
Hydroponic culture of daffodils whether to blossom in winter and how to control the flowering time

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, To talk about this daffodil, it is also very good-looking, many people like it very much, daffodils can be hydroponic, but also can be cultivated in soil, let's take a look at the hydroponic method of daffodils. Do daffodils bloom in winter? How to control the flowering time of daffodils: hydroponic culture method of daffodils: shallow basin immersion method

To talk about this daffodil, it is also very good-looking, many people like it very much, daffodils can be hydroponic, but also can be cultivated in soil, let's take a look at the hydroponic method of daffodils. Do daffodils bloom in winter? How do daffodils control their flowering time:

Hydroponic culture of daffodils:

1. Culture with shallow basin immersion method.

It is appropriate to put the daffodils upright after budding treatment into the shallow basin of narcissus and submerge the bulb 1/3 with water. The bulb can be fixed with quartz sand and pebbles in the basin.

During the day, the daffodil basin should be placed in a sunny place, move into the room at night, and pour out the water in the basin to control the excessive growth of leaves. Add water the next morning and be careful not to move the direction of the bulb. Just on the basin, daffodils can change the water once a day, and then every 2-3 days, after the formation of the bud, change the water once a week. Daffodils grow well at 10-15 degrees, bloom in about 45 days, and the flowering period can be maintained for more than a month.

2. During the period of daffodil aquaculture

In particular, it is necessary to give sufficient light, put it in the sun during the day and under the light at night. In this way, the stems and leaves of daffodils can be prevented from growing, while the leaves of daffodils are short, wide and strong, with thick green leaves and fragrant flowers. Water to raise daffodils, generally do not need fertilization, if there are conditions, in the flowering period a little application of some available phosphate fertilizer, flowers can bloom better.

3. You don't need any flower fertilizer to raise daffodils, just use clean water.

In order to make the daffodils grow strong, you should get the balcony to bask in the sun during the day. If you want to postpone the florescence, you can take the method of lowering the water temperature, or pour out the basin water in the evening and add fresh water the next morning. In addition, if the full bud is not seen 10 days before the festival, the method of heating the water supply can be used to promote the flower, and the water temperature should be close to the body temperature.

As long as you master the conditions for the maintenance of daffodils, you can "bloom as you like"; otherwise, it will be delayed, or even the long leaves will not bloom.

Conditions for whether daffodils bloom in winter:

1. The suitable temperature is 12-15 ℃.

2. Add clean water to the bulbous bulb in 2 and 3 places. When you first put on the basin, change the dried tap water once a day, and change it every 2-3 days before flowering.

3. It can live without pebbles and can warm water properly to promote flowers, and the water temperature should be close to body temperature.

4. It can be put indoors at night. Narcissus bulb juice is poisonous and contains Lacodine. It is used as a surgical analgesic. Smashing the bulbs can be applied to treat carbuncle.

5. If the room temperature is kept for 15 ℃, it will bloom in 28-30 days; if the room temperature is 18-20 ℃, it will blossom in 23-25 days. The room temperature in the Pearl River Delta region from mid-January to mid-February is about 16-20 ℃, so it can blossom in 20-25 days under normal circumstances.

How to control the flowering time of daffodils:

Under the condition of sufficient light and clean water supply, it takes about 40 days from soaking to flowering when the room temperature is 12: 15 ℃, about 30 days at 18 ℃, and only 25 days when the room temperature is 20 ℃.

This is the end of the hydroponic culture method of daffodils. If daffodils are to bloom in winter, it also requires conditions, and the flowering time of daffodils can be controlled through some external factors.

Hydroponic culture of daffodils

The way of hydroponic culture of daffodils before the Spring Festival every year, many friends may have raised daffodils. How can you raise daffodils well?

The key to soaking daffodils is to grasp the moisture, temperature and light. First soak the carved daffodil head in water-for two days, wash the injured □ mucus and then move it into a porcelain basin. Put small stones or sand around and plant them with water, but don't overdo them. Change the water every 1 or 2 days, in order not to damage the root, use the flushing method to change the water and wash away the impurities in the basin. After the rosette is soaked, it is suitable to develop in the temperature of 15-20 degrees Celsius. At 15 degrees Celsius, it takes 28 days for it to blossom. If it is 24 degrees Celsius, it will blossom in only 20 days. It takes about 21 to 25 days from daffodils to bloom in Guangzhou. For example, eight days before the Spring Festival in 2002, the temperature may be relatively low, and it is estimated that the daffodils will blossom in six or seven days. Therefore, when planting daffodils, it should be on January 15 and 16, 2002. For example, the development of mud is slower, 4 or 5 days earlier. If the daffodils of the enterprise head appear in the middle of the leaf axils on January 28, it indicates that the daffodils may bloom. If the bud is exposed on February 4, a response technique should be adopted:-it should be exposed to the sun during the day and placed under an incandescent lamp at night to delay the light, or by the stove. Sooner or later, warm water below 40 degrees Celsius is injected into the basin twice to promote its development. If the daffodils are planted prematurely or in a warmer climate, pour out the basin water every day, leaving only a small amount to raise its roots, or interfere with ice grains and put them in a cool place to restrain its development.

Daffodils need plenty of sunshine. The sun burns every day, the leaves are short and the flowers are tall, and the leaves are turquoise. Lack of sunshine, leaves tall and flowers short, leaves yellowish and easily inverted. There is no need to fertilize water to raise daffodils. If you apply too much fertilizer, your roots will rot. Hydroponic culture of daffodils

In fact, hydroponic daffodils are very simple. All you need is a flowerpot, some water and some daffodils. When the sun is good, you can put them in the sun, but be sure to move them home at night and pour out all the water inside them, otherwise they may only grow leaves and not blossom.

Wait until the next day to add fresh water, you can change the water every 3 days, after slowly growing a bud, you can add some water in 5-6 days, and the daffodils will bloom in about 45 days.

Although it is very simple to cultivate daffodils, there are many things to pay attention to. If you do not remember these precautions, it is very likely that the flowers raised will not look good, or even cause the daffodils to blossom.