it will be exchanged alternately.

5. Fertilizer and water: in the usual maintenance process, it is necessary to carry out proper fertilizer and water management. In the winter dormancy period, the main work is to control fertilizer and water, the interval period is about 3-7 days, the interval period is shorter in sunny or high temperature, and longer or unwatered in rainy or low temperature.

6. Pruning: when the plant enters dormancy or semi-dormancy period in winter, the branches such as thinness, disease and insect, death and overdensity should be cut off, and the branches can also be arranged in combination with cuttings.

7. Change the basin: as long as it is properly maintained, it will grow very fast. when it grows to a certain size, we should consider changing it to a larger basin so that it can continue to grow vigorously. The culture soil and component ratio for basin change can choose one of the following, vegetable garden soil: slag = 3:1, or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust (slag) = 4:1:2, or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil.