
How long is the flowering time of potted papaya?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Potted fruit is now a popular trend, is very environmentally friendly, eat papaya, papaya also has seeds, can be used to plant potted plants, what is the planting method of papaya potted? 1. Cut the papaya and eat the pulp, of course, but first take out the seed and soak it in water (water at room temperature).

Potted fruit is now a popular trend, is very environmentally friendly, eat papaya, papaya also has seeds, can be used to plant potted plants, what is the planting method of papaya potted?

1. Cut the papaya and eat the pulp, of course, but first take out the seed and soak it in water (water at room temperature).

2. There is a film on the outside of the papaya seed (you can see it carefully). Soak in the shade with water at room temperature for two days, and the film of the seed can be removed (squeezed off gently with your hand), and you can see a round black bead.

3. Find a small flowerpot (whatever container you choose), put loose and fertile soil, fill up the papaya seeds one by one, and then find some pebbles to cover it, doesn't it look more beautiful? (the flower market sells wheat rice stone, red jade soil, ceramsite, ordinary pebbles and pebbles.) remember to keep the pot soil slightly moist, don't bask in the sun yet.

4. it is best to plant seeds at a temperature of 15 ~ 20 degrees Celsius. Cultivate seeds in a cool and ventilated place, but do not expose them to the sun. Spray water with a spray can every day (never water, the seeds will be washed away).

5, more than 20 days later, finally came out a small seedling, quite lovely, too dense seedlings should be pulled out in time, who told you not to plant a little more evenly.

6. There is no worry about the growth of seedlings. Once there is one, it will emerge one after another. The temperature in the room is high, so it is sprayed twice a day, and water is stored in the tray on weekends.

7. This small potted plant looks very attractive, but it will take two or three years to bear fruit.

The flowering period of papaya is April and the fruiting period is September-October.

In Shandong, Shaanxi, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places can be planted, but the temperature is not enough basin friends should pay attention to the cold.

Papaya is not strict on soil quality, but it grows well in sandy soil with deep, loose and fertile soil and good drainage, and it is not suitable to be planted in low-lying stagnant water.

Like to be half dry and half wet. Dry slightly before and after flowering. If the soil is too wet, the florescence is short. I like to get wet when I see the fruit. If the soil is dry and the fruit is dry and shrunken, it is easy to drop fruit. The fruit is close to maturity and the soil is slightly dry. When the soil is too wet in the fruit ripening stage, the fruit will fall.

Not tolerant to shade, the planting site can choose to stay away from the wind and the sun.

Like a warm environment, in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin can be open field overwintering.

This is the end of the method of potted papaya planting. Give yourself a fruit pot as soon as possible.

How to plant pomegranate trees? how much is a pomegranate tree?

Pomegranate tree, never seen, always seen pomegranate! This pomegranate tree is to bear fruit, how to plant it? How much is a pomegranate tree:

How to plant pomegranate trees:

Many people grow pomegranate potted plants at home, but only blossom but do not bear fruit. It is not a feng shui problem, but is related to the environment at home, as well as the influence of varieties and inappropriate planting methods.

1. Variety

There are many varieties of pomegranate, mainly divided into two categories, namely flower pomegranate and fruit pomegranate (fruit pomegranate multi-single flower)

If you choose the flower pomegranate that is only for flower appreciation, it may only blossom but not bear fruit, even if it bears fruit, it can only bear small fruit with a diameter of only 2Mel and 3cm, which is not edible, just to have a look.

There is a kind of double pomegranate with safflower, the flower is gorgeous and fruiting, and it can enjoy flowers and eat fruit.

two。 Environmental requirements

The soil for planting pomegranate should be loose, fertile and well drained; the light should be sufficient, the growing period should be all-day sunshine, and the more sufficient the light is, the more flowers will be brighter, and when the light is insufficient, only leaves may not blossom; the suitable growth temperature is 15-20 ℃. The biggest problem for families is light. Unless the courtyard is full of unsheltered sunlight, it is difficult to meet the requirements of pomegranate blossom and fruit.

3. Daily management

Watering, fertilization, moderate pruning and pest control are also very important. Full attention can be paid to good fruit.

How much is a pomegranate tree:

Pomegranate tree 4 cm 15 cm 15 cm 5 cm 30 yuan 6 cm 50 yuan 7 cm 70 yuan 8 cm 100 yuan 10 cm 150 yuan 12 cm 260 yuan 14 cm 800 yuan 18 mi 20 cm 1200 and pomegranate tree ancient pile papaya 3 cm 10 Mir 40 yuan 4 Mel 6 cm 150 260 yuan 8 mi 10 50 lam 760 yuan 1518 cm 2000 lam $3200 25 cm 5500 Lam 25 cm 5500 lam 12,000 25 cm 12000 lam 15000-35-35 40 cm 20000 won 25000 yuan 45 cm 35000 yuan Robinia pseudoacacia 6 cm 60 yuan 7 cm 8 cm 35000 yuan 1

This is the end of the introduction on the planting method and price of pomegranate trees. You can raise one at home.

The conservation method of papaya bonsai how to grow papaya bonsai?

Papaya tree spring flowers, summer and autumn fruit, elegant and beautiful, colorful, make people never get tired of it, please them. It can also be cultivated into single-stem or multi-dry trees and shrubs for forest or courtyard decoration. Papaya trees like the environment with sufficient light, strong drought and cold tolerance, low requirements for soil, and like high temperature and dry climate. Today, the editor will introduce to you the maintenance methods of papaya potted plants.

Before cultivating plants, first deal with their seeds. Papaya seeds are first scalded with 55 ℃ water, naturally cooled, sterilized with 800x methyl topiramate for 15 minutes, then picked up and scrubbed clean, soaked in clean water for about 10 hours, picked up and wrapped in three layers with wet cloth, germinated at a temperature of about 35 ℃, stirred and sprayed with warm water once a day, sowed the broken chest seeds in time, and germinated 7 days later. Seeds without broken breasts are sown separately.

First of all, make a high border about 1.8-2 meters wide, that is, 2.2-2.5 meters in width, and apply mature barnyard manure, phosphate rock powder, compound fertilizer and borax per mu. Spread the above basic fertilizer evenly on the border surface, mix it with the border soil evenly, and then form a turtle-back-shaped bed. Then use organic biological fertilizer "Shiquandabu" 10 kg mixed water spray, which is beneficial to decompose the nutrients that are not easy to be absorbed by crops and improve crop immunity. Improve soil biological population and other functions. After making the soil semi-dry and semi-wet, cover the border surface with silver-black plastic film, flatten it, and press the soil mass around it.

After the frost period in February of the following year, papaya trees were planted, and larger flowerpots were selected. After planting, papaya seedlings were watered with enough fixed root water, which could be added to the fixed root water to prevent the seedlings from getting sick, so as not to hurt the roots, not to expose the roots, and not to accumulate water. Papaya seedlings should not be planted too deep, slightly deeper than the root neck, and water should be watered every day before survival to keep the soil moist.

20 days after the planting of papaya trees, new roots grow, which can be applied with water dung or 5 ‰ urea, and fertilized every 10-15 days, mainly with available fertilizer. It is necessary to apply heavy fertilizer in time before and after budding to provide for the formation of flower buds, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, proper application of P and K fertilizer, and foliar topdressing with flowering essence.

Papaya growth and development need sufficient water, but avoid stagnant water, so as not to cause stagnant water retting roots, so to do a good job of drainage and irrigation, autumn drought is in the full fruit period, irrigation should be diligent.

When the cold spell and frost are coming, cover the top of the papaya tree with straw and cover the stem with straw. At the same time, cover the soil for smoking, apply P and K fertilizer to papaya, and spray "Shiquan Dabu" biological fertilizer.

All right, this is the end of the introduction on the production and maintenance of papaya bonsai. You are welcome to continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed and learn more about bonsai production and maintenance.