
Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be kept indoors? can it be hydroponically cultured?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, To talk about this sword leaf dragon blood tree, there are still many people like, the long leaves are green all the year round, let's see if the sword leaf dragon blood tree can be kept indoors. Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be hydroponically cultured: can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be raised indoors: the sword leaf dragon blood tree can also be put indoors

To talk about this sword leaf dragon blood tree, there are still many people like, the long leaves are green all the year round, let's see if the sword leaf dragon blood tree can be kept indoors. Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be hydroponically cultivated?

Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be kept indoors:

Sword leaf dragon blood tree can also be put indoors, but flower friends had better choose smaller sword leaf dragon blood tree, so as not to occupy too much indoor space.

Sword leaf dragon blood tree itself is a master of decontamination, can absorb indoor waste gas, so as to purify indoor air and improve indoor humidity. Therefore, placing the sword leaf dragon blood tree at the entrance of the living room, the corner of the hall or next to the stairs is not only conducive to adjusting people's heart and gastrointestinal health, but also very conforms to fengshui and can bring good luck for the family.

If the bark of the stem of the sword leaf dragon blood tree is cut, it will secrete a resin like plasma, that is, "dragon blood" or "Draconis Draconis". This resin is a valuable medicine with three major effects of hemostasis, promoting blood circulation and tonifying blood. it can treat constipation, diarrhea, stomachache and other diseases.

Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be hydroponically cultivated?

Generally speaking, hydroponic culture of sword leaf dragon blood tree can also be tried, but its survival rate may not be as high as that of other hydroponic plants. Sword leaf dragon blood tree growth rate is relatively slow, rooting is also relatively slow, in the process of hydroponic culture, if there are problems in maintenance, it can not grow new roots.

To change the soil culture of the sword leaf dragon blood tree into hydroponic culture, the root system needs to be washed and pruned properly, and then put into clean water to give it a period of time to adapt and grow new roots. Change the water once a day before rooting, and once a week after rooting, that is, pour out half of the water and then increase half of the water to maintain the balance of water quality. If it is found that the sword leaf dragon blood tree has not taken root for a long time, you can also add some rooting powder to the water to stimulate it to grow roots quickly.

The sword leaf dragon blood tree can be raised indoors, it is still good for people's health, and it can be hydroponically cultivated, but it will not grow well.

How to raise the sword leaf dragon blood tree? can it be hydroponically cultured?

The sword leaf dragon blood tree has a beautiful shape and is very suitable as a potted tree species to decorate the home environment. However, flower friends are very concerned about how to raise the sword leaf dragon blood tree. Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be hydroponically cultivated? Can you plug it in? Let's take a look at it in detail.

How to raise the dragon blood tree with sword leaves:

1. Temperature: the most suitable growth temperature of sword leaf dragon blood tree is 20-28 ℃, and the lowest growth environment in winter should be more than 8 ℃, otherwise it is very likely to stop growing or get frostbite.

2. Soil: the swordleaf dragon blood tree likes the soil which is loose, well drained and rich in humus. If the basin soil is too hard and too dry, it should be loosened in time to maintain air permeability.

3. Watering: the pot plant of Sword Leaf Dragon Blood Tree should not be watered too much, it can be watered once a week in the peak growing season, and less in the dormant period. at the same time, it can often spray water to the leaves to maintain high humidity.

4. Fertilization: raising sword leaf dragon blood tree needs more thin fertilizer, and it is more appropriate to apply fertilizer every 2-3 months. Solid compound fertilizer or farm manure can be selected for fertilization.

Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be hydroponically cultivated?

Generally speaking, hydroponic culture of sword leaf dragon blood tree can also be tried, but its survival rate may not be as high as that of other hydroponic plants. Sword leaf dragon blood tree growth rate is relatively slow, rooting is also relatively slow, in the process of hydroponic culture, if there are problems in maintenance, it can not grow new roots.

To change the soil culture of the sword leaf dragon blood tree into hydroponic culture, the root system needs to be washed and pruned properly, and then put into clean water to give it a period of time to adapt and grow new roots. Change the water once a day before rooting, and once a week after rooting, that is, pour out half of the water and then increase half of the water to maintain the balance of water quality. If it is found that the sword leaf dragon blood tree has not taken root for a long time, you can also add some rooting powder to the water to stimulate it to grow roots quickly.

Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be inserted alive?

1. Intercept the stem. Use a sharp knife to intercept a section of the stem of the sword leaf dragon blood tree, it is best to leave buds, easy to survive.

2. Dry the stem. Put the intercepted stem in a dry and ventilated place to dry slightly to avoid incision infection.

3. Prepare potted soil. Prepare new potted soil, apply enough base fertilizer, or buy special soil for flowers and put it in a flowerpot of the right size.

4. Replant. Intercept the blood stem of the stegosaurus into the soil, be careful not to insert it too deep, and keep the soil next to it soft to avoid squeezing.

5. Late nursing care. After planting, the stem needs careful care, no watering in the first 2-3 days, and then a small amount of watering every 3-4 days. When it is found to rejuvenate (such as sprouting new lateral buds), nursing measures such as fertilization are restored.

Tip: generally, after 1 month of cutting, the swordleaf dragon blood tree cuttings begin to sprout and take root.

Brief introduction of Dragon Blood Tree Indoor Leaf Dragon Blood Tree

Indoor foliage-- Dragon Blood Tree

Dragon blood tree [allusions] plant birthday: the dragon blood tree grows very slowly, its trunk thickens less than 1 cm in a year, it takes hundreds of years to grow into a tree, and it takes decades to bloom, but it has the longest life span in the plant world, up to 8,000 years, so it is known by botanists as the "plant birthday", so it is very precious and rare. The origin of the name of the dragon blood tree: the dragon blood tree will shed a kind of blood-colored liquid after being injured. According to folklore, the blood liquid from the dragon blood tree is dragon blood, because the dragon blood tree was spilled on the earth when the dragon was at war with the elephant. This is the origin of the name Dragon Blood Tree. If the bark on the stem of the dragon blood tree is cut, it will secrete crimson mucus like plasma, which is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine. The ancients also used the resin of Dragon Blood Tree as a raw material for preserving corpses, because this resin is a good preservative. It is also a raw material for paint.

[varieties and cultivation and breeding measures] 1, Xianglong blood tree: [character]: also known as Brazilian iron, Brazilian wood. Stem tall and straight, leaf clusters born at the top of the stem, 40 cm long, 6 cm wide, slightly obtuse, curved into a bow, with bright yellow or milky stripes; leaf margin bright green, wavy undulating, glossy, flowers small, yellowish green, fragrant.

[illumination]: indoor potted plants should be placed in a bright place. Insufficient light will cause the leaves to fade, but not in a direct sunlight environment. [temperature]: the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 28 ℃, the dormancy temperature is 13 ℃, the overwintering temperature is 5 ℃, and the temperature is too low, the leaf tip and leaf edge will appear chloasma, and in serious cases, the twigs or the whole plant will be damaged by freezing. [moisture]: Brazilian wood does not need much water, but it has higher requirements for humidity. The basin soil should remain moist and should often spray water to the leaves to improve the air humidity of the surrounding environment, but it is not suitable for basin soil to accumulate water, so as to avoid rotting roots caused by poor ventilation. In spring, summer and autumn, it is appropriate to water the leaves once every 2 to 3 days in sunny days and spray water to the leaves once or twice a day. The watering amount should be controlled after the end of autumn, and the basin soil should be kept slightly wet in winter, and the basin soil should be kept semi-dry and semi-wet, such as excessive watering will rot roots and leaf coke. [soil]: suitable for loose, well-drained, humus-rich sandy loam. Potted Brazilian wood can be mixed with vegetable garden soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil, river sand according to 3RV 2RU 2RU 3, or fertile pond mud dried and finely crushed 2max 3 and coarse river sand 1max 3 mixed to form culture soil. [fertilizer]: the demand for fertilizer is not strict, chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer can be applied during the growing period, but a small amount of chemical fertilizer should be applied for many times and watering in time after fertilization. In addition, when changing the basin and soil every year, a certain mature organic fertilizer can be added as the base fertilizer to ensure its good growth.

[reproduction]: 1, cuttage: from May to June, select mature and robust stems, cut them into sections of 5cm and 10cm, and cut them upright or recumbent on the cutter with coarse sand or vermiculite as the medium, keeping 2530 ℃ at room temperature and 80% air humidity, rooting in about 30 days, and potted plants in 50 days. 2, water culture method: cut off the stem, into the water, the cross section to be smooth, the upper end to prevent water evaporation can be coated with wax, which is particularly important in the dry season, the lower 45 °slope immersed in water 2cm, the temperature is above 25 ℃, the water and containers should be kept clean. The top with leaves can take root faster, and it can take root in 3-4 weeks, while the stem segment can take root slowly, sometimes it takes 2-3 months to grow new roots and buds.

3, water culture precautions: 3.1, pay attention to water change: water change is the key to the success of water culture, especially at the beginning of summer, changing water every other day can increase its oxygen content until the roots grow out. After adapting to water culture, water can be changed or added once a week or every month according to season (specific theoretical knowledge: in the process of growth, the roots of plants will continue to breathe and consume oxygen in the water. The oxygen in the water will decrease day by day, leading to the failure of hydroponics. In addition to the need to change water every day during hydroponic culture, the interval of water change should be adjusted according to seasonal changes for plants that have taken root in water and adapted to hydroponic conditions. The higher the air temperature, the higher the water temperature, the less dissolved oxygen in the water, and the stronger the respiration of plants, the more oxygen in the water is consumed. at the same time, when the air temperature is high, the microorganisms multiply rapidly, which is easy to cause the deterioration of water quality; the lower the air temperature is, the lower the water temperature is, the higher the dissolved oxygen in the water is, and the weaker the respiration of plants is, the less oxygen in the water is consumed. 3.2, water temperature: when the summer water temperature is above 35 degrees, the hydroponic thousand-year-old wood roots are easy to rot. At this time, you should stop using the nutrient solution, cultivate it with only clear water, and increase the water exchange times to keep the water quality clear. [language of flowers]: unyielding, unswerving, longevity, wealth, good luck. [common cultivated varieties]: Xianglong Blood Tree in Phnom Penh

Golden heart fragrant dragon blood tree

Second, Hainan dragon blood tree: [character] treelike, 3-4m high. Leaves gathered at the top of stems and branches, almost stacked, clasping, sessile. Panicle, inflorescence rachis glabrous or subglabrous. Distributed in the southwest of Hainan, born on dry sand in leeward area. It is also distributed in Vietnam and Cambodia. Endangered species are protected at the third level of the state.

[light, temperature, water and soil] see Xianglong blood tree [reproduction] see Xianglong blood tree

Third, star dragon blood tree [character]: also known as star tree. Any of various evergreen shrubs of the genus Dragon Blood, having erect plants up to 1 m tall, leaves opposite or 3-leaf whorled, elliptic-lanceolate or long-ovate, with many milky yellow or milky white spots, such as stars, summer flowers, racemes, fragrance, long tube-shaped florets, and red berries after flowering.

[light, temperature, water and soil] see Xianglong blood tree [reproduction] see fragrant dragon blood tree [water culture] see fragrant dragon blood tree

Fourth, thousand-year-old wood [character] the main stem is tall and straight, poised, covered with scattered leaves, shaped like an umbrella. With colorful leaves and extremely beautiful leaves, it is the most common indoor foliage plant.

[light, temperature, water and fertilizer soil] see Xianglong blood tree, differences: acidic soil rich in humus and good drainage, taboo alkaline soil, leaves easy to yellow in alkaline soil, new leaves discolored, not resistant to drought. [propagation] Cuttage: the branching ability of thousand-year-old wood is poor, and the mother plant must be cultivated. The top branches should be cut from June to October, with 8 cm in length and 6 leaves, cut short, inserted into the sand bed and kept moist. The suitable temperature is 24 ~ 27 ℃, not less than 20 ℃. It took root and sprouted 30-40 days after sowing, and was potted when the new branch grew to 4-5 cm. The cuttings were treated with 0.2% indole butyric acid for 2 seconds, which could increase the rooting rate and shorten the rooting days. Crimping: high-altitude crimping is commonly used from May to June. Select the strong main stem, 20 cm from the top, peel it in a ring, 1 cm wide, cover the moist moss and wrap it with plastic film, keep it at room temperature for more than 20 ℃, root after about 40 days, and cut off the pot plant after 60 days. [aquaculture] see Xianglong blood tree [common cultivated varieties] red edge millennium wood:

Rainbow millennium wood:

Fifth, lily bamboo: [character] the width of the leaf is smaller and the leaf edge is more wavy than the fragrant dragon blood tree. See fragrant dragon blood tree [propagation] see fragrant dragon blood tree [water culture] see fragrant dragon blood tree [common cultivated species] golden lily bamboo

Phnom Penh lily bamboo

Sixth, rich bamboo: [light, temperature, water, fertilizer and soil] see Xianglong Blood Tree. Difference: waterlogging and cold resistance. The suitable growth temperature is 20 ℃ and 28 ℃, which can withstand the low temperature of 2 Mel and 3 Mel, but it should be frost-proof in winter.

[reproduction] see Xianglong blood tree [aquaculture] 1. Cut the bevel at the base: before entering the vase, remove the leaves at the base of the cuttings, and cut the base into a bevel with a sharp knife to increase the absorption area of water and nutrients. Every 3 to 4 days, change the water, can put in a few pieces of charcoal antiseptic, do not move within 10 days and change direction, about 15 days can grow silver white fibrous root. two。 Change water to add water: it is not suitable to change water after taking root. Water can only be added in time after water evaporation. Often changing water is easy to cause yellow leaves and branches to wilt. The added water is best to use well water, tap water should be stored in utensils for a day, the water should be kept clean and fresh, do not use dirty water, hard water or mixed with oily water, otherwise it will easily rot roots.

3. Timely fertilization: water rich bamboo in order to prevent excessive growth, do not apply chemical fertilizer, it is best to inject a few drops of brandy into the bottle every 3 weeks or so, add a small amount of nutrient solution; you can also use 500g water to dissolve half a piece of powdered aspirin or a piece of VC, and add a few drops when adding water, you can keep the leaves green (not after growing roots). 4. Avoid wind blowing: do not put rich bamboo next to the TV set or where air conditioners and fans often blow, so as not to dry up the leaf tip and edge. Seventh, sword leaf dragon blood tree: [character] treelike, 5-15 m high; bark gray-white, smooth, gray-brown when old, flaky peeling; young branches with annular leaf scars. Leaves accumulate at the tip of stem or branch, overlapping each other, sword-shaped, thinly leathery, 50-100 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, narrowing slightly to base and then enlarged, phimosis, sessile, reddish at base and tip of stem and branch. [light, temperature, water and soil] see Xianglong blood tree. Differences: strong drought tolerance, strong positive, calcium-loving tree species, acid soil should be improved with lime.

[reproduction] see Xianglong blood tree from February to April every year, choose the sword leaf dragon blood tree branches that grow for more than 2 years and have a diameter of 1.5 cm to 3.0 cm. The upper end of the branch is cut flat, and the base of the lower end is cut into a slope of 40 to 50 degrees to make cuttings 30 to 40 centimeters long. the sections at both ends are required to be smooth and lint-free. Soak the upper end of the cuttings in 0.5-1.0 cm of heated melted paraffin and take it out immediately so that the upper section is sealed with paraffin. The lower section of the cuttings was soaked in the rooting powder solution of 100PPM for 1-2 hours before cutting.