
The cultivation methods and precautions of rubber trees what are the cutting methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rubber tree has the title of Black King Kong and is a very good foliage plant. What are the breeding methods and points for attention of rubber trees? What is the cutting method of rubber tree? Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees: pot soil, selection of fertile sandy soil, fertile and loose soil

Rubber tree has the title of Black King Kong and is a very good foliage plant. What are the breeding methods and points for attention of rubber trees? What is the cutting method of rubber tree?

Culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees:

1. Basin soil

Choose fertile sandy soil, fat, loose soil, pots should choose larger flowerpots, it grows very fast.

2. Watering

Rubber trees like slightly wet, dry soil environment, summer needs the most water, more watering, once or twice a day, less water in winter, as long as sprinkling on the leaves.

3. Fertilization

In addition to the base fertilizer at the time of planting, rarefied liquid fertilizer can be applied once in spring and autumn, and no fertilizer can be applied in hot and cold times.

4. Lighting:

Rubber trees like light, can also withstand shade, well-ventilated circumstances, can see more light, not exposure.

5. Temperature: the growth temperature is 15 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, it is not cold-resistant, the lowest can not be lower than 5 ℃.

6. Disease prevention:

Rarely get sick, occasionally there will be grubs, a small amount of cloth can be wiped off, more to the drugstore to buy medicine to kill.

7. Pruning:

The pruning of rubber trees can cut off a section of the old branches of the plant every autumn before the new buds sprout.

8. Change the basin:

Change the basin after the spring is warm every year, cut off part of the old residual roots, change the new soil, and cut the branches of the plant in order to branch in a hurry.

Note: usually leaves stained with dust should be wiped off with a moist soft cloth in time, which is beneficial to growth.

Cutting method of rubber tree:

The propagation cuttings were mainly carried out from March to April. Cut off the branches with 1 or 2 leaves. Wound mucus can be washed away with warm water, dipped in charcoal powder, and then buried in the leaf stem in the soil, half of the leaves should be buried in the soil.

After the leaves and stems are buried, the newly cultivated rubber trees should always be sprayed with water to keep them moist.

Rubber tree culture methods and cutting methods are introduced here, do not hurry to their own home to one, as an ornamental plant, this is the first.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees

Rubber tree is a kind of green plant bonsai, which can be used to beautify the environment and home decoration. Rubber trees can absorb harmful gases such as carbon dioxide in the air and improve indoor air. Placing a rubber tree in the office or living room will make the indoor air cleaner. Small green potted plants are lovely and pleasant. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees

I. Culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees-temperature

The temperature of rubber trees should be warmer and better. Rubber trees like warm and humid environments and are not resistant to cold. In winter, the temperature should not be less than 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise the rubber tree will certainly have the problem of freezing injury. Once it is below 5 degrees Celsius, the leaves of the rubber tree will begin to fall and die.

II. Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees-- light

Rubber trees are more fond of light, especially after the emergence of strong light. Winter and spring episodes also need sufficient light, while summer and autumn do not need strong light, otherwise the leaves will be injured, or need proper shade.

III. Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees-watering

Rubber trees should be watered but avoid stagnant water. too wet soil will cause the soil to be stuffy and eventually lead to rotting roots. The moisture should be reduced in winter, otherwise the leaves will wither.

IV. culture methods and matters needing attention of rubber trees-- fertilization

Rubber trees can choose liquid fertilizer for fertilization operation, and it is more suitable to apply fertilizer regularly once a month.

Culture methods and precautions of rubber trees pictures of rubber trees

Rubber tree leaves are beautiful, and have air purification effect, is a very good family potted plants, but rubber tree culture requires skills, and then learn the rubber tree culture methods and matters needing attention.

Culture methods of rubber trees

1. Temperature: the first trick in the cultivation method of rubber tree is the problem of temperature. The temperature of rubber tree is best at 20-25 degrees. It can grow well even if it is above 30 degrees. But in winter, if the temperature is too low, rubber trees will produce a lot of fallen leaves. The cold resistance is very poor.

2. Sunshine: sunlight is also a treasure in the breeding method of rubber tree. giving it enough sunshine can make it thrive. Proper shading from May to September.

3. Fertilization: the existence of fertilizer is like calcium supplement, which can enhance its "health". Fertilization is also one of the key points in the cultivation methods of rubber trees, which can reduce the occurrence of markings and make the leaves bright. Just use nitrogen fertilizer. Stop fertilizing in winter.

4. Pruning, turning the basin: when it is time to prune the rubber tree, cut off the bifurcations, inward branches and weak branches inside the crown to maintain its internal ventilation, good light transmission and overall shape. Usually, in the cultivation method of rubber tree, the basin must be turned once every 2 years, and materials such as rotten leaf soil are added to reconfigure it. It likes loam soil with loose and good drainage.

5, propagation methods: rubber trees are usually propagated by cuttings, and summer is the best. Choose the branches of the rubber tree every other year, which are about 20cm in length, take root within a month after cutting, and can be put on the pot in 50 days. The breeding method of this rubber tree has a very high survival rate and grows very fast; wait until the cuttings are intercepted in late spring and early summer, seal the wound with cement, cut off a leaf below, close the upper two pieces with plastic rope and do a good job of shading and ventilation.

Matters needing attention in rubber tree culture

Rubber trees should be well watered during the growing season, always keep the basin soil moist, water once in the morning and evening every day in the hot summer season, and often spray water on the leaves to clean the leaves and improve the air humidity. Compound flower fertilizer or thin rotten cake fertilizer and water were applied once or twice a month during the growing season. Family potted plants should be placed near the south-facing window where there is plenty of light and pay attention to air circulation. Spring and autumn can be put on the balcony or semi-shaded place in the courtyard to maintain a section, but summer should be appropriate shade to avoid strong light direct exposure. Rubber trees grow faster, and small and medium-sized plants are better for family culture. Therefore, when the plant grows to a height of about 95 cm, it can top at the height of 55 cm to 65 cm in early spring to promote the germination of more lateral branches, making the plant plump and dignified, otherwise the crown will be hollow and the branches will grow naturally, thus reducing the ornamental value. The young plants should change the pots every other year, and the adult plants can change the pots every 2-3 years or apply topdressing 3-5 times a year to promote luxuriant branches and leaves. The winter temperature should be kept above 11 ℃. Long-term low temperature or wet basin soil can easily cause root rot and plant defoliation. The northern region can be maintained outdoors from early summer to Mid-Autumn Festival every year.

These are the breeding methods and precautions of rubber trees. Rubber trees are very good household green plants, but try not to let children touch them when breeding.

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