
Can six times the planting method be spring sowing?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Six times the opening of the flower is blue flowers, grow that is very good-looking, at home to raise a happy mood, six times the planting method is what kind of it? Can you plant in spring? Six times Li planting method: seedling maintenance, seedling division pot soil not too dry, soil a little hardened, roots are easy to be injured in the seedling division

Six times the flowers are blue flowers, the growth is very good-looking, at home to raise a plant can please the mood, six times what is the planting method? Can you sow seeds in spring?

Six-fold planting method:

1. Seedling maintenance

When dividing seedlings, the pot soil should not be too dry. If the soil is a little hardened, the roots are easy to be injured in the seedlings.

First take out the seedlings in a seedling plate and break them apart according to the situation, and gradually separate the seedlings. For weaker plants, they can be removed.

Proper scattered light was given a few days before transplanting, which increased gradually. If the root system of the seedling is less injured, the sun time will be longer, and if the root injury is severe, it will take a long time to recover. You can sun up later and just transplant and take care of it.

In the growth process of pseudo-planting seedlings, it is necessary to top and pick the heart in time, and the frequency of fertilizing the seedlings does not need to be too high. Generally, the temperature at this time is 10-20 degrees, which is suitable for the growth of young seedlings. It is very good to water once every 7-10 days, and it should be dry and thoroughly watered.

In order to control the reproduction of mold, you can consider to choose a watering while using some fungicides to prevent.

2. Coring branch

The plant type of six times the profit is adjusted by the method of coring, usually the height of the coring is 4-5 cm. Coring can effectively promote the germination of lateral buds and obtain more branches. In this way, there are more flower buds differentiated in the later stage, and the effect will be better. Planting and picking do not conflict, planting is considering that the root sprouting well can be put on the basin, picking is based on the growth of the situation, from time to time to do this work. Maintain a certain height, properly pick the heart to promote the germination of lateral buds, and the diameter will become larger.

3. Transplanting maintenance

After a period of growth, the root system has been well developed and can be considered for planting in the pot.

Base fertilizer can be considered to give some appropriate, not recommended to give a lot (as little, less, less), later can be supplemented with liquid topdressing.

Planting in the pot can choose when the humidity of the medium is kept at 30% Murray 50%, pour through the fixed root water after the pot, and dry thoroughly when watering in the later stage.

Basically, there is little fertilizer in winter, or stop fertilizing when the temperature is low, and wait for the temperature to warm up.

Cultivation is not close planting, plant type plump depends on the late coring control and water and fertilizer management, from pseudo-planting to planting, are in a low-temperature environment, so the growth is relatively slow, but do not worry.

Tip: for the development of the root system, the medium should be pressed properly, so that the seedling soil balls raised in the container will not be scattered, the damage of the root system in the later stage is very small, and the process of slowing down seedlings can be ignored.

4: fertilization

The pot arranges the number of seedlings according to the size of the container. 2 or 3 seedlings of one 15cm is enough. Just the right amount of base fertilizer, a little compound fertilizer, too much root damage.

When the root system of the seedling is stable (a month later), it will be ready to fertilize. The concentration of fertilizer used generally looks at the temperature, colder point in winter, thinner point, 1 1000, higher temperature, thicker point, 1Rose 500-800, when the temperature is below 5 degrees, stop fertilizing. Cold season, it is recommended to stop fertilizer, its own growth is very slow, the absorption of nutrients is very little.

When the spring breeze blows the earth, the six-fold growth will become rapid, and the branches will be dense and compact because they are planted in a cold environment. After the pot is full, you should stop applying compound fertilizer and use fertilizer to promote flowering instead.

5. Pick the heart

The whole growth process actually looks very simple, but coring control is essential. Before the flower buds differentiate, coring runs through the whole growth process.

6. Prevent frostbite

The whole growth process of autumn sowing seedlings is very long and needs to go through the severe winter. The outdoor temperature moves indoors at 0 degrees, although it can withstand a low temperature of minus 3 °C. In case of snow, hail and other weather, be sure to move indoors to avoid, the leaves are prone to frostbite after meeting water.

Matters needing attention of six times interest:

The seeds are small, so when sowing, you can mix some fine sand before sowing (or soak them in water at room temperature for three hours), or plant them in pots or flower beds when raising seedlings to 6 or 8 leaves, and use fine-hole spray pots to water them. Never be too strong to prevent seed loss.

Pay attention to loosening soil and weeding at seedling stage, apply rare human feces and urine once after planting, topdressing livestock manure or ammonium sulfate and urea after summer harvest, and applying rotten manure or compost in winter.

It is necessary to water more in the dry season to keep the soil moist and grow better. Long-acting fertilizer should be added at the same time of planting, and then topdressing every three weeks or so. Before flowering, more phosphate fertilizer can be added to facilitate flowering.

When the leaves begin to turn into sharp stripes, the flower buds begin to appear.

Flower buds differentiate in the late growth stage of flower plants. if you are not satisfied with the plant type, you can remove some flower buds and apply growth fertilizer to adjust plant growth hormone.

For the seedlings with inconsistent flower bud differentiation, you can still continue to use plastic techniques to deal with it, until you review it from multiple angles, you are more satisfied. At this time, you basically don't have to worry about it and wait for the joy of a bumper harvest.

In the early stage of flowering, a little flower-promoting fertilizer can be applied with a concentration ratio of 1RU 500-800, and a fungicide and insecticide can be used at the same time.

Fungicides prevent the reproduction of germs, and insecticides are best used to prevent red spider diseases.

Six times the blooming season is between April and May, after the temperature comes up, mold and pests will reproduce faster, of course, to prevent it.

After the flowers bloom, avoid flooding directly on the flowers, spray watering is OK.

Can six-fold profit be sown in spring?

You can sow seeds in spring. Sow from January to March and blossom after July; sow from August to October and blossom in the following year. Seeds can germinate 20 days after sowing at 22 degrees Celsius.

Alias for six times profit:

Green butterfly flower, mountain stem vegetable, flower lotus, South African lotus

Also known as Campanulaceae, half lotus genus, although it is a perennial herb, but often as an annual cultivation, a year is not too short! ~ I quite like its petals, like the wings of a small butterfly, with red, peach, purple, blue, white and other colors.

Liubeili needs long sunshine and low temperature to bloom, but it does not have strong cold tolerance, avoids extreme heat and likes easy loam rich in humus.

This is the end of the introduction to the six-fold profit planting method, so plant it in your own home as soon as possible. Make your vision enjoyable enough.

Six times the profit when to sow and how to plant can blossom

The height of the plant is about 1220 cm, and the stems and branches are fine. . The upper leaves of the stem are smaller and lanceolate, the leaves near the base are slightly larger and spatulate, and the leaves are alternate. Flowers terminal or axillary, Corolla apex 5-lobed, lower 3 lobes larger, shaped like butterfly wings, flowers are red, peach, purple, purple, white and other colors. It can be used as medicine.

When will the sixfold profit be sown?

1. Autumn sowing

The best sowing time is September, no later than November. Too low temperature affects the germination rate of seeds. When the seeds are sown in August, the seedlings will take shape early and blossom between February and March of the following year. However, due to the influence of the growth environment, sunshine, temperature and so on are difficult to guarantee, so the flowering effect is not very good.

2. Spring sowing

Spring sowing is usually sown between January and March, when the temperature is getting warmer, plants grow faster, and the climate is pleasant, which is more suitable for plant growth. However, spring sowing also has shortcomings, with the gradual rise of the temperature, plants grow faster, leaving a relatively short time for heart-picking control, to come up with a good shape requires timely heart-picking. But it is also because it is suitable for the growing season, so it takes a long time to watch the flowers.

3. Matters needing attention in sowing

Whether sowing in spring or autumn, one thing you must pay attention to when sowing is that the seeds must be compacted with the soil matrix, otherwise the seeds cannot germinate without water. In addition, the compacted soil can ensure that it is closely integrated with the plant roots, and the soil ball is not easy to be loose when we plant it.

How to plant six-fold profit to blossom

1. Conditions for six times the benefit of flowering

In farming six times profit, need to maintain long sunshine and low temperature environment, six times profit flowering will be better. After meeting the growth conditions of six times the profit, it will slowly mature, the leaves begin to turn into sharp strips, the flower buds begin to appear, and it is ready to blossom.

When the six-fold flower bud begins to differentiate, if its overall shape is not satisfactory, it can continue to be adjusted. At this time, some of the flower buds can be removed and fertilized to make them grow. Then slowly make the six-fold profit reach the ideal plant type, so that the flowering will be more ornamental.

If Liubeili has different flower bud differentiation, plastic surgery can also be taken to make it blossom more and better.

2. Maintenance during flowering with six-fold profit

In the early stage of six-fold flowering, you can apply a flower fertilizer to make the flowering better, pay attention to the concentration is not too high. And also need to prevent diseases and insect pests, spray some fungicides and insecticides to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. In this way, diseases and insect pests can be prevented during flowering, bringing unnecessary trouble.

Liubeili should pay attention to avoid the rain when it blossoms. If it gets wet, it will have a bad effect on the overall shape of the flowers, and it will also be bad for the growth of the plant.

When to sow (a few months) the method of sowing six times the seed

The growth state and overall performance of plants will change with the change of sowing time, so the sowing time of plants is the key to the growth of the whole plant. The growth habits of different species will be different, so the sowing time of planting six times interest should be determined according to the growth needs of six times profit.

When will Liubili seeds be sown?

1. Autumn sowing

The best sowing time is September, no later than November. Too low temperature affects the germination rate of seeds. When the seeds are sown in August, the seedlings will take shape early and blossom between February and March of the following year. However, due to the influence of the growth environment, sunshine, temperature and so on are difficult to guarantee, so the flowering effect is not very good.

2. Spring sowing

Spring sowing is usually sown between January and March, when the temperature is getting warmer, plants grow faster, and the climate is pleasant, which is more suitable for plant growth. However, spring sowing also has shortcomings, with the gradual rise of the temperature, plants grow faster, leaving a relatively short time for heart-picking control, to come up with a good shape requires timely heart-picking. But it is also because it is suitable for the growing season, so it takes a long time to watch the flowers.

The sowing method of six times profit

Six times the seed is very small, a seed sowing is very difficult, it is recommended to sow the way. First prepare a little sand, sift, mix a small amount of sand and seeds, spread evenly to the ground, cover with a thin layer of soil, very thin, spray water on the ground with a spray can. Never wash away the seeds directly when the current is strong.

You can also use hole sowing. Can be distributed with the help of origami, each pot about 10 seeds, about one can, a hole can also be convenient, but more test patience and eyesight.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of six times profit

1. Lighting

Six times the benefit is not tolerant to the overcast, and it can only grow normally in full light. When taking care of the family, it must be placed in a place where the sun can shine directly. If there is not enough light, try to get six times the profit to a place with plenty of light for three to four hours a day. It can blossom normally only in long sunshine and low temperature.

2. Temperature

Liubeili is a cold-season flower, but the cold tolerance is not strong, the north can not survive the winter in the open, avoid extreme heat, and enter a dormant state when the summer temperature is high.

3. Soil

Like fertile soil rich in humus.

4. Moisture

The watering condition should be determined according to the maintenance environment, the size of the basin soil and the growth condition. In general, the basin soil can be kept wet. If you water it, you water it thoroughly.

5. Fertilizer

According to the need to choose fertilization, more fertilization in the growing season, when the winter temperature is low, stop fertilization.

6. Pick the heart and trim

A simple method to control the six-fold plant type during coring and pruning, which promotes the growth of six-fold lateral buds during growth. More branches, more flower buds.

7. Diseases and insect pests

The growth of six-fold plants needs to be observed frequently during the six-fold growth period. The use of some germicidal and insecticidal agents to prevent mold or red spiders is six times more beneficial to healthy growth.

The florescence of six times the profit

Liuxili is a very important flowering plant. It usually blossoms in February or March in spring. The flowers are mainly terminal or axillary and look a bit like butterflies.

Six times the color of the flowers are also relatively rich, there are red, pink, purple, white and other colors, the unique blue six times is a common spring flower bed plants.

Six times the profit can be divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing, and spring sowing is one of the better planting time, and we can harvest a longer flowering period, so here the editor suggests that we had better choose spring sowing, but the season is not right. Choosing autumn sowing is also the second best choice.