
What is the nickname of the planting method of Lingxiao flower?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Speaking of Lingxiao flower, this is what many people like, but also can climb trees and climb walls, can grow everywhere, is such self-willed, if fishing down, but also like curtains, what is the planting method of Lingxiahua? What other aliases do you have for Ling Xiaohua? The planting method of Lingxiao Flower: pot soil selection

Speaking of Lingxiao flower, this is what many people like, but also can climb trees and climb walls, can grow everywhere, is such self-willed, if fishing down, but also like curtains, what is the planting method of Lingxiahua? What other aliases do you have for Ling Xiaohua?

The planting method of Lingxiao flower:

1. Selection of basin soil

Potted Lingxiao should choose clay pots or buckets with good permeability and deep depth, which prefer neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam with loose fertility and good drainage, and can be cultivated with the same amount of rotten leaf soil and vegetable garden topsoil.

Second, the placement environment

Lingxiao likes the sunny environment and tolerates the half-shade, but the plants in the half-shade are not flourishing, the flowers are few and light, and they are placed in the courtyard with plenty of sunshine, roof garden, south or west balcony as far as possible, and pay attention to good ventilation. do not put it in an enclosed balcony or an open northward balcony.

III. Water and fertilizer management

Lingxiao likes to be wet, slightly resistant to drought, but afraid of waterlogging. Therefore, the growing period should be often watered, and it is better to keep the basin soil moist and not waterlogged. From the defoliation in late autumn to the dormant period before sprouting in the following spring, the basin soil should be dry and slightly moist.

Lingxiao likes fertilizer, in addition to adding 50 ~ 100 grams of bone powder or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer as base fertilizer in the culture soil, and applying nitrogen-based fertilizer 10 to 15 days after germination to promote the growth of branches and leaves. Since May, it has been changed to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote flower bud differentiation and bud differentiation, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution has been sprayed on the leaf surface every 7 to 10 days from June to promote its flowers to be big and colorful.

Apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once or twice after flowering to facilitate overwintering. There is no fertilization in winter.

4. Pruning

In early spring, the withered branches, thin and weak branches, over-dense branches and branches with poor growth parts should be cut off, and the over-long branches should be shrunk to promote the sprouting of strong lateral branches; lay the foundation for flowering, and cut the overlong stems short after flowering.

5. Methods of reproduction

Lingxiao is not easy to bear fruit, and it is difficult to get seeds, so cutting method and striping method are mainly used in propagation.

1. Cuttage propagation

Most of them are carried out in spring in the south and in autumn in the north. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are suitable for April-May, and the survival rate is very high. The method is to select sturdy and pest-free branches, cut them into 10~15cm segments and insert them into the soil, which can take root in about 20 days.

2. Striping propagation

There is aerial root on the stem of Lingxiao, and the method of strip reproduction is relatively simple, which can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn. After about 50 days of rooting and survival, it can be cut off and transplanted.

VI. Diseases and insect pests and their control

During the period of high temperature and humidity, Lingxiao is vulnerable to aphids. After it is found, it should be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 800 murine 500 times as much as possible to control it. The diseases and insect pests of Lingxiao flower are less, but attention should be paid to timely control.

Leaf spot and powdery mildew: can be sprayed with 1500 times of carbendazim wettable powder.

Whitefly and scale insects: often occur in the growing period, can be sprayed with 1200 times of omethoate EC.

Aphids: in the spring and autumn drought and high temperature and humidity period, vulnerable to harm, should be found in time to spray 40% dimethoate 500-800 times liquid to control.

The alias of Lingxiaohua:

Ziwei, five-claw dragon, Shangshulong, etc., deciduous rattan, it relies on tough air roots to climb the wall or other objects, the leaves are feathery egg-shaped leaves with teeth on the edges. Of course, my favorite is its bright red or orange flowers, which are very beautiful in the shape of a funnel.

This is the end of the introduction to the planting method and alias of Lingxiao flower. Hurry up and give yourself a plant in the small yard, which will slowly fill the whole yard.

The cultivation method of Lingxiao flower and the matters needing attention in the cultivation of Lingxiao flower.

Lingxiao flower

Latin name: Campsis grandiflora

Alias: Ziwei, China Lingxiao, Dahua Lingxiao

Family and genus: Liriodendron

Origin and habits: produced in the provinces of central China. For deciduous vines, take root to climb other things to grow upward. Xiyang, slightly shade-resistant, like well-drained soil, more resistant to water and moisture, and has a certain ability to bear salt and alkali. The florescence is from June to September.

Morphological characteristics: plant height is about 20m. The bark is grayish brown and longitudinally split in thin strips. Leaves opposite, odd-pinnate compound leaves, leaflets 7-9. Terminal Cymes or panicles with large, funnel-shaped flowers, orange outside, bright red inside

Propagation and cultivation: cuttings, striping, ramet and sowing propagation. Cuttings are mostly hardwood with aerial roots cut in spring and striped in summer. Ramet multi-purpose root tiller, sowing and breeding seedlings should be shaded, winter pruning is needed every year to remove dry branches. The pursuit of fertilizer and water before flowering can promote the growth of leaves and flowers.

Application: Lingxiao flowers bloom in abundant and autumn, with long flowering period, large flowers and bright flowers. Suitable for climbing walls. It has medicinal value and certain economic value of planting.

The culture method of Lingxiao flower:

1. Soil: Lingxiao flower has no strict requirements on soil, and both sandy loam and clay loam can grow.

2. Watering: the flowering period of Lingxiao should maintain a certain humidity, and the pot soil should not be dry, but it should not be too wet.

3. Temperature: Lingxiaohua likes warmth and is not resistant to cold. In winter, it is necessary to spend the winter in an ice-free room.

4. Fertilization: Lingxiao flower is fond of fertilizer and wet, so it is necessary to strengthen the management of water and fertilizer after germination in spring. Liquid fertilizer is usually applied 1-2 times a month.

5. Pruning: Lingxiao flowers need to be planted in a scaffolding. in order to promote its exuberant growth and blossom, the delicate, withered and crowded branches can be cut off before sprouting in early spring to make them ventilated and transparent to facilitate growth and flowering.

6. Insect pests: the diseases and insect pests of Lingxiao flower are less, but attention should be paid to timely prevention and control. During the period of high temperature and humidity, Lingxiao is vulnerable to aphids. After it is found, it should be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 800 murine 500 times as much as possible to control it.

Lingxiao flower has strong adaptability, and there are gas and roots between branches, so as to climb upward in rocks, walls or tree trunks, and are mostly planted in wall roots, trees and bamboo hedges. From May to the end of the autumn of the lunar calendar, green leaves spread all over the wall (shelf) of flowers, with clusters of orange trumpet flowers hanging on the branches, dancing in the wind, especially cute.

The planting method of firecracker flower and the difference between propagation and Lingxiao flower

Firecrackers blossom that is a string of firecrackers, like firecrackers, arranged firecrackers, so there is the title of firecrackers, what is the planting method of firecrackers? How do you reproduce? What is the difference between Lingxiaohua and Lingxiaohua?

Firecracker flower planting method:

1. Selection of pot soil and flowerpot

The firecracker flowers grow rapidly and have luxuriant branches and leaves, and the cultivation soil had better be mountain soil, of course, it can also be made of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, plus some composting soil and a small amount of bone powder. Choose a large deep tile pot to plant (it is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to change the pot).

2. Rational watering

Firecrackers like the soil moist, so it is advisable to keep the basin soil moist during the growing season. In the dry season and hot summer, it is also necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves 2 or 3 times a day and sprinkle water on the ground around the flowerpot to improve the air humidity. Autumn enters the flower bud differentiation period, watering should be less, in order to keep the potted soil slightly moist.

3. Fertilization

Thin pancake fertilizer and water is applied about every half a month during the peak growing season. After autumn, phosphate fertilizer should be the main fertilizer, and compound fertilizer can also be applied.

The rarefied liquid fertilizer combined with nitrogen and phosphorus is usually applied about 2 weeks in the growing season. The quick-acting liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphate fertilizer was applied 1-2 times at the bud stage, and the liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer was applied once after flower fade to facilitate flowering and plant growth.

4. Scaffold climbing

Firecracker flower growth needs climbing, plant growth is very fast, it is necessary to make a support in time, training on the balcony can be made of thick iron wire and thicker bamboo pole to form a certain form of frame, its stem vine traction to the flower rack (the shape is up to you).

When the flowers bloom, the bright flowers are hung all over the shelves and are loved by people.

Disadvantages: firecracker flowers can not bear the cold, the northern areas need to enter the house after the winter.

5. Planting

It can be cultivated in the open field in the south, potted in the north and overwintered in winter. Pot cultivation can use rotten leaf soil, compost soil, sand soil mixed culture soil, plus a small amount of cake fertilizer as base fertilizer.

6. Watering

Watering should see dry and wet, avoid stagnant water in the basin, and watering during the blooming period of pregnant buds should be more appropriate.

Summer temperature is high, watering should be sufficient, at the same time, sprinkle water to the ground near the flowerpot to improve the air humidity. Autumn begins to enter the period of flower bud differentiation, and watering should be less at this time in order to control vegetative growth and promote flower bud differentiation.

7. Temperature, light

Firecracker flowers are not cold-resistant, and the northern areas need to move indoors to survive the winter. During the overwintering period, keep the room with sufficient sunshine and control watering, stop fertilization, and keep the room temperature above 10 ℃. In general, the room temperature needs to be gradually increased in mid-December and late December, and appropriate watering and fertilization are needed at the same time, so that the buds can blossom in February-March.

The propagation method of firecracker flower:

1. Striping propagation

Firecracker flowers can be propagated by pressing, and the fallen vines can be used to cut the skin and press the soil in the leaf axils, which can be carried out in spring, autumn and summer, and it is appropriate in summer.

It can take root after 20-30 days, cut it into a new plant after a month and a half, and bloom in the same year. Make more potted plants, of course, you can also press the strips directly into the container.

2. Cuttage propagation

The cuttings of firecracker cuttings should choose branches with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests, with a length of about 10 cm. Each cuttage should have 3-4 nodes and 2 buds, and cut at 0.5 cm below the node to facilitate root development.

After insertion, press the base of the cuttings slightly with your fingers, so that the base of the cuttings is closely combined with the medium, and then pour enough water with a fine spray pot.

In the future, foliar spray should be carried out every 1-2 days to keep moist. After 3 weeks, if the stems and leaves do not atrophy, it still remains tender green, indicating that the incision has healed well and has taken root, and after about 10 days, it can be transplanted into the pot.

Note: the seedlings just on the pot should be watered enough and kept in a semi-shady place for maintenance.

The difference between firecracker flower and Lingxiao flower:

The leaves of firecrackers are smooth and have a long tip at the end, while the leaves of Ling roller coaster are serrated, and there is a big difference between firecracker inflorescences and roller coasters, both in shape and hue!

Nickname for firecracker flower:

Firecrackers, yellow eel vine, Mimeng flower, etc., its flowers are like a string of firecrackers, flowering in January to June

On the firecracker flower planting method is introduced here, do not hurry to their own home to one, the aroma is very big.