
How to propagate the planting method of Lubing Flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Speaking of Lu Binghua, that is the memory of my childhood. I think of the sparkling tears of Lu Binghua. There is really a plant like Lubinghua, which blossoms like a stick of flowers. It is very good-looking, or do you come to see what the breeding method of Lubinghua is? How do you reproduce?

Speaking of Lu Binghua, that is the memory of my childhood. I think of the sparkling tears of Lu Binghua. There is really a plant like Lubinghua, which blossoms like a stick of flowers. It is very good-looking, or do you come to see what the breeding method of Lubinghua is? How do you reproduce?

Planting method of Lubing Flower:

Lubinghua is more hardy (above-5 ℃), like cool climate, sunny places, avoid heat, slightly shade-resistant, need fertile, well-drained sandy soil, well-developed taproot, few fibrous roots, not resistant to transplantation.

The root system is developed, drought tolerance, the most suitable for sandy soil, the ability to use insoluble phosphorus in phosphate is also strong.

It can still grow in rainy, waterlogged areas and other acidic soils where plants are difficult to grow, but it can cause poor growth in calcareous soil or areas with poor drainage. It can tolerate an air temperature of 0 ℃, but freezes to death when the temperature is below-4 ℃. The extreme heat in summer also inhibits growth.

The breeding method of Lubinghua:

Sowing and cutting, respectively.

Sowing and reproduction

It was carried out in autumn and germinated neatly at high temperature of 21-30 ℃. In the production of lupin, it can be sowed in spring and autumn and sowed in March, but the growth period after spring sowing is in summer, which can lead to some varieties not flowering or low proportion of flowering plants, short flower ears and poor ornamental effect due to the influence of high temperature and heat.

Under natural conditions, autumn sowing blossoms earlier and grows better than spring sowing, sowing in the middle of September to October, and April to June of the following year. 72-hole or 128-hole disk on demand, covered. Seedling soil should be loose and uniform, breathable and water conservation, special seedling soil or peat soil, perlite mixed use is better.

The seeds of Lubing flower are larger, common or coated, about 40 / g. The optimum temperature for germination was about 25 ℃, and the medium was moist. The seeds were unearthed and germinated in 7 days and 10 days, and the germination rate was high. (it has been personally tested that it is best to rub the seeds with sand before planting, because the seeds are hard and not easy to sprout, and the seeds can break out of the ground faster after grinding.)

Cuttage propagation

Sprouting branches at the rhizome in spring, cut into 8-10cm, preferably with some rhizome, cut in the cold bed.

In hot and rainy areas in summer, lupin can not die after summer, so it can be used for biennial cultivation. It is suitable to be planted in early spring, plant distance from 40cm, early planting, early flowering and seed setting.

The aboveground part withered after fruiting before summer, and new plants germinated in autumn, or seeds were collected before withering. North China needs protection over the winter.

Lu Binghua alias: Lupin.

There is really such a beautiful plant name, do you have an idea that you want to plant one plant, recall your childhood every day and keep your childlike innocence?

A complete collection of breeding methods of Lubinghua, and how to raise it.

Bonsai Flower Network Guide: today, the editor of Flower Bonsai Network is here to share an article about the breeding methods of Lubing flowers and how to raise them. Let's have a look at them.

Lupinus, also known as Lu Binghua, is a genus of Leguminosae, mainly distributed in western North America, South America, Mediterranean region and Africa. Most of these plants are perennial herbs with a height of about 0.3 to 1.5 meters, while a few are annual plants and some are shrubs that can grow to a height of more than 3 meters. Like many other legumes, lupins are also involved in nitrogen fixation.

Friends who love flowers and plants like to breed at home, but they do not have an in-depth understanding of the breeding methods of Lubinghua. The following editor introduces the breeding methods of Lubinghua.

Sowing method of Lubing Flower


In daily life, Lubinghua often uses sowing and reproduction, spring sowing or autumn sowing, different sowing time, the growth of Lubinghua is slightly different. Sowing in March, the growth period after sowing is in the middle of summer, in the high temperature environment, the growth of Lubinghua seedlings will be inhibited, which may cause some varieties not to blossom, or even sparse flowering, short spikes, affecting ornamental.

Autumn sowing is better than spring sowing, generally sowing from September to October, and will blossom from April to June the next year. Most of the seeds were sown with a hole plate, one grain per plate, and the soil with loose and uniform, water-retaining and breathable soil was used for breeding.

Matters needing attention

The seeds of Lubinghua are relatively large. In order to ensure the germination rate, it is best to soak them with temperature before sowing. After sowing, the temperature was controlled at 25 ℃, and it could germinate in 7-10 days.

Cutting method of Lubing Flower


The best cutting time of Lubinghua is spring, when the stem of the flower is not drawn out and the plant is nutritious. Do not do it at the end of spring, lest the temperature rises and the branches rot.


Cut the newly sprouted branches at the rhizome in spring, with a length of 8cm to 10cm, preferably with a little rhizome (this step can be carried out in combination with flowerpots), and insert the branches directly into the cooler sand. Properly control the temperature, when it is hot and rainy in summer, pay attention to ventilation and drying, otherwise even if the branches take root, they will die.

How to raise Lu Binghua

Lu Binghua, also known as "lupin", is a leguminous annual herb found in the Mediterranean.

Lu Binghua likes a cool and well-lit environment, shade-tolerant and well-developed roots, so it is a good farmed flower. Then how to raise Lu Binghua, what method is there? below, the gardener uncle introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Lu Binghua.

1. Soil selection: Lubinghua prefers shade-tolerant, well-developed roots and shade-tolerant environment, so it is easy to be planted in acid soil with loose and fertile soil and good drainage.

2. Sowing time: Lubin flowers are mostly propagated by seeds, and can be sown in spring and autumn, but if sowing in spring and summer enters the peak season of plant growth, the hot weather will affect the growth, resulting in less flowering, short inflorescence and ornamental. Under its natural conditions, it is sown in autumn, blossoms early and grows well, and can blossom in April and June of the following year.

3. Flowerpot selection: it takes one month for Lubinghua seedlings to grow up, and the root system is well developed. when transplanting, pay attention to retain the original soil, which is beneficial to slow down the seedling after transplanting. If pot culture, we should choose deep pot to facilitate root growth.

4. Daily management: potted Lubinghua should pay attention to cutting off residual flowers and withered leaves, control fertilizer and water, and pay attention to shading to ensure that Lubinghua can spend the summer safely.

Notes on Lu Binghua:

1. Lubinghua is a perennial plant, and it likes cool temperatures. In summer, we should pay attention to shading and avoid yellowing and shedding of leaves caused by high temperature and humidity.

2. For autumn sowing seedlings, cold prevention measures should be taken when overwintering, and the temperature should be kept above 5 degrees to avoid freezing damage to leaves.

Matters needing attention in cultivation techniques of Lubing Flower

The seedling stage of Lubing flower was 30-35 days, and the seedlings were transferred and planted after the true leaves were fully unfolded. The root system of lupin is well developed, and the original soil is retained when transplanting seedlings to promote seedling retardation. The pot should be changed twice according to the growth situation before planting, and the pot should be selected as a high barrel basin, in order to meet the growth needs of taproot roots and determine the reasonable planting density. For autumn sowing, corresponding cold prevention measures should be taken when overwintering, and the temperature should be above 5 ℃ to avoid freezing damage to leaves and affect the vegetative growth and ornamental effect in the early stage. Lu Bing flowers like cool, coupled with its own perennials, so in the summer high temperature management should pay special attention to prevent high temperature and humidity, sunburn caused by leaves yellowing, plant growth dwarf and even death. In the garden application, the lupine in the flowering stage can also be directly planted under the forest trees and in a cool and ventilated place to facilitate summer management. After watching potted plants, it is necessary to timely cut off the residual ears of flowers and withered old leaves, control fertilizer and water, and do a good job of shading protection in high temperature period to ensure safe summer.

Disease Control of Lubing Flower

The spot of Lubing mosaic spot is brown to black, which harms the growth of leaves and stems, resulting in the early death of leaves. Carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed 1500 times, and the effect is good. The disease occurs on the symptomatic leaves with small brown spots and then a spot with a diameter of 5-14 mm. The disease spot fused into irregular brown disease spot, withered. The disease often occurs in summer and autumn. Petioles, stems and petals can sometimes occur. The pathogen is CeratophorumsetosumKirchner, conidia round or spindle-shaped, 4-5 septum, constricted at the septum, light-colored cells at both ends, and dense intermediate cells with a size of 64-80 × 16-16.5um. The route of infection was overwintered by damaged stems and leaves and infected seeds. The pathogen of powdery mildew in Lubing is the symptom of Erysiphe polygoni (DC.): small white powder spots are produced on the leaves at the initial stage of the disease, and when the temperature and humidity are suitable, the spot expands rapidly, even to the leaves of the whole plant. When the disease is serious, the leaves are covered with white hyphae, and there are yellowish brown to black spots (fruiting body) in the later stage. The diseased part of the leaf thickens and the withered flower is yellow. Pathogen and occurrence regularity: the pathogen is Polygonum powdery mildew and so on. Overwintering on a diseased body. The temperature rises from April to May of the following year, resulting in the production of meristematic seeds, which can be infected many times by air flow and wind and rain. The disease can occur from April to October. When the flowers enter the greenhouse or room in October, the bacteria can also enter the greenhouse, and become the source of infection outside the following year. Control methods (1) cultivation and management should pay attention to cutting off dense and withered yellow branches to make them ventilated and transparent; the temperature in the greenhouse should not be too low in winter; planting in sandy soil with good drainage performance; rational fertilization to enhance growth potential and improve disease resistance. (2) to eliminate the source of bacteria when the disease is mild, remove the diseased leaves in time. When entering and leaving greenhouses and houses, strict inspection should be carried out to find diseased leaves and burn them in time to avoid becoming a source of infection. (3) spraying 100 times of agricultural antibiotic 120 or antibacterial BO-10 emulsion, or 1000 times of 50% Carinone wettable powder or 75% thirteen morpholine emulsion, spraying once every 10 days, several times in succession can control the occurrence and spread of the disease. Especially for powdery mildew which is resistant to Tuoshijin and fenuanning, the effect is better. For some new products, you should see the instructions or carry out some small trials of prevention and control before using them in a large area. The pathogen of Lubing flower rust is Lupin monospore rust (Uromyces lupinicola Bubak), which produces rusty brown powder spore piles under the leaves. Summer spores pile is mainly born on the top of leaves, oval, arranged in a linear, light brown, with lateral filaments. The summer spores are oval, monospore, light brown, with fine spines, and there are 10 scattered bud pores of 8 Mel, the size of which is 19 Mel 26 μ m × 21 mi 32 μ m. Winter spore pile is mainly born under the leaves, long-shaped, arranged in a long line, does not break through the epidermis, and has dark lateral filaments. Teliospores are long, rod-shaped, bisporal, truncated or conical at the upper end, thinner at the lower part, chestnut brown, 18 ~ 34 μ m in size, 35 ~ 64 μ m in size, short stalk and colored. Symptoms of basal rot: the pathogen mainly infected the root and stem of the seedling, the pathogenic part blackened or constricted, and white mildew appeared on it when it was moist. After the plant was infected, the leaves wilted and withered within a few days, resulting in the death of the whole plant. The pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn is called Rhizoctonia solanacearum, which belongs to the subphylum of semiknowns. Route of infection: the mycelium or sclerotia overwintered in the soil or disabled body, the mycelium in the soil rotting life, not dormant. It has been reported that when there is no host, the mycelium can rot for more than 140 days. Because of its wide host range, it is mainly transmitted by contact, that is, when the roots, stems and leaves of the plant come into contact with the diseased soil, they will be infected by the hyphae in the soil. Under the condition of water film, the healthy leaves in contact with the diseased part will be infected. In addition, seeds, farm tools and bacteria-carrying compost can spread the disease.

The planting method of Lubing Flower

[flower cultivation] Lu Binghua, also known as lupin, is a perennial flower, native to the Mediterranean region, is now cultivated in China, mainly used for horticultural cultivation. Let's take a look at the planting method of Lu Binghua with the editor:

Picture: Lu Binghua

[expert answers]

● sowing

Lubinghua can be sowed in spring and autumn and sowed in March, but the growing period after spring sowing is in summer, which can lead to low proportion of non-flowering plants, short spikes and poor ornamental effect due to the influence of high temperature and heat. Under natural conditions, autumn sowing blossoms earlier and grows better than spring sowing, sowing in the middle of September to October, and April to June of the following year. 72-hole or 128-hole disk on demand, covered. Seedling soil should be loose and uniform, breathable and water conservation, special seedling soil or peat soil, perlite mixed use is better. The seeds of Lubing flower are larger, common or coated, about 40 / g. The optimum temperature for germination was about 25 ℃, and the medium was moist. The seeds were unearthed and germinated in 7 days and 10 days, and the germination rate was high.

● transplanting

The seedling stage of Lubing flower was 30-35 days, and the seedlings were transferred and planted after the true leaves were fully unfolded. The root system of lupin is well developed, and the original soil is retained when transplanting seedlings to promote seedling retardation.

● soil

According to the growth habits of Lupin, it is very important to control and regulate the pH (ph) of the culture medium during cultivation for the normal growth and flowering of Lupin. In general, a simple and effective regulation method is to apply sulfur powder to the cultivation substrate. As it takes a certain time for sulfur to decompose in the substrate (more than 40 days) to play a regulatory role, so the application should be carried out as soon as possible.

Generally, it starts when 2-3 true leaves appear after transplanting seedlings, and the application amount depends on the original pH of the culture medium.

In addition, although acid fertilizers such as ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate have the effect of reducing ph in a short time, excessive salt ion concentration will cause toxicity to plant roots and should be used less in production.

● change basin

The pot should be changed twice according to the growth situation before planting, and the pot should be selected as a high barrel basin, in order to meet the growth needs of taproot roots and determine the reasonable planting density. For autumn sowing, corresponding cold prevention measures should be taken when overwintering, and the temperature should be above 5 ℃ to avoid freezing damage to leaves and affect the vegetative growth and ornamental effect in the early stage.

● disease control

The spot of Lubing mosaic spot is brown to black, which harms the growth of leaves and stems, resulting in the early death of leaves. Carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed 1500 times, and the effect is good. The disease occurs on the symptomatic leaves with small brown spots and then a spot with a diameter of 5-14 mm. The disease spot fused into irregular brown disease spot, withered. The disease often occurs in summer and autumn. Petioles, stems and petals can sometimes occur. The pathogen is CeratophorumsetosumKirchner, conidia round or spindle-shaped, 4-5 septum, constricted at the septum, light-colored cells at both ends, and dense intermediate cells with a size of 64-80 × 16-16.5um. The route of infection was overwintered by damaged stems and leaves and infected seeds.

Considerations for ●

Lu Bing flowers like cool, coupled with its own perennials, so in the summer high temperature management should pay special attention to prevent high temperature and humidity, sunburn caused by leaves yellowing, plant growth dwarf and even death.

In the garden application, the lupine in the flowering stage can also be directly planted under the forest trees and in a cool and ventilated place to facilitate summer management. After watching potted plants, it is necessary to timely cut off the residual ears of flowers and withered old leaves, control fertilizer and water, and do a good job of shading protection in high temperature period to ensure safe summer.

[editor's summary]

Lu Bing flower is like an upside-down wisteria flower, with a slender inflorescence, composed of hundreds of small flowers, rich in color and fragrant flowers, which are often used for gardening. In this article, the editor of the first Agricultural Classic introduces you the planting method of Lu Binghua from many aspects, hoping to be helpful to you.