
What are the culture methods, reproductive efficacy and functions of Ginkgo biloba

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, To talk about this ginkgo tree, it is often seen that ginkgo biloba is used as a plant to beautify the environment. Let's take a look at the breeding and breeding methods of ginkgo biloba. What are the efficacy and effects of ginkgo biloba? The culture methods of Ginkgo biloba: first, Ginkgo biloba is a rare tree species of Mesozoic era, which is a special product of China.

To talk about this ginkgo tree, it is often seen that ginkgo biloba is used as a plant to beautify the environment. Let's take a look at the breeding and breeding methods of ginkgo biloba. What are the efficacy and effects of ginkgo biloba?

Culture methods of Ginkgo biloba:

First, Ginkgo biloba is a rare Mesozoic relic tree species, which is endemic to China. It is born in acidic yellow soil with an altitude of 500mur1000m and a pH value of 5mur5.5, and in a natural forest with good drainage. It is often mixed with Torreya grandis, Cryptomeria fortunei, bluefruit and other coniferous and broad-leaved tree species.

Second, Ginkgo biloba likes the deep soil with wet and good drainage, which is suitable for growing in the subtropical monsoon area with superior hydrothermal conditions. It can grow well in acid soil (pH4.5) and calcareous soil (pH8.0), and neutral or slightly acidic soil is the most suitable, which is not resistant to stagnant water, but it is more resistant to drought, and will grow poorly in too dry and stony hillside or low wet land.

Third, the initial growth of Ginkgo biloba is slow and the tillering ability is strong. The female tree generally begins to bear fruit in about 20 years, and the 500-year-old tree can still bear fruit normally. Generally, they germinate and spread leaves from late March to early April, bloom from early to mid-April, mature seeds from late September to early October, and defoliate from late October to November.

Propagation methods of Ginkgo biloba:

First, cuttage propagation

It can be divided into old branch cutting and tender wood cutting. old wood cutting is suitable for the breeding of large area greening seedlings, generally picking ears from the finished nursery or selecting 1-2-year-old high-quality branches from big trees in March-April in spring, cut into 15cm-20cm long cuttings, the upper cut should be smooth and round, and the lower cut should be in the shape of Malta. After cutting, tie them into a bundle every 50, rinse them with clean water, soak them with 100ppm's ABT rooting powder for 1 hour, and cut them in fine yellow sand or loose seedbed soil. After cutting, enough water is poured to keep the soil moist, and it can take root after about 40 days. It will be managed normally after survival and can be transplanted in the spring of the following year. The softwood cuttage is suitable for the breeding of a small amount of seedlings used by families or garden units. the cuttings that have not yet lignified around the rhizosphere of ginkgo biloba or on the branches are cut from late May to mid-June, inserted into the container and placed in the place of scattered light, and the water is changed every 3 days. until callus grows, it can be transplanted into yellow sand or seedling bed soil, sunshade should be paid attention to around noon in sunny days, and the leaves should be sprayed 2 colors for 3 times, and enter normal management after survival.

Second, separate plant propagation

Ramet propagation is generally used to cultivate rootstocks and seedlings for greening. Ginkgo biloba is easy to sprout, especially in 10-20 years. Tillers can be used for split propagation in spring, the method is to remove the soil around the rhizosphere, cut off the tillers with fibrous roots from the mother plant, and then plant and cultivate separately.

Third, grafting propagation

Grafting propagation is mostly used in fruit production. Green branch grafting can be carried out from late May to early August, but it can not be grafted under the condition of high temperature and drought, especially at noon in sunny days, and should be avoided in rainy days. The specific method is to collect the well-developed perennial branches from the mother plant of ginkgo biloba, cut off a leaf on the scion, leave only the petiole, cut a section of 3 buds every 2m, and then soak the lower end of the scion in water or wrap it in a wet cloth, preferably with picking. Grafted rootstocks can be selected from 2-3-year-old sowing seedlings and cutting seedlings. For dense planting of early fruit, the contact should be about 1 meter. The whole red poplar generally uses split grafting and cutting grafting, cut the scion inward, insert the rootstock incision, make the two coincide, align the cambium, tie up the interface with plastic film belt, and begin to bear fruit 5-8 years after grafting.

Fourth, sowing and reproduction

Sowing and propagation should be used for large-area greening seedlings or for making clump-type bonsai. After the seeds are harvested in autumn, the outer seed coat is removed and the seeds with pericarp are dried so that they can be sown in winter or in spring the following year. Spring sowing must first be mixed with sand stratification to promote sprouting. When sowing, put the seed germ horizontally in the sowing ditch, cover the soil with 3-4cm and compact after sowing. All-red poplar can be transplanted after defoliation in autumn. However, the nursery bed should choose areas with good drainage to prevent stagnant water from causing the seedlings to rot near the ground.

What are the effects and effects of ginkgo biloba:

First, edible value

Ginkgo fruit, also known as ginkgo, is rich in nutrition. eating ginkgo fruit can inhibit bacteria and sterilization, dispel disease and cough, resist waterlogging and insects, stop turbidity and reduce serum cholesterol, reduce the level of lipid peroxidation, moisturize the skin and reduce freckles. Flavonoid glycosides and flavonol in ginkgo biloba leaves are scavengers of free radicals, which can protect dermal cells, improve blood circulation and prevent cells from being oxidized to produce wrinkles.

But ginkgo fruit also contains hydrocyanic acid, ginkgo acid, hydrogenated ginkgo acid, hydrogenated ginkgolic acid, ginkgo phenol, ginkgo alcohol and other small toxic substances, so we should pay attention to cooked food, so that ginkgo acid and ginkgo dicarboxylic acid decompose, hydrocyanic acid boiling point is low and easy to volatilize and remove. And it is not easy to eat more, raw ginkgo should be controlled at about 10 tablets a day, excessive consumption will cause abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, convulsions and other symptoms. Try not to drink with ginkgo biloba leaves, because ginkgo biloba leaves contain toxic ingredients, taking too much or for a long time will endanger heart health.

Second, economic value

The trunk of Ginkgo biloba is straight, high-quality wood, expensive, glossy, straight texture, fine structure, easy processing, non-warping, strong corrosion resistance, easy to paint, small nail digging force, special medicine flavor, strong moth resistance. Known as "silver incense wood" or "silver wood", it is an advanced material for making musical instruments, handicrafts and furniture, as well as surveying and mapping utensils, pens and other cultural items. It is also a good wood for making chessboards, chess pieces, sports equipment, seals and small handicrafts.

Third, ornamental value

The ginkgo tree trunk is smooth, tall and straight, the crown is shady, the leaves are fan-shaped, graceful, green in spring and summer, golden in late autumn, free from diseases and insect pests, long life, easy grafting, reproduction, shaping and pruning, it is a high-quality material for making bonsai. Ginkgo bonsai trunk thick, branch curvature, root dew, unique shape, vigorous and unrestrained, interesting, is one of the unique bonsai in China. Vigorous and green in summer and golden in autumn, it is known as the "living art sculpture". There are mainly several types of bonsai: viewing bonsai, leaf bonsai and tree stump bonsai.

Fourth, ecological value

The ecological benefits of Ginkgo biloba are mainly reflected in that it is not only a fruit tree, but also a wood species, a protective tree species, a disease and insect resistant tree species, a longevity tree species and a pollution tolerant tree species. Ginkgo biloba has strong adaptability, can purify the air, and has the functions of anti-pollution, anti-pyrotechnics, anti-dust and so on. It is an ideal tree species for fast-growing and high-yield forest, farmland protective forest, road protection forest, bank protection forest, beach protection forest, village forest, forest-grain intercropping and "four sides" greening.

Ginkgo trees are warm in winter and cool in summer. In the middle of summer, the palm touches the ginkgo trunk, feeling cold, and touching the palms of other tree trunks. Build the forest belt of ginkgo biloba forest region, form the scale, cause the community climate, adjust the temperature and improve the microclimate to the farmland and residential area.

In addition, ginkgo biloba has the function of killing crop diseases and insects, especially for cotton, leaf mites, peach aphids, stem borer and so on. Planting ginkgo biloba around agricultural areas can protect crops.

Fifth, medicinal value

1. Ginkgo biloba can reduce the level of cholesterol in human blood and prevent arteriosclerosis.

2. It can significantly improve the physical weakness, rapid heartbeat, chest pain and dizziness of the middle-aged and elderly after mild exercise.

3. It can be used to treat hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cerebral vasospasm, high serum cholesterol and other diseases. 4. It can eliminate the deposited components on the blood vessel wall, improve hemorheology, enhance the deformability of red blood cells, reduce blood viscosity, make blood flow unobstructed, prevent and treat cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction.

5. Ginkgo biloba preparation combined with hypoglycemic drugs has a good effect in the treatment of diabetes and can be used as an auxiliary drug for diabetes.

6. Ginkgo biloba can be used to treat bronchial asthma.

7. Ginkgo biloba can obviously relieve symptoms such as menstrual abdominal pain and backache.

8. Ginkgo has the effect of collecting lung qi and relieving asthma cough. it has auxiliary dietotherapy for lung disease cough, asthma with weak physique of the elderly and all kinds of asthma with more phlegm.

9. Ginkgolic acid and ginkgolol contained in the pericarp of ginkgo have the effect of anti-tuberculosis. Ginkgo oil has a strong inhibitory effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Fresh fruits soaked in lettuce oil can improve the symptoms of fever, night sweats, cough, hemoptysis and loss of appetite caused by pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, it can be used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis.

Ginkgo contains ginkgolic acid and ginkgo phenol, which have been proved to have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, and can be used in the treatment of respiratory infectious diseases. Ginkgo water extract can inhibit all kinds of fungi in varying degrees and can relieve itching and cure ringworm.

Ginkgo breeding and breeding methods are introduced here, do not hurry to raise next to their own home, ginkgo can also bear fruit, this fruit can be useful.

Propagation methods of Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo trees have beautiful shape and golden leaves in autumn. they are suitable for shade trees, street trees and ornamental trees, and are often used as the preferred tree species for landscaping. There are many propagation methods of Ginkgo biloba, including sowing, tillering, cutting and grafting.

Sowing and reproduction

After the seeds are harvested in autumn, the exocarp is removed and the seeds with mesocarp are dried so that they can be sown in winter in the same year or in spring the following year (if sowing in spring, mixed sand must first be accumulated to accelerate germination). When sowing, put the seed germ horizontally in the sowing ditch, cover the soil 3 cm ~ 4 cm thick and compacted after sowing. In that year, the seedlings can grow to 15 cm ~ 25 cm high, and can be transplanted after defoliation in autumn.

It must be noted that special nurseries should be established for sowing and reproduction. The nursery should select places with high topography, good drainage, adequate water sources and convenient irrigation, at the same time, intensive cultivation, leveling the ground, applying sufficient base fertilizer, and paying attention to the control of underground pests. Sowing quantity, depending on the size of ginkgo, generally sowing about 25 kilograms per mu, can produce 15000 ~ 20, 000 seedlings. When sowing in the trench, first pour the bottom water, and then put the ginkgo side in the ditch, if it has sprouted, place the bud tip down, and then cover the soil for about 3 cm to end.

If conditions permit, cover the soil with a layer of plastic film to maintain its humidity and temperature. When the germ is unearthed, properly aerate, gradually uncover the film. After June, shading should be carried out if possible. The seedlings of ginkgo biloba are tender and weak in the first year, so it is not suitable to apply too much chemical fertilizer. In case of heavy rain, release water in time and loosen the soil at the right time.

Tillering propagation

Using the rhizosphere sprouting of ginkgo biloba, tiller propagation is a common method. Ginkgo biloba trees due to the high grafting of large rootstocks, the roots of big trees are easy to produce a large number of sprouting tillers, and if they are allowed to grow naturally for many years, they can form a ginkgo garden landscape of "holding children in their arms". If you cut off the roots and tillers to breed the seedlings, it will not only save seeds, but also grow fast and blossom and bear fruit early.

There are two methods to propagate tillers: one is to cut off the original tillers, and the other is to dig trenches and cut roots to promote the propagation of new tillers. Cutting off propagation by original root tiller is the easiest method. In July and August every year, the roots and tillers are peeled in a circle before the soil is cultivated. After more than a month, new roots can be sent out, and the following spring can be cut off from the mother and planted directly.

Digging trenches, cutting roots and promoting new tillers are carried out in autumn. In an appropriate place near the big ginkgo tree, ring ditches 50 cm deep and 50 cm wide are dug, lateral roots are cut off, and then filled with soil mixed with fertilizer, and new seedlings can be cut off after growing for one year. The seedlings propagated by tillers can be planted directly and do not need to be cultivated in the nursery. Therefore, it is called tillering seedlings, which is actually tillering plants.

Cuttage propagation

Cutting propagation can be divided into two types: old branch cutting and tender wood cutting.

The old branch cuttings are generally cut from March to April in spring to cut the sturdy and substantial branches of the mother plant, cut into cuttings of 10 cm ~ 15 cm in length, cut in fine yellow sand or loose soil, pour enough water after cutting, keep the soil moist, and take root in about 40 days. After the survival, carry on the normal management. It can be transplanted in the spring of the following year. This method is suitable for greening and raising seedlings in a large area.

In the first ten days of July, the softwood cuttings were cut into 2-bud cuttings or 3-bud cuttings, soaked in 100ppmABT rooting powder, inserted into the permeable sandy soil nursery bed, shaded, kept the air humidity, and then transplanted into the ordinary seedbed with soil after rooting.

Grafting propagation

Grafting propagation is the main propagation method in the cultivation of Ginkgo biloba, which can bear fruit earlier and make the plant dwarf, fullness and high yield. Grafting is usually carried out by means of subcutaneous branch grafting, peeling grafting or cutting grafting from mid-March to early April in spring. Scions are mostly selected from 20-30-year-old plants with strong growth and exuberant fruit. Generally, about 4 short branches on 3 ~ 4-year-old branches are selected as scions, and each plant is usually grafted with 3 ~ 5 branches. The fruit began to bear fruit from 5 to 8 years after grafting.

Propagation methods of Ginkgo biloba

China Garden Network, September 29: ginkgo trees have beautiful shape and golden leaves in autumn. they are suitable for shade trees, street trees and ornamental trees, and are often used as the preferred tree species for landscaping. There are many propagation methods of Ginkgo biloba, including sowing, tillering, cutting and grafting.

Sowing and reproduction

After the seeds are harvested in autumn, the exocarp is removed and the seeds with mesocarp are dried so that they can be sown in winter in the same year or in spring the following year (if sowing in spring, mixed sand must first be accumulated to accelerate germination). When sowing, put the seed germ horizontally in the sowing ditch, cover the soil 3 cm ~ 4 cm thick and compacted after sowing. In that year, the seedlings can grow to 15 cm ~ 25 cm high, and can be transplanted after defoliation in autumn.

It must be noted that special nurseries should be established for sowing and reproduction. The nursery should select places with high topography, good drainage, adequate water sources and convenient irrigation, at the same time, intensive cultivation, leveling the ground, applying sufficient base fertilizer, and paying attention to the control of underground pests. Sowing quantity, depending on the size of ginkgo, generally sowing about 25 kilograms per mu, can produce 15000 ~ 20, 000 seedlings. When sowing in the trench, first pour the bottom water, and then put the ginkgo side in the ditch, if it has sprouted, place the bud tip down, and then cover the soil for about 3 cm to end.

If conditions permit, cover the soil with a layer of plastic film to maintain its humidity and temperature. When the germ is unearthed, properly aerate, gradually uncover the film. After June, shading should be carried out if possible. The seedlings of ginkgo biloba are tender and weak in the first year, so it is not suitable to apply too much chemical fertilizer. In case of heavy rain, release water in time and loosen the soil at the right time.

Tillering propagation

Using the rhizosphere sprouting of ginkgo biloba, tiller propagation is a common method. Ginkgo biloba trees due to the high grafting of large rootstocks, the roots of big trees are easy to produce a large number of sprouting tillers, and if they are allowed to grow naturally for many years, they can form a ginkgo garden landscape of "holding children in their arms". If you cut off the roots and tillers to breed the seedlings, it will not only save seeds, but also grow fast and blossom and bear fruit early.

There are two methods to propagate tillers: one is to cut off the original tillers, and the other is to dig trenches and cut roots to promote the propagation of new tillers. Cutting off propagation by original root tiller is the easiest method. In July and August every year, the roots and tillers are peeled in a circle before the soil is cultivated. After more than a month, new roots can be sent out, and the following spring can be cut off from the mother and planted directly.

Digging trenches, cutting roots and promoting new tillers are carried out in autumn. In an appropriate place near the big ginkgo tree, ring ditches 50 cm deep and 50 cm wide are dug, lateral roots are cut off, and then filled with soil mixed with fertilizer, and new seedlings can be cut off after growing for one year. The seedlings propagated by tillers can be planted directly and do not need to be cultivated in the nursery. Therefore, it is called tillering seedlings, which is actually tillering plants.

Cuttage propagation

Cutting propagation can be divided into two types: old branch cutting and tender wood cutting.

The old branch cuttings are generally cut from March to April in spring to cut the sturdy and substantial branches of the mother plant, cut into cuttings of 10 cm ~ 15 cm in length, cut in fine yellow sand or loose soil, pour enough water after cutting, keep the soil moist, and take root in about 40 days. After the survival, carry on the normal management. It can be transplanted in the spring of the following year. This method is suitable for greening and raising seedlings in a large area.

In the first ten days of July, the softwood cuttings were cut into 2-bud cuttings or 3-bud cuttings, soaked in 100ppmABT rooting powder, inserted into the permeable sandy soil nursery bed, shaded, kept the air humidity, and then transplanted into the ordinary seedbed with soil after rooting.

Grafting propagation

Grafting propagation is the main propagation method in the cultivation of Ginkgo biloba, which can bear fruit earlier and make the plant dwarf, fullness and high yield. Grafting is usually carried out by means of subcutaneous branch grafting, peeling grafting or cutting grafting from mid-March to early April in spring. Scions are mostly selected from 20-30-year-old plants with strong growth and exuberant fruit. Generally, about 4 short branches on 3 ~ 4-year-old branches are selected as scions, and each plant is usually grafted with 3 ~ 5 branches. The fruit began to bear fruit from 5 to 8 years after grafting.