
What are the culture methods and points for attention of hibiscus flower pruning methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Hibiscus flowers are favored by many people, as long as they are in the ground, you can see hibiscus flowers bloom every year. What are the breeding methods and precautions for hibiscus flowers? What is the method of breeding?

Hibiscus flowers are favored by many people, as long as they are in the ground, you can see hibiscus flowers bloom every year. What are the breeding methods and precautions for hibiscus flowers? What is the method of breeding?

Culture methods and precautions of hibiscus flower:

1. Growth habit

Hibiscus flowers like warm, cool, humid, sunny climate conditions, like fertile neutral to slightly acidic soil, more resistant to drought, barren, semi-shading, waterlogging, cold, and the suitable temperature for growth is 15-28 ℃.

Hibiscus flowers like plenty of sunshine and a little shade. Like warm, moist, more hardy, in most parts of North China can be open ground safe winter. Like fertile, loose, well-drained soil. It is not resistant to drought, neither can it bear waterlogging.

2. Cultivation

Hibiscus is adaptable, rough and easy to grow, and it is easy to cultivate and manage. During the dry season in the south from December to March every year, hibiscus enters a semi-dormant state, and the management is mainly watered to protect seedlings; when it enters the high temperature and rainy season from April to October, the plant can be cut short in April, and the management of fertilizer and water can be strengthened to promote new shoots and make flowers bloom.

3. Planting and fertilization

Hibiscus can be transplanted in spring and autumn, and its bare roots can be dipped in mud, and some branches can be cut off properly, which is very easy to survive. When planting, base fertilizer should be applied in the planting hole, and compost or rotten circle fertilizer should be applied with a small amount of compound fertilizer, but there may be no fertilization in the future, but in order to improve the yield and quality of fresh flowers, the trees with weak tree strength should be topdressing before blooming in summer. you can use heap to mix an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer, combined with weeding and soil application at the base. Extensive management can also flourish naturally.

4. Watering

Pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention in rainy season, pay attention to irrigation in case of drought in flowering season, and cut off late autumn shoots, over-dense branches, weak twigs and withered branches at the end of autumn, so as to facilitate ventilation and light transmission, maintain plant type and prevent cold and winter.

5. Pruning

Hibiscus flowers planted as hedgerows should be pruned 2 or 3 times before spring germination and during growth; those scattered in the garden should be cut off in the spring of the second year after planting to promote their basal branches, so that 2-year-old seedlings can be cultivated into an ideal tree shape.

6. Colonization

Hibiscus soil requirements are not strict, generally can be used in front of the house and behind the open land, hillside land, edge wasteland planting, can also be used as hedges in vegetable fields, orchards around single-row planting, or piece planting for professional production.

Hibiscus is a perennial shrub with fast growth rate and can be planted and harvested for many years. In order to obtain higher yield and facilitate field management and flower harvest, single-row ridge cultivation can be adopted, with ridge spacing of 110 cm to 120 cm, plant spacing of 50 cm to 60 cm, and planting holes or ditches in the middle of the ridge. When transplanting hibiscus, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer into or in the planting ditch, usually with garbage soil or rotten barnyard manure and other farm manure, combined with a small amount of compound fertilizer, transplanting should be carried out during the dormant period of seedlings or in the rainy growing season. Part of the branches and leaves should be cut off when transplanting to facilitate survival. After planting, the fixed root should be watered once, and the soil should be kept moist until it survives.

7. Fertilizer and water management

When the branches begin to sprout, they should be topdressing in time, mainly with quick-acting fertilizer, and topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer twice before budding to promote vegetative growth, so as to promote plant budding. During the full flowering period from May to October, topdressing was carried out twice combined with weeding and culture, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, supplemented by nitrogen fertilizer, in order to maintain flower quantity and tree potential: weeding and clearing garden during winter dormancy, trenching or digging holes around the plant to fertilize, mainly farm manure, supplemented with appropriate amount of inorganic compound fertilizer to supply nutrients for growth and flowering in the coming year. In the long-term dry and rainless weather, attention should be paid to irrigation, while Rain Water should be drained to prevent waterlogging when there is too much.

8. Shaping and pruning

The newly planted hibiscus plant is relatively small and can be allowed to grow or be lightly pruned in the first 1-2 years, that is, the withered branches, weak branches of diseases and insects and declining branches can be cut off in autumn and winter. When the tree grows up, the hibiscus should be reshaped and pruned. Plastic surgery and pruning should be carried out after defoliation in autumn. According to the opening degree of hibiscus branches, hibiscus can be divided into upright type and open type. The upright hibiscus branch has the advantages of small angle, nearly erect, strong sprouting ability, relatively poor branching ability, small resistance to long growth, and its cultivation and transformation into a tree shape with trunk without layer, leaving 3 or 4 main branches on the trunk and thinning the rest. One or two side branches are selected on each main branch, which is called the happy shape of the trunk.

9. Pruning method

Change the head with the upper branch on the back in time to prevent the outer branches from sagging and aging prematurely, and the treatment of the branches is the same as the happy shape; the sprouting erect branches are generally sparse to prevent too many branches and disturb the tree shape.

(1) reasonably select the main branches and side branches and remove the excess main branches and side branches in batches, so that the distribution of the main and side branches is reasonable and the density is moderate.

(2) when the main branches and side branches are retracted, the angle of the new branches should be important, the direction should be positive, and the peripheral over-dense branches should be reasonably thinned so that they can be ventilated and transparent.

(3) slow release of one-year-old strong flower branches after flowering, remove all germinating strong branches and strong flower branches the following year, leave medium and short branches to blossom, and the perennial branches with finer bore are constantly retracted and renewed, and the middle flower branches are truncated at the branches, which can effectively adjust the branch potential and improve the quality of flower buds.

(4) cut short the outer branches and leave the outer buds, generally 3 strong branches can be sent out, the competitive branches of the branches can be removed, the other branches will be released slowly, and then retracted and cultured into branch groups. The open hibiscus branch has a large angle, the branches open, and the strong branches and middle flower branches are stronger than the erect type, which can be cultivated into tufted shrubs. In the open hibiscus, there are often too many soil branches, the outer branches droop prematurely, and the inner chamber upright branches are many and chaotic. Indoor cultivation

10. Put on the basin, change the basin, turn the basin

The basin soil can be prepared with peat soil or rotten leaf soil plus 1x4 river sand or perlite and a small amount of base fertilizer, or sandy loam. Cut off the cuttings from 15~20cm before potting to promote branching. Hibiscus grows fast, so the basin should be changed once a year to increase the nutrients in the basin and pruning roots to maintain the plant type. Hibiscus grows fast. Due to uneven indoor light, it can be turned around once in order to maintain a good plant type and multi-flowering.

11. Water, fertilizer and pruning

The indoor potted hibiscus grows fast and has a great demand for water and fertilizer. it should be watered every 2-3 days in summer, 4-6 days in spring and autumn, and 2-3 days in indoor drying in winter. The nutrition of the base fertilizer in the basin can not meet the needs of the growth of hibiscus, so it should be sprayed once every two weeks, and the foliar surface should be sprayed with 500 × 1000 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate once a week in the bud stage and flowering stage, and urea solution can be sprayed in the period of post-anthesis pruning and recovery. In order to maintain the plant type, it is generally pruned after flowering, mainly cutting off weak branches and dead branches.

12. Flower harvesting

Hibiscus flowers have a long harvest time, and flowers bloom every day in the months from the beginning of the year to the end of flowering. Picking flowers as vegetables should be carried out every morning, picking fresh flowers, picking them gently, and putting them on the market as soon as possible with appropriate packaging to ensure that the flowers are fresh.

The flowering period of hibiscus is long, starting in May and ending in October in the Yangtze River Basin. As far as a flower is concerned, it blossoms in the morning and wilts the next day. Therefore, flowers for vegetables should be picked every morning. If it is processed and dried, it should be picked in the morning in a sunny day and placed in a ventilated and dry place to prevent pressure and insects.

This is the end of the introduction of hibiscus culture methods and matters needing attention, not to plant quickly, but also to plant a good-looking one.

How to raise hibiscus flowers, breeding methods and precautions of hibiscus flowers / water and fertilizer should not be excessive

We know that in the efficacy and function of hibiscus flower, it not only has high nutritional value, but also can treat many diseases, so there are many people who grow it, so how can hibiscus flower grow better? Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of hibiscus flowers.

How to raise hibiscus flowers

If you want to know the culture method of hibiscus flower, you must first understand its growth habits. Hibiscus flower is very adaptable to the environment, it has the characteristics of drought tolerance, shade tolerance, heat tolerance, cold tolerance, pruning resistance, moisture tolerance, poor soil resistance and so on, coupled with strong sprouting and tillering, so it is very easy to feed.

Hibiscus flower is suitable for the environment.

1. Soil

Hibiscus may have the most relaxed requirements for soil among plants. It can grow in heavy clay as well as poor soil, but it is better to use fertile, well-drained acidic soil to raise it better.

2. Temperature

Hibiscus flower has strong resistance to cold and heat, but it prefers warm environment, so in the breeding methods and precautions of hibiscus flower, the temperature of 18-25 degrees is the most suitable, when it grows the fastest, and the temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees in winter and no higher than 35 degrees in summer.

3. Lighting

Hibiscus flower has outstanding shade tolerance, it can grow normally in semi-shady environment, but it prefers the environment with plenty of light, the lack of light will cause its flowers to be dim and blossom less, so it should be kept in a bright place for maintenance. If it is in full light, it should be shaded in summer.

Culture methods of hibiscus flower

1. Watering

Hibiscus flowers are very resistant to drought and moisture, but in the process of breeding, the soil should be avoided to be too dry or often accumulate water, so when watering, keep the soil moist, not let it be too dry, and spray water on the leaves in summer.

2. Fertilization

Hibiscus flowers are fertilizer-loving plants, so how to grow hibiscus flowers when fertilizing? Attention should be paid to rational fertilization, such as topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before budding, which can promote its flowering and make the flower color more colorful, while nitrogen fertilizer should be applied during the growing period to provide nutrition for growth and make the leaves greener.

3. Pruning

When hibiscus flowers germinate in spring, they can be shaped and pruned, and in the spring of the second year after planting, they can be cut off to promote basal branches, so that hibiscus flowers can be cultivated into an ideal tree shape and have higher ornamental value. in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of hibiscus flowers, pruning is easy to be ignored.

Points for attention in raising hibiscus flowers

1. Turn the soil and change the basin

Whether it is open field cultivation or pot cultivation, it is necessary to turn the soil or change the pot regularly, generally every 1-2 years, in order to ensure the good air permeability and drainage of the soil, and to prevent the soil from being too barren to affect flowering.

2. Soil disinfection

Although hibiscus does not have high requirements for the soil, it is not completely without requirements, and the most important thing is that the soil must be healthy and free of germs and eggs, which requires disinfection of the soil before planting.

3. Water and fertilizer should not be too much.

No matter watering or fertilizing, we should pay attention not to over-watering. We should not pour a large amount of water because it is resistant to moisture, causing the roots to soak in the water for a long time, while too much fertilization will lead to leaf thickening and affect the formation of flower buds. This skillful practice is not advisable when planting hibiscus flowers.

How to grow potted hibiscus flowers

If it is a family potted hibiscus flower, in addition to understanding the above points, we also need to pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, and the way to prevent them is to keep the environment ventilated and clean, and to treat them with drugs in time when diseases and insect pests occur, so as to avoid the spread of harm.

How to raise hibiscus, the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of hibiscus

Hibiscus, also known as kapok, bauhinia, hibiscus flower, can be used as a flower hedge, but also strong to solitary planting, cluster planting ornamental, hibiscus seeds can be used as medicine, delicate and colorful petals, is the national flower of South Korea. It is widely distributed and is a common garden flower. This paper explains the culture methods and matters needing attention of hibiscus.

Culture methods of hibiscus

Hibiscus does not have high requirements for soil, general garden soil can be planted in front of the house, hillside wasteland, transplant plants should subtract some branches and leaves, concentrated nutrition, conducive to the survival of new plants, timely watering after planting, to keep the soil moist before its growth is stable.

Hibiscus has a high demand for fertilizer and water during germination, which is mainly quick-acting fertilizer. The flowering period of hibiscus is from May to October, during which attention should be paid to weeding, loosening the soil and fertilizing. At this time, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is the main fertilizer, adding a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer, sufficient phosphorus and potassium elements can effectively improve the bud gestation and make the flowers big and colorful. When hibiscus enters its dormant period in winter, it can apply farm manure once and apply fertilizer by controlling holes around the tree to accumulate energy for next year's flowering.

The newly transplanted hibiscus can be allowed to grow freely in the first two years, and after the tree grows up, it will be reshaped and pruned, mostly after falling leaves in autumn.

There are few diseases in the whole growing period of hibiscus, so it is necessary to control the diseases as soon as possible. once insect pests occur, they should be sprayed or trapped with high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides.

Matters needing attention of hibiscus

Some hibiscus growers are in order to harvest flowers, should avoid pesticide application during the harvest period, in order to ensure that hibiscus flowers are not contaminated by pesticides. In order to ensure better growth in the second year, in the autumn and winter of the year before last, attention should be paid to the removal of dead branches, weak branches and diseased branches infected by diseases and insect pests, and weeding and clearing the garden to reduce the occurrence of diseases.

The role of hibiscus

Hibiscus flower can be eaten and has a certain dietary effect. Hibiscus flowers, fruits, roots, leaves and bark can be used as medicine. Hibiscus is mostly used as a fence in the south and potted or courtyard planting in the north. Hibiscus can effectively absorb harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and chloride in the air and has a certain dust retention function.