
Key points of field management of Ligusticum chuanxiong

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of field management of Ligusticum chuanxiong

Szechuan lovage rhizome is a perennial herb of umbelliferae. Its roots have strong growth ability and strong fragrance. In China, there is a wide range of planting area, in the cultivation of Szechuan lovage, management is very important. A reasonable field management technique is the key to ensure the yield and quality of Rhizoma Chuanxiong. So how should the cultivation of chuanxiong be managed? The following small series brings you the key points of field management of ligusticum wallichii. Let's take a look together!

1. Intertillage and weeding

Intertillage and weeding are very important to the growth of chuanxiong rhizome. After the seedlings are fully grown, intertillage and shallow hoe should be done in time. Then after about 3 weeks, intertill and weed again. Pay attention to the depth of intertill, not too deep, so as to prevent damaging the roots of ligusticum wallichii and affecting its growth. A third intertill is required when the underground rhizomes are in full bloom. At least 4 times of cultivation should be carried out during the planting process of Szechuan lovage rhizome, and the last time should be carried out in the spring of the following year. Before cultivation, we should pay attention to cleaning up the old stems and leaves in the field, and then cultivate soil at the roots after completion, so as to improve the cold resistance of rhizomes and promote rhizomes to overwinter.

2. Thinning and seedling determination

Thinning is to make healthy seedlings do not crowd each other, prevent each other from robbing nutrients and water required for growth, and affect normal growth. Generally in March-April every year seedlings grow to about 12 cm when the time to thin seedlings fixed seedlings work, thin seedlings when to pay attention to the growth of seedlings. To select healthy, disease-free seedlings, remove weak growth, poor growth seedlings. Then control the planting density and do a good job of seedling identification. Not too dense, or thinning seedlings will lose its effect. The number of seedlings per litter is maintained at about 10.

3. Reasonable fertilization

In the first two years of chuanxiong rhizome planting, the growth of its aboveground part will be more vigorous, the formation of vegetative area faster. Only when a large amount of dry matter is produced can the rhizome be guaranteed to have sufficient nutrients to grow. Therefore, we should pay attention to fertilizing when planting chuanxiong rhizome. In the first two months of planting, at least 3 topdressing, each topdressing can be carried out together with intertillage weeding. The fertilizer is mainly decomposed farm manure, which is applied to the position of the plant hole. Generally, it is necessary to finish all the applications before the frost falls, so as to ensure the effect.

4. Timely harvest

The harvest season of Rhizoma Chuanxiong is usually within one week of the second year of planting. Harvesting time should not be too early or too late. If it is too early, the underground rhizomes are not fully mature, which will affect the yield to some extent. However, if the harvest is too late, the rhizomes are too mature, and they are easy to rot underground, which also causes the yield to decrease and affects the economic benefit of planting. When harvesting, pay attention to choosing sunny days, not in rainy days, dig out the whole plant, then remove the stems and leaves, remove the soil, and process it for 2-3 hours after slightly drying.

The above is a brief introduction to the key points of field management of chuanxiong rhizome, and the pest control management of chuanxiong rhizome is also very important. Common diseases and insect pests include root rot, stem node moth, etc., which will harm the growth of ligusticum wallichii plants to varying degrees. If you want to know how to prevent it, you can check the relevant articles! Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, thank you for reading and support!