
The culture method and precautions of wine bottle orchid what is the price?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bottle orchid near the rhizome of the place to grow that is particularly large, the rod is relatively thin, many leaves, but also very long, there is a kind of abnormal feeling, let's take a look at the wine bottle orchid culture methods and matters needing attention? What is the price of wine bottle orchid? Culture methods and precautions of wine bottle orchid: sunshine and temperature, wine bottle orchid likes sunshine

Bottle orchid close to the root of the place that grows is particularly large, the rod is relatively thin, leaves more, but also very long, there is a kind of abnormal feeling, to see bottle orchid breeding methods and precautions is what kind of? How much does the bottle cost?

Wine bottle cultivation methods and precautions:

1. Sunlight and Temperature

Wine bottle orchid likes sunshine, all the year round can be direct, even in the summer heat, in the hot sun continued

Sunlight, leaves will not burn. However, it is not cold-resistant, and the north needs to enter the room before the frost falls and be placed in a warm and sunny place.

The room temperature is about 10℃, if it is lower than 5℃, cold and warm measures must be taken to prevent freezing. Because the bottle orchid is more drought-resistant, watering should not be too much, otherwise easy to rot roots.

2. Water and fertilizer

Spring and autumn must see dry see wet, summer keep wet, winter see dry soil when watering. During the growing season, thin liquid fertilizer should be applied once every half month in outdoor cultivation; granular fertilizer should be applied in indoor cultivation.

3. Pot soil and watering

Potted bottle orchid can be mixed with 2 parts of moldy leaf soil, 1 part of garden soil, 1 part of river sand and a small amount of plant ash as substrate. In the growing season from March to October, fertilizer and water management should be strengthened to promote stem expansion. Because the swollen stem can store a certain amount of water, drought tolerance is strong, so when watering, the pot soil moisture is the degree, master the principle of rather dry than wet, avoid pot soil ponding, otherwise the fleshy roots and stems are easy to rot.

4. Maintenance after autumn

Especially after the end of autumn, the temperature drops, and the watering amount should be reduced to improve the cold resistance of the tree. Liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer shall be applied twice a month during growth period, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer shall be increased when applying fertilizer. Regular pruning of old leaves can promote plant growth. The temperature is 20~28℃.

5, bottle orchid winter maintenance in the northern region, in order to ensure the safety of the plant winter, the following measures should be taken: strengthen water and fertilizer management, promote the healthy growth of the plant, further improve its cold resistance; indoor, should be placed in the sun, during the day can fully see the light; In order to prevent cold air intrusion into the room, the temperature should be maintained at 3℃ above.

If the temperature is too low, technical measures should be taken in time; in the northern region, in order to make the plants overwinter, watering should be controlled, and the basin soil should be dry rather than wet; after the Qingming Festival weather turns warm, it is necessary to gradually leave the room.

6 How does the bottle breed?

The bottle orchid generally adopts sowing and cuttage propagation. Sowing should be done indoors. Potted plants in the north are not easy to flower and bear seeds, so they can only be cut in spring with buds germinating at the base. After the buds are broken off and dried for 1~2 days, they are inserted into river sand or plain soil, covered with thin film to keep moisture and keep warm, and they are easy to root under the condition of 20~25℃.

7. The bottle orchid is well maintained, but also depends on the details.

4~ November, in the bottle orchid growth period, do not move it casually, unless the situation has to, fixed in a place best.

At this time, sufficient water and nutrients can be given to promote stem expansion.

According to the pot soil dry and wet, leaf color depth, timely watering and fertilization, neither water nor water.

From January to March, the moisture should be strictly controlled, and only once a month, the same permeable water as room temperature should be poured. When fertilizing, do not apply raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer.

How much does the bottle cost:

If you buy a bottle of orchid without a flowerpot, the price is about 15 yuan. This is also affected by the size of the bottle orchid plant.

About the bottle orchid breeding methods and precautions and prices on the introduction here, do not hurry to raise a plant.

Wine bottle orchid cultivation methods and precautions Wine bottle orchid price picture

The bottle orchid resembles a large bottle, cracking into small squares of bark and clustered leaves, forming a very strange decorative plant. But many people do not know how to raise wine bottles. Next, Xiao Qi will talk to you about the cultivation methods and precautions of bottle orchid and the price of bottle orchid.

1. The cultivation method of bottle orchid

1, soil: bottle orchid likes loose sand and humus soil, drought resistance and barren. Potted soil to choose good drainage, available 3 fertile garden soil and 1 cinder mixture, and then add a small amount of bean cake or chicken manure as base fertilizer.

2, sunshine: bottle blue happy enough sunshine, but also has a certain ability to withstand shade. If the light is insufficient, the leaves grow thin and the plants grow weak. Spring and autumn should be placed in sufficient light, summer should be properly shaded, otherwise the leaf tip withered coke, yellow leaf color. To prevent plants from growing sideways, rotate pots 180° every 4 - 6 weeks.

3, humidity: bottle orchid wet climate, growth air relative temperature in 70~80%, humidity is too low will make the lower leaves yellowing, falling off, the upper leaves are dull.

4, pests: bottle orchid sometimes leaf spot damage, can be sprayed once every half month Bordeaux mixture (1:1:100), mirid, whitefly and scale insect damage, can be used 40% omethoate emulsion 1500 times spray kill. In winter, we should cut off the branches of bottle orchid, such as thin, diseased, dead and dense branches.

5, fertilizer: spring, summer, autumn is the growth season of bottle orchid, every 2-3 weeks to apply 1 liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer, promote base expansion. Pay attention to increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer when fertilizing, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 5:10:5. Stop fertilizing in winter.

6, pruning: winter to the bottle orchid thin, pests, dead, too dense branches cut off.

Second, the cultivation of wine bottle orchid precautions

Light control: Cutting propagation can not be separated from sunlight irradiation, because the cuttings also continue to carry out photosynthesis to produce nutrients and rooting substances to supply their rooting needs. However, the stronger the light, the higher the temperature in the cutting body, the more vigorous the transpiration of the cutting, the more water consumed, which is not conducive to the survival of the cutting. Therefore, after cuttage must use shading net to block 50~80% of the sun, wait for the roots to grow, and then gradually remove the shading net: sunny days every day at 4:00 pm to remove the shading net, the next day before 9:00 covered with shading net.

Temperature and humidity: bottle orchid likes humid climate environment, the relative humidity of the air in the growth environment is required to be 70~80%, the relative humidity of the air is too low, the lower leaves are yellowing and falling off, and the upper leaves are dull. Because it is native to tropical areas, like high temperature and high humidity environment, so the requirements for winter temperature are very strict, when the ambient temperature stops growing below 10 ° C, it cannot safely overwinter when frost occurs.

Third, the price of the bottle orchid

The price of bottle orchid is affected by many factors, such as region, season, planting cost and plant quality such as variety, plant height, stem volume, etc. The price varies from place to place, the cost of planting varies according to climate, and there are exotic plants that are not locally planted. However, the price of bottle orchid is generally not particularly expensive, there is no flowerpot usually in 15 pieces/plant, and there are flowerpot generally 30 pieces/plant.

Bottle orchid breeding methods and precautions as well as bottle orchid prices are introduced here for everyone, bottle orchid strange shape is a very good home potted plants, like friends can consider starting oh.

How much is the cost of the elephant leg tree?

Elephant leg tree, this plant is still relatively interesting, the following section is super big, elephant leg tree breeding method is what kind of? How much is the price of an elephant leg tree:

The cultivation method of elephant leg tree:

1. Soil

Elephant-leg trees like fertile soil, so if you want to pot it, then potted soil should choose good drainage, such as loose sand or humus or rich sandy loam is a good choice.

2. Temperature

The bottle orchid is a warm, humid and sunny environment, and its suitable growth temperature is 16-28℃, if it is lower than 13℃, it will stop growing, and the winter temperature cannot be lower than 10℃ for a long time, otherwise the base of the plant will rot, causing the whole plant to die.

3. Fertilization

In the process of potted elephant leg trees, attention should be paid to fertilization should not be excessive, compound fertilizer should be generally used, and a small amount of bean cake or chicken manure can be added as base fertilizer. There are also different times of fertilization in different growth periods, such as in the peak growth period, 1 to 2 times a month fertilizer, there is from November to March of the next year should stop fertilization.

4, pest control

I believe we all know that many potted flowers and plants will produce different diseases and insect pests, and potted elephant-leg trees also need to pay attention to pest control. Common diseases and insect pests are bacterial soft rot, leaf spot disease, arrowhead scale. The treatment methods of these diseases and insect pests are different. If it is bacterial soft rot, streptomycin 1000 times solution can be sprayed; If it is leaf spot disease, 75% chlorothalonil can be sprayed; If it is arrowhead scale, there are two methods, one is natural enemy control (natural enemies are short edge aphid wasp, long beak aphid wasp, golden aphid wasp and red-spotted labial ladybug), and the other is chemical control, that is, spraying with 40% omethoate.

How much does the tree cost:

Elephant-leg trees are also called bottle orchids, and if you want to plant them indoors, you can only plant them when they are young. So how much does it usually cost? In fact, this mainly depends on what kind of bottle you want to buy, if it is potted bottle orchid that price is not very expensive, generally speaking, the price of bottle orchid without flowerpot is about 15 yuan/tree, the price of bottle orchid with flowerpot is about 30 yuan/tree. And if it is grown up, the price is relatively expensive, generally more than 10,000 yuan.

About elephant leg tree breeding method and price introduced here, the price of this elephant leg tree is still a little expensive.