
The method of flowering and culture of tiger skin orchid what to do if the leaves turn yellow and rot?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tiger skin orchid is very good-looking, the leaves are very good-looking, many people raise tiger skin orchid has never seen tiger skin orchid blossom, to raise the tiger skin orchid blossom is not easy, let's take a look at the tiger skin orchid blooming method is what? What if the leaves turn yellow and rot in the process of breeding?

Tiger skin orchid is very good-looking, the leaves are very good-looking, many people raise tiger skin orchid has never seen tiger skin orchid blossom, to raise the tiger skin orchid blossom is not easy, let's take a look at the tiger skin orchid blooming method is what? What if the leaves turn yellow and rot in the process of breeding?

The methods of flowering and culture of tiger skin orchid:

As long as it is properly maintained, Hu Pilan can blossom every year and blossom in spring and summer. Now it is also its flowering season. Its flowers are white, and there are also white and green flowers. The flowers are shaped like mini aloe flowers, and their flowers smell a little fragrant and smell good.

Its fruit will not appear basically, the natural state is very difficult to find one!

Want to let tiger skin orchid blossom, then to create a cool, dry environment, usually watering can not be frequent, today the flower friend showed me her own tiger skin orchid, a string of white flowers, or very rare!

1. Potted soil selection:

The soil of tiger skin orchid does not need to be very fertile, but it must be loose and permeable. Although humus soil is fertile, it is not as suitable for tiger skin orchid as sandy soil!

2. Watering

The principle of watering is to dry rather than wet, watering as little as possible, unless it is just two weeks before transplanting, keep slightly moist, but do not accumulate water! After watering also depends on the weather, no watering in cloudy and rainy days (basically no watering in winter), sunny days can not be watered, basin soil dry for a few days before watering is the most suitable!

3. Lighting

In fact, the experience of flower friends shows that tiger skin orchid does not need enough light to blossom. Tiger skin orchid raised in ventilated and bright light can also blossom.

It should be noted that Tiger Pilan does not like too much sunlight, scattered light or semi-shady environment is the most suitable for it, one or two hours a day is enough.

Spring and Autumn can give a little release fertilizer! If there is a perennial 18 °C-27 °C temperature is the best, of course, we can only try to meet it! It is best to be above 10 °C in winter and below 30 °C in summer!

Tip: its flowers smell stronger at night. It's trying to attract some moths to pollinate. During the day, its flowers smell faint or can't be smelled at all!

Tiger Pilan is most afraid of pouring cold water and too much water, both of which we should pay attention to, although it is almost summer! But also remember!

The tiger skin orchid leaf rot, root rot how to solve it?

If it is the upper leaf rot, then directly cut off the rotten part, basin soil to control water, put in a ventilated, cool semi-overcast environment! Serious cases can be sprayed with carbendazim or chlorothalonil, according to the dose spray oh!

If it is rotting, pull out the tiger skin orchid, remove the rotten part, soak in carbendazim or potassium permanganate, dry it slightly, and then plant it in sterilized or exposed slightly sandy soil!

What if Tiger Pilan has bugs?

Hot and humid weather in summer is easy to attract worms, especially scabies, so do a good job of shading and ventilation in summer, and clean the environment regularly!

If you see bugs, spray phoxim in time, and spray Baumite sulfur mixture during overwintering, which can appropriately reduce the source of disease in the future.

How to deal with frostbite or sunburn tiger skin orchid?

The tiger skin orchid with frostbite and sunburn should be removed in time and covered with film! Let it cool and half-shade and slow down!

To let the tiger skin orchid blossom culture method is introduced here, the flowers still have fragrance, hurry up to try.

Does Tiger Pilan blossom? Culture method of Fuhu Pilan

Many friends on the Internet are asking why their own tiger skin orchid has not blossomed for several years. Does tiger skin orchid bloom? Here the editor tells you that Tiger Pilan will blossom, but sometimes it is like an opportunity that cannot be sought. Here the editor also shared with you the breeding method of Tiger Pilan, hoping to be helpful to you.

Does Tiger Pilan blossom?

Flowering tiger orchid is relatively rare, that is to say, not every plant will blossom and it does not blossom every year, perhaps only once a few years, or even more than ten years, so it takes patience and perseverance to grow this kind of flower. usually, we should pay more attention to suggest you to buy and remember different varieties of cultivation together, so that the chances of flowering can be greatly improved!

Culture methods:

In pot cultivation, rotten leaf soil and garden soil can be mixed in the same amount and a small amount of mature base fertilizer can be used as substrate. It grows well under the condition of sufficient light, except in midsummer to avoid direct sunlight, other seasons should accept more sunlight; if placed in the indoor light is too dark for a long time, the leaves will be dark, lack of vitality. In addition, if it is placed indoors for a long time, it is not advisable to suddenly move directly to the sun. It is better to move to the light first, so that it can have an adaptation process and then see the sun, so that the leaves will not be burned.

The tiger skin orchid should be watered in the right amount and master the original principle that it would rather be dry than wet. Usually scrub the foliar dust with clean water to keep the leaves clean and bright. When sprouting new plants at the root neck in spring, the basin soil should be properly watered to keep the basin soil moist; in summer high temperature season, the basin soil should always be kept moist; the amount of watering should be controlled after the end of autumn, and the basin soil should be kept relatively dry to enhance cold resistance. It does not have high requirements for fertilizer, and it applies dilute liquid fertilizer twice a month in the growing season to ensure that the leaves are green and thick.

Tiger skin orchid is warm and humid, drought-resistant, light-resistant and shade-resistant. The requirement of soil is not strict, and the sandy loam with better drainage is better. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃. Tiger skin orchid can be propagated by ramet and cutting.

Tips on the maintenance of Tiger Pilan

(1) soil: Tiger skin orchid soil needs loose and strong air permeability, so when preparing soil for tiger skin orchid, we must pay attention to using rotten leaves of 2 hand 3 and garden soil of 1 hand 3, and keep in mind that the soil must be loose and ventilated, otherwise it will cause water not to evaporate easily, resulting in rotting of the rhizome. It can also be mixed with 3 parts of fertile garden soil and 1 part of cinder, and then add a small amount of bean cake or chicken manure as base fertilizer.

(2) temperature: Polygonum cuspidatum has a high requirement for temperature. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20-30 ℃, and it stops growing when it is below 13 ℃. The lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the base of the plant will rot and the whole plant will die.

(3) watering: during the growing period, Hu Pilan should grasp the principle of dry rather than wet. When new plants sprout at the root neck in spring, they should be watered properly to keep the basin soil moist, and do not let water accumulate in the basin in the rainy season. Usually, clean water can be used to scrub the foliar dust to keep the leaves clean and bright. Generally speaking, if the soil is loose, it is watered twice a week; in winter, it is colder and only needs to be watered once.

(4) Illumination: Tiger Pilan likes the light, so be sure to let it often come into contact with the sun, it is best to put it in a place where it can be irradiated directly, if the conditions do not permit, it should also be placed in a place where the sun is relatively close, and leave it in a dark place for a long time, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

(5) fertilization: it should not be excessive. In the peak growth period, fertilizer can be applied once or twice a month, and the amount of fertilizer should be less. If only nitrogen fertilizer is applied for a long time, the markings on the leaves will become dim, so compound fertilizer is generally used. You can also bury 3 holes of cooked soybeans evenly in the soil at the edge of the basin, each hole is 7-10 grains, be careful not to come into contact with the root. Fertilization was stopped from November to March of the following year.

(6) Diseases and insect pests: bacterial soft rot; after being damaged, the leaves are light yellowish green or grayish yellow, and water-stained soft rot spots appear on the stems on the ground, which are easy to break. When watering, you should avoid splashing on the leaves, find diseased leaves, remove them and destroy them in time. When you get sick, you can spray 12% green copper 600x solution or 72% agricultural streptomycin 4000 times solution. Spray once every 7 days and 3 times in a row.

Through the introduction of this article above, I believe we all know that Tiger Pilan will blossom, but it needs correct breeding methods and some coincidences, because it is impossible to find, if you raise Tiger Pilan blossoms, then, congratulations, your character is the envy of many people. For more information about Hu Pilan, please continue to pay attention to the decoration of Tuba Rabbit.

The Culture methods and points for attention of Tiger Pilan explain in detail how to raise Tiger Pilan correctly

Tiger skin orchid, which is often called tiger tail orchid, is loved by more and more consumers because of its applicability, decoration and strong applicability. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of tiger skin orchid? The following is for you to explain in detail how to raise tiger skin orchid correctly, teach you to raise a strong and straight tiger skin orchid.

The Culture methods and points for attention of Tiger Pilan explain in detail how to raise Tiger Pilan correctly

Tiger Pilan is a perennial herb of Orchidaceae, with erect leaves, thick texture, linear lanceolate, white and dark green "tiger tail"-shaped transverse stripes on the leaves, strange and interesting. Originated in North Africa and its surrounding areas, especially strong adaptability, like warm and humid, drought-resistant, that is, light and shade tolerance, lax soil requirements, good drainage of sandy soil is the best. Adult tiger skin orchid can blossom every year, and fragrance, but mainly to observe the leaves. This kind of plant is drought-resistant, moisture-resistant, shade-resistant, can adapt to a variety of harsh environment, suitable for garden beautification or potted, for advanced flower indoor plants, very suitable for decorating living room, study lamp place. In addition to providing viewing, the biggest feature is that it can purify the air. According to experts, tiger skin orchid can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases, especially for formaldehyde, especially in newly renovated houses. And tiger skin orchid can also protect against radiation.

In view of the above characteristics, we summed up the breeding methods of tiger skin orchid:


Tiger skin orchid soil needs loose, strong air permeability, so when preparing soil for tiger skin orchid, we must pay attention to the rotten leaves of 2 big 3, plus 1 big 3 garden soil, and keep in mind that the soil must be loose and breathable, otherwise the water will not evaporate easily and lead to rotting of the rhizome. It can also be mixed with 3 parts of fertile garden soil and 1 part of cinder, and then add a small amount of bean cake or chicken manure as base fertilizer.


It can be propagated by ramet and cuttage. All varieties of tiger skin orchid can be divided into plants, generally combined with changing pots in spring, the method is to cut the overgrown leaves into several clumps, each with leaves, but also a section of rhizome and sucking buds, which can be planted in the pot respectively.

Yellow rimmed or silver-veined varieties of tiger skin orchid use cutting method, when the temperature is above 15 ℃, the practice is to take leaves 5-10 cm long, slightly dry after cutting into the sand, cutting can not be reversed, cutting after spraying new high-fat film, on the plant surface, can prevent bacteria infection, improve the ability to resist natural disasters, improve the intensity of photosynthesis, pay attention to maintain a certain humidity, after a month can take root.

The Culture methods and points for attention of Tiger Pilan explain in detail how to raise Tiger Pilan correctly


Tiger skin orchid has a high requirement for temperature. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20-30 ℃, and it stops growing when it is below 13 ℃. The lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the base of the plant will rot and the whole plant will die.


During the growing period, the tiger skin orchid should be watered rather than wet. When new plants sprout at the root neck in spring, they should be watered properly to keep the basin soil moist, and do not let water accumulate in the basin in the rainy season. Usually, clean water can be used to scrub the foliar dust to keep the leaves clean and bright.

Generally speaking, if the soil is loose, it is watered twice a week; in winter, it is colder and only needs to be watered once.

The Culture methods and points for attention of Tiger Pilan explain in detail how to raise Tiger Pilan correctly


Tiger Pilan likes the light, so be sure to let it often come into contact with the sun, it is best to put it in a place where it can be irradiated directly, and if the conditions do not permit, it should also be placed in a place close to the sun and put in a dark place for a long time. It will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

In addition, if you stay indoors for a long time, do not suddenly move it directly to the sun, you should first put it in the light to let it have an adaptation process, otherwise the leaves are easy to burn. If you enter the house in early November and keep the room temperature above 0 ℃, you can safely survive the winter, but during this period, the basin soil should not be too wet and let it receive more sunlight.


Tiger skin orchid does not have high requirements for fertilizer. 15% cake fertilizer and water can be applied every half a month in the growing season. Spraying Zhuangtuanling can make plant stems stout, leaves thick, leaves fresh and tender, and plants luxuriant. In the peak growth period, fertilizer can be applied once or twice a month, and the amount of fertilizer should be less; if only nitrogen fertilizer is applied for a long time, the markings on the leaves will become dim, so compound fertilizer is generally used. You can also evenly bury 3 holes of cooked soybeans in the soil at the edge of the basin, with 10 grains in each hole, be careful not to come into contact with the roots, and stop fertilizing from November to March of the following year.

The Culture methods and points for attention of Tiger Pilan explain in detail how to raise Tiger Pilan correctly

Disease and pest

The common diseases of tiger skin orchid are leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be treated by spraying more than 50% carbendazim; common pests are harmful to weevil, and 1000 times of fenitrothion EC can be used to kill them.