
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Yuanbao tree what to do if the leaves turn yellow

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The root of Yuanbao tree has beans, which is quite similar to the rich tree. What are the breeding methods and points for attention of Yuanbao tree? What if there are yellow leaves in the process of breeding? The cultivation method of Yuanbao tree: protect the environment, keep it warm and moist, it is afraid of drought and often spray water.

The root of Yuanbao tree has beans, which is quite similar to the rich tree. What are the breeding methods and points for attention of Yuanbao tree? What if there are yellow leaves in the process of breeding?

The culture method of Yuanbao tree:

1. Conservation of the environment

Yuanbao trees should be kept warm and moist, they are afraid of drought and often spray water, but the basin soil cannot accumulate water. in nature, most of them are born on the edge of the water, and young trees grow very fast.

2. Watering and fertilizing

Yuanbao trees can not be directly watered with tap water, tap water contains chlorine, etc., it is best to stay in the sun for a day or three days (especially the northern tap water is too "hard" alkaline), see wet dry, Yuanbao tree soil likes acidity.

The pots of Yuanbao trees should be kept clean and glossy, be careful of mud splashing when watering, and use loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam. Fertilization is applied every 2 to 3 months during the growing period.

Just bought or change the pot will lose the leaves, to properly replenish the light. Leaves will also fall off if they are overfed or overwatered.

3. Humidity

Keep the potted soil moist (except in winter) and do not accumulate water. in winter, you should often spray water to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment. After entering autumn, you should control watering. In winter, you should spray more water and less water.

There is stagnant water in the basin soil, which can easily lead to the yellowing of the plant, and the lower leaves will fall off after yellowing. In serious cases, the rotten root of the plant will die, and there will be more ventilation and less watering in the rainy season.

4. Soil

With fertile, humus-rich sandy loam, add some retted sawdust, small pieces of pine bark is best, the bottom of the basin covered with gravel, broken tiles.

5. Environmental maintenance

Pay attention to ventilation and light, do not plant too dense, clean and hygienic, pull out the diseased leaves in time after flowering and destroy them.

Notes on Yuanbaoshu:

Yuanbao young plant is very suitable for small potted plants, because it is shady, very suitable for indoor potted plants, very cute.

However, it is necessary to pick the heart of the plant during its growth. In order not to let it grow taller quickly (it is not cute when it grows up), it can be placed in a cool and semi-shady place.

The watering during the growth period is dry and wet, so it is best to apply alum fertilizer once a month. Scatter light, half overcast is all right, avoid exposure.

Northern indoor can also be raised, but the air is dry to often spray water to the leaves, plants, avoid stagnant water. Keep the basin soil a little dry in winter, not dry and not watered, so as to be waterproof and rotten.

What if the leaves of Yuanbao tree turn yellow?

The cause of yellowing of leaves:

1 has been affected by low temperature or cold wind blowing resulting in cold damage. Although Yuanbao tree has a certain ability to resist cold, it will suffer if it is less than 5 degrees.

2 pots of soil is too dry or too wet. Yuanbao trees are not only afraid of drought, but also avoid waterlogging, too dry or too wet will lead to yellow leaves.

3 was watered with alkaline water or thick fertilizer.

(4) insufficient light. When there is a lack of light, the leaves inside the plant are most likely to turn yellow.

If you want the leaves of Yuanbao tree not to turn yellow, you need to bask in the sun more, water less, and don't get too much fertilizer.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Yuanbao tree

Yuanbao tree, also known as maple poplar, hemp willow, centipede willow, etc., is an evergreen broad-leaved tree of walnut family, with broad crown, dense branches and leaves, rapid growth and well-developed root system, with high ornamental value. Young plants are suitable for small potted plants and ornamental indoors. After growing up, it can be used as a garden ornamental plant, and large pots are often cultivated indoors in the north. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of Yuanbao trees.

The growth habit of Yuanbao tree

Yuanbao trees are distributed in the south of the Yellow River basin, from eastern Shandong in the east, Hubei and Sichuan in the west, and Guangdong in the south. They are important afforestation tree species in plain and lake areas, low mountain valleys and river banks. Like light, more hardy, like fertile, resistant to water and moisture, more born in the waterside. The young trees grow fast, the fast-growing period lasts for about 15 years, and then the growth slows down. It fruited earlier and aged at 40 to 60 years. Deep-rooted, but short-lived.

The propagation method of Yuanbao tree

The seeds of Yuanbao trees are often propagated. After the fruits are ripe, they are collected and dried, and then dried and stored for sowing in November. Spring sowing is best to soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours in January, and then store them in the shade with 2 times of sand for low temperature treatment. In mid-February, the seeds are moved to the sunny place to warm up and accelerate germination, often turn upside down, and pay attention to keep moist, so that the seeds can be sowed in late March or early April.

The Culture method of Yuanbao Tree

1. Soil: Yuanbao trees should use rich, humus-rich sandy loam, mixed with retted sawdust, small pieces of pine bark, and covered with gravel at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage.

2. Watering: Yuanbao trees should be watered "wet and dry". They should always keep the basin soil wet, but there should be no stagnant water. Keep the basin soil a little dry in winter, not dry and not watered, so as to be waterproof and rotten.

3. Light: the young trees of Yuanbao tree are shady, and the sunshine is about 50%. Adult sunshine must be sufficient, requiring medium-intensity scattered light, can withstand shade, and avoid hot sun exposure in summer.

4. Temperature: Yuanbao tree is fond of high temperature, and the most suitable temperature for growth is 22-30 ℃.

5. Fertilization: Yuanbao trees like fertilizer and apply alum fertilizer once a month.

6. Diseases and insect pests: Yuanbao trees are sometimes harmed by scale insects. 0.3-0.5% Baume solution can be used during germination in early spring.

7. Pruning: in the growth of Yuanbao tree, it is necessary to pick the heart of the plant and maintain the perfect plant type. Pruning in time after the end of flowering, pulling out the damaged stems and leaves and burning to reduce the source of infection.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Yuanbao Tree

1. Yuanbao trees who have just bought or changed pots often lose their leaves, and those who lack sunlight should properly replenish the light, and this will also happen if they are too fat or watered too often. It should not be planted too densely, pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene, pull out the damaged stems and leaves and burn them in time after the end of flowering, so as to reduce the source of infection.

2. Yuanbao tree watering is fastidious, do not directly use tap water, because tap water contains chlorine and other disinfection substances, such as using tap water to water it is best to spend a day in the sun. Northern summer air is dry, should often spray water to the leaf, should often spray water to the plant, but avoid stagnant water in the basin, so as not to cause cotyledon rot.

3. Yuanbao trees should often spray water on their leaves and surrounding environment during the high temperature season in summer or when the air is relatively dry in autumn, including when they are shelved indoors in winter, so as to create a relatively humid local space environment for them to promote their robust growth.

4. Yuanbao trees should be watered after autumn, and should be sprayed more and less in winter. If there is stagnant water in the basin soil, it is easy to lead to plant yellowing, lower leaves yellowing and falling off, and in serious cases, the rotten roots of the plant will die, which should be paid special attention to in the rainy season.

How to raise Yuanbao trees, breeding methods and matters needing attention / diligent fertilization

Yuanbaoshu is a kind of highly ornamental plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country, and there are many people who breed it everywhere. However, if you want to raise it well, you need to pay attention to a lot of things. About how to raise the treasure tree? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Yuanbao tree? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise the treasure tree and understand its habits

If we want to know how to raise Yuanbao tree, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant has strong vitality and is resistant to cold weather. It likes light and fertilizer, so we should keep it in sufficient light and fertilize frequently in the process of breeding.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Yuanbao trees

1. Soil requirements, fertile humus soil

When we cultivate treasure trees, we first need to choose soil, which is a step to lay a good foundation and is very important. Generally, it is best to choose a more fertile humus soil, which has good drainage and air permeability, which can make it grow better.

two。 Fertilization requirements, once a month in the peak growing season

In the growth process of Yuanbao tree, the demand for fertilizer is very high, especially in its peak growing season, it basically needs to apply alum fertilizer once a month, so that it can have sufficient nutrient supply and grow more healthily. However, we should remember to dilute the plant with water before fertilizing, so as not to burn the plant because of the high concentration.

3. Environmental requirements, ventilation and light

In the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Yuanbao tree, the environment is also a very important point. In the process of cultivating it, it is best to keep the environment ventilated and transparent, and pay attention to the cleanliness of the basin soil, and any dead branches should be pruned and cleaned in time, so as not to affect the normal growth of the plant.

4. Watering requirement, tap water needs to be dried all day.

In the process of cultivating and watering the Yuanbao tree, we are more fastidious when watering it. Generally speaking, we cannot directly use tap water, because tap water contains chlorine and other disinfectants, and tap water must be dried for a day before it can be watered. And we should maintain the principle of dry and wet when watering, it is best not to cause stagnant water, so as not to cause root rot.

5. Lighting requirements, avoid strong light direct light

Yuanbao trees are more fond of light, but are afraid of direct light, especially when they are young, they are generally allowed to receive 50-70% sunshine, and when they become adults, they can choose to breed in astigmatism, and when the summer sunshine is too strong, it is best to move to the indoor semi-shade to cultivate the plants, so as not to burn the plants and cause their leaves to turn yellow.

6. Pruning requirements, regular pruning

In the process of the growth of Yuanbao tree, we should prune it regularly in order to maintain its plant type, at the same time, it can also play a role in promoting branching, and after the end of flowering, we have to prune the stump and rotten leaves in time to prepare for the growth of the coming year.

7. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

In the process of breeding Yuanbao trees, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests enter while we are not careful. this kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, so we should deal with it immediately when we find it, and do not procrastinate, because the longer the time, the greater the harm. With regard to the specific treatment methods, you can refer to the article on pest control of Yuanbao Tree, in which there is a believing teaching of pest control.